2024 NXT Battleground Results

2024 NXT Battleground Results

2024 NXT Battleground Results – Sexy Redd is introduced and comes out to the ring briefly. We get a vignette hyping NXT coming to the city of sin.

We are live from the UFC Apex in Las Vegas, Nevada, ready to action with our first match of the night!

NXT Women’s North American Title Ladder Match:
Sol Ruca vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Lash Legend vs. Jaida Parker vs. Michin vs. Fallon Henley

Some of the women head to the floor and Kelani and Lash stay in the ring.  Lash blocks a Tiger Feint arm drag.  Lash catches Jordan and Lash with knees and a back breaker.  Michin knocks Jaida off the announce table with a ladder.  Lash kicks Michin to the floor.  Jordan goes to the turnbuckles and hits a missile drop kick on Lash while Sol brings the first ladder into the ring.  Lash grabs Jordan and Sol and sends them into each other.  Lash is clotheslined over the top rope by Jordan and Sol.  They look at the belt and go for the ladder.  They flip each other aside.  Fallon pulls the ladder away and Sol and Jordan with baseball slides into the ladder.  Jordan with a punch to Sol and a twisting pescado onto Jaida.  Sol with a moonsault off the post to Jordan and Fallon kicks Sol.  Michin goes into the ladder that Fallon is holding.  Lash with a bicycle kick to Fallon.

Lash brings a ladder into the ring and she hits Fallon, Jaida, and Michin.  Jordan with a splash to Lash and Lash blocks a head scissors.  Lash is backed into the corner by the ladder and Michin and Jaida trap Lash.  Jaida is sent into the ladder and Sol with a German suplex to Michin.  Fallon chops Jordan on the ladder.  Fallon is the first to set up and climb the ladder and Sol stops her.  Sol sends Fallon to the floor.  Jaida pushes Sol off the ladder and she hits a seated splash onto Jordan on the ladder but Jaida feels the damage from the impact.  Michin with a German suplex to Sol and she climbs the ladder.  Lash pulls Michin off and Lash is almost Irish whipped into the ladder but she stops short.  Lash sends Michin into the ladder.

Lash sets up the ladder and she climbs and has her hand on the belt.  Michin pulls Lash off the ladder and applies a waist lock.  Lash with a sleeper.  Fallon leaps onto Lash and applies a sleeper.  Jordan gets on top and puts Fallon in a sleeper.  Lash backs Fallon and Jordan into the turnbuckles but Fallon holds on.  Sol climbs the ladder while all of the sleepers are applied.  Michin stops Sol while Lash climbs with Jordan.  Jordan is on top kicking everyone away.  Parker and Lash stretch Jordan on top of the ladder and Sol knocks Jaida off.  Jordan is caught by Lash and Jordan with a head scissors to send both of them to the floor.  Michin knocks the ladder over and Jaida and Sol with super kicks to Michin.

Sol drops Jaida on the ladder and Fallon with a bulldog to Sol on the ladder.  Fallon sends Jordan into a ladder and takes care of Lash.  Fallon climbs the ladder again and Jaida chops Fallon.  Another ladder is set up next to the primary ladder and Jordan knocks Sol off the ladder.  Lash pulls Jordan off and connects with a forearm.  Lash sends Fallon into the ladder and she starts to climb.  Sol goes up the ladder and Lash and Sol exchange forearms.  Lash sets for a superplex off the ladder and Sol blocks it.  Sol goes for a sunset flip power bomb and Lash holds on to the ladder and punches Sol.  Everyone else press slams Lash onto a ladder hanging off the announce table.

The climb to the top resumes and Sol and Jordan are pulled off.  Michin with forearms to Jaida and Sol.  Michin with a tornado DDT to Jordan.  Michin climbs the ladder and then she is pushed off by everyone but Lash.  Sol with forearms and then she exchange kicks with Jaida.  Jaida with a gourdbuster.  Jaida sets up the ladder and she makes her way to the top but Michin pulls her off.  Jaida with a forearm and Sol with a chop to Jaida.  Jaida with a forearm to Sol’s back.  Sol with Sol Snatcher to Jaida.  Sol with Sol Snatcher off the ladder to Fallon.  Jordan stops Michin on the ladder and then Jordan and Sol are on top fo the ladder.  Both of them kick the other off the ladder.  Michin clotheslines Sol over the top rope to the floor.  Jordan with a split legged moonsault onto Michin on a ladder.  Jordan climbs the ladder and gets the belt.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan

– We take a look at a cowardly attack of Ethan Page by Oro Mensah at Ethan’s hotel.

