NXT 2.0 Results (3/15) – We begin with a look back at the NXT Championship match when Dolph Ziggler became the men’s champion.
— We are live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL as The Miz makes his way to the ring for his MizTV segment with Ziggler and Robert Roode.
Miz welcomes everyone to MizTV. Miz says it feels good and it will be him and Logan Paul taking on the Mysterios at Wrestlemania. Last week, one man turned Wrestlemania weekend upside down. He is a good friend and an arch rival. He asked for Miz to come interview him tonight. Miz brings out NXT Men’s Champion Dolph Ziggler with Robert Roode.
Ziggler takes the mic and says this just feels right. He welcomes Miz and MizTV to his show, NXT. Miz says the NXT Title looks good on Ziggler. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Miz loves how Ziggler just went to the rookie Bron Breakker and took the NXT Title. Miz says everyone is probably thinking Breakker is going to come out here and interrupt but that’s not happening, and here’s why. Miz shows us footage of Breakker arriving earlier today and hunting for Ziggler. He argued with coaches and sped away in his car. Roode and Ziggler knock Breakker, and call him a sore loser. Roode jokes about his interference in last week’s title match, and says that’s why “we’re” the new NXT Champion. Ziggler says Breakker was smart to turn around and leave earlier today. Ziggler wants to talk about himself now. He’s a fighting champion and he loves to wrestle. They go on bragging about how rich The Miz is but the music interrupts and out comes LA Knight to a pop.
Fans chant for Knight as he enters the ring with a mic. Knight recalls how he last ran into Ziggler and Roode at RAW, and told them to come down to NXT, and now Ziggler is the champion. Knight says if Breakker can’t be here tonight to challenge for the NXT Title, he doesn’t want to wait any longer. Ziggler says he is a fighting champion but he only fights Superstars, so maybe next time, kid. Ziggler tells Knight he’ll see him later Miz talks Knight up and says he will be a major player one day, just not yet.
Knight says they’re right, he’s not a Superstar, he’s a damn mega-star, and that means he can take the title off Ziggler any day of the week. Knight says Ziggler declared this his show… he tells Orlando to tell Ziggler whose show this is, and they say Knight’s name. Knight goes on about taking the title off Ziggler. Ziggler says he only wrestles in the main event and when Knight figures out where that is, he’ll see him there. Miz announces Knight vs. Ziggler for the NXT Title as tonight’s main event, and says it will be awesome. The two sides argue as Miz’s music starts up.
– We see Cameron Grimes warming up backstage. We also see Legado del Fantasma walking through the backstage area.
— We go back to the ring and out comes NXT North American Champion Cameron Grimes and Trick Williams. They head to ringside to join the announcers and we go to commercial.
— McKenzie Mitchell is with Cora Jade and she is asked about what she did to Mandy Rose.
Cora says that Toxic Attraction has hell to pay because Raquel is out for a few weeks. Toxic Attraction will be looking for her and we see that she has taken their title belts, that were left hanging on some scaffolding iin the interview area.
NXT North American Title Ladder Match Qualifier: Cameron Grimes vs. Santos Escobar
Escobar with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Grimes does a cartwheel over Escobar and then they look at Hayes on commentary. Grimes with a waist lock and Escobar with a standing switch. Grimes with another standing switch. Grimes gets a near fall and he avoids a leg sweep. Grimes shakes his rear end and then applies a side head lock. Escobar with a drop kick. Escobar gets a near fall and follows with a knee. Grimes with a forearm to the back and a chop. Escobar with kicks.
Hayes mentions that the other two qualifying matches will be Solo Sikoa versus Roderick Strong and A-Kid versus KUSHIDA.
Escobar with a chop in the corner and Grimes with kicks. Escobar blocks a kick and hits an enzuigiri. Escobar with a running drop kick and he chokes Grimes in the ropes. Escobar with a snap mare and kick to the back. Escobar with punches and Grimes with a head scissors take down. Grimes goes to the apron and Wilde and Mendoza get in the way of a kick and then Escobar trips Grimes on the apron. Escobar sends Grimes into the ring and Escobar works on the shoulder. Escobar goes to the apron and drops the arm on the top rope. Grimes with an inside cradle for a near fall. Escobar with an arm wringer and he gets a near fall. Escobar with another arm wringer.
