Johnny Gargano spoke with the WWE website after defeating Raul Mendoza on last night’s WWE NXT episode. They teased a match for Gargano at “Takeover: Brooklyn III” later this month. He commented on being back in action for this new singles run:
“I’ll admit, I was very anxious making my return. Nervous energy, perhaps. That’s just how I am, though. I don’t see myself as anything special. I’m just Johnny Gargano. I always have been. No matter what I’m about to do or where I am. I always question whether people are going to know who I am, and I’m always blown away by the love and reaction I receive. Those feelings were probably amplified by a thousand considering I’d been gone for a few months.”
“Being away from the ring was really tough. I’m used to traveling all over, going from town to town every weekend. But for the first time in probably 12 years, I was just sitting at home. It was the longest I’d ever not been in a wrestling ring since I started seriously training some 16 years ago. When my hand was raised, it just reaffirmed my beliefs that I can do this.”
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