A new Jim Ross blog has been posted over at JRsBarBQ.com and below are some highlights:
“The Triple Threat bout for the WWE Title delivered while closing the show which is never easy in today’s marketplace. I thought that the right man won and the finish was well done. Reigns got a viable, antagonist reaction that felt like money to me. Heel money is green too.
Why should I dislike alleged villain Seth Rollins? He rarely cheats, he’s a great athlete that does tons of fan favorite spots and has overcome a potential career threatening injury that was well documented. Getting fans to dislike Rollins is going to be challenging based on the current lay of the land.
The Jericho Highlight Reel was well done and Orton delivered a memorable line regarding not needing to be “enhanced” referring to Brock Lesnar’s drug test failure surrounding UFC 200. Cool line. Most memorable line of the night. Jericho was a perfect foil for Orton Sunday night.”