The New York Post ran an article on Friday that included comments from The Undertaker’s recent interview with Pastor Ed Young. Taker commented on WWE Hall of Famer Andre the Giant and how Andre likely wanted to wrestle Taker if his health were to improve.
WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan re-tweeted the NY Post article and commented on the Taker vs. Andre match that never happened. Hogan wrote, “Knowing Andre the way I do it would have been a master plan to only skyrocket Takers career, brother. Now the question is, would it have been at Wrestlemania? What do you think maniacs?”
Former WWE Champion Rob Van Dam, who has previously spoke out about Triple H trying to bury him in WWE, responded to Hogan’s tweet and took a shot at The Game. RVD wrote, “I think someone would’ve run in and pedigree’d them both. Don’t you?”
You can see the exchange between RVD and The Hulkster below:
I think someone would’ve run in and pedigree’d them both. Don’t you? 🤔— Rob Van Dam (@TherealRVD) October 5, 2018
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