– The WWE NXT “Takeover: Brooklyn IV” Pre-show opens live from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York City as fans make their way in. Charly Caruso welcomes us. She’s joined by Sam Roberts and Pat McAfee. They hype tonight’s show and Cathy sends us to a video on the “Who Attacked Aleister Black?” storyline.
They talk about tonight’s main event and send us out to Mike Rome, who is with a bunch of wild NXT fans. Charly plugs tonight’s show on the WWE Network as Mike sends it back. The panel goes over tonight’s card next. Charly also plugs tomorrow’s SummerSlam event. The panel shows us recent events that led to tonight’s NXT Tag Team Title match next. We also see video from Cathy Kelley’s WWE Now video with The Undisputed Era from earlier today. Sam and Pat both believe Moustache Mountain will win the titles tonight. Back from a break and Charly sends us to a video preview for EC3 vs. The Velveteen Dream. Pat believes EC3 is going to steal the show tonight. Sam goes with Dream for the win. Charly sends us to a video for the NXT North American Title next.
We come back to the panel and Charly welcomes Ricochet via camera in the back. Ricochet says he’s been working for this moment for 15 years and he knows he can defeat Adam Cole. We get more hype for tonight’s show and another break. Charly sends us to Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson and Nigel McGuinness at ringside. They hype the card and send us to a video package for tonight’s NXT Women’s Title match. Sam and Pat agree on Shayna Baszler retaining her title tonight. Charly sends us back outside to Rome and a group of fans. We see shots of Johnny Gargano and NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa arriving to the arena. The panel sends us to another video on the Black storyline. NXT General Manager William Regal joins the panel now. Regal spoke to The Undisputed Era and says they are no longer suspects in the Black attack but that’s all he can tell us as of now. Regal talks more about the disappointing situation and the panel plugs tonight’s card again. We get more hype for SummerSlam and Takeover before Charly sends us to a video package for the main event.
NXT ‘Takeover: Brooklyn IV’ Opener:
We are live from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York City and your announcers are Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness. The sold out crowd is fired up.
NXT Tag Team Title Match: Moustache Mountain vs. The Undisputed Era
We go right to the ring and out comes NXT Tag Team Champions The Undisputed Era, Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong. Kayla Braxton does the introductions. Out next comes Moustache Mountain, Tyler Bate and Trent Seven.
Strong and Seven start things off and they go after the men on the apron before Strong connects with a forearm and chops. Kyle tags in and Strong deals with Bate. Strong chops Bate while Kyle with knees to Seven. All four men exchange strikes with the challengers gaining the advantage. All four go to teh floor as Seven chops Kyle. Seven chops Kyle in the corner. Bate tags in and hits a senton for a near fall. Bate with a slam to Strong and then Bate sends Seven onto Strong with an assisted back senton for a near fall.
Seven with a punch to Strong but Strong with a back breaker. Kyle tags in and kicks Seven and follows with knees and a round kick to send Seven to the mat. Strong tags in and he connects with a boot to the head. Strong with a punch and chop before tagging Kyle back in. Kyle with a snap mare and knee drop for a near fall. Bate tags in and he hits a rana on Strong followed by a drop kick. Bate with a knee lift to Kyle followed by a corkscrew back elbow. Strong tags in and Bate stops Strong while he has Kyle on his shoulders. Bate with a Giant Swing on Strong while Kyle is still on Tyler’s back.
Strong with kicks and Kyle with a sleeper. Tyler falls back and then he connects with running European uppercuts. Strong with a flying clothesline. Strong with punches. Kyle with knees to the arm followed by a sliding knee drop. Kyle with palm strikes to the head. Strong tags back in and he kicks Bate and chops him. Kyle tags in and Strong with a gutbuster and Kyle with a knee drop to the back of the neck for a near fall. Kyle with a body scissors and he tags Strong back in.
