Impact Wrestling “Emergence” Results – D’Lo Brown and Matt Striker welcome fans to Emergence! We kick things off with the GCW World Champion Matt Cardona in action!
Matt Cardona (w/Chelsea Green) vs. Rohit Raju (w/Shera)
Matt Cardona charges over, looking to lock up. Rohit Raju ducks under and slides out of the ring. Back in the ring, Raju goes behind and applies a side headlock. Cardona steps through with a shoulder tackle. Raju lands a nice leapfrog as Cardona runs the ropes, but another shoulder tackle sends Raju retreating out of the ring. The fans are behind Cardona with “Always Ready” chants. Raju returns to the ring.
Cardona catches Raju’s leg and hits a clothesline. Cardona drags Raju over to two corners and smashes his head into the top turnbuckles. Cardona sends Raju over the top rope with a nice clothesline. On the outside, Shera and Cardona have a staredown. Cardona picked up a victory over Shera last night. Shera is still salty over that. Back to the action, Raju pulls the ring skirt out seconds before Cardona flies over the ropes with a plancha. Raju drags Cardona back into the ring and looks for the first pin in the match. Cardona kicks out.
Back on the outside, Shera connects a cheap shot on Cardona while the referee’s back is turned. Raju applauds his ally’s effort. Chelsea Green fires Cardona open. He runs back into the ring and lands a nice forearm, but Raju catches him with a high knee to the side of his skull. Another cover, another kick out from Cardona. Raju extends Cardona’s arm into an armbar. Cardona looks for a suplex. Raju counters. Cardona counters Raju’s counter and turns it into a neckbreaker. Cardona gains a head of steam with a single baseball slide kick. Cardona hits another neckbreaker. Raju connects more combination offense for another near-fall count. Raju eats a big boot in the corner. Cardona looks for a double-leg hook. Raju kicks out.
Raju catches Cardona with a crossface. Raju turns it into a textbook slam for another near-fall. Cardona lands a second rope dropkick. Cardona was seconds away from winning it all, but Raju breaks his hopes up – for now. Shera climbs up on the apron to distract Cardona. Raju plants a reverse STO, and stacks Cardona up. Raju has his feet up on the ropes. The referee sees this and breaks the count. Cardona capitalizes with Radio Silence for the pinfall victory!
Winner: Matt Cardona
Post-Match: Shera goes wild on Matt Cardona. Chelsea Green climbs into the ring and breaks it up.
D’Lo Brown and Matt Striker run through the other matches set for tonight’s show! We head back to the ring for more hard hitting action.
Tasha Steelz, Savannah Evans, Fallah Bahh & No Way vs. Decay
Rosemary and Tasha Steelz square off first. The fans are all pulling for Rosemary with unison chants. Fallah Bahh is having a hard time trying to get fans behind him and his steam. Steelz tells Bahh to stop it. Some stalling occurs as both women prefer to talk a little smack instead of brawl it out. Steelz makes a tag to Savannah Evans. Evans charges in on Rosemary. Rosemary tosses Evans into the corner and lays some shots in before bringing Crazzy Steve in.
Crazzy Steve bits Evans’ face! Evans makes a hot tag to No Way. No Way continues wearing Steve down and makes a tag to Fallah Bahh. Black Taurus is in for Steve. Taurus executes a perfect slingblade and tosses Bahh over to his corner. Havok and Rosemary smother Bahh with bites. Decay piles on and helps keep Bahh down as Steve comes back in and connects a dropkick. Tags are made to both Evans and Rosemary again. Evans drops Rosemary with a butterfly suplex, then hooks the leg on Rosemary for a two count.
Steelz is tagged in by Evans. Steelz rolls Rosemary through with a snapmare and tags Evans back in. Evans catches The Demon Assisan with a scoop and slam. Evans drags Rosemary by her ankle to make a tag to Steelz. Rosemary crawls quickly to her side to tag in her Knockouts partner Havok. Havok drives Evans into the mat with her Sky High. Evans and Havok trade heavy shots. Evans keeps Havok focused while Steelz climbs on her back. Havok shoos her off and brings Crazzy Steve back in. No Way comes in and hits a powerslam on Steve, but it isn’t enough to gain the win.
Black Taurus comes in for Steve and leaps off the middle rope with a beautiful flipping corkscrew. Rosemary comes in to help Taurus land a double spear on Bahh. That will be enough for them to gain the pinfall victory!
Winners: Decay
– Violent By Design will continue to fight to reclaim their tag team gold.
Newcomer Steve Maclin will receive an opportunity to get his hand on Impact veteran Petey Williams next!
Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams
Steve Maclin refuses to let Petey Williams make his entrance to the ring. Maclin throws down with the veteran. Williams finds his footing with a well-placed tornado DDT. Williams is ready to go and end this early with a Canadian Destroyer. Maclin breaks it up. Maclin flies out of the ring and puts his hands on Maclin with a flurry of punches. Williams was on a roll before Maclin puts the breaks on by dismissing Williams’ rana with a vertical suplex. Maclin continues the onslaught with a Cactus Jack-inspired elbow drop. Maclin floats over for the first pin in the match. Williams kicks out.
Maclin hits a modified backbreaker after choking the life out of Maclin over on the ropes. Maclin sends Williams inside out with a clothesline before raining vicious punches down on the legend. Williams fights out of the corner, but Maclin tries to trap him in another corner. Maclin eats a boot following his charge in the corner. Williams goes round and round with a tilt-a-whirl but planting a knee. Maclin cancels another Canadian Destroyer and turns it into a double underhook/backbreaker combination. Williams is on the apron and goes up and over, wiping Maclin out for a mere second. Williams gets caught in the crosshairs after getting trapped in the tree of woe position. Maclin slams into Williams with a low spear, but it still isn’t enough to end Williams!
Williams pays homage to Bret Hart with a sharpshooter. Maclin bites him to break it up. The referee doesn’t see Maclin land a low blow on Williams. This benefits Maclin as he hoists Williams up and drops him on the mat with an inverted facelock sitdown slam. Cover. 1-2-3, Maclin maintains his undefeated streak.
Winner: Steve Maclin
Backstage: Despite having the odds stacked against her, Taylor Wilde is ready to conquer her former – and now current foe – Madison Rayne.
Taylor Wilde vs. Madison Rayne (w/Tenille Dashwood & Kaleb)
Taylor Wilde is explosive seconds after the bell rings. Wilde grabs Madison Rayne, and they tangle in a collar and elbow tie-up. They reset. Rayne puts Wilde in a wrist lock. Wilde reverses it. Rayne gets her foot on the bottom rope for a break. Wilde applies a waistlock then turns it another wrist control lock up. Rayne tries to reverse it. Wilde turns it into a series of arm drags. Rayne slips out of the ring to catch her breath. Wilde doesn’t care to wait; she flies out of the ring with a well-planted suicide dive on everyone!
Rayne uses the ropes to her advantage by smacking them on Wilde during her slingshot attempt. Both women trade elbow smashes. Wilde whips Rayne towards the ropes and connects a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for only a near-fall count! Rayne eats a single knee drop in the corner. Rayne hits a ripcord cutter for only a two count. Wilde drives Rayne into the mat with her Wilde Ride finisher. Is this it? 1-2, Kaleb breaks it up. Tenille Dashwood runs in and lands a cheap shot on Wilde. Rayne then stacks Wilde up and seals the deal with a pinfall win.
Winner: Madison Rayne
Backstage: Doc Gallows is feeling the effects from his match against Joe Doering last night. Karl Anderson tells Gia Miller to leave him alone. Anderson says Gallows is cleared and ready to go defend their Impact World Tag Team Championship against Violent By Design and Rich Swann & Willie Mack later on. Gallows takes over the interview by saying when you’re The Good Brothers, all it takes is the same old recipe -The Magic Killer – for them to retain.
Up next, we’ll find out who will become the next contender to either Christian Cage or Brian Myers Impact World Championship!
No. 1 Contenders Match: Moose vs. Sami Callihan vs. Ace Austin (w/Madman Fulton) vs. Chris Sabin
The fans are all behind Sami Callihan in this bout. Moose takes Chris Sabin and Ace Austin out of the ring. It’s down to Callihan and Moose. Callihan hits a bicycle kick. Moose throws Callihan out. Sabin gets caught with a flying crossbody on Moose. Ace Austin is back and plants a hard knee strike on Callihan. Callihan comes off the ropes and eats a roundhouse kick. Callihan tosses Austin in the corner with a Death Valley Driver! Callihan climbs over the ropes and lands on the apron. He hits another bicycle kick on Austin.
Back in the ring, Sabin is throwing down chops on Moose. Moose catches Sabin and powerbombs him out of the ring and onto everyone else on the outside! Austin takes to the skies on the outside! Moose drops Austin spine-first on the apron. In the ring, Austin drops to his knees following a thunderous chop from Moose in the corner. Moose continues the chops on Sabin and Callihan. Moose dropkicks Callihan out of the ring. Sabin executes a missile dropkick from off the top. He heads right back to the top rope and lands a perfect DDT on Moose. Sabin hooks the leg on Moose. Moose kicks out at two.
Austin comes flying in with a running clothesline on Sabin in the corner. Austin takes his fight to the apron with a nice superkick on Moose. Then, Austin plants a running fold on Callihan, but Callihan pops out of the cover attempt! Callihan ducks Austin’s Fold and turns it into the Cactus Special ’97 (stump piledriver). Callihan covers the former X-Division champ. Austin kicks out. Callihan gives the fans his thumbs up, thumbs down gesture before going for another piledriver, but Sabin and Moose come in to break it up.