Escobar with a hammer lock Escobar stomps on the elbow. Escobar with a running divorce court for a near fall. Escobar with a rollup for a near fall. Escobar with a chin lock and body scissors. Escobar with elbows and a double wrist lock. Escobar with a hammer lock and Grimes with an elbow. Grimes sends Escobar into the corner but misses a splash. Escobar with a kick and Grimes sends him to the apron. Escobar with an enzuigiri from the apron. Escobar with a twisting double sledge off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Escobar with a double wrist lock. Grimes with a snap mare and head scissors. Escobar with a knee to counter a flying forearm. Grimes with a running forearm and he clotheslines Escobar over the top rope to the floor.
Grimes goes to the apron and he flips over Wilde and Mendoza to hit a cannonball onto Escobar. Grimes goes up top and Escobar connects with a Codebreaker as Grimes comes off the turnbuckles. Escobar gets a near fall. Escobar with punches and Grimes with a Spanish Fly cross body for a near fall. Escobar with a jumping knee and he sets for the Phantom Driver but Grimes escapes and htis a super kick followed by a second one. Grimes sets for Cave In and Escobar catches Grimes and hits Phantom Driver for the three count.
Winner: Santos Escobar
— Io Shirai mentions that the finals of the Dusty Cup is next week. She says they want to destroy Toxic Attraction. Kay Lee says Io doesn’t like lot of people and she says she doesn’t have a lot of friends. Wendy Choo says that Io and Kay Lee are going to be a tough team to beat but they will be fine.
Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne show up and want to know if they saw Cora Jade. Dakota says they didn’t have to hurt Raquel because they had things won. Mandy tells Gigi and Jacy to split up to find Cora. Wendy and Dakota agree that they are weird.
— We have a video package for A-Kid. We go to commercial.
They start off with a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and KUSHIDA with a double wrist lock take down. A-Kid with a head scissors take down. KUSHIDA escapes and applies a front face lock. KUSHIDA holds on while A-Kid tries to escape. A-Kid with a single leg take down. A-Kid with a springboard arm drag and drop kick. A-Kid avoids a few kicks from KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA with a full nelson and snap mare. KUSHIDA goes for a cross arm breaker but A-Kid with a reversal into a LeBell Lock. KUSHIDA with a jackknife cover but A-Kid bridges and KUSHIDA with a back slide into a cross face. A-Kid escapes and A-Kid with an Omoplata but KUSHIDA gets to the ropes.
KUSHIDA with a kick to the midsection and chops. KUSHIDA with a slam and a Boston Crab. A-Kid gets to the ropes to force a break. KUSHIDA with a chop and A-Kid with forearms. KUSHIDA with a hip toss and cartwheel followed by a drop kick for a near fall. KUSHIDA works on the shoulder and misses a palm strike in the corner. A-Kid with a German suplex and a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. A-Kid kicks KUSHIDA in the corner and A-Kid floats over but KUSHIDA catches A-Kid and kicks him in the chest. KUSHIDA works on the shoulder and A-Kid works on the arm and hits an enzuigiri. KUSHIDA with a wrist lock and A-Kid with chops. A-Kid with a springboard DDT for the three count.
Winner: A-Kid
— McKenzie is backstage with Legado del Fantasma now. She congratulates Santos Escobar on qualifying for the Ladder Match at Stand & Deliver, but he interrupts and goes on about how he’s the best luchador of all-time and it will be his time to win gold at Stand & Deliver. The Mysterios – Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio – appear now and fans in the arena pop. Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza are excited at first, but Escobar looks at them and they shut up. Dominik says his father is really the greatest of all-time. Elektra Lopez says Escobar will be the one to break all of Rey’s records. Rey insists his son is the luchador of the future and the one to break the records. Dominik says he came here to fight, and they are down to fight. Escobar says Dominik just made the biggest mistake of his life.
We go to commercial.
Tiffany Stratton vs. Sarray
Tiffany attacks Sarray before she can change out of her schoolgirl outfit and get into her wrestling gear. Stratton kicks Sarray.
The match starts and Stratton with forearms in the corner. Sarray with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles and she kicks Stratton and misses the drop kick against the ropes. Sarray goes to the floor. Stratton with a handspring splash into the corner. Stratton with a twisting Vader Bomb for the three count.
Winner: Tiffany Stratton
— Gunther approaches LA Knight backstage. Gunther doesn’t respect Knight for being a loudmouth, and an embarrassment to pro wrestling. Knight says Gunther doesn’t have to respect anything except for the fact he’s about to become the next NXT Champion. Knight has no problem with giving Gunther a title shot. Gunther says Knight isn’t a champion, just a disgrace. They have a few more words and Knight says the difference between them has to do with sports entertainment – Gunther has the first half but Knight has both. Knight walks off and says he’s got a match to get ready for.
— Tommaso Ciampa makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial.
