Corey Graves on His Expectations For Lesnar vs Goldberg, Talks 205 Live, Keeping Busy As A Commentator

WWE announcer Corey Graves recently spoke with Josh Barnett for USA Today’s For The Win, talking about his growing role as a commentator with WWE, expectations for 205 Live, and more. You can read a few highlights below:

Corey Graves talks about his different commentary gigs keeping him busy:

“If I’m not busy, I go crazy. The more that goes on my plate, the happier I am. I’ve been able to handle it. One of these days, I will burn out, but I’m having so much fun. It’s not work. Those three hours on RAW are the easiest part of the day, to go out and be able to joke and make people laugh. It’s the meetings all day and the travel that are the hard part.”

Graves talks about still wondering what it would be like to still be competing, how it lends to making him a better commentator:

“Absolutely, I’d be lying if I said there weren’t (times). To see the guys I came up with in the ring bothered me a lot worse before, but now, I think the familiarity lends itself to doing my job better.

“I was in the ring in FCW and NXT with guys like Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt and that helps me, but it took a lot of time to get to this point. I don’t think the love for being in the ring will ever go away and be completely gone, but it’s a lot less. I’m enjoying being surrounded by guys I know so well.”

Graves on his expectations for the new Cruiserweight show, 205 Live:

I am very excited for 205 Live because I think this is the platform the cruiserweights need. They are still new and there’s an unfamiliarity with the characters and the talent. The Cruiserweight Classic on the WWE Network was hugely successful for the company. This works as a companion to the cruiserweights on Monday Night RAW and a chance to develop the characters and learn who these guys are and what they are about. …

On RAW, there is not really time to flesh out their characters with six, seven, eight new guys. You can say this guy was on last week and here’s where he is from and beyond that, we’re a bit limited. With 205 Live focusing solely on the cruiserweights and who they are as people, I think this will be awesome for the division and the company as well.

Graves talks about expectations for Goldberg versus Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series:

I would expect not to be disappointed. Goldberg is incredibly determined and one of the most intense people I’ve ever seen. The way he psyches himself up before the cameras are even rolling is amazing. He’s just an absolute animal and in unbelievable shape.

Goldberg wants to go out with a bang. Brock is my favorite Superstar on the roster and I can watch him any day of the week. I think this match will blow people’s expectations out of the water. They are both very competitive and they know the match at Wrestlemania 12 years ago didn’t go as they wanted. This match is going to blow everyone’s mind.

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