WWE SmackDown Results – April 30, 2021

WWE SmackDown Results - April 30, 2021

WWE SmackDown Results – April 30, 2021 – Tonight’s WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up with a video package to hype tonight’s Career vs. Title main event. We cut to the SmackDown intro video.

– We’re live from the WWE ThunderDome at the Yuengling Center in Tampa, Florida as Michael Cole welcomes us and the pyro goes off. He’s joined at ringside by Pat McAfee. They hype tonight’s main event.

– We go right to the ring and out comes SmackDown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. Cole sends us to a video package to hype Belair up.

Belair hits the ring and a “EST!” chant breaks out. Belair says it’s her pleasure to welcome us to the cool-est, the dop-est, the hott-est show on FOX, Friday Night SmackDown. Belair tells us to put our hands together for… the music interrupts and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler says when we kick off SmackDown, we do it right with The Dirty Dawgs. Roode tells Belair to let them take it from here. Ziggler starts ranting about how they’re the best but the music interrupts and out come The Street Profits – Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. They can’t believe Ziggler and Roode just interrupted the Women’s Champion. The music interrupts again and out comes Bayley.

Belair is still alone in the ring until Bayley walks in and snatches the mic to boos. Bayley laughs at Belair and keeps on laughing until Belair drops her for a pop. Belair wants Bayley to fight. Bayley tackles her and mounts her with strikes. The Profits and the champs hit the ring now and they start brawling. We go to commercial with everyone brawling in the ring.

The Street Profits and Bianca Belair vs. Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode and Bayley

Bianca and Bayley start things off and Bayley stomps on the foot.  Belair goes for a slam but Bayley gets to her feet and she connects with a clothesline.  Bayley goes for a sliding clothesline but Bianca with a crucifix for a near fall.  Bayley avoids a drop kick and she connects with forearms to Bianca.  Bianca with a drop kick and Bayley rolls to the floor and tags in Dolph.  BIanca does not want to leave the match and Dolph is okay but Angelo with a shoulder tackle.  Ford tags in and hits a drop kick and a double flapjack on Roode.  Bianca stops Bayley from attacking Ford when he ties his shoes and then Ford with a plancha.  Bayley sends Bianca into the ring steps.  Dolph with a drop kick.

Roode tags in and Dolpkh with an Irish whip and Dolph with a splash.  Roode with a uranage for a near fall.  Roode with a kick to the back.  Bayley hits Ford in the ropes while the referee was out of position.  Roode kicks Ford.  Ziggler tags in and gets a near fall.  Ziggler with a reverse chin lock and he puts his body weight on top of Ford to add more pressure on Ford.  Ford with a snap mare to escape and Ziggler with an IT’S Stinger Splash in the corner.  Ford with a thrust kick to counter a duper kick.  Roode and Dawkins tag in and Dawkins with a back elbow to Roode and an exploder to Ziggler.  Dawkins with a twisting splash and bulldog followed by a swinging neck breaker for a near fall.

Bianca gets Dolph on her shoulders but she let’s go when Bayley tries to interfere.  Bianca with a KOD to Bayley.  Roode with a rollup but Bianca whips Roode with her hair.  Dawkins with Anointment and Ford tags in for the Seven Star Frog Splash for the three count.

Winners:  Bianca Belair, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins


Kayla Braxton is with Daniel Bryan in the back.  She asks him about his preparation for the match.  Daniel says he is at peace with his decision.  You should ask Roman.  Daniel says he is getting a fair fight against Roman for the title.  He tapped Roman out before and he will tap him out again.  Daniel says his first title defense will not be against Roman Reigns, it will be against a man who has been waiting far too long for a chance, Cesaro.

Seth Rollins gives his thoughts on the Bryan/Reigns match.  He says it is so cute that Daniel thinks he is going to win and give Cesaro a title match.  Seth says his prediction is simple.  Seth says he has a history with Roman Reigns but Daniel Bryan will win tonight in one of the biggest upsets.  Cesaro will not get a shot at the title because Cesaro won’t make it past next week.

We go to commercial.

— We are back and Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, and Reginald are in the back.  Nia and Shayna yell at the interviewer about her questions.  Nia says they are sick of the disrespect… Natalya and Tamina attack Nia and Shayna in the back.

