2023 WWE SummerSlam Results – Detroit, MI

2023 WWE SummerSlam Results

2023 WWE SummerSlam Results – The Kid Rock hosted and narrated cold open video package. We shoot live inside Ford Field in Detroit, MI. as fireworks and pyro explodes as the WWE SummerSlam 2023 premium live event is now officially off-and-running.

Michael Cole welcomes us to the 36th annual SummerSlam special event while over 55,000 members of the WWE Universe roar in the background. The camera pans the massive crowd and then settles down at the ring where Logan Paul’s theme hits.

Logan Paul vs. Ricochet

Logan Paul makes his way out to a mostly negative reaction. He’s wearing his black-and-yellow ring gear again and holding a bottle of his Prime drink. He settles in the ring and his music dies down.

Now the theme for Ricochet hits and out he comes to one of the bigger pops for a ring entrance in his career. Corey Graves points out Samantha Irvin, Ricochet’s better-half, is actually wearing the same colors as Logan Paul. Cole scolds him for bringing that up.

Both guys are in the ring and it’s time to start what is being touted as something that will be the most viral match in WWE history.

Ricochet has some words for Logan and Logan has something to say to Ricochet.  Logan wipes Ricochet’s head and Ricochet slaps Logan.  Logan misses a clothesline and Ricochet with a handstand head scissors and a drop kick.  Ricochet teases a dive but Logan ducks and Ricochet does a Superhero landing.  Ricochet with a waist lock into a side head lock.  Logan goes for a sunset flip but Ricochet rolls through.  Ricochet misses a kick and Logan with a back elbow.  Logan avoids Ricochet and Logan with a front face lock.  Logan with a hip lock take down into a reverse chin lock.  Logan holds on to the ropes to avoid a spin kick from Ricochet.  Ricochet with a shoulder from the apron but Logan stops Ricochet from getting back into the ring and Logan chokes Ricochet in the ropes.  They both go to the apron and Logan with forearms to the back.  Logan with a neck breaker onto the apron.

Logan tells Samantha he is going to hurt her man real bad.  They get back into the ring and Logan with a punch to the midsection.  Logan with more punches to Ricochet and the referee warns Logan.  Logan with more punches and he puts Ricochet on the turnbuckles.

The fans chant “You suck!” at Logan and then he mocks Braun Strowman by hitting a running power slam. Michael Cole had to point that out, noting the former tag-team relationship between Ricochet and Strowman as the reason for this. Logan taunts the crowd with the Hulk Hogan ear-cup routine as he has Ricochet down and out in the ring.

Now he hits a big boot and his “Hogan Paul” leg-drop after the Hogan ear-cup routine. Nice. Ricochet hits a spinebuster and a “People’s Moonsault” in honor of The Rock for a close near fall. Logan fires back with an enormous back body drop that sees Ricochet fly high in the air before taking a nasty landing.

We see the two on the hard part of the ring apron outside of the ring ropes. Logan goes for a spanish fly but they both land on their feet. They brawl wildly on the floor with punching exchanges. Ricochet decks Logan but then Logan yanks Ricochet out of the ring. He goes for a flipping clothesline on Ricochet but stumbles a bit. After connecting he takes a bottle of Prime from a young fan and takes a drink.

Back in the ring, Logan heads to the top-rope with a big smile on his face. He connects with a high cross body and then hits a standing moonsault for a close near fall. Ricochet fights back and hits an absolutely insane hurricane neck-breaker off the top-rope. Ricochet hits a nice springboard clothesline.

Logan goes for a single leap off the ropes into a moonsault, but Ricochet catches him. Logan twirls around Ricochet’s body and turns it into a tornado DDT. That was nuts. Ricochet goes for a shooting star press moments later, but lands injured ribs-first on the raised knees of Logan. Logan fights back and hits a power bomb face-buster and then kips up as the fans loudly boo.

Now we see Logan hit an incredible springboard frog splash that saw him leap nearly all the way across the ring. He goes for the cover but only gets two. Ricochet goes for the 630 splash but Logan moves. A Logan Paul friend gives Ricochet brass knuckles behind the referee’s back. He knocks out Ricochet with them and steals the win. Incredible opener. Flat finish. Logan taunts Samantha Irvin afterwards.

Winner: Logan Paul

After the match, Paul stands tall as the music hits. Paul taunts Samantha again from the apron. Paul talks some trash and poses, then makes his exit.

