NXT Results (12/6) – The Deadline go-home edition of WWE NXT opens up on the USA Network as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. They hype tonight’s show and we go right to the ring.
Von Wagner vs. Andre Chase vs. Axiom
Von Wagner is already in the ring with Mr. Stone. Out next comes Axiom as Alicia Taylor does the introductions. The winner of this match will join Grayson Waller, Joe Gacy, JD McDonagh and Carmelo Hayes in the first-ever Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadline on Saturday. We go backstage to Chase U. Duke Hudson and Thea Hail hype Andre Chase up and he says it’s time to give these two a Chase University-sized ass whooping. Chase heads off to the ring now with Hudson and Hail.
Chase punches Wagner and then he pushes Axiom away. Wagner with a punch to Chase followed by a shoulder tackle. Wagner with a shoulder tackle to Axiom and Chase. Wagner with a side head lock on both men. Axiom and Chase try to lift Wagner off the mat but it fails. Wagner with a double shoulder tackle. Wagner gets Chase up but Chase escapes. Chase with a shoulder tackle to Wagner and it has no effect. Axiom and Chase with a double shoulder tackle to Wagner followed by a double suplex. Chase tells Axiom to go for a dive but Chase suckers him into a rollup for a near fall. Axiom with a springboard arm drag to Chase and a drop kick to Wagner. Axiom with a knee bar but Wagner with a kick to Axiom and a punch to Chase. Wagner works on the wrist and lifts Axiom into the air.
Axiom with a chop to Wagner and he goes to the ropes for a head scissors on Chase and an arm drag to Wagner. Axiom drop kicks Wagner to the floor. Axiom with a Northern Lights suplex to Chase followed by a moonsault for a near fall. Wagner with a double clothesline to Axiom and Chase. Wagner presses Axiom over his head and he slams him onto Chase. Wagner sends Chase into the apron a few times. Wagner runs Chase into the ring post. Wagner sends Axiom into the apron and then he sends both men back into the ring.
Chase punches Wagner but Wagner punches back. Axiom with forearms but Wagner pushes him away and connects with a boot. Wagner with a clothesline to Chase in the corner and then he sends Axiom into Chase. Wagner slams Axiom onto Chase and then gets a near fall on both men. Wagner with a cobra clutch on Axiom. Chase stops Wagner but Wagner with a knee and he puts Chase in the cobra clutch. Chase escapes but Wagner runs Chase into the turnbuckles and then punches Axiom off the turnbuckles. Wagner chokes Chase in the corner. Wagner with a hard Irish whip and a slam to Chase. Wagner gets a near fall.
Wagner with a cobra clutch on Chase and he sends Chase into Axiom on the turnbuckles. Chase stops a superplex attempt by Wagner and he goes for a sunset flip power bomb on Wagner and after Axiom kicks Wagner, Chase hits it. Chase with an uppercut to Axiom and he hits a superplex. Wagner and Chase exchange punches. Chase with a drop kick to Wagner’s knee. Chase with a side Russian leg sweep and it is time for the C-H-A-S-E-U stomp. Wagner misses a clothesline and Chase clotheslines Wagner over the top rope to the floor. Axiom with a suicide dive to Wagner and a kick to Chase from the apron. Chase kicks Axiom as he comes off the turnbuckles. Chase with a Gibson Driver for a near fall.
Axiom with a roll through and he tries for a cross arm breaker but Chase locks his hands. Wagner with a boot to Chase and Wagner gets Axiom up but Axiom counters into a sleeper and then a triangle. Wanger gets Axiom up and power bombs him onto Chase. Wagner with a butterfly power bomb for a near fall on Chase. Wagner gets Axiom up but Chase kicks Wagner in the knee. Chase with a reverse DDT to Axiom and a DDT to Wagner. Chase goes up top and he this a cross body on Wagner and Chase rolls to the floor. Axiom with the Golden Ratio for the three count.
Winner: Axiom
After the match, the music hits as Axiom stands tall and celebrates. We go to replays. Chase sits up against the announce table at ringside, clutching his ribs. Axiom celebrates on the entrance-way as he’s confirmed to be the fifth man for the Iron Survivor Challenge at Deadline.
– We get a Cora Jade vignette to hype the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge.
