2024 WWE King & Queen of the Ring Results

2024 WWE King & Queen of the Ring Results

2024 WWE King & Queen of the Ring Results – WWE presents 2024 WWE King & Queen of The Ring, live from the Jeddah Super Dome in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

2024 WWE King & Queen of the Ring pre-show notes

Corey Graves talked to Cody Rhodes earlier this week. Corey asks Cody to explain the feeling of finishing the story at Wrestlemania.

Cody says the feeling of finishing the story is what he wants to chase for the rest of his life.  It made him happy and made him cry.  It exceeded any expectations he had about that moment.  Corey asks what does it feel to be the face of WWE.  Cody says it feels like he is more appreciative of the team around him than ever before.  Cody is asked about the commitment to the company.  He talks about media appearances and teleconferences.  He feels okay doing it.  Corey asks if Cody has asked others for advice.  Cody says he always talks to Randy and wants to follow what people like John Cena did, but in his way.

Corey asks about the state of WWE and the industry.  Cody says we are seeing new fans over the last three years whether it is children or people coming back.  It has never felt better.  Cody says people talked about how great the Attitude Era is but they want to prove how good things are.  Cody talks about achieving goals that the older generation cannot claim.  Corey asks Cody what advice would he give a younger Cody.  He says when you are not the number one on the call sheet and if you think you should be in the main event, you have to bet on yourself.  He says Stardust would never be in the main event.  He felt that he was getting worse and had to get better.

– Kayla Braxton is with Lyra Valkyria and she asks about tonight’s match. Lyra says it is surreal.  She was in NXT last month, thinking she had to regain her title, but now she is in the finals of the Queen of the Ring. Kayla asks about Nia’s comments from last night.  Lyra says she cannot wait to prove Nia wrong.  She says she will be Queen of the Ring and she is going to go to SummerSlam.

– Byron Saxton is with Paul Levesque and he asks about the Queen of the Ring and King of the Ring matches.

He says these are huge matches.  He says the WWE Experience in Riyadh is amazing.  He says the place was off the charts last night for Smackdown, but tonight is why everyone is here.  It is not just a fancy title to call yourself.  It is about cementing your legacy.  The competition is massive.  Since Nia has been back in WWE, she has torn through everyone.  She went toe to toe with Rhea and has gone through Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill to get here tonight.  She has to beat Lyra tonight and Lyra beat a former champion in Iyo Sky to get here.

Randy Orton coming back from a potential career ending injury, can he solidify his legacy and show that he is back on top.  He has to beat Gunther tonight and he has been like no one else in WWE.  Paul says he will be on the edge of his seat watching this match.

– We go to part two of Cody and Corey’s conversation.

Corey asks Cody about Logan Paul.  Cody says he was thinking about something to say about Logan and he saw the definition of maverick.  He says that fits Logan with what he has done.  He has been successful.  From a wrestling perspective, Logan is more fundamentally sound than he has any right to.  Corey asks about his person opinion about Logan.  Cody says Logan has been too bold.  He has taken credit for WWE’s success.  Knowing he believes that, the best thing that can happen to them is see them slip on a banana peel and fall on their face and see what happens.

Corey asks about the US Title being pulled from the match.  Cody says if you say you don’t want a title, you are lying.  He says he would love the US title, but that can be something he achieves in the future.  Corey asks about Logan’s right hand.  Cody quotes JBL and says he would just duck.  He does not want to have to be off balance because it can all end with a right hand.  Corey asks how does it go down.  He says Logan doesn’t stand a chance.  He finds out that he is wonderful, but he is not on the level he thinks he is on.

– Liv Morgan is with Byron Saxton.  He asks about the Revenge Tour. Liv says she has never felt better in her whole life.  She finally completes the revenge tour and takes what Rhea loves the most. Byron asks about dealing with Becky. Liv says Becky has never faced this version of Becky Lynch before.  She asks someone what are they doing here.

Dom Mysterio shows up and he says you know why he is here.  He says he flew to Saudi Arabia to make sure that Liv doesn’t get her hands on Mami’s title.

– We look at Kayla Braxton and Randy Orton around Jeddah.