Strong with a running knee to the head. Strong with a back breaker on his shoulders and turns it into a Gory Special. Strong adds more pressure to Bate’s back. Bate gets back ot his feet but Kyle is able to tag in. Kyle with an atomic drop to the knee followed by kicks and a heel hook. Kyle with a knee drop to the leg in a figure four. Strong tags in and he continues to work on the injured leg. Kyle tags back in and he works on the leg. Strong tags back in and Bate sends Strong over the top rope. Bate tries to get to his corner but Strong grabs the leg. Bate kicks Strong away. Kyle goes over the top rope when he tries to stop Bate.
Strong grabs the leg and Bate leaps to the corner but Kyle pulls him off the apron. Seven tags in and he chops Strong and follows with a back body drop. Seven with a suicide dive onto Kyle. Seven with running clotheslines and Kyle with a running boot that misses. Seven with a power slam to Strong for a near fall. Strong with a forearm and elbow and he is able to tag in Kyle. Kyle with a brainbuster for a near fall.
Kyle with a running forearm into the corner and Strong tags in. Strong and Kyle with knees. Strong with an Olympic Slam for a near fall. Bate with a rolling kick to stop Kyle but Strong with a running gourdbuster slam to Bate. Strong with the Strong Hold on Seven. Kyle with a triangle on Bate. Bate with a one arm power bomb onto Strong to force him to release the hold. Bate tags in and he connects with a punch to Strong followed by a forearm. Bate with an Exploder to Kyle onto Strong and Strong and Kyle go to the floor. Bate with a suicide dive onto Kyle. Bate with a rebound clothelsine to Strong. Bate with Tyler Driver 97 for a near fall.
Bate goes to the turnbuckles but Strong with a forearm and he goes up top. Bate with punches and elbows to send him to the mat. Kyle tries to interfere but Bate sends Kyle into the ring post. Strong runs Bate’s knee into the turnbuckles. Kyle tags in and knocks Trent off the apron. Kyle with a heel hook on Tyler. Strong pulls Kyle and Tyler into the corner while the referee deals with Trent.
Trent gets a towel and he wants to throw it in but he decides not to do it. Trent throws the towel into the crowd and he gives Strong a back body drop to the floor. Bate crawls across the ring and he makes the tag to Seven. Seven with a chop. Kyle with a forearm but Trent with a back fist and Seven Star Lariat for a near fall. Bate tags in and Seven gets Kyle up but Strong tries to stop Bate. Bate with a knee to Kyle while Seven hits a Burning Hammer but Kyle kicks out at two. Seven tags in and applies a full nelson. Bate goes for the rebound clothesline but Strong with a jumping knee. Kyle with a clip followed by Total Elimination for the three count.
Winners: Undisputed Era
After the match, O’Reilly and Strong take the titles in the middle of the ring and try to recover from the battle. We go to replays. We come back and the champions turn around to The War Raiders in the ring. Hanson and Rowe take out Strong and O’Reilly with big power moves and double team moves as fans pop. The War Raiders stand tall in the ring as their music hits. We get a replay of the surprise attack. Hanson and Rowe get the crowd hyped up and celebrate in the ring.
– We take a look at photos of the attack on Alesiter Black from a few weeks ago.
– Johnny Gargano is in the locker room getting ready for his chance at the NXT Men’s Championship.
EC3 vs. The Velveteen Dream
We go to the ring and out comes The Velveteen Dream first. EC3 is out next.
Dream throws his vest at EC3 before the bell and EC3 throws is back at Dream.
They lock up and EC3 sends Dream into teh corner. They lock up again and EC3 sends Dream into the corner again. EC3 sends Dream to the floor and then back into teh ring. Dream with a wrist lock. EC3 with a reversal and arm wringer. EC3 lifts Dream into the air by the wrist and elbow and then sends him back to the mat. EC3 picks up Dream again and gives him a back drop into a top wrist lock.
