Kane On Why Vince McMahon Chose Undertaker to Face Shane

Kane recently appeared on the Gorilla Position to talk about Shane McMahon facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32. During the interview, Kane was asked why Vince McMahon chose Taker to face his son at the big event.

“He has a challenge in front of him, and that’s what it is,” Kane told talkSPORT. “I don’t know if there’s necessarily a nefarious back story or anything like that.”

Kane also said that he expects for Shane-O-Mac to come into the match guns blazing, and that he will eventually tire out.

“With Shane, you just have to weather his exuberance, for lack of a better term,” Kane said. “He’s going to want to just let it all hang out and jump off the top of the stadium if he can.”

“So I think that’s the most important thing – just let him do his deal. And then eventually, of course, what’s going to happen is – much like in a soccer or rugby match – that emotion’s going to wear off and from there the better team, or in this case The Undertaker, does what he does best.”

You can listen to the full episode of the podcast by clicking here.

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