— We are back and Jacy Jayne is in the back looking for Cora Jade. She sees one of the title belts hanging from a beam. Jacy does not know if there is anything in the way. She pulls down the belt but she is locked in a storage room.
— Back in the arena and Ciampa sits on the turnbuckles and he says he wants to take an opportunity to talk about gratitude. Sometimes he looks around and he says this is his life. He says he has been doing this for 17 years and the entire time on the independents he wanted to find a place to call home. A place where they believed in him and a place that he can prove that he is the guy. It is hard to explain because he wanted a chance to run with the ball and that chance came in NXT for WWE. The largest company on the planet. That is gratitude.
Ciampa says since coming to NXT, success wasn’t something that came quick or easily. He says he has been here since 2015. From DIY underdogs to the glorious bombs to the NXT tag team champions to the Black Heart to the greatest NXT Champion of all time. He says he would love to call it a Do It Yourself story. It was never about doing it himself. He always had y’all with him. He had you to cheer him on. You had them to boo him at his best. Ciampa says he thinks about coming out in New Orleans to boos and profanity. We knew that we were doing something special. We were showing that Tommaso Ciampa could be that guy.
Ciampa goes on and says he’s been thinking about this a lot lately, and going into Stand & Deliver as NXT Champion sounds like a Fairy Tale Ending, but he had that chance last week and lost, so he won’t have his perfect Fairy Tale Ending. He’s been thinking for the past week, what’s next, is there a perfect way to close this chapter out? Fans chant “one more match!” now. Ciampa says he doesn’t have the answer but he wishes he did, but it’s not often in life when you get the chance to say thank you and make things right, and he’s not going to miss his chance tonight. Ciampa says from the bottom of his heart, thank you. He bows and the crowd applauds.
Tony D’Angelo suddenly appears behind Ciampa in the ring. D’Angelo and Ciampa trade looks, and D’Angelo tosses his crowbar to the mat. Tony D takes the mic and says he could’ve dropped Ciampa with the crowbar, but he respects Ciampa enough to come in this ring and face him like a man. Tony D has been thinking who he has to beat to put his name in the history books, who can make him “The Man” in NXT… who does he have to beat? Now he stands in front of that guy. Tony says Ciampa has been the face of NXT for a while now, and he thinks it would be an honor for The Family, if Ciampa would throw hands with Tony D at Stand & Deliver. Tony asks Ciampa what he thinks about it. They shake hands and fans cheer them on. Tony suddenly drops Ciampa with a low blow. Tony D holds Ciampa up and yells in his face, about how it’s always been Ciampa but at Stand & Deliver, Tony D will become the new Don of NXT.
– Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell meet backstage and have a few friendly words before their match. Back to commercial.
Indi Hartwell vs. Persia Pirrota
They shake hands and Persia does not release the handshake. Indi pushes Persia and Persia pushes back. Persia with a knee to the midsection and Indi tries for a float over in the corner but Persia does not go into the corner. Persia with a round kick for a near fall. Persia with a hot shot and she pushes Indi into the corner and connects with a splash for a near fall. Persia with a forearm to the back. Persia stomps on the hand. Indi with chops and punches followed by a clothesline. Indi with a bulldog and she gets a near fall. Persia sends Indi to the apron and Duke Hudson comes out.
Indi kicks at Duke and Persia with a forearm. Dexter Lumis comes out from under the ring and Indi with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Indi Hartwell
After the match, Duke checks on Persia. Indi and Dexter come into the ring. Duke kisses Persia and then Indi kisses Dexter more passionately. Indi pushes Dexter to the mat and kisses him. Persia does the same to Duke.
— Gigi Dolin is outside and she sees the title belt against a dumpster. Gigi climbs into the dumpster and she takes the belt but the dumpster is closed and a forklift covers her.
We go to commercial.
Raul Mendoza vs. Dominik Mysterio
They lock up with a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Mendoza with a take down. Dominik with a head scissors and Raul with a cartwheel. Dominik with a forearm and he goes to teh turnbuckles and hits a springboard wrist lock take down. Dominik with a drop kick. Mendoza avoids a splash into the corner. Mendoza sends Dominik to the mat. Mendoza with a Cobra Clutch. Dominik with punches and he backs Mendoza into the turnbuckels. Dominik with a springboard cross body and a head scissors take down. Dominik sends Mendoza to the apron. Lopez gets on the apron and distracts Dominik, allowing Mendoza to kick Dominik off the turnbuckles.
Fallon Henley pulls Lopez off the apron and then Briggs and Jensen show up. Rey with a forearm to Escobar. Dominik sends Mendoza into the ropes and hits a 619 followed by a frog splash for the three count.