– We see Trick Williams arriving at the building earlier today.

– We see Ethan Page walking in the building earlier today.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match:
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (champions) -175 vs. The OC (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) +135

Axiom and Karl start things off and Karl with chops and he starts to work on the taped arm.  Axiom with a drop kick and Frazer tags in.  Axiom with an octopus and Frazer with a drop kick for a near fall.  Frazer with a side head lock.  Karl with a shot to the ribs to get out of the hold.  Karl with a side head lock and Axiom tags in and he hits a drop kick for a near fall.  Axiom with a chop and Frazer tags in.  Frazer with punches and kicks in the corner.  Karl with punches and kicks in the corner.  Frazer floats over and flips into the other side and sends Karl into the turnbuckles.  Axiom tags in and hits a cross body.  Karl kicks the ropes when Axiom goes for a springboard move.  Luke tags in and he kicks Axiom.

Luke with an arm wringer.  Luke with an arm bar.  Axiom with punches and Luke with a head butt.   Luke with a punch and Karl tags in.  Karl with a kick to the midsection.  Axiom and Karl exchange chops and Karl gets a near fall.  Luke tags in and he kicks Axiom.  Luke with an arm bar.  Axiom with punches and forearms but Luke with a forearm and he goes for a slam but Axiom counters with a satellite DDT and both are down.  Karl tags in and keeps Axiom from making the tag.  Axiom knocks Luke off the apron and avoids Karl to tag in Frazer.  Frazer with a drop kick and elbow to Karl.  Frazer leaps over Karl and hits a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT and he hits a shooting star press for a near fall.  Frazer goes up top and he misses a Phoenix Splash but rolls through.  Karl with a TKO and Luke tags in and hits a splash.  They hit a belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination for a near fall.  

Luke with a sit out power bomb for a near fall when Axiom breaks up the cover.  Karl tags in   Karl pulls Frazer up and he lands on his feet and hits an enzuigiri.  Axiom tags in and leaps over Karl and rolls through.  Karl with a spinebuster and Luke tags in.  They set fro Magic Killer but Axiom counters into a sleeper and Frazer super kicks Karl and Frazer trips Karl.  Axiom gets Luke to the mat but Luke with a snap mare to escape.  Karl tags in and they set for a flying boot and F5 combination but Frazer breaks up the cover.  Luke misses a punch and Frazer sends Luke to the floor.  Karl punches Frazer and Axiom with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Axiom with a suicide dive to Gallows and Frazer with one but Luke catches hiim and hits a choke slam on the apron.  Karl gets Axiom on his shoulders on the turnbuckles and he hits a Super TKO for a near fall. 

Karl puts Axiom on the turnbuckles and Axiom blocks it.  Axiom gets to his feet and he kicks Karl on the turnbuckles.  Frazer and Axiom send Luke tot he floor and Frazer with a suicide dive to Luke.  Frazer tags in and Axiom sets for Spanish Fly and hits it.  Frazer with a Phoenix Splash for the three count.

Winners:  Axiom and Nathan Frazer

– We see Roxanne Perez walking in the building.

– We see Jordynne Grace walking through the building.

NXT Underground Match:
Shayna Baszler +200 vs. Lola Vice -300

Shayna and Lola exchange punches and kicks until Shayna takes Lola down and hits a few hammer fists and a kick to Lola.  Lola goes to the floor and Shayna follows.  Shayna punches Lola and sends her into the fencing.  Shayna with a forearm to the back.  Shayna with a German suplex and she blocks a round kick and hits a belly-to-back suplex.  Shayna with an ankle lock.  Lola rolls over and kicks Shayna in the midsection but Shayna holds on.  Lola rolls through and sends Shayna into the ring post.   Lola with a rear naked choke and she adds a body scissors.  Shayna with a dive to the floor to get out of the hold.  

