NXT Results – January 15, 2019

NXT Results - January 15, 2019

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up with a graphic in memory of WWE Hall of Famer Rocky Johnson, who passed away at the age of 75.

– We go to the NXT opening video and a video package with highlight from last week as Mauro Ranallo welcomes us. We also see footage of NXT at Sunday’s NXT UK “Takeover: Blackpool II” event. We’re live from the NXT Arena at Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL as Mauro welcomes us to NXT on the USA Network. He’s joined by just WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix tonight, no sign of Nigel McGuinness.

– We go right to the ring and out first comes Keith Lee as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.

Fans do the chant for Lee and he gets hyped up about being the #1 contender to NXT North American Champion Roderick Strong. Lee will get his title shot next week. Lee says The Undisputed Era had a great 2019 and they still hold all the men’s gold in NXT. He goes on and says the end of their 2019 was as great as anyone, except maybe him. Fans chant more for Lee. Lee says The Undisputed Era has reached their peak and their limit, while he… he is limitless. Lee says he will prove that next week when he defeats Strong to become the NXT North American Champion and forever… the music interrupts and out comes The Undisputed Era – Strong, NXT Champion Adam Cole, and NXT Tag Team Champions Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish.

Cole goes on about what they’ve done to Imperium and Tommaso Ciampa as of late, after telling the crowd to shut up. Cole says Lee is next. They immediately rush the ring but Lee fights them off for a big pop. Lee goes to put Cole down but the save is made. They beat down Lee now and Strong has a steel chair. Strong wraps the chair around Lee’s ankle and jumps off the second rope, smashing the leg in the chair. Fans chant “Roddy sucks!” now. Ciampa runs down but the tag champs and Strong meet him at ringside. Ciampa fights them off and hits the ring as The Undisputed Era retreats. Fans chant “Daddy’s home!” as Ciampa checks on Lee in the ring. They stand together as Ciampa’s music plays.

– We go to Mauro and Beth at the announce table. They talk about what just happened and then give a plug to Finn Balor vs. Johnny Gargano at “Takeover: Portland” on February 16.

– Mauro reveals that Tegan Nox returned to the NXT Arena today and will be in the Battle Royal after being put out of action by Dakota Kai at WarGames several months ago. We see video from earlier today with Nox giving an interview outside, discussing the Battle Royal. She’s greeted by Candice LeRae and they hug. We see some of the Battle Royal participants warming up backstage, including Io Shirai.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round Match: The BroserWeights (Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne) vs. Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews

We go to the ring for tonight’s opening match as Pete Dunne is out first. Matt Riddle is out next as fans chant “Bro!” at The BroserWeights. This is one of the final first round matches for the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic tournament. NXT UK Superstars Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews are out next.

Dunne and Andrews start things off and Andrews with a side head lock. Riddle makes the tag and Andrews with a head scissors. Riddle misses a moonsault and Webster tags in. Webster misses Dunne. Ridldle with a waist lock take down into a double wrist lock. Dunne tags in and they work on the hands and stomp on them. Dunne with a wrist lock and Riddle tags in. Dunne with an Irish whip and Webster with an elbow and kick to Dunne followed by a head scissors to Riddle. Andrews tags in and Andrews drops Webster onto Riddle and then hits a moonsault for a near fall. Webster tags in and he goes up top.and hits a stomp to the arm. Riddle with a gutwrench suplex and holds on and rolls through into a second one.

Riddle holds on and rolls through for a third but Andrews tries to interfere and Riddle with a back body drop to Andrews before hitting the third gutwrench suplex. Dunne tags in and Dunne flips Riddle onto Webster’s leg with a senton. Dunne stomps the knees into the mat and kicks Webster. Dunne with a snpa mare and Riddle is tagged in. Riddle with kicks to the back and a forearm followed by a slam. Riddle gets a near fall. Webster wtih a drop kick and Dunne tags in and keeps Webster from tagging in. Webster lands on his feet but Dunne keeps Webster from making the tag. Dunne with an X Plex and Riddle tags in and hits a back senton for a near fall.

Riddle chops Webster and he tags Dunne in. Webster with forearms and chops but Dunne sends Webster into the corner. Webster avoids Riddle and Dunne and makes the tag. Andrews with a rana to Dunne and Andrews slides under and hits a pele kick. Andrews is sent to the apron and Andrews with an enzuigiri. Andrews with a victory roll into a DDT on Riddle. Webster tags in and they hit stereo flip dives. Websgter flips Andrews onto Dunne with a 450 splash for a near fall. Webster goes for a Tiger Driver but Dunne escapes. Webster with a kick and he goes for a springboard move and is met with a forearm from Dunne.

