7/28 AEW Rampage Results

7/28 AEW Rampage Results

7/28 AEW Rampage Results – Excalibur and Tony Schiavone audiences at home as the participants in the #1 Contenders Tag Team Battle Royal are waiting in the ring.

1 Contenders Tag Team Championship Battle Royal

The bell rings and both Brother Zay and Matt Sydal are quickly dumped out of the ring.

Eliminated: Matt Sydal and Brother Zay

Jeff Hardy tosses dumps Angelo Parker over the top rope and to the outside as The Butcher wears down Brian Cage in the corner.

Eliminated: Angelo Parker

Jay Lethal looks to dump Ethan Page over the top, but Page hangs out and catches him with a cutter. Jay Lethal looks to dump Page out of the ring, but a distraction from Satnam Singh allows Satnam Sign to dump him out instead. Lethal is then sent crashing to the floor after The Hardys push Singh into him and he’s knocked off the apron. Lethal then begins brawling with Page up the ramp. 

Back from the break, Big Bill sends Matt Menard crashing over the top rope and to the floor. Christopher Daniels is then tossed over the top by The Butcher and The Blade as Singh dumps Matt out of the ring. Jeff then goes after Singh and lands Twist of Fate, and looks to toss him over the top. Big Bill and Brian Cage then dump Singh out of the ring and eliminate him. Bill and Cage then send Jeff crashing to the outside

Eliminated: Matt Menard, Christopher Daniels, The Hardys, and Satnam Singh

We are down to four: Bill, Cage, The Butcher, and The Blade. The two teams go back and forth with right hands before The Butcher levels Bill with a lariat. Cage delivers a forearm to Blade, then sends him crashing into the mat. Butcher then looks to plant Cage, but Cage lands a Flatliner. Blade delivers a Manhattan Drop, but Bill levels Butcher and Blade with a double clothesline. Bill and Cage deliver a lariat-spinebuster combination to Blade and send him crashing out of the ring.

Eliminated: The Blade

We are down to three: Cage, Bill, and Butcher. Butcher fires off forearms on Cage. Bill looks for a splash on Butcher, but accidentally hits Cage. Butcher then delivers a backbreaker, but Bill and Cage manage to dump Butcher out of the ring for the win.

Eliminated: The Butcher

Winners: Brian Cage and Big Bill

Komander and Alex Abrahantes then make their way down to the ring. Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford follow.

Komander (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Sabian delivers a shoulder tackle. Komander fires back with a pair of arm drags, but Sabian sends him tumbling to the outside. Komander then delivers a kick to Sabian’s head from the apron, then slides back inside the ring and delivers a dropkick. Sabian slides to the outside for a breather, and Komander goes flying over the top to level him. He tosses him back in the ring, then ascends to the top and delivers a double stomp to the back of his neck. 

Back from the break, Sabian is wearing down Komander with a submission hold. Komander fights his way out of the hold and delivers a forearm. Sabian fires back with one of his own, and the two go back and forth. Sabian gains the upper hand and delivers a series of uppercuts. Komander then delivers a hurricanrana and a kick to Sabian’s head before landing an arm drag and cinching in a shoulder submission. He eventually counters into a roll up, but Sabian kicks out. Sabian then delivers a knee, but Komander catches him with a right hand and a jaw breaker off the top rope. He ascends to the top and looks for a Standing Shooting Star Press, but Sabian rolls out of the way and dumps Komander to the outside. He then goes flying off the ropes to level him, then tosses him back inside the ring and delivers a senton. He follows it up with a standing Shooting Star Press and goes for a pin, but Komander somehow kicks out.

Sabian gets Komander up on his shoulders and looks to plant him, but Komander lands on his feet. Ford takes a cheap shot at Komander while the referee is distracted, allowing Sabian to plant him. He goes for a pin, but Komander kicks out once more. Komander then delivers a Sunset Flip off the middle rope before climbing to the top and delivering a Shooting Star Press for the win.

Winner: Komander

The Kingdom then makes their way down to the ring. Hayden Backlund and Myung-Jae Lee are already waiting inside. 

The Kingdom vs. Hayden Backlund and Myung-Jae Lee

Backlund and Taven begin the action. The bell rings and Taven delivers a spinning back heel kick. Bennett tags in and delivers a right hand, then plants Backlund with a Death Valley Driver. Taven gets in a shot of his own before himself and Bennett land their finisher for the win.

Winners: The Kingdom

Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Marina Shafir)

The bell rings and Rose bodyslams Shida. She fires off right hands on Shida, but Shida fires back with a boot and a dropkick. She follows it up with a hurricanrana and a running knee, then rains down right hands on Rose in the corner. She delivers a kick to her head and goes flying off the middle rope. Rose dumps Shida out of the ring and looks for a hurricanrana, but Rose sends her into the barricade shoulder first.

Back from the break, Shida fires off right hands on Rose. Shida fires back with a kick to Rose’s head and a sliding right hand, then plants Rose with a Fisherman’s Buster with a kick to her head as we see The Outcasts watching on from backstage.

Rose sets up for the Beast Bomb, but Shida counters into a hurricanrana. She then follows it up with a Falcon Arrow and looks for the Katana. Rose counters with a clothesline and lands a senton, then ascends to the top. Shida joins her up there and lands a superplex, then goes for a pin. Shafir puts Rose’s foot on the bottom rope to break the fall before hopping up on the apron and looking to hit Shida with her kendo stick. Shida grabs it from her and hits her with it. Rose looks to take advantage of the chaos and land the Beast Bomb, but Shida escapes her grasp and lands the Katana for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

After the match, The Outcasts appear at ringside and stare down Shida as Toni Storm holds up her AEW Women’s Championship ahead of her title match with Shida this coming Wednesday on “AEW Dynamite”. 

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter and Google News for more.

7/28 AEW Rampage Results

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