Shayna adjusts the announce table and they get on top.  Shayna with a double leg take down and hammer fists.  Shayna goes for a running knee but Lola moves and Shayna hits the announce table hard and Shayna holds her knee.  Lola wrings the leg into the ring post.  Lola with a heel hook.  Lola continues to work on the leg and Lola with an ankle lock.  Lola wtih punches while Shayna has a body scissors on Lola.  Lola with a kick to the leg and a punch to the head.  Lola with punches on Shayna’s back.  Lola with a rear naked choke.  Shayna escapes and she takes down Vice and connects iwth punches and she applies a rear naked choke.  Shayna with a runnign knee to Lola but Shayna cannot stay on her feet.

Shayna pulls down the knee pad and she misses a knee.  Lola with a spinning back fist and Shayna falls to the floor.  Shayna with a judo throw and then Shayna attacks random people.  Shayna with a reverse gutwrench to a member of the ringside watchers.  Lola with a kick and she sends Shayna back into the ring.  Lola grabs the knee and Shayna with a triangle.  Lola escapes.

Shayna punches Lola in the back of the head.  Lola sends Shayna into the ring steps.  They return to the ring and Lola with a spinning back fist and hammer fists.  The referee stops the match.

Winner:  Lola Vice

– We have an Eddy Thorpe video package.

– Sexyy Red is with Kelani Jordan in the official Red lounge.  Red invites Kelani to join her tonight.

– The next NXT PPV will be on July 7th in Toronto for Heatwave.

NXT North American Championship Match:
Oba Femi (champion) -1000 vs. Joe Coffey +500 vs. Wes Lee +1200

Joe and Wes work over Oba with punches and then Wes has some words for Joe.  Oba goes for a double choke slam but they escape.  They hit a double drop kick to send Oba to the floor.  Wes with a kick to Joe and Joe sends Wes to the turnbuckles.  Wes escapes Joe and sends Joe into the turnbuckles.  Wes knocks Oba off the apron and Wes with a punch to the midsection and kicks.  Wes with a suicide dive onto Oba.  Wes goes up top and he he hits a Spiral Tap for a near fall.  Wes kicks Oba and Oba misses a clothesline.  Wes with a series of kicks and Oba with a clothesline.  Oba kicks Joe and connects with a knee.  Oba sets for a double suplex and he hits it.  Oba with uppercuts to Wes and Joe.  Oba continues the uppercut sprints and then he biels Wes into Joe.  Oba with a forearm to Wes and he gets Wes up for a delayed vertical suplex and Joe with punches to Oba and Oba holds on to the suplex.  Wes with a scorpion kick.

Oba sends Wes over the top rope into the ring steps and he kicks Joe away when he charges into the corner.  Joe stops Oba and puts him on the turnbuckles.  Joe is pushed off the turnbuckles and Oba shot puts Wes off the turnbuckles onto Joe.  Oba with a forearm to the back and Joe hits Oba from behind to knock him to the floor.  Joe misses a splash in the corner and Wes has a kick blocked.  Joe with a tornado DDT to Wes.  Joe with a German suplex and he knocks Oba off the apron with a forearm.  Joe with an Irish whip and a back breaker.  Joe hot shots Oba and Joe with punches to the table.  Joe drop kicks Oba into the corner and it crotches Wes.  Joe with a side slam and an elbow drop to Oba for a near fall.  Joe gets Oba on his shoudlers but Oba grabs the ropes and Wes with a double stomp onto Oba’s back and Joe with a Death Valley Driver to Oba.  Wes punches Joe onto Oba and Joe gets a near fall.

Joe with a European uppercut to Wes and a suicide dive to Oba.  Oba blocks a Glasgow Sendoff and then power bombs Joe onto the apron.  Oba catches Wes on a suicide dive and he power bombs Wes onto Joe.  Joe and Oba return to the ring and Joe with a forearm.  Oba fires back.  Wes goes for a handspring back elbow but Oba catches Wes.  Wes with a head scissors that sends Oba into the turnbuckles.  Wes with a handspring back kick to Oba for a near fall.  Joe with Glasgo Sendoff to Oba and a spinebuster to Wes for a near fall.  Oba goes for a power bomb but Joe lands on his feet.  Oba clotheslines Joe over the top rope to the floor.