Natalya and Tamina vs. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

Nia and Tamina start things off and Tamina sends Nia into the turnbuckles and Tamina kicks Nia in the back of the head.  Tamina knocks Shayna off the apron and then Tamina goes up top and goes for a frog splash but Nia had her knees up.  Shayna tags in and Shayna with a jumping knee to the head for a near fall.  Shayna with forearms to Tamina.  Tamina pushes Shayna away and Nia tags in.  Shayna with a knee to the head and Nia with a splash in the corner.  Nia gets a near fall.  

Tamina with forearms and she goes for a slam but she collapses under Nia’s weight and Nia gets a near fall.  Shayna tags in and Tamina with punches.  Tamina with a slam to get out of a wrist lock.  Reginald checks on Nia on the floor and Natalya tags in.  Shayan misses a knee and Natalya with a snap mare and clothesline.  Natalya gets a near fall.  Natalya with a German suplex and she gets a near fall.  Shayna kicks Natalya away and Shayna with a knee.  Nia tags in and Shayna with a knee and Nia with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Nia misses a splash into the corner.

Tamina tags in and kicks Nia.  Reginald tries to stop Tamina and Tamina kicks Reginald.  Natalya goes for a sharpshooter on Reginald but Shayna kicks Natalya.  Nia stops Tamina and Shayna tags in and goes for a superplex but Tamina blocks it.  Tamina with a head butt and Shayna goes to the mat.  Tamina with a splash for the three count.

Winners:  Natalya and Tamina

— Booker T has his thoughts on Roman versus Bryan.  Booker’s pick is Roman Reigns.

We go to commercial.

— We are back with Shinsuke Nakamura’s prediction for tonight.  He says there is too much on the line for Daniel Bryan to lose, but if Roman can beat Daniel, you escaped me once, I will be waiting.


Kayla Braxton is in the back and she is with Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio. Kayla asks if they are going to get a tag title match.  Dominik says it is exciting and he thought his father was a superhero the way he flies in the ring.  It is like being in a comic book.  Rey says it would be history to become the first father and son tag team champions.  It would be legendary.

— We move on to Aleister Black.  He says if you look at him and judge him, you make assumption because that is the true nature of man.  I lived in this reality.

Chapter Two: Reality.  In high school people like you littered the hall.  So unaware in the concept of success and adoration.  The date to the prom, the right college, the three bedroom house with the picket fence.  You built a foundation of lies.  Father never fed me those lies.  He taught me the truth.  The truth is that there is something horribly wrong wtih that and with you.  I could help you and give you the keys to escape, but I won’t.


Big E is with Megan Morant and she asks if Big E has changed his strategy.  Everyone has been asking what will he do in his rematch against Apollo and how will he deal with Commander Azeez.  It all comes to an end tonight.  He gets his baby back tonight.  He will put her in the passenger seat and buckle her in and he will drive North on Bruce B. Downs.

— Commander Azeez, Apollo Crews, and the Giant Q-Tip are in the back as we go to commercial.

— We are back with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods’ picks for Bryan/Reigns.  Woods hates people who never struggled like Roman Reigns.  Bryan understands because he is still fighting.  That is why Bryan.  Kofi says he would normally go with Bryan because no one stops him, but Roman has Jey Uso with him so he is going with Roman.

Big E vs. Apollo Crews – Intercontinental Championship Match

They lock up and Crews with a clean break.  Crews with a waist lock and Big E with a hip lock to escape.  Crews with a waist lock and Big E escapes with another hip lock.  Big E with an abdominal stretch and Big E with forearms to the ribs.  Big E with a back elbow and he gets a near fall.  Big E tries to pulls Crews to the apron and Big E with a forearm across the chest.  Big E with a splash on the apron.  Big E gets a near fall.  Crews with a hot shot to Big E followed by a clothesline.  Crews with a suplex onto the floor.

We go to commercial.