Andrews tags in and Dunne blocks a full nelson and Dunne flips out of the corner and hits an enzuigiri and a German suplex. Dunne stomps on the hand and kicks Andrews. Riddle tags in and Dunne with an X Plex into a power bomb. Dunne and Riddle with kicks and Webster breaks up the cover. Dunne and Webster go the floor and Dunne sends Webster into the apron. Riddle with a German suplex to Andrews for a near fall. Riddle goes for a suplex but Andrews lands on his feet. Riddle with a knee and he gets a near fall when Andrews has his hand on the ropes. Riddle with a back senton and Dunne tags in.

Dunne stomps on the legs and he applies an ankle lock. Andrews rolls through to escape. Andrews with a Northern Lights suplex and a double stomp. We go to commercial.

We are back and Webster with a moonsault onto Dunne and Riddle. Webster drops Riddle off the apron and then he hits a springboard drop kick to knock Dunne off the apron. Webster goes up top and hits a swanton onto Riddle and Dunne on the floor. Riddle tags in and Webster with a kick. Andrews tags in and Mark goes up top but Riddle pushes Webster away and Riddle catches Andrews. Andrews with a reverse rana after a kick from Webster and Andrews gets a near fall. Webster tags in and Andrews with a moonsault off the apron onto Dunne and Andrews with a tornado DDT. Riddle spears Webster and then he spears Andrews. Riddle goes for a jackhammer but Webster with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Riddle with a Pele Kick and Dunne with a kick for a near fall. Riddle tags in and Dunne goes for an X Plex into a power bomb but Webster with a rana. Dunne with a forearm to knock Andrews into the cover to break it up. Dunne and Andrews tags in. Dunne with a kick to the back of the head. Andrews counters an X Plex into Stundog Millionaire. Webster with a suicide dive but Riddle catches Webster and hits Bro Derek. Andrews comes off the turnbuckles into a forearm. Riddle and Dunne hit a Bitter End and Bro 2 Sleep Combination for the three count.

Winners: Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne

After the match, Dunne and Riddle stand tall together. We go to replays as Riddle’s music plays. Mauro shows us a look at the brackets as Riddle and Dunne vs. Imperium is now confirmed for the next round.

– Beth and Mauro show us how The Undisputed Era attacked Imperium after WWE UK Champion WALTER defeated Joe Coffey in the main event of last Sunday’s NXT UK “Takeover: Blackpool II” event. Beth says both Imperium and The Undisputed Era will be here next Wednesday to promote their big eight-man match at Worlds Collide.

– Cathy Kelley is backstage outside of the trainer’s room. She says Keith Lee was rushed in after the attack on his leg by The Undisputed Era. She says this has put next week’s title match with Roderick Strong in jeopardy, but she hopes to have an update later tonight. Back to commercial.

– We are back and Tommaso Ciampa makes his way to the ring.

Ciampa says Velveteen Dream, Imperium, Keith Lee. It looks like the Undisputed Era has a hit list. Ciampa says he has one too and Adam Cole is on his hit list. Last week, he told the world that when you took his Goldie, you took his life. No more waiting and no more distractions. He wants his life back. He needs his life back. Ciampa says he is taking back his life.

The Undisputed Era comes to the ring and they go after Ciampa. Ciampa fights them off for a moment but the numbers are too much for Ciampa. All four men attack Ciampa and then Johnny Gargano’s music plays an he makes his way to the ring and he punches Fish and then clotheslines Kyle. Gargano with punches to Cole and then he punches Strong. Ciampa with Willow’s Bell to Fish and Gargano with a super kick. Ciampa with a running knee while Gargano hits a super kick on Fish.

We go to commercial.

– We see a tweet from Trent Seven asking for a match between Moustache Mountain and DIY at World’s Collide.

Alex Shelley and KUSHIDA vs. James Drake and Zack Gibson in a First Round Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Match

Shelley and Gibson start things off. They lock up and Gibson backs Shelley into the corner and Gibson pats Shelley on the chest on the break. They lock up and Shelley with a hammer lock. Gibson with an elbow and Shelley with an Irish whip. Drake blunts the impact and Drake tags in. Drake with a front face lock but Shelley with chops. Shelley sends Drake to the apron and KUSHIDA with a handspring kick to knock Drake and Gibson off the apron. KUSHIDA and Shelley with stereo pescados. Drake with a knee to KUSHIDA. Shelley tags in and KUSHIDA with a running knee lift. Shelley stomps on the head and Drake with a shot to the midsection.