Dream goes onto the turnbuckles on an Irish whip and EC3 kicks Dream a few times until Dream lands on the top rope in an uncomfortable position so EC3 shakes the ropes and then punches Dream to send him to the floor. Dream with a shoulder and he goes for a sunset flip but EC3 stays on his feet. Dream tries to pull down the tights but EC3 stays on his feet. EC3 with a chop. Dream with a kick. EC3 with a slam and a running elbow drop and Mick Foley Clothesline that sends both of them over the top rope to the floor.
They go up the ramp and EC3 tries for a suplex but Dream blocks it and Dream with a twisting DDT on the ramp. Dream sends EC3 into the ring post and then they return to the ring. Dream gets a near fall. Dream goes to the turnbuckles and hits a chop. Dream drops EC3’s midsection on the top rope. Dream punches EC3 in the corner and kicks him. The referee warns Dream. Dream sends EC3 to the apron and drops EC3 on the top rope. Dream with a neck breaker for a near fall. Dream works on the neck.
Dream sets for a neck breaker but EC3 blocks it and Dream with a knee to the midsection followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Dream sends EC3 to the floor and then into the announce table numerous times. Dream throws some water in EC3’s face. Dream takes a drink and gives a Dream Fountain. EC3 with Flatline. EC3 and Dream with punches and chops. EC3 with the advantage. EC3 with a clothesline out of the corner followed by jabs and a punch to the top of the head. EC3 with a back elbow.
EC3 with a splash into the corner and then he hits a rolling neck breaker. Dream with a rollup for a near fall. Dream misses a thrust kick and Dream escapes the head lock driver. Dream misses another thrust kick but EC3 hits the head lock driver for a near fall. EC3 punches Dream in the corner. Dream with a double thrust to the throat. Dream goes up top but Dream with a press slam. EC3 with a cross body but Dream rolls through and gets a near fall. EC3 with a slap and power bomb. Dream with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.
EC3 puts Dream on the turnbuckles and chops him. EC3 climbs onto the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex. EC3 hits the superplex and he gets a near fall. They go to the apron and Dream misses a punch. EC3 puts Dream on his shoulders but Dream lands on his feet and Dream with a superkick and Rolling Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Dream gets EC3 on his shoulders but EC3 gets to his feet and he hits a German suplex for a near fall.
Dream gets EC3 on his shouldes and hits the Rolling Death Valley Driver on the apron. Dream goes up top and hits an elbow drop onto the apron and gets the three count.
Winner: Velveteen Dream
After the match, Dream stands tall in the middle of the ring as we go to replays. Dream makes his exit and looks around from the stage as EC3 recovers in the ring.
– Matt Riddle is in the crowd.
– We see Tommaso Ciampa spending some quality time with the NXT Men’s Championship belt.
– We get a video package for the next match.
NXT North American Title Match: Ricochet vs. Adam Cole
We go to the ring and out first comes Ricochet. NXT North American Champion Adam Cole is out next.
Ricochet and Cole have some words before locking up. They lock up and Ricochet with a wrist lock into a hammer lock. Cole with a reversal. Ricochet with a wrist lock. Cole with a reversal. Ricochet with a back flip and he reverses the hold. Cole backs Ricochet into the ropes and Ricochet flips over the back and avoids a super kick. Cole tells Ricochet he is not special. Cole with a waist lock into a side head lock. Cole holds on when Ricochet tries to send him off the ropes.
Cole returns to the side head lock when Ricochet tries to escape. Cole with an Irish whip and Ricochet tries to float over but Cole does not charge into the corner. Cole with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Cole goes for a leap frog but Ricochet with a drop kick to send Cole to the floor. Ricochet teases a dive to the floor but does a handspring into a Superhero Landing. Cole goes back into the ring as Ricochet goes to the apron. Ricochet goes to the turnbuckles but Cole sends Ricochet over the top rope to the floor.
