4/23 NXT Spring Breakin’ Results – We see NXT G.M. with Raw and SmackDown G.M.’s Adam Pearce and Nick Aldis talking about the 2024 WWE Draft and how NXT won’t be the same after tonight.
Nick congratulates Ava on the job she has done and he mentions their talent roster and he has his eyes on some people. Adam says the same thing. Nick says he is going to be watching the match between Ilja and Trick. Ava says the lives of numerous superstars will be on the line. She says it is not about who moves on from NXT, it is who will step up.
NXT Women’s World Championship
Roxanne Perez (C) vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Tatum Paxley
Tatum offers her hand and Lyra takes Tatum down and she punches her. Tatum kicks Lyra away while Perez watches while sitting in the ropes. Lyra with a kick and Tatum with a kick and rollup that is broken up by Perez. Tatum crawls toward Perez and she is freaked out. Lyra trips Roxanne and pulls her to the floor. Lyra with a knee and Tatum goes for the drop kick through the ropes but Lyra blocks it and Lyra sends Tatum to the apron. Tatum and Roxanne collide and Lyra with a drop kick through the ropes. Lyra kicks Perez off the apron and goes up top . Lyra leaps over Tatum and then hits a cross body. Lyra blocks a chop and she slaps Tatum and sends Tatum into the corner with a drop kick. Lyra with an Irish whip to Tatum and a Northern Lights suplex that is broken up by Perez.
Perez with a forearm to Lyra followed by an uppercut. Lyra with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall on Perez. Lyra with a waist lock and Perez with back elbows. PErez with a rollup for a near fall. Lyra with a rollup. Perez goes for the arm but Lyra escapes. Tatum with a waist lock on Perez but Perez with an elbow. Perez with a rollup and Lyra sends Perez to the floor. Lyra with a rollup on Tatum. Perez pushes Lyra off the turnbuckles and she goes up top and htis a cross body on Tatum but Tatum rolls over and gets a near fall. Perez with a knee and Tatum sends Perez to the floor onto Lyra.
Tatum goes to the floor and slams Lyra’s injured arm into the apron. Tatum sends Lyra shoulder first into the ring post. Perez keeps Lyra from getting back in the ring but Tatum kicks Perez into the ring steps. Lyra with a drop toe hold to Tatum but she misses an elbow drop. Tatum with a knee drop to the arm and a wrist lock. Tatum slams the arm into the amt and she gives Lyra an Irish whip. Tatum with a cross body into the corner and she holds Lyra in the corner. Perez with a drop kick to Tatum’s back and the impact affects Lyra as well. Tatum goes to the floor and Perez with forearms to Lyra.
Lyra with a cross body and Perez rolls over and hyper-extends the arm and applies an arm bar submission. Lyra rolls over and gets a near fall. Perez with an arm wringer and modified abdominal stretch. Lyra with a punch to Perez but Perez with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Tatum with an Irish whip but she misses a splash when Perez moves. Perez goes up top and Tatum stops her. Tatum sets for a superplex but Perez blocks it. Perez comes under and sends Tatum into the turnbuckle. Tatum blocks a side Russian leg sweep off the turnbuckles and Perez with forearms. Lyra stops both women and she comes under for a double power bomb.
They rotate with chops and forearms. Lyra with forearms to both and kicks to Perez. Lyra with the same to Tatum. Perez falls victim to an enzuigiri. Tatum gets Lyra up but Lyra gets to her feet and Lyra with a fisherman’s buster for a near fall. Lyra kicks Perez and sets for a fisherman’s buster but Perez counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Perez with a punch to Lyra and she sends Lyra face first into the turnbuckles. Perez with a running uppercut to Lyra and then to Tatum. Perez goes for an arm bar submission on Tatum but Perez does it to Lyra instead. Tatum with a crossface on Perez and Perez with a rollup for a near fall.
PErez kicks Lyra and hits a DDT on Lyra while hitting a side Russian leg sweep on Tatum for a near fall on Lyra. She gets a near fall on Tatum. Perez avoids a short arm clotheslien adn Perez with a kick to Tatum for a near fall. Perez and Lyra exchange forearms and then Lyra with the windmill punches. She misses a spinning head kick. Perez goes for a side Russian leg sweep but Lyra counters with a German suplex. Lyra with a round kick to Perez and Tatum with a sunset flip on Lyra for a near fall. Tatum blocks a kick and hits a package driver followed by a 450 splash but Perez with a jackknife cover on Tatum for the three count.