Gibson tags in and Shelley with a drop toe hold and KUSHIDA with a drop kick and kick to the arm. KUSHIDA with a figure four arm bar and he drops back to the mat. Shelley tags in and they connect with elbows and a double suplex. Shelley gets a near fall. Gibson with a foearm to KUSHIDA but Shelley with a kick. Gibson with a side head lock and Drake tags in. Gibson with a baseball slide to Shelley and Drake with a drop kick off Gibson’s back to KUSHIDA.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Shelley with a forearm in the corner and then Drake is sent back into the ring and keeps Shelley from making the tag. Shelley gets a rollup for a near fall. Gibson tags in and Drake with a pescado to assist a back breaker from Gibson. Gibson with a European uppercut to Shelley and they return to the ring. Gibson with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Drake tags in and Shelley avoids Gibson and Drake and KUSHIDA is tagged in. KUSHIDA with a springboard clothesline followed by a handspring back elbow to Gibson followed by a punch to Drake. KUSHIDA goes for the cross arm breaker but Drake rolls over and gets a near fall. KUSHIDA with kicks and Gibson makes the tag. KUSHIDA goes for a double wrist lock on Gibson but Drake with a kick. Gibson and Drake hit a super kick and DDT combination for a near fall.

Drake tags in and KUSHIDA kicks Gibson and he backs Drake into the corner. KUSHIDA with a head scissors and then Shelley and KUSHIDA with stereo kicks. Shelley with a splash off the turnbuckles while KUSHIDA hits a moonsault. Shelley and KUSHIDA with a modified Dream Sequence to Drake. KUSHIDA is pushed off the turnbuckles but Gibson. Shelley goes for Sliced Bread #2 but Gibson and Drake hit Ticket to Mayhem for the three count.

Winners: James Drake and Zack Gibson

After the match, Gibson and Drake recover and stand tall with their arms raised. We go to replays as their music hits and Kushida rushes back in to check on Shelley. Mauro shows us the brackets as The Undisputed Era vs. Drake and Gibson is now official for the next round. We come back to The Time Splitters and the Grizzled Young Vets facing off int he ring. Shelley and Kushida offer their hands to shake but the winners turn them down and exit the ring to boos. Gibson says they did not travel all this way to stand there and shake hands while the hipster Full Sail crowd pretends to know who Shelley is. He says they have derailed this little reunion tour on the first stop, and they are a great tag team… of the past. Gibson goes on and says he and Drake are the future and they’ve conquered Europe, and will never stop. He goes on and says they will win the Dusty Classic. Their music starts back up as they pose next to the Dusty Classic Cup.

– We see footage from earlier today of Chelsea Green and Robert Stone outside together. Stone says the NXT women’s division is strong but Green is the best. He goes on praising Green and calls her the hottest former free agent. They get into a car to drive off. Beth hypes tonight’s Battle Royal main event.

– The announcers lead us to a video package to hype tonight’s Triple Threat with the winner advancing to the NXT Cruiserweight Title Fatal 4 Way at Worlds Collide. Back to commercial.

– We are back and Finn Balor says Ilja Dragunov is a guy who likes to challenge himself. He says Ilja reminds him of himself. He sees belief. Ilja believes that he belongs in the ring with him. Finn offers a piece of advice from the Prince. If you come at me, you better not miss. At Worlds Collide, I will put you down.

– NXT Cruiserweight Champion Angel Garza joins Beth and Mauro on commentary for the next match.

Tyler Breeze vs. Isaiah Scott vs. Lio Rush in a Qualifying Match for the NXT Cruiserweight Title Match at Worlds Collide