Crews with punches and Big E misses a splash.  Crews comes off the turnbuckles and Big E with two overhead belly-to-belly suplexes.  Crews with an enzuigiri to knock Big E off the apron.  Crews with a moonsault off the apron onto Big E.  Crews misses a splash off the turnbuckles but Crews rolls through.  Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex and a Warrior splash for a near fall.  Crews with a bicycle kick and he gets a near fall.  Crews with punches.  Crews kicks Big E in the ribs and hits a splash into the corner.  Crews with an Irish whip but he runs into the corner and Big E with the UranagE for a near fall.  Crews goes to the apron and Big E tries for the spear through the ropes but Crews with a knee. 

Crews with a Death Valley Driver onto the apron.  Crews goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall.  Crews goes for an Olympic slam but Big E escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Big E with a Big Ending and Azeez pulls Big E out of the ring and sends Big E into the ring post as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ:  Big E

After the match, Azeez checks on Crews and Owens attacks Azeez.  Crews with a forearm to Owens and Azeez sets for the Nigerian Nail but Big E stops Azeez.  Azeez with a head butt to Big E.  Owens with a boot to Azeez and then Zayn with a Helluva Kick to Owens. Zayn grabs the title belt and he takes his time to give the belt back to Crews.  Zayn raises Crews and Azeez’ arms but Azeez hits Zayn with the Nigerian Nail.

— The Miz gives his pick for the Bryan/Reigns match.  Miz says there is no one more powerful and influential on Smackdown than Roman Reigns.  No one on that roster can take Roman Reigns down and Daniel Bryan definitely will not.

— Kayla Braxton is outside Roman’s locker room and Paul Heyman is not happy to see her.

We go to commercial.

— We are back and Cesaro says he will accept Seth Rollins’ challenge for next week.  Cesaro says Daniel Bryan will win the title and then he will win the title from Daniel Bryan at Backlash.

— Roman Reigns is sitting in his locker room.


We are back and Kayla asks Paul a question but Paul interrupts and he says he is sick of hearing Daniel Bryan’s name.  Did Daniel have a hall of fame worthy career?  Yes.  Did he defy the odds?  yes.  Is he the ultimate underdog?  Yes.  Did Daniel Bryan graduate to the big stage of NXT, Smackdown, and Raw?  Yes.  Did he achieve the ultimate and become the WWE Champion in the main event of Wrestlemania?  Yes.  Did he make the ultimate comeback?  Yes.  Does the WWE Universe think that Daniel Bryan wins tonight and become the head of the table?  Yes! Will he do it?  No.  Daniel Bryan will not survive the onslaught of Roman Reigns.  Will Daniel Bryan be on Smackdown again?  No!

— We go back to the ring for tonight’s Career vs. Title main event as Daniel Bryan makes his way out to a big pop and a “yes!” chant. Bryan will be banned from SmackDown if he loses this match tonight. Bryan hits the ring as we go back to commercial.

— We are back and King Corbin says he doesn’t like either of them.  If Roman wins, Daniel Bryan packs his bags and goes home for good.

Career vs. Title Match: Daniel Bryan vs. WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns

Roman Reings makes his way to the ring and he now has a new theme.

The bell rings and Bryan immediately nails the dropkick into the corner. Bryan unloads with Yes Kicks as fans cheer him on. Reigns immediately levels Bryan with a big right hand to shut down the early momentum. Reigns levels Bryan with a shoulder tackle. Reigns catches Bryan for a bear hug but Bryan fights him to the mat. Bryan goes for the Yes Lock but Reigns retreats to the floor to regroup. Bryan keeps fighting and drops Reigns at ringside with a flying knee. We go to commercial with Bryan standing over Reigns at ringside.

Back from the break and Bryan has control in the ring, softening up Reigns’ arm and shoulder. Bryan with Yes Kicks in the corner now. Bryan with the running dropkick in the corner, and another. Bryan charges for a third but Reigns explodes out of the corner with a big right hand. Reigns keeps control but Bryan kicks out at 2.

Reigns works Bryan over and headbutts him back to the mat. Reigns with a snap suplex for another 2 count. Reigns grounds Bryan with a headlock in the middle of the ring now. Fans try to rally for Bryan as he fights up and out of the hold. Reigns drops him with a knee to the mouth. Reigns works Bryan over in the corner again. Bryan counters and runs the ropes but Reigns meets him with a big back elbow for another 2 count. Fans chant for Bryan again as Reigns keeps him down. Bryan unloads with uppercuts now. Reigns charges but Bryan sends him into the middle turnbuckle face-first.