Sabin lands a superkick on Moose. Callihan, Sabin and Austin join a temporary alliance and take Moose off his feet with a triple kick. Austin hits an enziguri to the back of Callihan’s head. Callihan and Austin crash in the center of the ring with double pump kicks. Sabin and Callihan trade blows in the center of the ring, and follow it up with nasty chops. Sabin comes off the ropes with a sunset flip. Callihan counters it into a spike piledriver! Moose grabs Austin and drops him with a Uranage. Callihan tries to drag Moose to the outside. Callihan grabs a chair from underneath the ring and hits Moose with it. Moose is seeing stars at this point. He turns around and gets rolled up by Austin. 1-2-3. Ace Austin is now your new No. 1 Contender!
Winner: Ace Austin
Backstage: Brian Myers promises he is going to walk out of the ring with the Impact World Championship. He wants to make a mockery out of Cage tonight in their main event clashing.
Up next, Josh Alexander puts his X-Division Championship on the line!
X-Division Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs. Jake Something
Both men go straight into a collar and elbow tie-up. Josh Alexander drags Jake Something to the corner. They reset. Alexander takes Something down on the mat with a front face lock. Something rises to his feet and plants a back body drop. Something hoists Alexander up. Alexander slips out the back and applies an ankle lock. Something rolls through, sending Alexander towards the corner. Something snaps Alexander in half with a spear! Something looks for a cover. The X-Division Champ kicks out.
Alexander delivers a Northern Lights Suplex, followed by a knife-edge chop. Something gets up and rocks the champ with a major right-hand smash. Something plows Alexander back down on the mat! Their fight spills to the outside. Alexander slides back into the ring. Something gets caught on the apron. Alexander comes off the ropes – looking for a backsplash. Something catches him and plants him with Death Valley Driver! Something clocks Alexander again and sees Alexander already has his hand on the rope to break the count. Something tries to take his hand off, but the referee catches it and concludes the count.
Something delivers a stalled suplex for another near-fall. Alexander comes crashing off the second rope with a flying knee to create some distance. Alexander plants a nice lifted backdrop. Alexander rocks Something with 10 CONSECUTIVE German Suplexes!! Alexander makes the last German Suplex a bridge pin, but Something finds a way to kick out! Alexander misses a C4 attempt. Something finds the drive to connect a backdrop. He also kicks off an ankle lock. Alexander is on the outside. Something flies to the outside! Back in the ring, Something drops Alexander on the mat with a Falcon Arrow, but it still isn’t enough for him to become the new champion.
Alexander brings himself up only to be planted with a belly-to-belly suplex. Something traps Alexander in the corner and lands a spear. Alexander spins out in the center and trips Something to the mat. Alexander floats over and puts in an ankle lock. Something’s strength and frame saved him as he goes for the bottom rope. Alexander sends Something to the floor. Something makes his way back up on the apron. Alexander spikes Something, sending him crashing to the outside mat. The referee makes the count. Something slides back in by the 8th count! Something comes together with a powerbomb! Alexander catches Something with the C-4 Spike. Cover. 1-2-3, Alexander retains his hard-earned gold!
Winner & Still X-Division Champion: Josh Alexander
Post-Match: Both men shake hands and show their code of honor towards each other.
Backstage: The King and Queen of Impact, Matthew Rehwoldt and Deonna Purrazzo are geared up to take out Trey Miguel and Melina. Their tag match is up next!
Matthew Rehwoldt & Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo vs. Trey Miguel & Melina
Deonna Purrazzo and Melina feel each other out with a nice collar and elbow tie-up. Melina backs up into her corner. Trey Miguel makes a tag in. Miguel soars down with a double axe handle on the Knockouts Champion. Purrazzo and Miguel tie up briefly before “Drama King” Matthew Rehwoldt is tagged in. Miguel just spins circles around Rehwoldt – he can’t keep up. Miguel makes a hot tag to Melina. Melina looks for the first cover. Rehwoldt kicks out.
Rehwoldt pushes Melina into his corner. He lands a nasty spear on her, and Purrazzo tags herself in. Purrazzo slams her boot into Melina’s skull. The referee tells Purrazzo to back up. Purrazzo gets into a screaming match with the ref. Rehwoldt applies a cheap shot while the ref isn’t looking. Purrazzo continues wearing Melina down before the champion tags her King back in. Rehwoldt puts Melina a rear chinlock. Melina tries to use all of her weight to push Rehwoldt into the corner. Her efforts were valid, but it dissipates rather quickly. Purrazzo makes her way back in and grabs head control on Melina.