Randy says it is surreal to be here.  He says you never get used to how beautiful it is and he talks about the fans.  Kayla asks about the fans in France singing his entrance music.  Randy says for the first time in almost 16 years with that song, they sang it.  Randy says he is beaten up, but this is for a prize he has never won before.  She asks about Gunther.  Randy says he has a list of guys he wanted to wrestle and Gunther might not be on the top of the list, but he is one of a kind.  It will be hard hitting and might be the toughest match he has had since his return.  This will show how much his body can take.  Randy says he has never seen so much in one person before.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill (c) vs. Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell

Jade and Indi start things off and Indi with a waist lock and Jade sends her to the mat.  Jade goes for a slam but Indi gets to her feet.  Jade catches Indi on a cross body and Jade with a fallaway slam.  Jade with a shoulder tackle and she tags in Bianca.  Jade with a slam and Bianca is slammed onto Indi by Jade.  Candice tags in and she goes for the knee but Bianca moves out of the way.  Bianca blocks a head scissors take down and Bianca with a gutbuster.  Bianca with a running shoulder in the corner.  Bianca with an Irish whip and Candice kicks Bianca.

Bianca stops Candice on the turnbuckles and Bianca tries to press slam Candice but Candice gets to her feet and tags in Indi.  Bianca punches Indi on the apron and Candice clips her.  Indi with a front face lock.  Indi wraps Bianca’s leg in the ropes.  Indi mocks Bianca by twirling her hair.  Bianca punches Indi but Indi sends Bianca into the corner and then snap mares Bianca with her leg hitting the ropes.  Candice tags in and slams the knee into the mat.  Candice with more kicks to the leg.  Indi tags in and Bianca sends Candice to the floor but Indi kicks Bianca.  Candice tags in and Indi keeps Bianca from getting to her corner.

Candice with a forearm to the back and she gets a near fall.  Candice with a KneeDT into a single leg crab.  Bianca kicks Candice away and Indi tags in.  Indi knocks Jade off the apron.  Indi kicks Bianca and Bianca with a kick but Candice chokes Bianca while Indi distracts the referee.  Jade tags in and she kicks Indi and hits a spinebuster on Candice.  Jade with splashes to both women many times.  Jade biels Candice and then she hits a splash on both of them.  Jade with a sit out power bomb on Indi for a near fall when Candice breaks up the cover.  Indi with a kick and Candice tags in.  Indi holds Jade in the ropes and Candice with a quebrada for a near fall.  Candice tags in and Jade sends Indi into the ring post.  Candice with a missile drop kick.

Bianca tags in and she clips Candice.  They hit a wheelbarrow DDT into a wheelbarrow suplex for the three count.

Winners:  Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

– Byron asks about Smackdown and what Cody said. Logan says there is no controversy surrounding him.  He was in the ring with Floyd Mayweather and everyone doubts him.  He says this is his third title match in Saudi Arabia.  He is going to leave wtih two titles tonight.  He will show why he belongs in the WWE and why he belongs on top.

2024 WWE King & Queen of the Ring Results

We are live from the Jeddah Super Dome in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as Becky Lynch’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring for our first title match of the night. Liv Morgan is next!

WWE Women’s World Championship Match
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan

They lock up and go to a stalemate.  They push each other and the referee separate them.  Liv with a waist lock and Becky with a standing switch and waist lock take down.  Liv gets to the ropes and Becky with a break.  Liv with a back elbow and forearms.  Becky with a round kick.  Liv goes to the floor and Becky follows and connects with forearms.  Becky sends Liv into the apron.  Liv punches Becky and sends her into the apron.  They return to the ring and Becky with forearms and kicks.  Liv sends Becky to the mat when Becky goes to the apron for a leg drop and she gets a near fall.  Liv with kicks in the corner and the referee warns her.  iv misses an elbow and Becky with a springboard side kick.  Liv with a clothesline.

Liv ties Becky in the ropes and applies a body scissors.  Liv drop kicks Becky in the back against the ropes and she gets a near fall.  Liv with a kick to the midsection.  Becky with a kick and a back elbow.  Liv pulls Becky off the turnbuckles and Becky hits the turnbuckles face first.  Liv gets a near fall.  Liv with a double wrist lock clutch.  Becky with an arm drag to escape and Becky with a forearm.  Liv with a forearm.  Liv sends Becky into the turnbuckles when Liv is caught when she floats over.  Both women with clotheslines and both go down.  They exchange forearms.  Liv gains the advantage but Becky wtih clotheslines and a forearm into the corner.  Becky with an exploder.