Mark and Wolfgang attack Oba and there is nothing that can be done about it.  They hit a running boot and TKO combination on Oba on the lfoor.  Joe with a moonsault to Wes followed by Glasgow Sendoff for a near fall.  Oba sends Wolfgang and Mark into the ring steps.  Joe with All the Best for the Bells.  Wes with a super kick to Joe and he hits Meteora on Joe followed by a running forearm and kick in the corner.  Wes with a Cardiac Kick but Mark pulls out the referee to stop the count.

Wes with a flip dive onto Mark and Wolfgang.  Oba gets back into the ring and he kicks the arm and hits a toss slam.  Wes goes for Meteora but Oba catches him and Oba with power bombs and Oba gets the three count on Joe.

Winner:  Oba Femi

NXT Women’s Championship Match:
Roxanne Perez (champion) -600 vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace +350

Grace pushes Perez to the mat.  Perez with a waist lock and Grace tosses Perez to the mat.  Perez with a forearm.  Perez goes for a series of take downs but Grace blocks them.  Grace blocks a kick and Perez slaps Grace.  Grace with shoulder tackles and sets for a p ower bomb but Perez rakes the eyes.   Perez charges into the corner and Grace catches Perez and tosses her to the mat.  Perez stops Grace on the turnbuckles.  Perez with an arm wringer off the turnbuckles to the mat.  Perez with punches and a knee drop to the arm.  Perez with an arm bar.  Perez hyper-extends the arm.  Perez kicks Grace in the corner and pulls the arm in the ropes.  Perez with a punch.

Perez with a forearm and a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall.  Perez with a forearm.  Perez tries to stomp on the arm but Grace kicks Perez.  Perez misses a knee drop to the arm.  Grace with a waist lock and Perez goes through the legs and clips Grace and drop kicks Grace in the arm for a near fall.  Perez with an arm bar in a modified octopus.  Perez goes for a sunset flip and Grace does not go over.  Perez misses an uppercut in the corner.  Perez with a cross body but Grace catches Perez and hits a power slam.  Grace misses a Vader Bomb.  Perez goes to the turnbuckles and Grace stops her.  Grace sets for a German superplex but Perez counters and goes for the arm.  Grace with forearms on the turnbuckles.  Grace sets for a torture rack on the turnbuckles and then turns it into Three Seconds Around the World off the turnbuckles.

Grace head butts Perez and slaps her.  Perez with a forearm to the lower back and Grace with a chop.  Perez with forearms and Grace with a slam.  Perez kicks the arm and Grace with a slam.  Perez with screaming forearms and Grace goes for a slam but Perez escapes.  Grace with a clothesline.  Grace sets for a Vertebreaker but Perez escapes.  Grace with a spinebuster for a near fall.   Grace with a forearm and she puts Perez on the turnbuckles.  Perez kicks Grace and Grace with a forearm.  Grace sets for a muscle buster but Perez escapes and hits a DDT.  Perez with a head scissors driver and she gets a near fall.  Perez with an arm bar submission.  Grace with a rollup for a near fall and then she goes for a one arm power bomb but Perez hangs on and is in the ropes.  Perez goes up top and Grace with a forearm.  Grace with head butts and she sets for the muscle buster and she hits it.

Grace gets a near fall.  Perez goes to the apron and Grace with a forearm.  Grace gets Perez on her shoulders and Perez gets to her feet and she sends Grace into the ring post.  Grace holds on to the ropes to block Pop Rox.  Perez pulls Grace onto the apron and Perez with a suicide dive into a DDT.  They return to the ring and Perez with a triple jump moonsault for a near fall.  Perez with a crossface.  Grace rolls over and gets a near fall.  Grace with a back elbow.  Perez blocks the Juggernaut Driver and Grace blocks Pop Rox.  Grace with a Gory Bomb.  