Winner: Roxanne Perez
– We see some social media messages from Jade Cargill and others talking about the WWE Draft and tonight’s big main event. We then shoot to the women’s locker room for a segment that sees a big brawl break out promoting tonight’s Fallon Henley match. Back inside the CWC, The D’Angelo Family theme hits.
– The Creeds and Ivy Nile are with Kelly Kincaid and they say they were not going to miss Trick and Ilja. Ivy and Julius talk about the way that Trick has improved and made his way to the top. Julius says Trick will slay the dragon. Brutus is not 100 percent certain but he thinks Trick can do it.
The D’Angelo Family vs No Quarter Catch Crew
Kemp with the first punch thrown and everyone brawls before the match starts. Tony and Charlie are in the ring as the match officially starts. Tony with a double leg take down and punches. Tony with a power bomb to Charlie. Charlie with a punch to Tony and Charlie with a wrist lock. Tony backs Charlie into the corner and Tony with punches to the ribs. Charlie with knees and Kemp tags in and he takes Tony down with an ankle pick. Charlie with a kick to Tony. Kemp with punches and Tony punches back and he runs Kemp into the corner. Channing with a splash into the corner and he sends Kemp into the corner. Channing with punches and a drop toe hold.
Channing with forearms to the back of the head. Luca tags in and he punches Kemp and kicks him. Kemp is sent into Luca’s boot and Kemp with a take down and punches. Borne tags in and he kicks Luca. Borne with a knee to the midsection and Luca with an Irish whip. Luca runs into a boot and Borne goes to the turnbuckles. Luca with an uppercut to Myles but Myles with a drop kick for a near fall. Charlie and Kemp tag in and then all six men start to brawl. Tony sends Charlie to the floor with a clothesline. Tony goes to the floor and so do Luca and Channing. Kemp with a cannonball off the apron onto Tony, Luca, and Channing.
Kemp sends Luca back into the ring and kicks him. Borne tags in and they hit a double back elbow and Kemp with a double stomp. Borne gets a near fall. Charlie tags in and connects with a European uppercut and a gutwrench suplex. Borne tags back and he punches Luca. Luca with a kick to Borne and he tags in Channing. Channing with clotheslines and a double leg take down and punches. Channing punches Kemp on the apron. Borne drop kicks Channing over the top rope when Kemp pulls the ropes down. Kemp sends Channing back into the ring and Borne with kicks. Borne with a hard Irish whip and Kemp tags in and he punches and kicks Channing. Kemp with an Irish whip and back body drop for a near fall.
Charlie tags in and he works on the arm and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Borne tags in and he kicks Channing while Charlie had Channing tied up. Borne with punches and Charlie tags in. Charlie with a knee to the back and a rear chin lock. Channing with a back elbow and cross body for a near fall. Channing has a kick blocked and Charlie with a dragon screw and he holds on to the leg and works on the knee. Charlie with a knee bar and Channing misses an enzuigiri. Kemp tags in and so does Borne. Borne with a drop kick and Kemp with a German suplex for a near fall. Charlie with a fisherman’s suplex on Channing for a near fall. Charlie with a single leg crab.
Charlie with an ankle lock and Channing with an enzuigiri and he avoids Borne. Tony is pulled off the apron by Borne. Tony finally tags in and he punches everyone and then he hits belly-to-belly suplexes on Kemp and Borne followed by a spinebuster on Charlie for a near fall. Kemp tries to break up the cover but he stomps Charlie. Tony gets clipped and Kemp and Borne hit a slingshot suplex and neck breaker combination for a near fall. Charlie with a butterfly suplex and bridge on Tony for a near fall. Charlie with a knee to Luca. Tony escapes a full nelson and Tony with a spinebuster to Charlie for the three count.
Winners: The D’Angelo Family
After the match, Tony says he wants a title match if they don’t pay up.