Liv rolls to the floor and Becky with a baseball slide.  Becky goes to the apron and hits a forearm.  Becky puts Liv back in the ring and Becky goes up top.  Liv crotches Becky and Liv with punches and forearms on the turnbuckles.  Becky pushes Liv off and Becky with a missile drop kick.  Becky gets a near fall.  Becky goes for DisArmHer but Liv with a rollup for a near fall.  Liv wit a punch and she set for a springboard Codebreaker and hits it for a near fall.  Liv misses a splash into the corner and Becky with a kick to the back and a clothesline for a near fall.  Becky goes to the turnbuckles and Liv moves so Becky rolls through.

Liv with a missile drop kick for a near fall.  Liv goes for ObLIVion but Becky blocks it and hits a spinebuster for a near fall.  Becky goes for the Manhandle Slam but Liv with a rollup for a near fall.  Liv with a running knee and she gets a near fall.  Liv kicks Becky and Becky iwth a punch.  Liv with a punch and they go back and forth.  Becky blocks a springboard arm drag and Becky with a hip toss into a cross arm breaker.  Liv rolls over for a near fall.  Liv counters with Rings of Saturn.  Becky gets a near fall with a rollup.  Liv returns to Rings of Saturn.  Becky with DisArmHer and Dominik Mysterio appears at ringside.

Lynch is distracted and Liv hits a Codebreaker for a close pin attempt. Liv is selling her arm as she gets back up. She drags Lynch over to the corner and heads to the top. Lynch climbs up after her and connects with a super-plex. Dom-Dom slides a steel chair into the ring near Lynch. He gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Liv runs over and DDT’s Lynch into the chair and throws the chair out to the floor. Liv with ObLIVion fand she covers Lynch and the referee counts to three. We have a new champion.

Winner and NEW WWE Women’s World Champion: Liv Morgan

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable (w/ Otis)

Sami punches Chad and Reed with a waist lock and he sends Sami tot he mat.  Reed with a head butt to Chad and a clothesline to Sami.  Reed and Chad exchange chops.  Reed presses Chad over his head but Chad gets to his feet and he goes to the floor.  Reed grabs Chad and Sami with a pescado onto Reed.  Chad with a forearm to Sami from behind.  Chad sends Sami into the ring and Sami sends Chad into the turnbuckles and Sami with punches.  Sami with an elbow off the turnbuckles to Chad but Reed with a body block to Sami.  Reed with an Irish whip to Reed but Sami with an elbow.  Reed catches Sami off the turnbuckles and Reed gives Sami a uranage onto Chad while hitting a reverse DDT.

Reed misses a cannonball and Sami with an elbow to knock Chad off the apron.  Chad puts Sami in the ring skirt and he punches Sami.  Chad with a missile drop kick.  Sami gets back in the ring and Chad with punches to Sami.  Chad with forearms and Sami sends Chad and Reed to the floor.  Sami with a flip dive onto Chad and Reed.  Sami gets Reed back in the ring and he goes up top but Reed stops Sami.  Reed gets Sami up and Sami counters with a sunset flip power bomb on Reed for a near fall.  Sami tries for a Blue Thunder Bomb on Reed but he cannot get him up.  Sami with forearms to the back and he tries again and fails a second time.

Reed puts Sami on the turnbuckles and Chad chop blocks Reed.  Chad goes for a superplex but Reed recovers and comes under for a tower of doom.  Reed puts Sami in position for a moonsault but Sami moves and Reed lands on the mat.  Chad with a moosnault to Reed and Sami breaks up the cover.  Sami with chops and Sami with a springboard tornado DDT for a near fall.  Chad with an ankle lock on Sami.  Sami tries to get to the ropes but it does not matter and Chad pulls Sami into the center of the ring and he adds a grapevine.  Reed tries to get involved and Chad with an ankle lock to Reed.  Sami with an ankle lock to Chad and then he hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Reed for a near fall.  

Sami with forearms to Chad and Chad fires back.  Redd with a splash to both men and then he puts Chad on the turnbuckles.  Reed gets Sami on his shoulders and Chad on top of Sami and htis a double Samoan drop.  Reed with a suicide dive onto Sami and Chad on the floor.  Reed rolls Sami into the ring and misses Tsunami when Sami moves.  Sami sets for a Helluva kick  but Chad intercepts and hits a German suplex.  He holds on for a second one and then he tries for the third one but Sami with elbows.  Sami with a German suplex and he holds on for a second one and hits it.  Chad blocks the third one and Reed comes behind and Chad with elbows and he gets behind Reed and hits a double German suplex.