Cole sends Ricochet into the ringside barrier. Cole with punches to Ricochet. Cole with a kick to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Ricochet with a head butt to the midsection but Cole with a knee to the midsection. Cole gets Ricochet on his feet and he hits an Ushigoroshi for a near fall. Cole with a reverse chin lock. Ricochet with an elbow and Ricochet kicks Cole away and follows with a rolling drop kick to send Cole to the floor. Ricochet with a twisting plancha onto Cole. Ricochet with a forearm and then he sends Cole into the turnbuckles and hits a Tiger Feint Kick. Ricochet gets a near fall.
Cole gets back to his feet but Ricochet with an elbow. Ricochet with a shoulder into the corner followed by a kick and he goes for a double jump moonsault but Cole moves. Ricochet with a shooting star press followed by a Phoenix splash for a near fall. Cole with elbows to stop him but Ricochet with chops. Cole with a lungblower to counter a handspring move by Ricochet. Ricochet with a forearm and Cole sends Ricochet to the apron. Ricochet with a forearm. Cole goes for a super kick to counter a springboard move but Ricochet blocks it and hits a rolling elbow. Ricochet goes for a quebrada and Cole with a super kick. Cole with an Ushigoroshi for a near fall.
Cole sets for the Shining Wizard but Ricochet moves and gets a near fall with a rollup. Cole with a forearm and Ricochet with forearms of his own. Cole misses a super kick and Ricochet with an uppercut and kick. Cole with an enzuigiri. Ricochet with a jumping knee. Cole and Ricochet with more kicks and Cole gets a near fall when he falls on top of Ricochet. Cole pulls down the knee pad and he misses the Last Shot. Ricochet with a reverse rana and Ricochet goes up top. Cole rolls to the other side of the ring.
Cole goes to the apron and Ricochet with a rana off the apron to the floor. Ricochet sends Cole back into the ring and he goes up top for the 630 splash and he hits it. Ricochet gets the three count.
Winner and NEW NXT North American Champion: Ricochet
After the match, Ricochet takes the title and celebrates as his music hits. We go to replays. We come back to Ricochet celebrating and get more replays as he makes his exit.
– Back from a break and we see Kevin Owens in the front row with WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry.
– We get a video package for the next match.
NXT Women’s Title Match: Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler
We go to the ring and out comes Kairi Sane for this rematch of the 2017 Mae Young Classic finals, which Sane won. NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Braxton.
We see Ronda Rousey, Marina Shafir, and Jessamyne Duke in the crowd to watch Shayna’s match.
Baszler with a hammer lock and Sane with a single leg take down and she goes for the leg but both women get to the ropes. Sane goes for a double leg take down but Baszler blocks it and goes for a gutwrench but Sane lands on her feet. Sane gets a few near falls and then she applies the Stretch Muffler. They go face to face and Baszler pushes Sane. Sane pushes back. They go back and forth with forearms. Sane with a head scissors take down and drop kick to send Baszler to the floor.
Sane with a clothesline off the apron and then she sends the champion back into the ring. Baszler wtih a drop kick to the knees. Baszler stomps on the lower leg while having it at an unusual angle. Baszler with kicks to the ribs and leg. Sane moves and Baszler goes to the apron. Sane with forearms but misses with a shoulder. Baszler with a kick and she drops the leg on the middle rope.
Baszler with punches to Sane and then she returns to the injured leg. Baszler twists the ankle and Sane writhes in pain. Baszler stomps on the ankle. Baszler puts Sane’s leg in the ropes and mocks Sane before kicking Sane in the leg. Sane tells Baszler to give her more. Baszler with forearms and Sane slaps Baszler. Sane with more slaps to Baszler. Baszler backs up as Sane continues the attack. Sane with a spinning back fist followed by two running snap neck breakers. Sane kicks Baszler in the corner. Sane sets for the Sliding D and hits it but cannot get everything behind it because of the damage to the leg.