Melina creates some space with a diving seated senton. Melina makes a desperate tag to Trey Miguel. Miguel comes in red hot on Rehwoldt. Miguel misses a Meteora from off the top but grabs a pinfall attempt. Melina is back in. Miguel drops Melina on top of Rehwoldt for another near-fall. Rehwoldt makes a hot tag to Purrazzo. Purrazzo gets slammed with an Extreme Makeover. Miguel isn’t there to grab a tag. Rehwoldt is back in and puts Melina in an inside cradle for the pinfall victory. The King and Queen of Impact remain victorious.
Winners: Matthew Rehwoldt & Deonna Purrazzo
Backstage: Although he sees potential in Brian Myers, the Impact World Champion Christian Cage hates to spoil the fun, but he says Myers has no chance of winning against him in the main event tonight.
And here we go to the co-main event. Who will emerge as the Impact World Tag Team Champions?
Impact World Tag Team Championship: The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. Violent By Desing (Rhino & Joe Doering) vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack
Joe Doering and Doc Gallows pick up where they last left off on last night’s broadcast. Gallows gets the better of that encounter. Willie Mack becomes the legal man and lands a baseball slide on Doering on the outside. Mack is having a hard time trying to hoist Doering up for a suplex. Doering does the job for him. Doering brings Rhino in with the tag.
Rhino misses a Gore in the corner. Mack makes a tag to Rich Swann. Mack and Swann join forces with a leg drop/ splash combination on Rhino. Swann goes for a cover. Rhino kicks out. Gallows makes a blind tag in from Rhino. Gallows throws Swann up in the air with a backdrop. Gallows makes a cover, and Swann kicks out. Gallows makes a hot tag to Karl Anderson. Anderson wears Swann down for Gallows. Gallows makes his way back in and plants a delayed vertical suplex on the former World Champion. That move is still not enough to keep Swann down in this matchup. Doering stalks his way in, following a blind tag on Gallows. Doering loosens Swann up for Rhino, who comes in after.
Rhino traps Swann in the corner and yells back at fans who are booing him in the crowd. Doering comes in for Rhino and lands a few offensive shots in before bringing Rhino back in. Rhino pushes his thumb into Swann’s eye, giving Karl Anderson an open opportunity to come back in and continue taunting the standout. Anderson applies pressure on Swann’s left leg. Swann rises up and hits an enziguri. Swann makes a desperate tag to Willie Mack!
Mack and Doc Gallows are showcased. Mack tosses Gallows out of the ring. Anderson stands in for Gallows. Mack hits a Samoan Drop, followed by a standing moonsault. Rich Swann flies off the apron and onto Joe Doering on the outside. Mack captures a stunner and climbs to the top. Rhino sends Mack crashing to the mat and makes a tag in. Rhino rocks Gallows with a mini Gore in the corner. Anderson creeps up from behind and stacks Rhino up. 1-2-3, The Good Brothers are still the Tag Team Champions.
Winners & Still Impact World Tag Team Champions: The Good Brothers
Post-Match: Eric Young starts unraveling following his team’s losing efforts.
And now, the main event!
Impact World Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs. Brian Myers (w/Sam Beale)
The fans are extremely happy to see Christian Cage back in a TNA/Impact ring. They’re all pulling for him with unison chants. Christian Cage ducks under and applies a waistlock on Brian Myers. Myers turns it into a hammerlock. Cage reverses it into a fireman’s carry. Myers finds the bottom rope for a break. Myers takes three big shoulder tackles and a back elbow from Cage. Myers rolls to the corner to talk to Sam Beale about his new game plan.
Myers traps Cage in the corner and whales down shots. Cage escapes with a pendulum kick. Cage capitalizes a reverse DDT before their spills to the outside. Cage hammers down a flurry of chops. Sam Beale inserts himself into the match. Cage rips up his notes and chases him around the ring. Beale trips into the steel stairs. Myers uses this opportunity to side-swipe Cage. Cage rolls up on the apron. Myers meets Cage with a series of stomps. That isn’t enough to grab a pinfall victory yet. Cage pops free at two.
Myers traps Cage in a facelock. Cage lands several midsection shots to break it up. Myers gets the Laugh Riot (lifting DDT) in on the champ! Cover. No! Cage kicks out. Both fighters are on their knees, exchanging blows. Cage puts Myers in the corner produces 10 punches. Cage hooks the leg for a pin. Myers escapes at two. Cage stands on Myers’ shoulders and uses the ropes to help him chokes Myers out. Myers bounces back with a devastating spear! Will that be enough? No! Cage is still in this. Cage drives Myers in the center of the ring with a tornado DDT! Another cover, another pinfall. A few seconds later, Cage returns the favor with a spear of his own. This allows Cage to hit the Killswitch on Myers. Cover. 1-2-3. Cage will live to fight another day as the Impact World Champion!
Winner & Still Impact World Champion: Christian Cage
We go to credits.
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Impact Wrestling “Emergence” Results