Chad tells Otis it is time for the plan and Otis with a running body block on Reed.  Chad sends Sami to the floor and Chad tells Otis to do it to Sami.  Otis sets for the clothesline, but he won’t do it.  Chad holds Sami up and Otis sets for the clothesline but Otis doesn’t do it.  Chad wants to know what is wrong with Otis.  Chad pushes Otis and Otis snarls at Chad.  Chad slaps Otis and Chad picks up Sami.  Otis sets for the clothesline and Sami moves and Otis hits Chad.

Sami with a Helluva Kick on Reed for the three count.

Winner:  Sami Zayn

– Byron Saxton is with Jade and Bianca.  He asks if there is a secret to how well they gel as a team. They say they have each others backs.  Bianca says Candice is why her knee has been hurting her.  They had something to prove and they did it.  Jade tells anyone to come out and challenge them.

– Grayson Waller and Austin Theory are in the crowd, as well as Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano.  The Street Profits and B Fab are also in the crowd.

Queen of the Ring Tournament – Finals
Lyra Valkyria vs. Nia Jax

Lyra avoids Nia at the start of the match.  Lyra with a side head lock and Nia pushes Lyra away.  Lyra with a crucifix but Nia blocks an attempt to get her to the mat.  Lyra goes for a sunset flip and Nia picks up Lyra and biels Lyra but Lyra with a cartwheel.  Nia gets Lyra up and Lyra counters with a sleeper.  Nia backs Lyra into the corner to escape the hold.  Nia charges at Lyra and Lyra sends Nia to the floor.  Lyra with a drop kick through the ropes and Nia sends Lyra into the apron.  Lyra with a drop kick into the corner but Nia pushes Lyra away.  Lyra goes for a tornado DDT but Nia pushes her away.  Nia gets Lyra up and Lyra counters into a sleeper.  Nia with a snap mare to escape the hold.  Nia runs Lyra into the corner and hits a splash.  Nia with an elbow drop to the back for a near fall.  

Nia with a hard Irish whip.  Nia chokes Lyra in the corner.  Lyra with head butts to the midsection but they have no effect on Nia.  Nia runs Lyra into the turnbuckles and puts her in the tree of woe.  Nia head butts Lyra in the tree of woe and kicks her to the mat.  Nia ties Lyra in the ropes and stretches her.  Nia with a cobra clutch.  Lyra with elbows but Nia violently tosses Lyra to the mat.  Lyra with a jaw breaker and kicks.  Lyva with more kicks and a head butt.  Nia falls to her knees but Nia with a Samoan drop for a near fall.  Nia goes to the turnbuckles for the Annihilator but Lyra rolls to the apron and Nia goes for it on the apron and misses.

Lyra with a drop kick to Nia and Nia catches Lyra on a drop kick through the ropes.  Lyra counters into a bulldog on the floor.  Lyra sends Nia back into the ring.  Lyra with a missile drop kick and a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Lyra goes up top and leaps over Nia.  Nia with a Samoan drop and sets for Annihilator.  Lyra moves and Lyra kicks Nia in the back of the leg and Lyra with a double stomp to Nia in the ropes for a near fall.  Lyra with a leg drop to the back of the neck off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Lyra tries to get Nia up but Nia escapes and Nia with a splash in the corner.  Nia goes to the turnbuckles with Lyra on her back.

Lyra goes for a sunset flip power bomb when she escapes.  Nia with an Annihilator for the three count.

Winner and Queen of the Ring:  Nia Jax

After the match, Paul Levesque presents Nia with the crown.

Kayla is in the ring with Nia and Nia takes the mic and she says that she doesn’t need her congratulations.  She says she knows no one is happy that she won but Nia is happy and you will get angrier when she becomes the champion at SummerSlam.

– Byron Saxton is in the back and Becky Lynch is yelling at Dominik Mysterio. Becky walks away and Byron asks for comment. Becky says she doesn’t know what happened and why Dom was out there.  She doesn’t know what happened.  Becky says she has a rematch clause and she says she will get that rematch on Monday.

