8/6 NXT Great American Bash Night 2 Results

8/6 NXT Great American Bash Night 2 Results

8/6 NXT Great American Bash Night 2 Results – Tonight’s show begins with a look at Hank and Tank and their Great American Bash adventures.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

They lock up and Trick with a drop kick.  Trick with a chop.  Trick chokes Pete but Pete goes for a kimura.  Trick counters with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall.  Trick with a kick and Dunne with a flatliner.  Pete pulls at the fingers.  Dunne stomps on the elbow and connects with punches.  Dunne with a triangle and elbows to the head.  Trick with a one arm power bomb.  Pete and Trick exchange chops until Trick gains the advantage.  Dunne goes for a flip out of the corner and Trick catches Dunne and hits a neck breaker for a near fall.  They go to the apron and Dunne with punches.  Dunne sets for a divorce court on the apron and hits it.  Dunne puts Trick’s arm on the steps and Dunne stomps on it.

Dunne sends Trick into the ring and he applies a hammer lock and works on the other arm and fingers.  Dunne with a version of Rings of Saturn and he punches Trick in the face.  Dunen with a waist lock and Trick with a standing switch and a reverse suplex.  Trick gets a near fall but Dunne with a reverse chin lock and elbows to the top of the head.  Trick with a jaw breaker.  Dunne stretches Trick and works on the hand again.  Dunne with a boot to the shoulder.  Dunne with a running forearm to the head.  Dunne with another running forearm to the head.  Dunne runs into a clothesline from Trick.  Trick with punches and a jumping side kick.  Trick with a flapjack.  Dunne with a sunset flip but Trick rolls through.

Trick with a uranage for a near fall.  Dunne kicks Trick in the head many times and hits a snap German suplex.  Dunne stomps on the hands and kicks Trick in the head.  Dunne goes up top and Trick stops him.  Trick with a super flapjack for a near fall.  Dunne with a forearm to stop a knee.  Trick with a forearm and Dunne with an enzuigiri.  Trick with a cyclone kick for a near fall.  Dunne blocks a kick and hits a power bomb.  Dunne with boots to the head.  Dunne with more boots to the head.  Trick will not give up.  Trick gets to his feet and Trick chops Dunne many times and follows with punches.  Dunne slaps Trick and Trick with an uppercut and punches in the corner.  

Trick kicks Dunne and the referee pulls Trick out of the corner.  Dunne pulls at the fingers and Trick is angry.  Trick misses a knee and hits the turnbuckels.  Dunne with Bitter End for the three count.

Winner:  Pete Dunne

– We go to the Great American BBQ in WAREHOUSE.  Everyone is complaining about the DJ because Lexis King took the gig. Tank wants everything to be cool and he kicks Lexis. Robert Stone and Stevie Turner try to show whose is bigger in a wing eating contest.  

– Tatum Paxley bounces around in LOCKER ROOM. Kelani Jordan walks in HALLWAY.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and Ehtan Page is talking about the medical staff and his issues. Nathan Frazer wishes Page luck. Page tells Frazer he doesn’t need luck with how talented he is.  Frazer has to worry because his partner got pinned by MSK.  Frazer mentions that Page has been pinned.  Page asks Frazer if he should worry where is partner is. Frazer laughs and then wonders where Axiom is.

NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley

They lock up and Jordan with a wrist lock.  Tatum with a reversal and Jordan with some gymnastics.  Tatum with a side head lock.  

We see Fallon, Jacy, and Jazmyn watch in BACK on MONITOR and Wendy walks through.

Jordan with a waist lock and Tatum flips over with a standing switch.  Tatum holds on to the ropes on an O’Connor Roll attempt by Jordan.  Tatum stares at the belt and Jordan gets a near fall.  Jordan with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Jordan with a shoulder tackle and Jordan with a flying arm drag and a Tiger Feint arm drag.  Jordan misses kick and Tatum leans back but Jordan with a leg drop.  Jordan with a suicide dive.  Tatum goes under the ring and she kicks Jordan away.  Jordan looks under the ring and she sees a doll.  Tatum dives at the knee.  Tatum puts the leg on the ring steps and she stomps on it.  Jordan with a forearm and Tatum pulls Jordan face first onto the apron.  Tatum sends the knee into the mat and she kicks the leg.

