Janel Grant’s ‘Love Letter’ to Vince McMahon Surfaces Amid Claims of Coercion

Janel Grant's 'Love Letter' to Vince McMahon Surfaces Amid Claims of Coercion

Janel Grant’s ‘Love Letter’ to Vince McMahon Surfaces Amid Claims of Coercion – The New York Post has released a love letter written by Grant via emial to McMahon from 2021. In the email, Grant expressed deep affection for McMahon, referring to him as “my best friend, my love, and my everything.” She also highlighted the integral role McMahon played in her life, stating, “After almost 3 years together, it’s like my life isn’t even real to me unless you’re there and in it, and I’m sharing it all with you.”

However, Grant’s Ann Callis has alleged that McMahon may have coerced her into writing the email. Callis condemned McMahon’s alleged manipulation, labeling it as “psychological torture” and characteristic of abusive behavior. Callis emphasized that such tactics are often used by abusive individuals to silence their victims and exert control.

In response, McMahon’s attorney, Jessica Taub Rosenberg, has denied the coercion claims, stating that Grant wrote the email of her own free will. Rosenberg pointed out that the email’s content and language were consistent with other communications between Grant and McMahon during their consensual relationship.

The email, extracted from Grant’s laptop during an investigation by the WWE Board of Directors into the McMahon-Grant situation, is anticipated to play a significant role in the ongoing legal proceedings. As the case progresses, it is expected to be included in court filings.

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Janel Grant’s ‘Love Letter’ to Vince McMahon Surfaces Amid Claims of Coercion

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