Tatum Paxley makes her way over the ringside barrier and she stares at the title belts and she takes Jordynne’s title belt and she runs away.

Ash by Elegance comes out and Jordynne takes the belt and hits both of them with it.

Perez with a back heel kick that is blocked and Grace with a back fist.  Grace with a Death Valley Driver but Perez with a cutter to counter the Juggernaut Driver.  Perez with Pop Rox for the three count.

Winner:  Roxanne Perez


Sarah is with Sexyy Red and she asks how she is enjoying tonight’s show. Lola Vice shows up and she says she told everyone that she would win and dance.


Wes Lee walks in the back and he is asked about what happened and coming so close. He is attacked by Gallus until officials pull them off.

– We see a tweet from Cody Rhodes suggesting he might come to Florida for a trip on Tuesday.

– Tuesday night, Je’Von Evans faces Shawn Spears.  Lexis King faces Dante Chen in a Singapore Cane Match.  Michin faces Jaida Parker. 

NXT Championship:
Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page

Page kicks Trick as the bell ring and he punches Trick.  Page misses a knee in the corner and Trick with punches.  Trick with an Irish whip and a slam out of the corner.  Trick with a clothesline and punches.  Page drops down and Trick goes over the top rope to the floor.  Page Irish whips Trick shoulder first into the ring steps.  Page moves the steps against the announce table and he pulls off the hood of the announce table.  Page punches Trick.  Page sends Trick into the corner and Page with a kicks.  Page misses a boot in the corner when Trick moves.  Trick drops Page on the top rope and Page kicks Trick in the ropes.  Page with a hanging butterfly back breaker for a near fall.  Page with a slam for a near fall.  Page with a suplex for a near fall.  

Page with a waist lock.  Page turns it into a bear hug as they get to their feet.  Trick with elbows to the back of the head and Page runs Trick into the corner and connects with shoulders.  Page punches Trick and he puts Trick on the turnbuckles.  Page goes for a superplex and Trick knocks him off the turnbuckles.  Page with punches but Trick sets for a uranage off the turnbuckles.  Page blcosk it and hits Iconoclasm and hits a power slam for a near fall.  Page with a head butt.  Page returns to the waist lock.  Trick powers out of the hold but Page returns to the waist lock and bear hug.  Trick boxes the ears and Trick with a DDT.  

Trick blocks punches and connects with punches of his own.  Trick with an uppercut and a jumping side kick followed by a second one.  Trick with a flapjack.  Trick goes for a cyclone kick but Page sees it coming and he goes to the floor.  Trick follows and Page runs Trick into the apron.  Trick sends Page into the front row.  Trick with a cross body off the steps into the crowd.  They return to the ring and Trick with a cyclone kick for a near fall.  Trick goes up top and Page pulls Trick off the turnbuckles.  Page with a running knee to the head for a near fall.  They exchange forearms and Trick with the advantage.  Page with a knee and he goes for a power bomb but Trick gets to his feet.  Page with a kick but Trick with a uranage for a near fall.  

Page runs Trick into the apron and Trick with a clothesline.  Trick moves the ring steps to the side of the announce table.  Trick sets for a suplex onto the announce table but Page blocks it and Page with a power slam through the announce table.  Page sends Trick back into the ring and Page with an Ego’s Edge for a near fall.  Page has some words for the referee and he punches Trick in the corner.  The referee pulls Page away from Trick and Page with a spin move to go back after Trick.  The referee pulls Page out of the corner.  Page turns around into a jumping knee for the three count.

Winner:  Trick Williams

We go to credits.

–– Here is the card for the show ––

NXT Championship:
Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page

NXT Women’s Championship Match:
Roxanne Perez (champion) -600 vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace +350

NXT Tag Team Championship Match:
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (champions) -175 vs. The OC (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) +135

NXT North American Championship Match:
Oba Femi (champion) -1000 vs. Joe Coffey +500 vs. Wes Lee +1200

NXT Women’s North American Title Ladder Match:
Sol Ruca vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Lash Legend vs. Jaida Parker vs. Michin vs. Fallon Henley

NXT Underground Match:
Shayna Baszler +200 vs. Lola Vice -300

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2024 NXT Battleground Results

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