– The Creed Brothers, Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley are backstage. A trainer is checking out Julius Creed, then says he’s medically cleared to compete as his knee looks good. Nile tells the trainer to check Julius’ ribs out, for her please. The trainer says Julius didn’t mention a rib issue. Julius says that’s because they are fine. Nile says no they are not. Brutus Creed asks Nile what she’s doing, and she says she’s protecting her brothers. The trainer says Julius has significant swelling in his ribs, and they need to run more tests. Julius leaves with the trainer. Brutus is a bit upset with Nile, but she says she’s just looking out for her brother.
– Still to come, NXT Champion Bron Breakker is going fishing again. Back to commercial.
– We are back and Apollo Crews joins Bron at the lake to do some friendly fishing before Deadline.
Crews says he loves the boat. Bron mentions that this is his favorite spot. Crews says he has never been fishing before so he asks Bron to help him. Bron says he likes the standing moonsault and Crews says he just started doing it. Bron says he saw Crews do it and he decided to try it.
Crews asks if this helps take the pressure off Bron being champion or does he like being alone. Bron says there is so much pressure to be champion. Crews mentions who Bron has beaten. Bron says there is so much to lose if he does not win.
Crews suggests that Bron just give him the title and Bron says no. They catch a fish and Crews sends it back into the water. Bron says the match on Saturday will be a banger. They joke about giving their game plan. Bron says he will use power, intensity, and speed. Crews says he will challenge that. Bron tells Crews may the best man win.
Bryson Montana vs. Javier Bernal
We go back to the ring and Bryson Montana is waiting to make his main NXT TV show debut. Sanga suddenly attacks out of nowhere and levels Montana with a chokeslam as Veer Mahaan looks on. The music hits and out next comes Javier Bernal. Indus Sher are wearing suits while standing tall in the ring. Bernal stops on the entrance-way and sees Indus Sher, then backs away, faking an injury.
Bernal is gone. Veer and Sanga take the mics now, addressing The Creed Brothers. They comment on how they only want to face The Creed Brothers when they’re at 100%, but clearly they are not 100% right now. That does not interest Indus Sher, so they respectfully decline the Deadline challenge. They will wait until The Creed Brothers are ready, but they don’t want to wait too long. The music hits but out comes The Creed Brothers. Vic says Julius Creed is no longer medically cleared. Officials and Ivy Nile try to hold Julius and Brutus Creed back.
– Andre Chase is backstage recovering from the opener, and Duke Hudson is with him. Thea Hail rushes in and she’s excited because she has a match with Isla Dawn tonight. Duke says no way, Hail shouldn’t take the match. Hail knows Dawn is super scary but she’s super ready. Chase agrees but Hudson disagrees. This angers Chase. Hail hurries off in excitement. Chase snaps at Duke again and says he’s made his decision.
– Tonight’s Progressive Match Flo video looks at Tony D’Angelo and how he promises to stand at the top of NXT. Tony D will return to in-ring action tonight. Back to commercial.
We are back with Sol Ruca doing some TikTok stuff but in the background Malik Blade and Edris Enofe were arguing with Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen.
Xyon Quinn vs. Tony D’Angelo
They lock up and Tony with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Tony with shoulders in the corner but Xyon with an Irish whip. Tony with a clothesline and punches to the midsection. Tony with a face lock suplex. Tony with punches. Quinn with a back elbow and punches. Quinn with a head butt to send Tony to the mat. Tony with a back elbow but Quinn with a Samoan drop. Tony rolls to the floor and he punches Quinn. Tony with a spinebuster.
Tony with a belly-to-back uranage for the three count.
Winner: Tony D’Angelo
After the match, Tony asks if Channing sees any rust. Tony says he is like a shiny new hubcap. Tony says during his physical therapy he gained some new revenue and connections. For them, it always came down to Wes Lee and that North American Title. Tony says he would have won the qualifying match but you blew my knee out.
Wes Lee comes out and he welcomes Tony back. Wes says everyone knows you have been eyeing him and the title. Wes says he has had his eye on Tony.
Channing tells Wes to have his eyes on Tony because there is no one bigger than the Don.
Wes tells Tony to give Channing some decaf. He says he has some unfinished business with Dijak so Tony will have to wait.
Tony says he is insulted that you would think he would have to wait in line. Dijak plays by a different set of rules. Your business will have to wait.
Dijak appears on the ShawnTron and says he plays by a different set of rules. You are a scumbag from the streets and if you stay away, I won’t have to take care of you. He tells Wes to keep his name out of Wes’ mouth. Neither of you will stop him from decimating NXT.
