Kofi Kingston Talks The New Day’s WWE Return

Kofi Kingston Talks The New Day’s WWE Return

Kofi Kingston Talks The New Day’s WWE Return – Just this past Monday on RAW, fans of WWE got to witness the New Day, made up of Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston, make a big comeback. They hadn’t been in action for a while but came back strong by defeating the Viking Raiders in an exciting match.

Talking about their return on The Bump show, Kofi Kingston shared how happy he was to be back and back home with the fans. He promised to bring back the same positive and uplifting vibe that the New Day is known for. So, their return is definitely a cheerful moment for fans, and their mission to spread positivity is set to bring good vibes to the WWE Universe once again.

It felt incredible, it felt amazing. It was weird. So when me and Woods walked into the building, we both got this like anxiety, just walking in and being back into the fold. I have never been out of action for as long as I was. I think it was almost five months to the day. I think I got hurt on March 3. Then I had my surgery on 3/16. I’ve just not been out for that long. So it was a little bit strange, to be back in the fold and in the locker room. Of course, everything, it’s always business as usual. The world goes on when you’re not there, you know what I mean, in terms of WWE. But it felt good. It felt good to be just back home. So yeah, definitely excited to be back. Myself and Woods, we are looking forward to re-infecting the WWE Universe with the power of positivity.

Kingston on The New Day performance:

Honestly, it was like riding a bike, to be honest. Just having been away from the ring for that long, you always have this question in the back of your mind, like, ‘Am I gonna forget how to do this? Are the people gonna forget who I am?’ Especially with my ankle injury, am I still gonna be able to do what I do? Am I still gonna be able to move around well out there? But fortunately, the WWE Universe has a way of just making all the pain and everything go away. As soon as you walk through those curtains, you don’t feel anything pain-wise. There’s such a rush of adrenaline, and you go out there and you do what you do. So that’s what we did. It was fantastic, it was incredible.

Kofi Kingston Talks The New Day’s WWE Return

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