Dijak Makes In-Ring Return And Warns NXT Roster – After returning from the main roster back to NXT with a rebrand, Dijak has made his in-ring return in a big way during tonight’s NXT episode.
With a new look and attitude (particularly since we last saw him alongside Retribution on the main roster) the former T-BAR – Dominik Dijakovic took on Dante Chen.
While Chen was able to rally some momentary offense, the match was all Dijak as he laid Chen to waste with a devastating sleeper hold into his finishing move which was unnamed by commentary.
After the match, Dijak got on the mic to deliver a fiery promo, saying:
“That is an example of hard justice. Unrelenting anhilation. I want you to look into my eyes: the only thing that you’ll see is the infliction of suffering.
“This place, NXT? This is a place of refuge but not for me, no. I didn’t come here to reinvent myself, to discover myself, no.
“I came here to eviscerate a soft society and any man who stands in my way. Wes Lee, Dante Chen, Apollo Crews, Bron Breakker, it makes zero difference to me.
“Each of you is nameless, faceless men who will be brought to justice. My justice.”
Dijak Makes In-Ring Return And Warns NXT Roster