Sammy Guevara Turns on Jericho, Joins The Don Callis Family – In the match at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam, Chris Jericho emerged as the winner against Sammy Guevara. The contest featured an intense battle, with Jericho countering Guevara’s shooting star press attempt into a codebreaker. This move allowed Jericho to secure the pinfall victory.
However, despite the victory, the post-match situation took an unexpected turn. After initially showing sportsmanship by shaking hands and hugging, Guevara delivered a low blow to Jericho. This action prompted the arrival of Don Callis, who stood by Guevara’s side as the show went to a commercial break.
In a backstage segment following the match, Callis hinted at a new partnership with Guevara and teased that more news would be revealed on the upcoming September 22 episode of AEW Rampage.
This development marks a significant shift in the relationship between Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho, who have been aligned with each other since the early days of All Elite Wrestling, with Guevara being a member of both Jericho’s factions, the Inner Circle and the Jericho Appreciation Society.