Jaida Parker vs. Fallon Henley
They lock up and Parker with a waist lock and Fallon with a standing switch. Parker with a waist lock take down but she misses a punch. Fallon with an arm wringer and a hammer lock take down. Fallon with a wrist lock. Parker sends Fallon into the turnbuckles. Fallon and Jaida exchange foerarms. Fallon floats over and hits a cross body but Parker catches her. Fallon gets to her feet and applies a wrist lock. Parker with a punch and she sends Fallon into the turnbuckles and puts her in the ropes. Fallon kicks Jaida. Fallon with a drop toe hold. Fallon slides to the floor and punches Parker. Fallon with a shoulder from the apron followed by a body scissors for a near fall.
Fallon trips Parker and she hits a side kick. Fallon blocks a kick and Parker with an Irish whip. Parker sends Fallon onto the top rope when Fallon tries to float over. Fallon is put in the ropes and she hits a springboard seated splash. Parker with a shoulder tackle and a second one. Parker with another shoulder tackle. Parker with a knee to the midsection and she gets a near fall. Parker with a bear hug. Fallon escapes and she goes for a sunset flip and she gets a near fall. Parker with a counter for a near fall. Parker sends Fallon to the mat and gets a near fall. Parker with a seated abdominal stretch. Fallon with a take down and a back elbow. Fallon blocks a punch and Jaida blocks one. Fallon with a head butt and forearms. Fallon with a punch and Jaida goes down. Fallon with a clothesline and more punches. Fallon with a face buster.
Fallon with a hair based bulldog for a near fall. Parker misses a clothesline and Fallon goes to the turnbuckles and jumps over Parker. Fallon with a waist lock and Jaida sends Fallon into the ropes and she hits the running hip for the three count.
Winner: Jaida Parker
Backstage, Jacy Jane gloats about making Thea Hail everything she always wanted to be, only for her to be ungrateful. She challenges her to a match for night two of WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ next Tuesday night.
We see footage of the WWE European tour and then a video package hyping the contract signing for the NXT Underground showdown between Natalya and Lola Vice for their fight next week. That contract signing is up next. On that note, we head to a break.
– We are back and JD McDonagh is with Kelly Kincaid. JD says he has a history with Ilja and he says if you want to beat Ilja, you have to hospitalize him. He knows that Trick isn’t that guy. Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne show up and Tyler says they are going to beat up each other. Dunne says his money is on Ilja. Tyler reminds Pete that Trick has bounced back every time and he will do it.
NXT Underground Contract Signing For Lola Vice vs. Natalya
Ava is in the ring and it is set up for NXT Underground. She says her job is to break glass ceilings and introduce new things. She is honored to host the contract signing for the first Women’s NXT Underground match.
Natalya comes out first with Karmen Petrovic. Ava asks Natalya to sign the contract and she does.
Lola Vice comes out to the ring. Lola signs the contract. Ava says the match is official.
Nattie says Lola just sealed the deal and she wants to know who is in her corner.
Lola says Nattie is more worried about who is in her corner than what she will do. She says because she shakes her ass, it doesn’t mean she will kick her ass. Lola says she will break Nattie.
Nattie says she knew that Lola had an ego. Nattie says she respects where Lola came from. You do not respect that she was made in the Dungeon. If you can survive the dungeon, you can survive anywhere. Nattie says if she is going to lead NXT into the future, she is going to beat some respect into her. Natie says she wants Lola to bring everything next week because she is going to tap Lola’s ass out.
Lola says when the lights dim, your fate is in her hands. She says she has the fastest hands in the division and she says her training partner will make them faster.
Shayna Baszler makes her way to the ring.
Shayna tells Nattie she knows she is smart enough to know that your chances have gone from slim to none. When it comes to fighting around here, the most dangerous woman in NXT is aligned with the baddest woman in NXT. She tells Nattie she can get out of this and she tells Nattie to rip up the contract. Especially if . . . this is your training partner.
Shayna pushes Karmen and Karmen with a round kick. Nattie and Lola exchange punches and Nattie throws Lola out of the ring.
– Ridge Holland was in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment and he says iti s time to show that he can win the right way. Shawn Spears tells Ridge he almost sounds like he believes what he is saying. He tells Ridge to embrace it. You want to give in to those thoughts. Let them out. Ridge says he knows what Shawn is trying to do and he won’t be able to rile him up.