Tatum drives the knee into the mat again.  Tatum with a chop and kicks in the corner.  Tatum gets a near fall.  Tatum with a dragon screw.  Tatum with another dragon screw for a near fall.  Jordan blocks a kick and Jordan with a step over spin kick for a near fall.  Jordan with a side head lock and Tatum goes for the injured leg to escape.  Tatum gets a near fall.  Tatum tries to tie Jordan up.  Tatum gets a near fall.  Tatum with a figure four on Jordan.  Jordan powers out of the hold and Jordan avoids getting her knee sent into the mat and Jordan with punches.  Jordan with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Jordan avoids an enzuigiri and she holds on to the ankle.  Tatum kicks Jordan away.  Tatum sends Jordan face first into the mat.

Wendy Choo makes her way slowly to the ring with her death pillow.  Wendy picks up the doll.

Jordan with clotheslines and a cartwheel kick.  Jordan blocks punches and she kicks Tatum.  Jordan’s knee gives out when Jordan goes for a handspring move.  Jordan with a rollup for a near fall.  Jordan with a flatliner and she misses a split legged moonsault when Tatum moves.  Tatum goes up top and hits a 450 splash for a near fall.  Tatum sets for Psycho Trap but Jordan counters with an arm drag.  Tatum with a leg sweep and she goes up top again.  Jordan goes to the turnbuckles but Tatum kicks her away.  Jordan with a Spanish Fly and she goes up top and hits a frog splash for the three count.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan

After the match, Wendy stands at ringside and she gives Tatum her doll back and we have a friendship.

Maybe not because Wendy takes Tatum to the floor and chokes her out.

Jordan limps over to check on her.

Wren Sinclair shows up to interrupt Charlie and Myles.  She says she knows what happens when you lose.  Charlie says he is in Japan and Wren thinks it is a code.  Wren doesn’t believe him.  Wren says when she beats Kendal, she wants to be in the group.  Charlie says no.

Tony and friends show up and he says he thought that women aren’t allowed in the group.  Tony says if Wren wins, he will give Charlie a Heritage Cup match.

Wren wants to make sure that Charlie heard it. 

Wren says she might be a little tired and then Charlie says that if she wins, she is in.

Oba Femi walks past while Nathan Frazer is trying to get in touch with Axiom.

Axiom shows up and he says he was giving Frazer some space.  Frazer says itis time to strategize.

Oro Mensah walks in BACK with Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.

Ethan Page walks in HALLWAY.

We go to commercial.

– Pete Dunne is asked about his win. Pete says Trick is at the top of his game and if he can beat Trick, he deserves a title match. Trick, being a sore loser, attacks Pete and security has to separate them.

NXT Championship: Ethan Page (c) vs. Oro Mensah

They lock up and Page backs Oro into the corer and Page misses a punch.  Oro with a chop and European uppercut.  Page with a punch and chop.  Page with another punch and Oro punches back.  Oro with a head scissors take down and a running clothesline into the corner.  Oro with a kick and he gets a near fall.  Oro with forearms to the back and Irish whip.  Oro with a chop in the corner.  Page with a forearm and he sends Oro into the turnbuckles.  Page with forearms and Oro punches back.  Oro with forearms and chops.  Page with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot.  Oro goes for a rollup but Page drops down to get a near fall.  Oro sends Page to the floor and he connects with a boot to the face.  Oro poses with Lash and Jakara because he is in control of the match.

Oro and Page exchange punches and forearms on the floor.  Page runs Oro into the apron and Page with a back body drop on the floor.  They return to the ring and Page gets a near fall.  Page with a back elbow.  Oro kicks Page and he chops him.  Oro with forearms and Page blocks a kick and then Page hip tosses Oro into the turnbuckles.  Page with punches from a mount position.  Page wtih a short arm clothesline.  Oro with forearms and Page with a back body drop.  Page with a suplex and he gets a near fall.  