Sane gets a near fall and then she goes up top for the InSane Elbow but Baszler stops Sane on the turnbuckles. Baszler with a gutwrench superplex and both women are down. Baszler and Sane exchange forearms. Baszler with a kick to the leg and a knee to the head for a near fall. Baszler goes for a Kirifuda Driver but Sane lands on her feet and she hits the Interceptor Spear. Sane goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop to the back. Sane goes up top but Baszler rolls to the floor.
Sane with a cross body onto Baszler on the floor. They return to the ring and Sane goes up top for the InSane Elbow and hits it but gets a near fall. Sane sets for the Anchor but Baszler counters into the Kirifuda Clutch. Sane tries to get to the ropes but Baszler adds a body scissors. Sane is able to get enough strength to get to the ropes. Baszler releases the hold. Baszler kicks Sane in the hamstring and then she goes for the heel hook. Sane escapes and counters into a submission but Baszler gets to the ropes.
Sane applies the Anchor in the ropes on the apron. The referee makes her count and Sane releases the hold before being disqualified. Sane with an Alabama Slam and she goes up top and Baszler gets her feet up on the InSane Elbow. Baszler goes for the Kirifuda Clutch but Sane bridges back and gets the three count.
Winner and NEW NXT Women’s Champion: Kairi Sane
After the match, Sane celebrates with the title as we go to replays. We come back to Sane celebrating in the ring as her music hits.
– Back from a break and we get a video package for tonight’s main event.
Last Man Standing Match for the NXT Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa
We go to the ring and out first comes Johnny Gargano to a pop. NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa is out next as the heat quickly starts up. Some fans chant “asshole” as Ciampa marches to the ring.
Gargano attacks Ciampa during the introduction and he punches and kicks Ciampa. Ciampa goes to the floor and Gargano wtith punches when he returns. Gargano with a Thesz Press and punches. Gargano with punches in the corner. Ciampa sends Gargano to the apron but Gargano gets back into the ring. Gargano sends Ciampa to the floor and goes for a baseball slide but Ciampa sends Gargano back first into the ring steps.
Ciampa with forearms to the back and then Ciampa is sent into the ringside barrier by Gargano and then he does it a second time. Gargano with punches to Ciampa and the referee starts his count when Gargano stops with the punches. Gargano with more punches. Gargano sends Ciampa into the ringside barrier. Gargano pulls apart the mats at ringside to expose the floor. Ciampa with a thumb to the eye. Ciampa hangs Gargano over the ringside barrier and connects with forearms. Ciampa is backed into the ring post and then Gargano wtih a cannonball off the apron.
Gargano sends Ciampa over the announce table and he barely misses Percy. Ciampa falls into one of the announcer’s chairs. Gargano sets for a move onto the announce table but Ciampa with a running Air Raid Crash through the Spanish Announce table. The referee starts his count. Both men get up and they return to the ring. Ciampa gets a chair from under the ring. Gargano with punches and Ciampa kicks Gargano when Gargano goes for the chair. Ciampa with kicks in the corner. Ciampa with a running knee to the head.
Ciampa puts the chair against Gargano’s head and Gargano gets up and throws the chair at Ciampa’s injured knee. Gargano hits Ciampa in the midsection with the chair and then he hits him in the back. Gargano drives the edge of the chair into Ciampa’s midsection. The chair is lodged into the turnbuckles and he sets for the lawn dart. Ciampa escapes and applies a sleeper. Ciampa releases the hold and the referee starts his count.
Ciampa reapplies the sleeper when Gargano gets back to his feet. Gargano backs Ciampa into the turnbuckles to release the hold. Ciampa tries to choke Gargano in the corner but Gargano gets Ciampa on his shoulders and Gargano lawn darts Ciampa into the chair in the turnbuckles. Ciampa is able to get back to his feet but Gargano gets a table and sets it up on the floor. Gargano is not done with the furniture set up and he pulls out a second table. Gargano leaves the table upside down on the first table. Gargano sets for a suplex onto the tables. Ciampa blocks it and then he punches Gargano in the ribs. Ciampa with a German suplex and he holds on. Ciampa with a second German suplex. Gargano grabs the chair for a moment but Ciampa hits a third German suplex.