– We see Ridge Holland and Butch in the parking lot watching as Sheamus arrives to Ford Field in a giant WWE monster truck.

– We see the events that led to tonight’s highly-anticipated trilogy bout between Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes.

Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes III

The theme for Brock Lesnar hits and out comes “The Beast Incarnate.” He settles in the ring and his music dies down. Cody Rhodes’ theme hits and out comes “The American Nightmare.” He settles in the ring as we see his mother, Michelle, in the crowd once again tonight.

Cody Rhodes runs across the ring and attacks Brock Lesnar from behind before the bell. The bell sounds and Lesnar immediately starts fighting back. He hits his first of what will likely be 100 suplexes tonight. Cody fights back quickly and connects with a Disaster Kick out of nowhere. He hits a second one but when he goes for it a third time, Lesnar swats him down like King Kong hitting a helicopter on the Empire State building.

We see Lesnar charge at Cody but Cody moves and Lesnar smashes into the steel ring post. Cody follows up with a suicide dive to splash onto “The Beast Incarnate” at ringside. Lesnar immediately takes over seconds later, quickly recovering and smashing Cody into the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Lesnar kicks out the leg of Cody. He scoops Cody up and launches him half-way across the ring like a rag doll. Brock muscles up Cody and starts suplexing the hell out of him as a “Suplex City” chant breaks out. We see Cody’s mom watching on in horror as Brock continues to manhandle her son.

Lesnar continues to pummel Cody. He knocks him out to the floor and the ref nearly counts him out. Cody heads to the ring apron and Brock knocks him back down. He shouts at him to stay down and save himself. Cody rolls into the ring just in time and clutches his ribs in pain. Brock tells Cody that this is only gonna get worse if he keeps getting up. He does. And it does.

Once again we see Brock knock Cody out to the floor and tell him to stay down and save himself. Cody stumbles up and back into the ring and Lesnar does the same thing again. Cody barely makes it into the ring but does. Brock takes Cody out of the ring and looks pissed. He hoists him up and hits him with an F-5 on the floor. Lesnar yells at Michael Cole to tell Cody to stay down.

Rhodes barely makes it into the ring in time this time, as the ref’s count reaches nine and a half. Cody, glassy eyed, struggles like crazy using the ropes to get back to his feet. He screams at Brock to fight and then starts punching away at him. Brock easily Donkey Kongs him again and now he’s pissed. He heads out to the floor and F-5s Cody through the commentary table. Michael Cole yells “Damnit Cody, just stay down!” The fans chant “Holy sh*t!”

Again we see Cody just barely make it into the ring. This time he can’t even get up. Lesnar has a look of disbelief in his eyes. We see welts and bruises all over Cody’s body as Lesnar picks him up and hurls him half way across the ring. He picks him up again and Cody takes the turnbuckle padding off on the way up and over for another suplex. Cody goes to pick the steps up but Brock stops him. Cody rams Brock into the post twice and then hits him with the steps.

In the ring, we see Cody hit a disaster kick and a Cody cutter. He leaps all the way to the top-rope for a super-Cody cutter for a super close near fall. Cody shouts at Brock to get up now, and he does, quickly snatching a Kimura on Cody’s arm. Cody screams in pain but fights it. Cody struggles like crazy but eventually makes it to the ropes to break the hold.

Cody gets lifted up for another F-5 but Cody escapes out the back door and rams Lesnar into the exposed steel on the turnbuckle that had the padding removed earlier in the bout. Now Cody slaps a Kimura on Brock out of nowhere and he cranks away on it as Brock screams in pain. Brock eventually escapes by slamming Cody to the mat.

Brock goes for the F-5 but Cody counters out of nowhere with three back-to-back-to-back Cross-Rhodes’ for the win. Amazing match.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

After the match, Brock and Cody stand across from each other and Brock and Cody goe face to face.  Brock offers his hand and Cody shakes it.  Brock hugs Cody and raises his hand.

Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal

After a commercial break and a pointless, lengthy Becky Lynch video package, we shoot back inside Ford Field where the ring is already filled up, except for The Miz and LA Knight, who get special ring entrances, as it’s time for the Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal.

Also getting their ring entrance shown on the broadcast is AJ Styles, who comes out last. He makes his way to the ring to a nice pop. As he finishes his walk to the ring, Michael Cole introduces us to a history and legacy or battle royals in WWE history.