Page with a head butt and forearms.  Page with more punches.  Page with a slam and a waist lock.  Oro with punches and Page turns the waist lock into a bear hug.  Page with a kick.  Oro with a jumping side kick and he goes for a springboard moonsault but Page with a kick and a power slam for a near fall.  Oro with a forearm and he goes to the apron.  Oro with punches and Page kicks Oro in the ropes and Page goes for a butterfly move but Oro escapes and he punches Page.  Oro blocks a kick and connects with a clothesline.  Oro with a kick and jumping punch followed by an axe kick for a near fall.  Page with a round kick and Oro goes to the apron.  Page goes to the other side of the ring post for a superplex to the floor.  Oro gets back into the ring and he punches Page.  Page with a head butt to send Oro to the mat.

Oro with a kick that knocks Page off the turnbuckles to the floor.  Oro with a suicide dive that sends Page into the announce table.  Oro sends Page back into the ring and he hits a rolling kick for a near fall.  Page with a forearm and Oro punches back.  They continue the exchange and Oro with a punch and Page sends him to the apron.  Oro with a kick to the head and he sets for a springboard side kick and he hits it.  Page goes to the floor.  Oro with a drop kick through the ropes.  Oro with a forearm and they fight to the picnic tables.  Page with a belly-to-back suplex onto the picnic table.  Page with an Ego’s Edge through the picnic table.

Page sends Oro back into the ring and he hits a DDT for a near fall.  Page sets for Ego’s Edge but Oro escapes and he gets a near fall with a rollup.  Oro with a thrust kick and a rollup for a near fall.  Oro with a DDT and he sets for the running spin kick into the corner and he hits it.  Oro ets a near fall because Page’s foot is under the rope.  Oro goes to the apron and he sets for a springboard move and he slips and falls face first on the mat.  Page with a running boot and Ego’s Edge for the three count.

Winner:  Ethan Page

– The Rascalz are in the back with Kelly and she asks about the tag title match. Wentz says it has been over 800 days since they gave up the titles.  Wes says they thought this moment would never come and words cannot describe what it means to them.  Wes says they are . . . he has had some really dark days here.  One days Zach and him are champions and the next, he is by himself.  Wes says he was fortunate to win the North American title, but standing next to his two brothers is the best moment of his career.  It is going to take a lot to beat Nathan and Axiom but tonight is their moment.  Trey say they are the Rascalz together but tonight it is about MSK.

We go to commercial.

– We return to BBQ. Jaida Parker is talking about Dion Lennox and Ashante Thee Adonis says they don’t have to worry about Dion because he is here. Jaida says she has next.  Lola Vice shows up with Sol Ruca and she says she is next.  Lola says she was close to beating Roxanne but Jaida says she lost already. Lola punches someone who commented on the looks of the women and he is given a Cerberus Bomb through a table.

Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey

Joe with a dive over the top rope onto Mark and Wolfgang.  Hendry sends Coffey into the announce table.

They return to the ring and the match stats.  Coffey with a flying shoulder tackle followed by an Irish whip and back breaker.  Coffey with a double jump Vader Bomb for a near fall.  Coffey with a side head lock.  Hendry with a knee to the head and he sets for a suplex but Coffey with a punch.  Hendry with an Irish and Coffey with a boot.  Coffey misses a double jump cross body.  Hendry with a delayed vertical suplex.  Hendry with chops in the corner.  Hendry with a European uppercut and kicks in the corner.  Hendry with a back elbow.  Hendry clotheslines Coffey over the top rope to the floor.  Gallus talks strategy on the floor.

Wolfgang gets on the apron and Hendry with a forearm.  He does the same to Mark.  Coffey sends Hendry to the floor and he sends Hendry into the ring steps with a shoulder tackle.  Coffey sends Hendry back into the ring and he punches Hendry in the corner and follows with shoulders.  Hendry with a knee to the head but Coffey with a double leg take down.  Hendry tries to block a Boston Crab and Coffey with a boot to the chest.  Hendry with a kick and he misses an elbow drop.  Hendry with a DDT after avoiding a discus clothesline.  Hendry with European uppercuts  and Coffey with forearms.  They go back and forth until Hendry gets the advantage.  Coffey with a jab and a Glasgow Sendoff.  