Channing tells Wes to listen to Dijak. He says there is no place to run and Channing pushes Wes but Wes pushes back and gets out of the ring.
– We take a look at a situation between Hank Walker and Charlie Dempsey. Hank says he didn’t have the chance to get in the ring at age four. He wishes he could follow his father’s footsteps. Hank says if he has to earn his stripes to show he belongs, say the word. Charlie says he will show that Hank does not belong.
We go to commercial.
– We have a video from Scrypts. The words you write mean more than the canvas you write on. Scrypts says NXT is his new home. The same culture but a different address. I must follow those who came through. Through this journey I must target the chosen one.
Hank Walker vs. Charlie Dempsey
They lock up and Walker backs Dempsey into the corner. Dempsey with a kick and uppercut followed by a slap. Walker runs Dempsey into the corner and connects with shoulders and sends him into the corner. Walker with a biel. Dempsey with a side head lock. Dempsey with a shot to the throat. Dempsey blocks a clothesline and he applies a double wrist lock. Walker with a slam. Dempsey with a forearm and he sends Walker into the turnbuckles. Dempsey with a forearm and a gutwrench suplex for a near fall.
Drew Gulak shows up to watch the action in the ring.
Walker with punches and Dempsey with forearms and he applies the double wrist lock. Walker with a Thesz Press and punches. Walker with a splash and an Irish whip and splash. Walker sends Dempsey face first into the mat and follows with a forearm. Dempsey blocks a boot and hits a dragon screw leg whip and he goes for a single leg crab. Walker kicks Dempsey. Dempsey with a single leg crab and then he locks his hands to stretch Walker and Walker taps out.
Winner: Charlie Dempsey
– We take a look at Zoey Stark. She says timing is everything in this business and there is no better time for this match. She says she was unanimously voted into the match. Whether she starts or comes in at the end, it does not matter. The other four women cannot touch her. She has no extra baggage or dead weight. She doesn’t have to be a mentor so it is all about her. Twenty-five minutes separate her from history.
– Kit Wilson and Elton Prince make their way in the back to do their Christmas Story… After a commercial.
– We are back and Grayson Waller is with McKenzie and she asks what will we see on the Grayson Waller Effect. Waller says they are going to go out in grand style with Deadline. Waller says he can do McKenzie’s job better than her but no one can do his job better than him. He wants to see where their heads are. Everyone is nervous to be in the Grayson Waller Effect.
– Pretty Deadly are in the ring and Kit says it is time for a real Christmas Story with your tag team champions.
Elton starts the story, after sitting on Santa Kit’s lap. Kit says they wrote this themselves.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature were stirring, not even a mouse. They were put to bed but they decided to stay up instead. Their sacks were stuffed with gifts from their fans. The holiday season should be a time to give thanks. They say to get on your knees and worship your tag team champs. They are desperately waiting for the greatest gift of all. They wanted something they have craved for the longest of times, and it isn’t a story that rhymes. It is someone who can match them blow for blow in the ring. They begged Santa in a letter and even St. Nick knows no one is better. They are the greatest and tastiest gifts of all. They will never lose and they have beaten everyone. Santa can’t save you, there’s no Christmas cheer. 2023 will be the same as 2022. Pretty Deadly’s year.
The New Day make their way to the ring.
Kofi says that was an amazing story. Woods says the story they want to hear talks about who? Who are they going to be defending the titles against on Saturday. Kofi says you beat everybody and Woods says they beat everyone but the New Day. Kofi asks them to put the titles on the line so they can become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
Kofi and Woods attack the champions. Kofi with a splash to Wilson and Woods with an elbow to Prince. Woods sends Prince into the tree and then they play some present fu on Wilson. Kofi and Woods put presents on Wilson and Prince’s heads and they super kick them off the apron to the floor.
– We go to Isla Dawn who is cackling and she says she hopes that Alba Fyre is watching her match.
Back to commercial.
– We are back and Javier Bernal is walking and McKenzie surprises him. She asks Bernal why is he looking over his shoulder. Is he looking for Indus Sher. Bernal says he ain’t scared of nothing. Sanga and Veer said they didn’t want anything to do with him. Bernal says that McKenzie is biased. McKenzie stops Ikemen Jiro and she asks what does he think about Bernal. Jiro calls him a Big Body Chicken.