The bell sounds and everyone starts fighting. We hear MVP and then see him appear at the top of the entrance way. He says this match can’t start until the man who is going to win it — is in it. He then introduces the 7’3” Omos. “The Nigerian Nightmare” joins the gang in the ring and the fight is on.

Apollo Crews is the first person thrown over the top and eliminated. Omos launches JD McDonagh out next with a massive military press over the top. He throws out Rick Boogs next. Everybody gangs up on Omos to try and get rid of him. Omos fights his way free.

We see several more eliminations in rapid-fire fashion as the ring starts to thin out a bit. Eventually Omos gets thrown out for a big pop. Miz and Grayson Waller start to team up until LA Knight throws Miz out for an enormous pop from the crowd. Grayson Waller is thrown out by Sheamus.

Bronson Reed, AJ Styles, LA Knight and Sheamus are the final four men remaining after the big man Bronson Reed gets a few eliminations. LA Knight ends up eliminating Reed by himself for a huge pop. Styles and Sheamus mix it up as Knight recovers and fans chant his name.

Karrion Kross comes back and this leads to AJ Styles being eliminated. Knight hits his version of “The People’s Elbow” on Sheamus and then prepares to eliminate him but he runs into a big knee from “The Celtic Warrior.” Knight runs and leaps to the top rope in the same spot he badly botched twice on SmackDown. He hits it this time and then clotheslines Sheamus over the top for the win.

Winner: LA Knight

– Time for a video package telling the story of Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler.

MMA Rules Match
Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler

MA icon and UFC Hall of Fame legend “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey makes her long walk down to the ring wearing her Judo gi.

Now the entrance tune for “The Queen of Spades” Shayna Baszler hits and out she comes in her usual ring gear. She settles in the ring and our MMA Rules bout is officially off-and-running.

The ref brings the two face-to-face like in an MMA bout.

They’re each wearing MMA gloves. The ref reminds them the rules: there is no pin falls and you can only win by knockout or submission. Rousey looks to touch gloves but Baszler wants nothing to do with it. The bell rings again and now the fight is on this time. Baszler clinches with Rousey against the ropes.

After some pushing and pulling we see Rousey hit a Judo throw. Back up to the feet, we see Baszler take Rousey down. The crowd is dead for this so far. We hear some “Boring!” chants in the crowd as they continue to have what is essentially a boring version of an MMA fight. One usually referred to as “lay and pray” in the sport for how boring and uneventful it is.

On the feet, it’s Ken Shamrock vs. Dan Severn II. Yeah, that bad. Baszler hits a head kick that knocks Rousey down. She rolls out to the floor. Back in the ring, Baszler works the leg of Rousey on the mat as louder “Boring!” chants spread throughout the building.

Rousey hits a flying knee that seemed to connect for real. We’re seeing slow-motion replays of the knee from Rousey and head kick from Baszler. That seems to be the idea, to potato each other and show the replays to emphasize the connections being real. Rousey works on Baszler’s arm on the mat but Baszler stands up with Rousey pretzeled on her. They both roll over the top and out to the floor.

They come back into the ring but trainers and medics stop and check on Baszler’s arm. Rousey throws them around and then stalks Baszler. Shayna says bring it and the two start trading shots. Baszler ducks under and suplexes Rousey. She looks for the rear naked choke. Rousey gets it to the ropes but it doesn’t force the break. Rousey counters with an armbar.

Baszler counters with an ankle lock. Rousey counters with a rear naked choke of her own. Baszler gets her in a rear naked choke again. Rousey fights the hand of Baszler but ends up passing out. Baszler wins via technical submission.

Winner via Technical Submission: Shayna Baszler

After the match, the music hits as Baszler poses in the corner. We go to replays. Cole shows fans at the SummerSlam Watch Party in Cologne, Germany now. Rousey looks on as Baszler continues celebrating.

– Attendance is announced as 59,194.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
GUNTHER (C) vs. Drew McIntyre

The theme for Drew McIntyre hits and out comes “The Scottish Warrior” with his massive sword. The challenger settles into the ring to a huge pop and looks ready to give “The Ring General” all he can handle.

His music dies down and now the familiar sounds of Imperium’s entrance theme hits. Out comes the reigning and defending WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER. He makes his way to the ring accompanied by Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci.