– The Final Testament show up and Kross says they are taking things back to the old day. If you don’t have an army with you, you are going six feet under. Paul says the Authors of Pain’s destiny is the tag titles. They are coming for all of the titles. They are going to bring destruction back to NXT.
We see Axiom and Frazer in LOCKER ROOM talking about the ‘old days’. Axiom says they will beat the Authors of Pain. Blade says screw the Authors of Pain because they can’t get a break. Luke says they are sick of all of these teams coming down to take the tag titles. Edris breaks a mirror and then Karl and Luke walk out.
Beach Brawl
Blair Davenport vs. Sol Ruca
Blair misses with a board but Sol with a punch. Sol sends Blair into the ring and gets some balls. Sol uses an inner tube to knock a ball into the referee. Sol puts the inner tube around Blair and she connects with a clothesline. Blair goes to the floor and Sol sends Blair into the apron. Sol with a split to avoid Blair and Sol sends Blair into the ring steps. Sol sets up the bench against the apron but Blair sends Sol into it. Blair tries for a suplex into a mni pool but Sol blocks it. Blair sends Sol into the ring post. Blair with forearms to Sol. Blair throws a beach ball at Sol. Sol hits Blair with a mini board. Sol blocks Blair’s use of a chair. Sol lands on her feet on a hip toss and Sol with an X Factor into the pool. Sol surfs on Blair and stomps on the board.
Sol throws more beach balls at Blair. Sol sends Blair into the ring. Sol goes up top and goes for a cartwheel move on the rope but Blair moves. Blair kicks Sol in the ropes and Blair with a springboard double stomp to Sol’s back. Blair goes under the ring and throws a chair into the ring. Blair throws more stuff into the ring. Blair hits Sol in the back with a bucket and a paddle board. Blair hits Sol in the back with the chair. Blair puts Sol in a chair and she punches Sol. Sol with a drop toe hold into the chair and both women are down. Blair drop kicks a chair into Sol and Sol goes to the floor. Blair sends Sol through a surfboard.
Blair gets a near fall. Blair puts Sol’s head in the chair opening and she applies a camel clutch. Blair kicks the back of the chair. Sol hits Blair with the bucket and a paddle board. Sol tries to hit Blair with a chair but Sol misses. Sol trips Blair and hits a super kick. Sol with a moonsault for a near fall. Sol goes for a slam but Blair escapes and Blair with a super kick. Sol with a super kick and a power bomb from a fireman’s carry position for a near fall. Sol goes up to the turnbuckles but Blair with a German superplex for a near fall. Sol rolls to the floor and Blair follows. Blair puts a surfboard against the ring post and Sol sends Blair into the surfboard. Sol goes to the ringside barrier but Blair pushes her into the guardrail.
Blair adjusts a table and sets for a superplex off the ringside barrier but Sol gets to her feet. Sol gets Blair on her shoulders for a backpack drop through the table. Sol sends Blair back into the ring. Sol with Sol Snatcher for the three count.
Winner: Sol Ruca
– Trick is in LOCKER ROOM and he is on the phone with his mom and she wants him to whoop that trick. Johnny Gargano shows up and asks Trick how is he feeling. Trick says his career is on the line and he is facing a man he never beat before. He says he thought the pressure was on last week, but this is more. Johnny says that he knows Ilja beat him before, but you have to use the previous matches to make you stronger. There is only one Trick Williams and Ilja hasn’t beaten that Trick Williams. The NXT TItle changed his life and he wants to know if Trick will do what it takes to become the champion.
We go to commercial.
Baron Corbin versus Lexis King
Baron with a punch and he biels King across the ring. King goes to the floor and Baron follows and he sends King into the ringside barrier. Baron sends King back into the ring and King with a kick. Baron with a uranage into the turnbuckles and he gets a near fall. Baron with a shoulder tackle. Baron punches King and chokes him in the ropes. Baron with punches to King in the corner. Baron with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. King with a drop kick and he punches Baron. King with an elbow to the back of the head and a snap mare followed by a kick to the back. King with elbows to the clavicle. King gets a near fall.