– Tiffany Stratton and Carmelo Hayes are in the crowd for the next match.

King of the Ring Tournament- Finals
GUNTHER vs. Randy Orton

They circle each other before locking up.  Orton backs Gunther into the ropes but Gunther gets the position in the corner and he gives a clean break.  They lock up and the referee separates them on the break.  Gunther with a wrist lock into an arm bar.  Orton with a reversal and arm wringers that send Gunther to the mat.  Gunther forces a break and Gunther with a clean break.  They lock up and Orton with a side head lock.  Orton with a shoulder tackle and side head lock take down.  Orton holds on to the side head lock when Gunther tries to send Orton off the ropes.  Gunther backs Orton into the corner and Gunther with a chop on the break.  Gunther with another chop.  Gunther with a third chop to Orton.  Orton blocks a chop from Gunther and Orton with punches and European uppercuts.  Gunther with a chop.

Orton with a kick and European uppercut. Orton with a punch and he goes to the turnbuckles for more punches. Orton’s knee gives out for a moment and Orton tries for an RKO but misses. Gunther with a boot to the lower back. Gunther with a forearm to the back against the ropes. Gunther sends Orton into the ropes and hits a forearm to the lower back. Orton falls to his knees and the referee checks on Orton. Gunther with a waist lock and Orton with punches. Gunther with a kick and chop. Gunther kicks Orton in the back. Gunther with forearms to the back. Gunther with an abdominal stretch into a double wrist lock. Gunther wtih an arm bar. Gunther with a back breaker for a near fall.

Gunther with a slam.  Gunther goes for a suplex but Orton blocks it and Orton tries to suplex Gunther but Gunther blocks it.  They get close to the suplex as they go back and forth until Orton hits a suplex.  Gunther with a chop and Orton with two clotheslines.  Orton avoids a clothesline and Randy tries for the power slam but Gunther holds on to the ropes.  Gunther with a clothesline for a near fall.  Orton backs Gunther into the corner and Randy with a power slam.  Gunther rolls to the apron.  Randy sets for the hanging DDT and hits it.  Orton looks around and he twists to the mat and he sets for the RKO.  Orton goes for the RKO but Gunther pushes him away.  Gunther with a slam and Gunther goes up top for a frog splash and hits it for a near fall.   Gunther goes up top again and Orton moves but Gunther rolls out of the way.

Orton with an RKO and he cannot make the cover immediately and that allows Gunther to roll to the apron.  They go to the floor and Orton picks up Gunther for a back drop driver onto the announce table. Orton with another back drop driver onto the announce table.  Orton returns to the ring and breaks the count.  Gunther sends Orton into the apron and Gunther chops Orton.  Gunther sets for a power bomb on the floor but Orton counters into a back drop.  Orton with another back drop driver onto the announce table.  Orton sends Gunther back into the ring but Orton takes his time to get back into the ring.  Gunther drop kicks Orton in the leg on the apron.  Gunther kicks Orton in the back of the leg.  Gunther with more kicks to the back of the leg.

Gunther with a single leg crab.  Orton escapes but Gunther goes for the single leg crab again.  Orton kicks Gunther away.  Gunther with the single leg crab.  Orton kicks Gunther away.  Orton with an RKO and he gets a near fall and Gunther hits the knee on the kick out.  Gunther with a crucifix for the three count.

Winner and King of the Ring:  Gunther

Gunther is presented with his crown by Triple H.

Byron is in the ring with Gunther and he asks how does it feel to be king. Gunther says what he does, you do not deserve.  He says it feels better to beat Randy Orton in the finals.  What happened today was the apex predator becoming the prey for the Ring General.  He became the King of the Ring and at SummerSlam, he will become the World Champion.

– WWE will return to Saudi Arabia on November 2nd in Riyadh for Crown Jewel.

– Paul Levesque is with Kayla Braxton in the back and Paul announces that Drew McIntyre is cleared to wrestle so he will face Damian Priest at Clash at the Castle.

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul

They lock up and Cody with a clean break. Cody goes for the leg and Cody with a waist lock. Logan with a standing switch and Cody with one of his own. Cody with another clean break. They lock up and Cody with a wrist lock. Cody with an uppercut to the arm. Logan with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Cody with an ankle pick and Logan gets to the ropes. Cody with a side head lock and they fight over a top wrist lock. Cody with a side head lock. Cody with a kick and Logan blocks the drop down uppercut and Logan slams Cody’s hand into the mat. The headband comes off and they push each other. Cody with a forearm and Logan with a European uppercut and they continue the exchange. Cody with a delayed slingshot gourdbuster for a near fall. Cody with a side head lock.