Gunther has some words for Drew before they lock up.  They lock up and Gunther with a side head lock.  Gunther with a shoulder tackle and Drew bounces off the ropes and takes Gunther down with a shoulder tackle.  Gunther with a kick to the midsection and a hip lock take down.  Gunther with a side head lock and Drew with a belly-to-back suplex.  Gunther goes to the floor and Drew sends Gunther into the ringside barrier and the apron.  They go back into the ring and Gunther with a kick and European uppercuts.  Drew with a Glasgow Kiss to Gunther and Gunther goes back to the floor.  Drew with a forearm to the back.  Drew with a head lock and Gunther sends Drew into the ring post.  Gunther with a belly-to-back suplex on the ring steps.  

Drew beats the count back into the ring.  Gunther with kicks to the back and the chest.  Drew and Gunther exchange punches and forearms.  Gunther with a chop and Drew goes to the mat.  Gunther with a butterfly suplex for a near fall.  Gunther with a short arm clothesline.  Gunther with another short arm clothesline but Drew stays on his feet.  Drew with a forearm.  They go back and forth with clotheslines but neither leave their feet.  Gunther takes Drew down with a clothesline and then Gunther hits a German suplex.  Drew gets up and hits a clothesline.  Gunther and Drew continue to exchange chops.  Drew with two overhead belly-to-belly suplexes. 

Gunther with a chop and Drew with a neck breaker.  Drew gets up and he sets for a Claymore but Gunther moves.  Gunther with a drop kick that sends Drew into the corner.  Drew escapes a power bomb and hits one of his own followed by a Future Shock for a near fall.  Drew counts down for the Claymore but Gunther rolls to the floor.  Drew with a flip dive onto Gunther and then they return to the ring.  Drew sets for the Claymore with the countdown but Gunther with a drop kick and power bomb for a near fall.  Gunther with a knee drop and he goes up top.  Gunther with a frog splash for a near fall.  Gunther with slaps to the back of the head and he pie faces Drew.

Drew blocks a chop and Drew chops Gunther.  They go back and forth.  Drew with the advantage but Gunther takes control.  Drew with a Claymore for a near fall.  Drew picks up Gunther and gets him on his shoulders and puts Gunther on the turnbuckles.  Drew with chops.  Drew sets for a power bomb off the turnbuckles but Gunther blocks it.  They exchange chops from the turnbuckles.  Gunther pushes Drew off onto the top rope and Gunther with a splash and chop followed by a power bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Gunther

– We shoot into the video package for our next match of the evening, which features Finn Balor of The Judgment Day challenging Seth “Freakin'” Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Seth “Freakin'” Rollins (C) vs. Finn Balor

Finn attacks Seth from behind before the bell rings.  Seth runs Finn into the corner and the referee holds them back to start the match.

They exchange punches as the match starts.  Seth with a back elbow.  Seth chops Finn a few times as they go around the ring.Seth with Irish whips and forearms into the corner.  Balor with boots to Seth followed by a kick to the arm and a double leg take down and boot to the chest.  Finn punches Seth.  Finn punches Seth in the ribs and wraps the arm in the ropes.  Finn with an arm bar.  Finn with a hammer lock and he works on the shoulder.  Finn turns it into an arm bar.  Seth tries to escape but Finn holds on to the arm bar and he drops a knee on the arm.  Finn with shoulders in the corner and a chop.  Finn with an arm bar.  Finn works on the shoulder and Seth with punches.  Seth with more punches and chops.

Seth with a float over into a side Russian leg sweep.  Balor with a Fujiwara arm bar.  Seth gets to the ropes and forces a break.  Finn with an Irish whip and Seth with a clothesline out of the corner.  Seth with a kick and he grabs Finn by the beard and Seth head butts Finn.  Seth with Kawada kicks and a knee followed by a discus clothesline for a near fall.  Seth sets for a pedigree but Finn counters with a double leg take down.  Rollins with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall.  Balor is sent to the floor and he hits a suicide dive that sends Balor into the announce table and he hits a second one.  Seth with a third one and Balor lands on the announce table.  

Balor is sent back into the ring and Seth goes up top.  Balor with a forearm to Rollins and he drops the arm o the top rope.  Finn sends Seth shoulder first into the ring post.  Finn sets for a power bomb into the ringside barrier and Seth counters with a back drop onto the apron.  Finn hits Seth in the arm and then Finn runs Seth into the ringside barrier with a power bomb.  Finn with sling blade followed by a set up for a running drop kick but Seth with a super kick.  Finn with an elevated elbow drop for a near fall.  Balor with a cross arm breaker.  Seth sets for a one arm power bomb and sends Finn into the turnbuckles.  Seth with another buckle bomb.  Seth goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall.