King sends Corbin into the turnbuckles and chokes him. King with a knee and elbow to the back of the head. King with a kick and another kick to the knee. King with a Northern Lariat for a near fall. King with a chop and drop kick. Corbin with a drop kick as he comes off the ropes. Corbin with a splash into the corner and a back drop. Baron with a suplex into a cutter for a near fall. King rolls to the floor and Baron follows. King with a super kick and King returns to the ring. Corbin gets back in the ring and Kiing with another super kick. King iwth a double leg take down and his feet on the ropes and the referee stops the count.
Baron with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Baron sets for End of Days but King escapes and he kicks Baron low when the referee is out of position. King with Coronation for the three count.
Winner: Lexis King
– We see everyone taking their seats in the arena for the main event.
– We have a video package for Trick Williams and Ilja Dragunov.
We go to commercial.
– Next week, Thea Hail faces Jacy Jayne, Natalya faces Lola Vice in NXT Underground, Oba Femi faces Ivar for the North American Title, and Axiom and Nathan Frazer face Authors of Pain for the Tag Titles.
– Sarah Schreiber stops Ilja walking in the back and she asks Ilja what his thoughts are. Trick has earned his respect but he has to fight for himself and his family. Damian Priest stops Ilja and wishes him luck.
– Byron Saxton is with Trick Williams in HALLWAY for final thoughts on his match. Trick says either he wins tonight or he leaves NXT for good. He is either your champ or a bust. He proves himself right or he proves himself wrong. He says he does not fear any man. Let’s whoop that trick.
NXT Championship
Ilja Dragunov (C) vs. Trick Williams
Ilja with a German suplex and forearms to the back. Trick with a side kick and Ilja with a kick. Trick and Ilja with forearms and chops. Trick blocks a chop and Trick with a head butt and punches. Ilja with a DDT. Ilja with Konstantin Special for a near fall. Trick blocks a power bomb but Ilja is able to hit one. Trick kicks Ilja. They go faces to face and they shake hands. Ilja hugs Trick and then they exchange punches. Ilja with a running knee to the head. Ilja chops Trick and Trick falls into the ropes. Ilja with a forearm to the back of the head. Ilja with kicks to Trick. Ilja with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Trick with a forearm and Ilja with a German suplex. Ilja goes up top and he grabs Trick. Trick with a forearm.
Trick with more punches to Ilja on the turnbuckles and Trick goes up for a superplex. Ilja with forearms to stop Trick and Ilja sets for a sunset flip power bomb and he hits it but Trick lands on Ilja. Ilja with a kick to the head. Ilja sets for a power bomb and he hits it. Ilja with a running boot in the corner. Ilja goes up top for a Coast to Coast and he hits it. Ilja tries again and Trick stops him. Trick with a power bomb. Trick with an H Bomb of his own for a near fall. Trick sets for Torpedo Moscow and hits it for a near fall. Ilja with a kick and an enzuigiri. Ilja with a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles. Ilja removes the hood of the announce table and everything on top. Ilja goes for a power bomb on the floor but Trick counters with a back body drop. Trick punches Ilja and connects with an uppercut. They go onto the ringside barrier and Trick sets for a uranage through the announce table and it implodes.
Trick sends Ilja back into the ring and Ilja with a drop kick when Trick tries to get back into the ring. Ilja sets for a superplex and hits it. Ilja with H Bomb and he pulls Trick into position for H Bomb from the turnbuckles. Ilja hits it and he gets a near fall. Ilja goes up top for H Bomb and hits it but Ilja appears to have hurt his wrist and Trick kicks out at two. Ilja with a German suplex but Trick gets to his feet and hits a knee to the back of the head for a near fall. Trick with a jumping knee when Ilja goes for Torpedo Moscow and Trick gets the three count.
Winner: Trick Williams (new champion)
After the match, Ilja gives Trick the title belt and Ilja hugs Trick.
Trick celebrates with fans as we go to credits.
–– Here is what’s in store for the show ––
- WWE NXT Championship vs. NXT Career: Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Trick Williams
- Beach Brawl: Sol Ruca vs. Blair Davenport
- No Quarter Catch Crew (Damon Kemp, Myles Bourne, Charlie Dempsey) vs. The Family (Tony D’Angelo, Luca Crusifino, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo)
- NXT Underground Contract Signing: Natalya and Lola Vice sign the contract
- NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Tatum Paxley vs. Lyra Valkyria
4/23 NXT Spring Breakin’ Results