Winner: Dominik Mysterio
— We get a Scott Hall video package.
Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Cora Jade walks out to the parking lot, still holding Mandy Rose’s NXT Women’s Title belt. She looks at what appears to be Mandy’s new Range Rover. Jade looks at the title, with a can of spray paint in hand, and says this is what she wants, but it’s time to go for a ride. Jade enters the Range Rover and gets ready to take a ride but Mandy is in the back. Rose attacks Jade and beats her out of the car, and all over the parking lot. Rose talks trash about how Jade isn’t on her level and never will be. Rose takes the can of spray paint and sprays the Toxic Attraction logo on Jade’s back. Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne appear now, standing next to Rose with their NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles, and Rose tells Jade it’s “game over, bitch!”
– We go back to Vic and Wade but The Creed Brothers and Malcolm Bivens storm the ring. Brutus Creed and Julius Creed are fired up over getting attacked before they could get their title shot last week. Julius says until they figure out who took them out last week, bodies are going to fly and heads will roll. They tell the attackers to come out and face them now. Brutus is also fired up. He demands the attackers come reveal themselves and says he’s got al the time in the world.
The music hits and out comes MSK, wearing nWo t-shirts. Wes Lee says “Hey yo!” in a Scott Hall tribute, but the WWE Performance Center starts booing them as usual. Lee and Nash Carter insist it wasn’t them and the crowd chants “bullshit!” in response. They have words with Malcolm Bivens next as they enter the ring. Bivens says there will be no line cutting until The Creed Brothers get what they deserve. They argue in the ring until the Imperium music hits and we see NXT Tag Team Champions Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner up high on the platform above the crowd. They say it’s hilarious seeing these people argue over something they will never have. Bivens tells them to come down here.
Lee with another “Hey yo!” as he also calls Imperium to the ring, saying they know they will get bitch slapped by The Creeds and MSK. Imperium goes on and and proposes a Triple Threat for Stand & Deliver. Aichner and Barthel cut promos on how they won’t be at a disadvantage in a Triple Threat. They promise they will see the other two tag teams at Stand & Deliver. The Imperium music hits to end the segment.
– McKenzie is backstage with Cameron Grimes. He’s not happy with the idea of watching Stand & Deliver from his couch at home. He mentions still disappointing his late father and says he wants to be a part of Stand & Deliver, then walks off.
NXT Title Match: LA Knight vs. Dolph Ziggler
We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as LA Knight makes his way out to a pop. Back to commercial.
They lock up and Knight with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up and Ziggler goes for the leg but Knight with a front face lock. Ziggler sends Knight into the turnbuckles followed by a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a shoulder tackle and Knight with a back elbow for a near fall. Knight and Ziggler alternate wrist locks. Ziggler with a punch and he runs his laces across the face. Ziggler with a punch.and boot laces to the face. Knight lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and Knight sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Knight clotheslines Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Knight with a power slam for a near fall.
Knight holds his ribs and then he goes to the floor. Ziggler sends Knight into the apron and they return to the ring. Knight punches Ziggler but Ziggler with a kick to the face and ribs. Ziggler rakes the eyes and the referee warns him. Knight with punches to Ziggler but Ziggler with a kick to the ribs. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Knight gets Ziggler on his back and Ziggler rakes the eyes and hits a drop kick. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a sleeper and body scissors. Knight gets Ziggler on his back and runs Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Knight counters a Fameasser wtih a power bomb. Knight with punches.
Knight kicks Ziggler in the corner. Knight with a running knee into the corner. Knight with a power slam and a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.
We go to the parking lot and Bron Breakker is back in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment. Bron enters the building.
Ziggler wtih a back elbow but Knight runs Ziggler into the corner. Knight puts Ziggler on the turnbuckles and punches Dolph. Knight climbs the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex. Ziggler with punches and a head butt. Ziggler with a punch to the ribs and Knight goes to the mat. Knight leaps to the turnbuckles and hits a superplex for a near fall. Knight gets Ziggler up and Roode gets on the apron so Knight lets Ziggler go. Ziggler misses a super kick and Knight hits a Burning Hammer but Roode puts his foot on the ropes.
Ziggler sends Knight into the turnbuckles. Knight avoids a Zig Zag. Ziggler avoids a splash into the corner and hits a super kick for the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
After the match, Bron Breakker’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Bron gets a mic and he says he is not going to wait. Bron says he wants his rematch at Stand and Deliver. Bron punches Roode and asks Ziggler if he is getting his match. Dolph raises the title belt over his head and he likes that idea.
We go to credits.
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NXT 2.0 Results (3/15)