Rollins with a KO forearm to the back of the head.  Balor with a double stop and a running drop kick that sends Rollins into the turnbuckles.  Finn goes up top for Coup de Grace but Seth stops him and hits a superplex.  Balor with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Rollins with an enzuigiri and Balor with a Pele Kick.  Finn and Seth exchange punches.  Seth with a rolling elbow and he misses a second one.  Finn with a running drop kick into the corner.  Balor goes up top for Coup de Grace but Rollins moves.  Seth with a kick and pedigree for a near fall.  

Damian Priest makes his way to the ring and he has his briefcase with him.

Seth misses the Stomp and Finn with a rollup for a near fall.  Balor goes for a sunset flip but Seth drops down and gets a near fall.  Priest hits Seth with a forearm and Balor with a pedigree for a near fall.  Priest signals for something and Rhea and Dom make their way to the ring.

Priest tells Balor to use the briefcase and Finn says no.  Rhea and Dom distract the referee and Seth knocks Priest off the apron and hits the Stomp but Balor kicks out.  Seth goes up top and hits a cross body on Priest on the floor.  He kicks Dom and hits the Stomp.  Balor with sling blade to Seth followed by a drop kick and he hits Coup de Grace but he can only get a two count.  Finn tells Priest to help him out and Priest drops the case in the ring and he distracts the referee.  Rollins with a Stomp onto the briefcase for the three count.

Winner:  Seth Rollins

After the match, Balor stares at Priest with hate in his eyes.

WWE Women’s Championship
Asuka (C) vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Bianca Belair

Charlotte misses a boot on Asuka and Asuka misses a kick on Bianca.  Asuka with a victory roll on Bianca for a near fall.  Charlotte misses a boot and gets it caught on the ropes.  Asuka grabs Bianca on a handspring move and sends Biance to the mat.  Asuka is sent to the floor.  Charlotte with a rollup on Bianca for a near fall.  Charlotte with a knee to the midsection.  Bianca with an Irish whip and Charlotte does the Flair flip but Asuka pulls Charlotte off the apron.  Bianca with a pescado onto the other two women.  Bianca sends Asuka back into the ring and she kicks Charlotte away.  The delay allows Asuka to hit a running boot to the head.   Asuka kicks Bianca in the head.

Asuka has her foot on Bianca’s head.  Asuka with a punch and Bianca with a back elbow to Asuka.  Asuka with a pop up knee to Bianca and she gets a near fall.  Charlotte kicks Asuka.  Flair misses a splash into the corner and Asuka with a German suplex.  Asuka with kicks to Bianca and Charlotte.  Flair ducks a kick and gets a near fall on a rollup.  Asuka escapes a suplex attempt and hits a German suplex on Flair.  Asuka with a waist lock on Bianca but Bianca escapes.  Bianca goes for a suplex but Asuka counters with an inside cradle.  Charlotte with a cross body onto Asuka and Bianca.   Flair with chops to both women.  Flair with a fallaway slam to Asuka and then to Bianca.  Charlotte has her wardrobe fixed and hits a splash into the corner.  Flair with a boot to Bianca and then to Asuka.  Charlotte with Natural Selection to both women and she gets a near fall.

Flair with an elbow to Asuka but Asuka with a kick to Flair.  Flair with a kick to Bianca and Asuka with a Codebreaker to Flair and she gets a near fall on Flair.  They throw forearms to each other.  Asuka and Flair go back and forth.  Bianca with a clothesline to Flair and Asuka pulls Belair by the hair and she is sent to the floor.  Flair with forearms to Asuka and Asuka with a kick to the knee.  Bianca with a kick to Flair and she kicks Asuka.  Belair iwth a neck breaker to Flair and a DDT to Asuka.  Bianca with a shoulder in the corner and she goes to the turnbuckles for punches.  Bianca flips over Asuka and hits a back breaker.  Bianca gets Flair down and she goes for the handspring moonsault but Flair and Asuka get their knees up.  Flair with a spear to Bianca and Asuka applies the Asuka lock.  Flair tries to escape and Bianca with a handspring moonsault to force Asuka to release the hold.

