9/28 MLW Fusion Results – This week’s episode of MLW Fusion kicked off with Salina de la Renta coming out to announce she has a big announcement later on tonight.
Tiara James defeated Zayda Steel
- Tiara James hits Zayda Steel with a double-armed DDT to secure the pinfall victory.
A hype package plays showcasing the feud between the Second Gear Crew and The Calling.
Jimmy Lloyd is shown backstage. Lloyd is sick from trying to cut weight for his MLW Middleweight Championship match against AKIRA. Mance Warner arrives to hype Lloyd up for his match.
Salina de la Renta is backstage. Salina announces that she has booked a promotion versus promotion match between Major League Wrestling and CMLL. Rocky Romero will take on AKIRA at MLW Slaughterhouse.
TJ Crawford defeated Kevin Blackwood and Alec Price in a three-way match
- A masked man attacked Alec Price at ringside. TJ Crawford took advantage and hit Kevin Blackwood with the Silver Bullet to score the pinfall victory.
The masked man and TJ Crawford attack Kevin Blackwood after the match. The masked man reveals himself to be Tony Deppen.
Ichiban is backstage with his translator. Ichiban’s translator says that Ichiban skillful warrior who has dedicated his entire life to the fight and is in Major League Wrestling to be the best in the world. His translator said Ichiban wants to become the number one middleweight in all of pro wrestling.
A video package plays for MSL’s World Titan Federation.
Matt Cardona is in Major League Wrestling’s social media room to take questions from the fans. Before anything can really happen, he’s confronted and attacked by the unlikely duo of Maki Itoh and Mance Warner.
The following matches have been announced for MLW Slaughterhouse:
- Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal Match for the MLW National Openweight Championship: 1 Called Manders vs. Rickey Shane Page
- Chamber of Horrors Match: The Second Gear Crew vs. The Calling
- MLW World Women’s Featherweight Championship: Delmi Exo vs. B3CCA
AKIRA defeated Jimmy Lloyd in a street fight to retain the MLW Middleweight Championship
- AKIRA hits Jimmy Lloyd with a DDT on some steel chairs to score the pinfall victory.
As confirmed by MSL from the World Titan Federation Headquarters, Davey Boy Smith Jr. will fight Alex Kane for the title at MLW Slaughterhouse next month.
9/28 MLW Fusion Results