Cody misses a cross body when Logan ducks.  Cody falls to the floor.  Logan with a pescado onto Cody.  Logan sends Cody shoulder first into the ring steps.  Logan with punches to the body.  Logan with a fallaway face plant from a power bomb set up.  Logan with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall.  Logan with punches to the ribs.  Logan walks over Cody and hits a moonsault for a near fall.  Logan goes up top and Cody with a punch.  Logan pushes Cody off the turnbuckles and Cody leaps up and hits a springboard arm drag.  Cody with jabs and Logan with a knee to the midsection and a knee lift.  Logan with an octopus.

Cody with elbows to the leg and Logan tries for a sunset flip but Cody kicks Logan.  Logan is sent to the apron by Cody and Cody with Beautiful Disaster to send Logan to the floor.  Cody goes for a suicide dive but Logan moves and Cody stays in the ring   Cody sends Logan into the ringside barrier and then into the barrier again.  Logan iwth a punch and he is given a drink from one of his lackeys.  Cody with a kick and he hits Logan with the drink bottle.  One of the lackeys show how stupid they are by pushing Cody.  Cody pulls him over the ringside barrier.  While the referee is distracted.  Logan gets brass knuckles from other lackey.  Cody comes off the steps and Logan punches Cody in the ribs with the brass knuckles.

Logan argues with Cole and Corey has to hold Logan back from Cole.  Cody with a splash to Logan and he sends Logan into the announce table.  Cody with a running forearm an he floats over Logan and hits a power slam.  Cody misses Beautiful Disaster but he connects with a series of jabs and he hits the Bionic Elbow for a near fall.   Cody sets for a figure four leg lock and he applies it.  Logan is able to get to the ropes to force a break.  Logan misses a Buckshot Lariat and Cody hits a CodyCutter for a near fall.  Cody with punches to the body.  Cody sets for a Vertebreaker but Logan escapes and Logan with CrossRhodes for a near fall.  

Logan puts Cody in position and he goes up top for a frog splash and rolls through when Cody moves.  Cody with a twisting suplex.  Cody sets for CrossRhodes but Logan backs Cody into the corner.  Logan with shoulders.  Logan sends Cody to the floor and then he sends Cody into the announce table.  Cody is sent back into the ring and then he sends Cody into the announce table again.  Logan rearranges the announce table and he puts Cody onto the announce table.  Logan breaks the count and he sets for a Tiger Driver on the table but Cody kicks Logan and hits a CodyCutter off the ringside barrier onto the announce table.

Cody gets back in the ring and Logan is about to be counted out but Cody tells the referee to stop the count.   Cody rearranges the Arabic Announce Table and breaks the count.  Logan sends Cody into the ring post and Logan with a punch that knocks out Cody.  Logan puts Cody on the announce table and Logan goes up top for a frog splash through the table and hits it.  Logan picks up a lifeless Cody and rolls him back into the ring.  Logan with a frog splash but Cody kicks out.  Logan tells Cody he hates him and he punches Cody in the ribs.  Logan with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot from Cody.  Logan with an Irish whip and he hits the referee.  Logan with a splash into the referee.

Cody hits the Vertebreaker and Cody makes the cover but the referee is out.  Logan hits Cody in the groin and then he pulls out the brass knuckles.  Logan winds up and Ibrahim grabs Logan and Logan kicks him away.  Cody blocks the punch and Cody with CrossRhodes and he holds on and rolls through for a second one.  Cody holds on for a third one and he hits it for the three count.

Winner:  Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes celebrates as we go to credits after less than 3 hours.

–– Here is what’s in store for the Premium Live Event ––

  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill (c) vs. Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell.
  • WWE Women’s World Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable (w/ Otis).
  • 2024 King of the Ring Tournament- Finals: GUNTHER vs. Randy Orton.
  • 2024 Queen of the Ring Tournament – Finals: Lyra Valkyria vs. Nia Jax.
  • Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul.

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter and Google News for more.

2024 WWE King & Queen of the Ring Results

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