Tiffany Stratton Talks Prettiest Moonsault Ever, Queen of the Ring

Tiffany Stratton Talks Prettiest Moonsault Ever, Queen of the Ring

Tiffany Stratton Talks Prettiest Moonsault Ever, Queen of the Ring – Tiffany Stratton has no independent wrestling background but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t taking advantage of the resources afforded to her to study up on wrestling outside of WWE.

Tiffany’s finisher is called the Prettiest Moonsault Ever and it is her take, in name and execution, on Christopher Daniels’ Best Moonsault Ever.

This is not a mere case of Tiffany being given the name as a rib on Daniels. Rather, Tiffany says a coach at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, showed her the maneuver and she felt that it fit her athletic background so she added it to her move-set.

Tiffany also says, however, that she has never had a conversation with Daniels about the move.

“I have not had one conversation with him,” she said to Liam Crowley of Comicbook“I mean, the move is essentially named after him. He did it very well. I actually had a coach at the Performance Center show me the move and I’m like, ‘Oh, that’s really cool.’ I feel like it takes my trampoline background and combines it with wrestling with the jumping to the ropes.”

Stratton also says she is ready to become the WWE Queen of the Ring. Tiffany revealed that she already has the wardrobe fit for a queen, and when, not if, she wins the tournament, she believes she will perfectly encapsulate what it means to be wrestling royalty.

“Of course! I’ve got all the pink robes, and a pink crown lined up,” she said. “I feel like if I were to win — when I win Queen of the Ring, I feel like it’s going to be the perfect embodiment of being a queen.

Despite coming up short at WWE Backlash France in her quest to become the WWE Women’s Champion, Stratton says she’s learning with every outing.

Tiffany Stratton Talks Prettiest Moonsault Ever, Queen of the Ring

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