Jim Ross Talks Extreme Rules, Cody Rhodes’ Release, Adam Rose

Jim Ross posted his latest blog entry on his JRs Bar-B-Q website; you can read some highlights below:

Jim Ross comments on last night’s WWE Extreme Rules PPV:

Enjoyed WWE’s Extreme Rules wrestling show Sunday night as it featured multiple, strong matches. I especially loved the Fatal Four Way Intercontinental Title bout and the WWE Title bout a great deal. They were two of the better WWE matches of the year.

I am still of the mindset that going forward it would be prudent for WWE to simply consider eliminating a full card of ‘extreme matches’ in their PG world. In a reality based presentation, one would assume that having Extreme Rules matches would include some occasional ‘dramatic’ blood usage and it would also necessitate a few, selected participants missing ring time to ‘recover’ from the affects of their stipulation heavy bouts.

Ross criticizes the fans’ chants directed at Roman Reigns:

The live audience chanting “You Can’t Wrestle” at Roman Reigns was an embarrassment.

Fans don’t have to like a talent if that’s their choice but to express such a snarky, “listen to me” chant just doesn’t seem like a good thing. At times, these chants feel that they are from self absorbed, attention starved fans who feel compelled to make sure that everyone within ear shot knows how they feel. I get the theory that if I pay my money I can say whatever it is that I want but is that actually necessary?

Obviously these fans don’t feel so strongly about their opinions that they do not attend said events.

Pro wrestling is a unique animal in as much as many of its die hard fans actually get THAT upset over a show business presentation based on fictional storylines and TV personas.

Ross comments on Cody Rhodes’ WWE release:

Best wishes to Cody Rhodes as he is beginning a new chapter of his professional life after requesting and being granted his release from WWE. It is customary when a talent asks for a release with time remaining on their contract that the release is granted conditionally and the talents generally can’t wrestle for another company that has a television program on national TV until the previously agreed upon terms of the contract have been satisfied. I am unaware of how these matters are handled today. Nonetheless, Cody will be fine going forward as he has too much going for him to fail.

Leaving any company is not the end of times especially for a young talent with significant skills who has more options today than he will have as he likely gets older. A fresh start often times is a positive thing.

Ross weighs in on Adam Rose’s WWE departure:

Adam Rose has requested his WWE release and has been granted such. It wil be interesting to see how the South African native proceeds with his life and what role pro wrestling may or may not have it it. I wish Rose well and encourage him to carefully strategize his next step.

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