Isla Dawn vs. Thea Hail
They lock up and Dawn backs Thea into the ropes and Dawn with a snap mare and kick to the back. Dawn with forearms to the back and an uppercut. Dawn with a double knee drop. Dawn with a cobra clutch and knee to the back. Hail with punches and a double sledge or two. Hail with a running back elbow into the corner. Hail with an exploder and then she shakes the ropes and hits a springboard back senton for a near fall. Dawn with a kick to the head and a reverse DDT and clothesline combination. Dawn with another one for the three count.
Winner: Isla Dawn
After the match, smoke rises from behind the ring and Alba Fyre punches Dawn. Dawn punches back. Officials come into the ring to separate them. Fyre breaks free and Dawn spits mist in one of the referee’s eyes.
– We take a look at Kiana James. She says the first rule in business is if you cannot find the lamb at the table, you are the lamb. She says she sees four lambs. Kiana says there is nothing like the smell of strategy. It is not about pride or ego. She will know when to strike and when to sit back. She will send them to the penalty box as she wins the match. She makes sure that everything is ready. Kiana says she can turn dirt into diamonds. She will turn the match into championship gold.
– We are back and Morrigan would foretell about victory. There are times when a bird does not circle her prey. Next week, she debuts on NXT. Prepare for Lyra Valkyria.
Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs vs. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade
Enofe and Brooks start things off and Enofe with a flying forearm. Enofe with punches and Blade tags in. Enofe trips Brooks and Enofe with a flying clothesline. Brooks with an Irish whip and Blade floats over but Brooks catches him. Blade with a drop kick for a near fall. Blade with a wrist lock. Josh tags in and Brooks with a flying take down and Josh with a clothesline. They slide to the floor and punch Blade. Brooks tags in and he works on the arm. Brooks is distracted by Kiana’s assistant who puts something in Brooks’ jacket. Enofe tags in and he clotheslines Brooks and hits a drop kick. Briggs goes to the floor and Blade with a moonsault off the ring post in the general direction of Briggs. Enofe with a knee to the back and an elbow drop from the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Von Wagner attacks Odyssey Jones and they fight to the back.
Brooks goes for a belly-to-back suplex and Enofe lands on his feet. Brooks with a spinning heel kick and then they go high and low for the three count.
Winners: Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen
– We take a look at Roxanne Perez. She says as long as she can remember, this was her dream. It is time to stop dreaming and face reality. She wants another shot at Mandy Rose. She got screwed the last time. She has to face the best. How do you prepare for a match that has never been done before. She says she does not know what to expect. If she is unsure of herself then she should just put herself in the penalty box. She has to stop talking about the match and get in the match. The only person who can stop her is herself.
– Fallon Henley is in the back and Josh and Brooks stop by. Brooks opens the envelope and it is VIP tickets to Deadlilne. Fallon says she is going to win at Deadline. Brooks says that Fallon does better when she is angry.
Indi Hartwell vs. Wendy Choo vs. Fallon Henley
Wild Card Match to Determine who is the Fifth Person in the Women’s Iron Survival Match at Deadline Match
Indi kicks Wendy and Fallon. Indi slams Fallon and then she slams Wendy. Fallon with a rollup on Indi for a near fall. Fallon kicks Indi. Wendy with a side head lock on Fallon and a take down. Indi with a jackknife cover on Wendy for a near fall. Wendy goes for a back slide on Fallon but Indi pulls Fallon to the mat for a neck breaker. Indi gets a near fall on both. Wendy and Fallon with drop kicks to Indi.
Wendy avoids a bulldog from Indi and Fallon gets a near fall. Wendy with a jaw breaker to Fallon and then they exchange forearms. Fallon with a knee to the midsection and a waist lock. Wendy with a standing switch and Indi is knocked off the apron. Wendy gets a near fall with a rollup and she knocks Indi off the apron again. Wendy with a drop kick to Fallon and a running boot in the corner. Wendy misses the Sleeple’s Elbow and Fallon with a drop kick but Indi breaks up the cover.
Fallon with a head scissors and arm drag take down on Indi and Wendy. Fallon punches Wendy in the ropes but Indi with a boot to Fallon. Indi with a hard Irish whip to Wendy. Indi with an Irish whip and side slam to Wendy for a near fall. Indi with a reverse chin lock on Wendy. Indi turns it into a straitjacket choke. Wendy with a waist lock and Indi knocks Fallon off the apron. Wendy sends Indi to the floor.