Coffey with elbows to the clavicle and a waist lock.  Hendry with elbows and he goes for a sunset flip but Coffey rolls through and goes for a Boston Crab but Hendry powers out of it.  Coffey with a hot shot and he chokes Hendry.  The referee pulls Coffey away and Mark and Wolfgang pull Hendry to the floor.  Coffey fights them off and Hendry tosses a chair to Wolfgang and Hendry lies on the announce table to Guerrero the situation to get Mark and Wolfgang sent to the back.  Hendry with a rollup for a near fall.  Hendry with punches and running forearms.  Hendry with an Irish whip and back body drop.  Hendry with a fallaway slam.

Hendry sets for a choke slam and hits it for the three count.

Winner:  Joe Hendry

After the match, Sarah is in the ring and she asks Joe if he has enjoyed his time in NXT.  Joe says his time is not over.  He says he likes it here and he might stay a lot longer.  There are a lot of people in the locker room who have a problem and they can fight him next Tuesday.  He says he will appear so you don’t have to say his name.

– We go to Chase University and he mentions that they have a new classroom thanks to Ridge Holland. Riley tells Duke and Thea deserve another title match.  Ridge says they have to be gung ho to Chase U.  He says next week, they have a tag title match against the winner of tonight’s match. Ridge says it is him and Chase this time.  He wants to prove that he is a winner.  He wants to bring gold to Chase U.  He says he needs to win.  He says if anyone deserves a title it is Mr. Chase. Everyone but Riley and Duke are excited with Ridge’s announcement.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and BBQ and Shawn Spears wants to know what the deal is with Brooks.  Spears tells him that if he has an open mind, he doesn’t need the alcohol. Roxanne Perez shows up and says hello to some of the women he hasn’t beaten. Stone says he has an idea.  He says that everyone woman who has not had a chance yet will be in a multi-woman match.  Stevie hits Stone and she says she will tell Ava.

Luke and Karl show up and they hate the food and drink. Hank says the party is over so it is time for some fighting.

Wren Sinclair vs. Kendal Grey

They lock up and Wren goes for they leg but Grey with a take down and a near fall.  Grey with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Wren with a head scissors.  Grey escapes but Wren returns to the head scissors.  Wren with a hammer lock.  Grey with a waist lock and she goes to the turnbuckles and leaps over Wren.  Grey with a cross body for a near fall.  Grey with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Grey with an Irish whip and Wren floats over and she hits a leaping face plant for a near fall.  Wren with a bow and arrow and she stretches Grey.  Wren with a standard bow and arrow and Grey counters with a lateral press for a near fall.  Grey with a neck breaker.

Grey with a back elbow and clothesline.  Grey with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Wren goes to the floor and Grey sends Wren back itnot he ring.  Borne tries to go after Grey but he backs off and Bright trips Borne.  Grey with an Olympic Slam for a near fall.  Borne gets on the apron and Wren with a waist lock and Grey with a double leg take down and a bridge for a near fall.  Wren gets a near fall.  Wren with a forearm and a head lock driver for the three count.

Winner:  Wren Sinclair

– We take a look at Je’Von Evans.  He says he was told he needed a back up plan and go to college, but that wasn’t for him.  Wrestling was his goal.  Then he got signed last November.  Since then, it has been going crazy.  The first Superstar he met was Matt Bloom.  He mentions Bloom’s past at Tensai.  He says he asks how did he get those tattoos of his face.  He mentions getting a photo in the past and now he is his coach. Evans is asked where does he see himself in ten years.  He says he just turned 20 so he doesn’t know.  He says he will be growing up in front of all of you.  He tells everyone to enjoy the ride with him.

– The Rascalz are in LOCKER ROOM. Nathan Frazer and Axiom walk in HALLWAY.

We go to commercial.

– Oba Femi enters the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment. He says he will defend his title next week against anyone who wishes to challenge him.

Tony D’Angelo and friends walk past and he mentions his title match against Charlie Dempsey next week.