Breeze kicks Scott and Rush lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Breeze with a kick and back breaker to Rush for a near fall. Breeze sets for the Unprettier but Scott stops Breeze. Scott with a take down and he goes for a half and half suplex but Rush escapes. Scott with a head scissors to Breeze and a drop kick to Rush. Scott with an uppercut to Rush followed by a chop. Scott kicks Breeze against the ropes. Scott with more kicks and Rush hits Scott from behind. Rush avoids Breeze and goes through the legs and kicks Breeze. Breeze sends Rush to the apron and they both connect with forearms. Breeze misses a shoulder and Rush kicks Breeze. Breeze and Rush both dive to the floor and Rush with a head scissors take down. Breeze kicks Rush.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rush is sent to the floor by Scott. Scott tries to suplex Rush back into the ring while Rush tries to suplex Scott to the floor. Breeze with a German suplex to Scott who suplexes Rush into the ring. Rush and Scott kick Breeze. Rush avoids Scott and Breeze with a forearm to Scott and Rush. Breeze clotheslines Scott over the top rope. Rush with a suicide dive onto Breeze. Scott with a Fosbury Flop onto Rush. Rush with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Rush goes up top and he punches Breeze on the apron. Rush with a punch to Scott and Rush with more punches after he comes off the turnbuckles. Scott with an uppercut. Breeze with a super kick to Rush and Scott leaps over Breeze and Breeze with a super kick to Scott for a near fall. Scott blocks a suplex attempt by Breeze. Breeze with forearms to the back and he goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Scott with punches and a side head lock. Scott with a forearm and Rush sends Breeze over the top rope to the floor. Rush kicks Scott.

Breeze grabs the foot and Rush with kicks to Scott. Rush with a reverse rana to Scott and a suicide dive to Breeze. Rush with a frog splash and Breeze breaks up the cover. Rush punches Breeze and Scott. Breeze and Scott with kicks to Rush. Breeze and Scott exchange punches. Scott with a chop and Rush with an enzuigiri to Breeze when Scott moves. Rush with a forearm to Scott and Breeze with a super kick to Scott. Rush with a round kick to Breeze and Rush goes up tpo and hits a frog splash but Scott tries to send Rush to the floor and Rush hits the slingshot cutter. Breeze gets a near fall on Rush. Breeze with a spinning heel kick to Rush and Scott with a kick to Breeze followed by a JML Driver for the three count.

Winner: Isaiah Scott

– NXT Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley is with Cathy Kelley and she is asked who she wants to face. She says she will go through Toni Storm at Worlds Collide. She says it does not matter who it is because she will go through them at Takeover.

We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Cathy Kelley is with Johnny Gargano backstage. She asks about saving Tommaso Ciampa earlier. Ciampa comes up and thanks him. Gargano asks if Ciampa heard about the challenge from Moustache Mountain. They agree to team up again for old time’s sake. The Undisputed Era runs over but security stops them from attacking. Keith Lee runs over and puts someone in the bushes with a Pounce. Lee is angry. He tosses someone into the windshield of a car, shattering it, and then tosses another guy onto a table. Lee says the prophecy will end next week.

– The announcers confirm Lee vs. Strong, plus the semi-finals of the Dusty Classic. Mauro says DIY has confirmed DIY vs. Moustache Mountain at Worlds Collide.

Battle Royal to Crown a New #1 Contender: Tegan Nox, Mercedes Martinez, Bianca Belair, Candice LeRae, Chelsea Green, Dakota Kai, Vanessa Borne, Kayden Carter, Mia Yim, Santana Garrett, Io Shirai, Shotzi Blackheart, Xia Li, Kacy Catanzaro

We go to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes Candice LeRae. Mia Yim is out next, followed by Bianca Belair. The winner will challenge NXT Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley at “Takeover: Portland” in February. Kacy Catanzaro is out next for her return. Fans pop for her entrance. New WWE Performance Center recruit Mercedes Martinez is out next. Back to commercial.

Everyone pairs off and Santana with a forearm to Catalina. Candice with a waist lock to Io. Bianca tries to eliminate Shotzi but Shotzi holds on to the ropes. Deonna gets back into the ring after being on the apron. Belair picks up Carter and has her on the apron. Belair tries to kick Carter off the ropes but Carter rolls back in and is saved by Katanzaro. Santana is on the apron and Jenkins tries to eliminate her. Jenkins with a forearm but Santana holds on to the ropes and gets back into the ring. Shayna with a forearm to Santana.

Jenkins hangs from the ropes but Shayna grabs the hand and Jenkins is eliminated. Shayna and Io kick Santana. Nox tries to eliminate Borne but Borne stays in the ring. Belair sends Jesse to the apron but Jesse gets back into the ring. Belair drops Jesse on the top rope and Jesse goes to the floor and is eliminated. Catalina with a drop kick to Baszler followed by a head scissors take down. Catalina kicks Shayna from the turnbuckles but Shayna eliminates Catalina.