Fallon with a forearm to Wendy and she gets a near fall. Wendy with a snap mare to Fallon and a kick to the back. Wendy with punches to Fallon. Wendy goes up top but Indi crotches Wendy in the tree of woe. Indi with kicks to Wendy and then Indi sends Fallon into Wendy. Wendy kicks Indi and Fallon with a rollup for a near fall. Fallon with a leg lariat to Indi and then she hits a running back elbow to both in the corner. Fallon with a hair take down on Indi but Wendy breaks up the cover. Wendy and Fallon exchange forearms but Indi with punches to both. Wendy is sent to the apron and so is Fallon. Indi with an uppercut and kick. Wendy trips Indi and hits a double sledge. Wendy with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex to Fallon. Wendy with a cartwheel clothesline into the corner. Indi with a spinebuster to Wendy and Fallon breaks up the cover.
Fallon with a back elbow to Indi and Indi with a forearm to Fallon on the turnbuckles. Indi sets for a superplex but Fallon holds on to the roeps. Wendy comes under and hits a German suplex on Indi and Indi superplexes Fallon. Wendy gets a near fall on Fallon. Indi kicks Wendy but Fallon with a crucifix on Indi for a near fall. Indi misses a boot and gets caught in the ropes before going to the floor. Wendy with a suplex for a near fall on Fallon. Wendy goes to the turnbuckles and hits an inward splash on Fallon but Indi sends Wendy to the floor. Indi with a forearm for the three count.
Winner: Indi Hartwell
– JD McDonagh, Axiom, Carmelo Hayes, Joe Gacy, and Grayson Waller walk from their parts of the PC.
We go to commercial.
– We are back and we go to MandyVille. Gigi asks if they are going to Deadline. Mandy says they are going because five women are going to fight for a shot at her. Indi says it will be her. Saturday will be her day. Everyone has been wondering who will take the title from Mandy and it will be her. It does not matter where you watch the match, when the clocks runs out on Saturday, the clock for the end of your title reign begins.
– We run through the card for Deadline featuring the New Day versus Pretty Deadly. We will have the two Iron Survivor Challenge Matches. Apollo Crews will face Bron Breakker for the NXT Men’s Championship. Alba Fyre will face Isla Dawn.
– It is time for the Grayson Waller Effect.
All five men are in the ring. Waller says people don’t get to be in a first time match too often and you don’t forget your first time. Waller says they will be linked together forever and he looks forward to sharing the ring with them.
Waller makes sure to insult his guests.
Waller says the A Champ is acting like an A Hole.
Waller asks what advantage will it take to win.
Hayes says we are talking about the number one contendership for the title. Hayes says he was the first entrant. They were talking about him, not any of you.
JD wants to know what Hayes is talking about. He says Hayes lost the North American title twice and they were five men matches.
Hayes says this match is his. It does not matter when he enters the match, he will win.
JD tells Melo not to kid himself. He says Carmelo has been protected since he entered NXT. You will wake up in the lion’s den on Saturday. JD says he knows he can go through 25 minutes of hell and he has a bigger gas tank than any of you.
Waller says he doesn’t need 25 minutes to win.
Hayes says Waller doesn’t know how to go 25 minutes.
Waller asks Gacy what advantage will Schism have. Gacy says he can think for the group. Individuals are selfish and when the stakes are high, people fight over each other.
Axiom says everyone will act differently. Axiom says he has had the chance to analyze this match and it is a challenge. To win you must evolve and he knows how to adapt. This match will bring out the best in all of them.
Hayes calls Axiom a nerd.
Waller asks what position would they like to be in the match. Axiom says he would like to be first. He does not care if he is put in the penalty box.
JD says Axiom should be thanking him about the length of time he was out. He better worry about what hospital he is going in.
Gacy tells JD to send Axiom back in the hospital. Gacy says he wants the 4th spot. He will beat the first three men in the match. You can watch your hopes and dreams drift away while you are in the penalty box.
Hayes says JD and Gacy shot their shot and missed. Waller and Axiom won’t be the number one contender. None of you want it as big as he does.
Waller tells Hayes he is getting ahead of themselves. Waller says he is the favorite.
JD hits Waller and then Axiom goes after Hayes while JD and Gacy fight. Axiom with a suicide dive to Hayes. Gacy and JD go over the top rope. Waller with a flip dive onto everyone.
The brawl comtinues and officials come out and there is complete mayhem.
We go to credits.
NXT Results (12/6)