Bryan with more Yes Kicks in the corner now. Bryan climbs up for the hurricanrana but Reigns blocks it and delivers a big super powerbomb from the second rope. Bryan somehow kicks out at 2 and Reigns can’t believe it. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Reigns unloads on Bryan at ringside, sending him into the barrier. Reigns brings it back in for another close 2 count. Reigns knees Bryan into the corner and unloads with a bunch of knees now, stopping to yell at the referee after a warning. Another “you suck!” chant starts up. Reigns takes Bryan to the top for a superplex but Bryan slides underneath. Bryan crotches Reigns for a pop, but Bryan also falls to the mat and is slow to recover. Bryan climbs up for the super back suplex and he nails it.

Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Bryan recovers first and covers for a close 2 count by Reigns. Bryan with an uppercut and big Yes Kicks now as Reigns struggles to get up. Reigns ducks the roundhouse kick and levels Bryan with a Samoan Drop. Bryan still kicks out at 2. Reigns is frustrated as he calls for the finish. Reigns charges with the Superman Punch but Bryan meets him with a big kick to the arm in mid-air. Reigns clutches the arm but Bryan delivers another big shot to the damaged limb. Bryan focuses more on the arm now but Reigns fights him off. Bryan sends Reigns over the top rope but Reigns lands on his feet.

Bryan runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Reigns catches him and launches him with an overhead suplex. Bryan lands hard on the floor in front of the announce table. Reigns charges for a Spear into the barrier but Bryan moves and Reigns goes crashing through the barrier, into the ThunderDome LED crowd area. Reigns clutches the shoulder again as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Bryan is up top. He nails the diving headbutt but Reigns kicks out at 2. Bryan leads another “yes!” chant now. He charges from the corner but Reigns cuts him off with a Superman Punch for a close 2 count. Reigns and Bryan slowly get up. Reigns readies in the corner. He charges for the Spear but Bryan rolls him up for 2. Bryan nails the running knees but Reigns kicks out just in time by getting his foot on the bottom rope. Bryan is frustrated now as he thought that was the win.

Bryan drags Reigns over by his arms, holding them up so he can stomp away to keep Reigns down. Bryan goes for the arm bar and then the Yes Lock. Bryan has the Crossface applied in the middle of the ring now. Reigns counters and comes right back with a big Spear in the middle of the ring. Bryan kicks out right before the 3 count and Reigns can’t believe it. Reigns gets the Guillotine applied now, taking Bryan to the mat.

Bryan slides out of the Guillotine and applies another submission on the arm. More back and forth on the mat now. Reigns powers out of a hold and stars pounding on Bryan with fists. Reigns powers up and levels Bryan with a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Reigns mounts Bryan with more strikes now as Heyman yells from ringside. Reigns with another big powerbomb.

Bryan blocks a Guillotine but Reigns switches arms and he gets it locked in now. Reigns wraps his legs around Bryan and tightens the Guillotine. Bryan looks to be fading now as the referee checks on him. The referee calls the match as Bryan passes out in the hold.

Winner:  Roman Reigns

After the match, Cole confirms that Bryan is now banned from SmackDown. Bryan is flat on his back while Reigns gets up to his feet as his new music hits. Heyman enters the ring and hands the Universal Title belt to Reigns. He raises it in the air as the boos start up. We go to replays. Reigns brings two steel chairs into the ring now but Cesaro runs out and makes the save for a pop. Cesaro takes off his suit jacket and delivers a running uppercut against the barrier. Cesaro keeps working Reigns over at ringside and goes to follow him back in the ring but Jey Uso attacks from behind. Uso beats Cesaro up at the apron and superkicks him, then rolls him in. Cesaro is trapped in the ropes now, forced to watch Reigns deliver a Con-Chair-To to Bryan. Uso holds Cesaro in place in the ropes, with a headlock, as Reigns taunts him. Heyman is raising the Universal Title belt in the air from ringside. A “you suck!” chant gets louder as SmackDown on FOX goes off the air with Reigns taunting Cesaro while Bryan is laid out.

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