Bianca goes to the turnbuckles and Asuka with a shotei and Bianca falls off the turnbuckles and hits the apron.  Asuka is knocked off the turnbuckles by Flair.  Charlotte goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault and she hits it on Bianca but Asuka with a round kick to Flair.  Asuka with a DDT off the turnbuckles but Bianca breaks up the cover.  Flair is sent to the floor and Asuka misses a round kick.  Bianca goes for KOD but Asuka gets to the apron.  Asuka with an Asuka Lock in the ropes but Flair with a boot to Asuka to knock her off the apron.  Flair lands on her feet when Bianca goes for a KOD.  Asuka sends Bianca to the floor and gets a near fall on Flair.  Asuka with a cross arm breaker.  Flair has Asuka on the mat but she does not have both shoulders down.  Flair with a power bomb and Bianca with a Doctor Bomb to Flair.  Asuka applies the Asuka Lock on Bianca.  Flair gets a near fall on Asuka.

Flair is the first to her feet.  Asuka runs into a boot and Charlotte throws Bianca into the turnbuckles.  Flair goes up top for a moonsault and she hits it but they both kick out.  Flair goes for a double figure four but Asuka kicks Flair away.  Bianca is sent over the top rope and she lands on the ring steps and she appears to have injured her knee.  Asuka with a hip and a back slide to Flair for a near fall.  Flair with a boot to Asuka in the corner as Bianca is checked out by the medical staff.  Asuka stops Flair on the turnbuckles.  Asuka sets for a superplex and hits it.  Bianca is being helped to the back.  Flair and Asuka exchange punches and Asuka with a back fist and back heel kick.  Flair with a spear for a near fall.

Charlotte with a bridging figure four and Belair makes her way back to the ring.  She goes up top and hits a 450 splash on Flair for a near fall.  Bianca and Charlotte exchange forearms.  Charlotte misses a few chops and Bianca goes for KOD but Flair escapes.  Flair knocks Asuka off the apron and Flair with a rollup and the figure four and she flips off Bianca and bridges.  Asuka spits mist in Flair’s face.  Bianca with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner and NEW WWE Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair

After the match, Iyo Sky and Bayley go to the ring and Bayley stops Asuka and Flari.  Iyo hits Bianca in the leg and head with the case.  

WWE Women’s Championship
Bianca Belair (C) vs. Iyo Sky

Iyo with a moonsault for the three count.

Winner and NEW WWE Women’s Champion: Iyo Sky

After the match, Dakota Kai joins Bayley and Iyo for the celebration.

Tribal Combat For WWE Universal Championship
Roman Reigns (C) vs. Jey Uso

Jey Uso emerges and makes his way to the ring to a huge pop from the Detroit crowd of over 59,000 fans. He comes out with his own lay around his neck. The crowd is totally with Jey as he has them do the arm-wave thing he does on the ropes. The entire crowd is doing it with him and singing along with his entrance tune. He paces the ring clearly amped up and ready for war.

Now his music dies down and the iconic beat for Roman Reigns’ theme hits. Out comes “The Tribal Chief” with a red lay around his neck to the white one around Jey’s. He has “The Wise Man” by his side and he heads to the ring ready for Tribal Combat.

Roman Reigns grabs the mic and says, “SummerSlam … ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Then, Roman and Jey stand face to face and Roman holds the lei and tells Jey if he beats him, he will give it to Jey.

They lock up and Roman backs Jey into the corner and gives a clean break but he pushes Jey.  Jey pushes back.  They lock up and Roman with a side head lock.  Roman with a shoulder tackle.  They lock up and Jey with a side head lock.  Roman with a back elbow.  Roman punches Jey and kicks him in the corner.  Roman with a knee to the head.  Roman goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Jey lands on his feet and he punches Roman.  Jey avoids a back body drop and he kicks Roman and follows with a punch and clothesline that sends Roman over the top rope to the floor.  Jey with a suicide dive that sends Roman into the corner of the ringside barrier.

Jey Irish whips Roman into the ring steps.  Jey turns his attention to Paul Heyman and then he goes under the ring for stuff.  Jey gets a table and he sets it up.  Roman with a forearm and he sends Jey into the ring steps.  Roman sends Jey into the ring.  Jey is sent into the turnbuckles.  Roman with punches.  Roman with an Irish whip and Jey with a kick.  Jey leaps over Roman but Roman sends Jey into the turnbuckles.  Roman goes to the floor and he sets for a Drive By and hits it.  Jey blocks a punch and connects with a few blocks.  Roman blocks a kick and Jey with a dragon whip.  Jey goe sfor a suicide dive but Roman hits Jey with a kendo stick.  Roman hits Jey with the kendo stick many times.