Santana is sent to the apron by Martinez. Santana with a shoulder to Martinez and she returns to the ring. Santana with a head butt to Shotzi. Carter chops Shayna and Shayna sends Carter to the apron and then Catanzaro is able to use Carter to get back in the ring. Carter is eliminated by Shayna. Nox with an elimination. Nox makes a save. Martinez punches Shotzi. Martinez gets Blackheart up as Candice tries to eliminate Santana. Shayna goes after Santana.

Vanessa sends Mia into the turnbuckles and Martinez chokes Shotzi in the ropes. Vanessa chokes Mia in the ropes. Shayna with punches to Santana. Mia and Vanessa continue to exchange punches. Shayna tries to kick Santana off the apron but Santana holds on and connects with a forearm. Shayna kicks Santana off the apron to eliminate her. Mia with Protect Ya Neck to Vanessa and Mia kicks Vanessa to the floor to eliminate her. Deonna Purrazzo kicks Shotzi on the floor fater Deonna is eliminated by Shotzi. Io with a flapjack to Xia. Xia with a kick to Io and then she kicks Bianca. Xia tries to eliminate Bianca but Shayna stops her and Shayna eliminates Xia.

Candice with forearms to Martinez. Kacy goes for a move using the ropes but Io stops her and Io drop kicks Kacy to eliminate her. Bianca walks around the ring and goes after Candice with a forearm. Bianca presses Candice over her head but Candice gets back to her feet and Candice with a kick but Belair blocks it. Belair sends Candice to the apron and then into the ring post to eliminate her. Martinez is sent to the apron and she avoids a kick from Mia. Martinez suplexes Mia to the floor to eliminate her.

Mercedes Martinez and Shayna Baszler square off in the ring with everyone down in the ring. They exchange forearms. They continue the exchange and they go back and forth with punches. Martinez with an uppercut and chop. Martinez goes for a slam but Shayna with a Kirifuta Clutch on Martinez. Martinez sends Shayna into the ropes to get out of the hold. Martinez and Shayna go over the top rope but Shayna holds on to the ropes and Martinez is eliminated.

We are down to Io Shirai, Tegan Nox, Bianca Belair, and Shayna Baszler.

Tegan with an elbow to Belair and a cross body to Io. Tegan wtih a forearm to Bianca followed by clotheslines. Nox with a running European uppercut to Shayna and Belair. Tegan with a runnig senton to Shayna and Belair. Tegan with a kick to the legs and then Bianca is sent over the top rope but she lands on the apron. Tegan chokes slams Io onto Shayna. Bianca tries to hit Tegan but she spears Shayna instead. Shayna gets to the apron but rolls back in. Tegan with a Shiniest Wizard to Belair. Tegan is sent to the apron and she goes up top but Dakota Kai pulls Tegan off the turnbuckles to eliminate her and then Dakota throws the knee brace at Tegan before going to the back. Shayna kicks Bianca.

Shayna has Io in the Kirifuta Clutch but Shotzi comes from behind and eliminates Shayna. Bianca eliminates Shotzi when she comes up behind. We are down to the final two (if you are not counting Dakota)

Bianca with forearms and she runs Io into the turnbuckles. Bianca with a biel to Io and a second one. Bianca gets Io up but Io is able to hold on to the ropes and kicks Bianca away. Io with a drop toe hold and Tiger Feint Kick. Io goes up top and hits a cross body but Bianca catches Io and hits a fallaway slam. Bianca grabs Io and goes for a butterfly buster but Io with a victory bomb into the turnbuckles. Io puts Bianca on the turnbuckles and kicks Bianca. Io and Bianca fight on the turnbuckles. Bianca blocks a Frankensteiner and Io with punches. Io gets to the mat and she kicks Belair and Belair lands on the apron. Io goes after Bianca and she goes to the apron.

Bianca gets Io on her shoulders but Io gets to her feet and tries for a German suplex off the apron. Bianca with an elbow. Io with a kick and uppercut. Io stands on Bianca’s hair and Bianca trips Io using her hair. Bianca and Io exchange forearms. Io with a running back elbow and a drop kick. Bianca with a spear. Belair goes for the KOD but Io gets back to her feet. Io with a German suplex. Io with running knees into the corner and then she goes for a power bomb but Bianca catches Io and sends Io to the floor with the KOD.

Winner: Bianca Belair

We go to credits with Bianca celebrating in the ring.


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