– Next week, Charlie Dempsey faces Tony D’Angelo for the Heritage Cup.  Eddy Thorpe faces Lexis King.  Andre Chase and Ridge Holland will face the winner of the next match.

NXT Tag Team Championship: SuperSonic Duo (Axiom & Nathan Frazer) (c) vs. MSK (Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz)

Axiom and Lee start things off and Axiom with a side head lock take down and wrist lock.  Lee with a reversal.  Axiom wtih a drop kick for a near fall.  Axiom with a side head lock.  Frazer tags in and Axiom kicks Lee and Frazer with a Sydal rollup for a near fall.  Frazer with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Lee with a reversal and Irish whip but Frazer flips over Lee and then Lee avoids a drop kick.  Frazer with a leg sweep for a near fall.  Lee with a leg sweep for a near fall.  Lee with a forearm.  Lee with an Irihs whip and he is sent to the apron.  Lee with a kick and a slingshot kick.  Wentz tags in and hits a bronco buster.  

Lee tags in and he waits for Wentz to finish.  Lee pulls Frazer away to get a near fall.  Lee asks Wentz if he is okay.  Frazer lands on his feet when Lee pulls him off the mat.  Frazer with a kick and Axiom with a tag and cross body.  Axiom with a head scissors to send Lee to the floor.  Frazer with a flip dive onto Lee and Wentz.  Axiom with a Golden Triangle onto Lee and Wentz.  Axiom sends Lee back into the ring and gets a near fall.  Axiom with an Irish whip and he floats over and Wentz tags in and he kicks Axiom and goes for a slingshot Codebreaker but Axiom blocks it.  Wentxz with a kick.  Axiom with a drop kick for a near fall.

Frazer tags in and he gets a near fall after a suplex.  Frazer with a single leg crab into an STF.  Frazer with a side head lock and he lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and then hits a belly-to-back suplex of his own to Wentz for a near fall.  Frazer with a reverse chin lock.  Wentz with an elbow but Frazer keeps Wentz from making the tag.  Frazer with a waist lock and Wentz with a standing switch.  Frazer with a quebrade to the head.  Axiom and Lee tag in and Lee with running forearms and he avoids punches from Axiom.  Lee with strikes and a drop kick to the back of the head.  Lee with a running forearm to the head and a back heel kick.  Lee with a kick and a Regalplex for a near fall.

Wentz tags in and he goes for a super kick but Axiom blocks it.  Axiom kicks Lee.  Wentz kicks Axiom and Axiom with a kick to stop Wentz on the turnbuckles.  Frazer tags in and Axiom with Spanish Fly and Frazer with a Phoenix Splash but Lee breaks up the cover.   Lee with a forearm to Axiom and Frazer with a full nelson and Axiom accidentally hits Frazer with a super kick.  Wentz with a springboard cutter for a near fall.  Lee tags in and Lee pushes Wentz onto Frazer and Lee gets a near fall when Axiom breaks up the cover.   Frazer puts Lee on the turnbuckles but Lee holds on to the turnbuckles to stop a Frankensteiner.  Axiom takes care of Wentz.  Frazer hits a superplex and then Axiom tags in and they hit Chasing the Dragon for a near fall.  Axiom with a Golden Ratio to Lee for the three count.

Winners:  Axiom and Nathan Frazer

They all hug after the match.  

Trey and Zachary tell Wes how well he did and they hug.  Wentz says it won’t take another three years.

Lee with a super kick to Trey and Wentz wants to know what is he doing.  Lee kicks Wentz in the ding ding.  Lee punches Wentz many times and kicks him to the floor.

Lee punches Trey and sends him through the ringside barreir.  Lee with a running double knee strike to Wentz against the ring steps.

We go to credits.

–– Here is what’s in store for tonight ––

  • NXT Championship: Ethan Page (c) vs. Oro Mensah
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley
  • NXT Tag Team Championship: SuperSonic Duo (Axiom & Nathan Frazer) (c) vs. MSK (Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz)
  • Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey
  • Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne
  • Wren Sinclair vs. Kendal Grey

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter and Google News for more.

8/6 NXT Great American Bash Night 2 Results

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