Roman tells Jey he doesn’t have a chance but he wants him to get up.  Roman pulls Jey up using the kendo stick.  Jey punches Roman in the jaw a few times.  Jey with another punch.  Roman with clotheslines in the corner.  Roman sets up for the Superman punch, but Jey hits Roman in the midsection with the kendo stick.  Jey hits Roman with the kendo stick.  Jey clotheslines Roman over the top rope using the kendo stick.  Jey with a flip dive onto Roman.

Jey goes up top and Roman with a Superman punch to stop what Jey was trying to do.  Roman gets a near fall.   Roman sets for the spear.  Jey leaps over Roman and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Jey with a super kick and he goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall.  Jey gets a chair and Paul tries to get Jey to stop but Jey hits Roman with the chair.  Jey throws chairs into the ring.  Jey puts Roman on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex.  Roman blocks it and sends Jey to the mat.  Jey with a kick and he goes back up top.  Roman goes under and power bombs Jey onto the chairs.  Roman gets a near fall.  

Roman gets another table and brings it into the ring.  Roman puts the table in the corner and Jey tries for a spear through it but Roman catches JEy and Roman puts Jey on the apron.  Jey drops Roman on the top rope.  Roman with a punch and Jey hangs on to the ropes to avoid falling onto the table.  Roman with more punches.  Jey with a shoulder and he goes for a slingshot move and Roman with an uppercut.  Roman sets for a spear through the ropes but Jey with a kick to stop Roman.  Jey gets Roman on his shoulders but Roman with elbows.  Jey gets Roman up and hits a Samoan drop through the table.

Roman goes into the crowd after the second shot with the strap.  Jey punches Roman.  Jey gets Roman up and they are next to a table.  Solo Sikoa punches Jey.  Solo with a uranage through the table.  Solo starts to drag Jey to the ring.  Solo drops Jey over the ringside barrier.  Solo rolls Jey into the ring for Roman and Roman tells Solo what to do.  Solo with a uranage in the ring.  Solo picks up Jey and sets for the Samoan Spike while Roman goes for the spear but Jey pulls Solo in front of Roman for Roman to spear Solo.  Jey with a spear to Roman for a near fall.  Jey gets chairs.  Jey hits Solo and then Roman with the chair.  Jey drives the chair into Roman’s ribs and he hits Roman again with it.

Roman goes to the floor and Jey follows with a chair.  Solo with a super kick to stop Jey from hitting Roman.  Solo looks at Roman and Roman looks at Solo.  Roman points at Jey and Solo says something to Roman while Jey spears Roman through the ringside barrier.  Solo looks at Roman and Jey and Solo with a forearm to Jey and he pulls the hood and other stuff off the announce table.  Solo sets for a uranage through the table but Jey escapes and super kicks Solo onto the table.  Jey goes to the ringside barrier and hits a splash through the table.  

Jey sends Roman back into the ring and Jey with a spear.  Jey goes up top and hits a frog splash but a hooded man pulls him out of the ring. We see that it is Jimmy Uso.  Jimmy looks at Jey and then hits a super kick.  Jimmy sends Jey back into the ring.  Roman gets up and spears Jey through the table for the three count.

Winner:  Roman Reigns

Reigns leaves with “The Wise Man” after the match. Jey is in the ring looking upset as he recovers. That’s how the show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!

–– WWE has announced the following card for tonight ––

Full Match Order For WWE SummerSlamWWE SummerSlam Main Event And Producers Revealed

Tribal Combat for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title and Tribal Chief Status
Jey Uso vs. Roman Reigns (c)

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins (c)

Triple Threat for the WWE Women’s Title
Charlotte Flair vs. Bianca Belair vs. Asuka (c)

WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Drew McIntyre vs. GUNTHER (c)

25-Man SummerSlam Battle Royal
WWE United States Champion Austin Theory, AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, LA Knight, Sheamus, Butch, Ridge Holland, Matt Riddle, Chad Gable, Otis, Santos Escobar, Shinsuke Nakamura, The Miz, Grayson Waller, Karrion Kross, Tommaso Ciampa, more TBA

MMA Rules Match
Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler

Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes

Logan Paul vs. Ricochet

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter and Google News for more.

2023 WWE SummerSlam Results

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