Ciampa with a running knee to the head and Ciampa picks up the chair and hits Gargano in the ribs and back with the chair. Ciampa continues to hit Gargano with the chair and the referee starts his count. Ciampa sets for an hits Project Ciampa. Ciampa goes for a second one and hits it. Ciampa goes for a third Project Ciampa and Gargano is down. Ciampa takes a seat while the referee counts out Gargano. Ciampa joins with the referee to make the count but Gargano gets up and super kicks Ciampa out of the chair.
Ciampa with a punch and Gargano punches back. The continue the exchange of punches. Gargno blocks a kick and hits a series of clotheslines. Ciampa with a kick but Gargano with a rollup into a round kick. Gargano goes for the slingshot spear but Ciampa with a knee. Gargano with an enzuigiri after a rana. Ciampa with a German suplex but Gargano gets up and hits a super kick. Both men with clotheslines and both men are down. They both get up and then they throw a flurry of punches. Gargano with a super kick and Ciampa with a knee. Both men are down again.
Ciampa goes to the floor to get onto his feet. Gargano goes to the apron and he hits a kick to the head. Gargano goes for a cannonball off the apron but Ciampa side steps him and Gargano lands hard. Ciampa sends Gargano into the corner of the ringside barrier and then they go onto the ring steps. Ciampa hits the butterfly gourdbuster onto the ring steps and the referee makes his count.
Gargano gets up at nine. Ciampa kicks Gargano in the head and then Ciampa goes under the ring for bolt cutters to allow the boards to be exposed. Gargano is sent face first into the ring steps. Gargano sprays the contents of the fire extinguisher into Ciampa’s face. Gargano has a crutch and he hits Ciampa with it. They go to the floor and Gargano hits Ciampa in the back another time. Ciampa sets for a DDT onto the exposed boards. Ciampa with punches and then he waves goodbye to Gargano but Gargano with a desperation enzuigiri. Gargano with a DDT onto the boards.
Ciampa rolls to the floor to beat the count. Gargano with a suicide dive onto Ciampa and they return to the ring. Ciampa goes back to the floor and Gargano with another suicide dive. Gargano with punches to Ciampa. Gargano misses a super kick and MDKs a member of the ring crew. Ciampa hits Gargano wtih a monitor. Ciampa gets a chair and charges at Gargano and connects with the chair and goes through the ringside barrier. Ciampa gets anything and anyone he can find to put on top of Gargano to keep him down for a ten count.
Gargano is able to get up before the ten count. Ciampa gets handcuffs and he tries to put them on Gargano around the ring post. Ciampa is pulled into the ring post by Gargano. Gargano tries to put the handcuffs on Ciampa but Ciampa with a back elbow. Ciampa goes to the apron and sets for an Air Raid Crash through the tables. Gargano gets free and tries to do the same to Ciampa. Ciampa with a punch. Gargano punches Ciampa as Ciampa hangs from the ropes. Gargano super kicks Ciampa off the apron through the tables.
Ciampa gets up at nine with help from the crutch. Gargano goes to the floor and Ciampa goes up the ramp to back away. Ciampa kicks the crutch away and it goes into the crowd. Gargano with punches to Ciampa and then he sends Gargano into the matrix board. Gargano applies the GargaNo Escape. Ciampa taps but it does not matter. Gargano locks the handcuffs into the speakers by the stage. Gargano sends Ciampa into the gate and connects with a super kick.
Ciampa says he is sorry but Gargano with a super kick. The referee makes his count. Gargano with another super kick to the head. Gargano does not believe that Ciampa is sorry and he stands over Ciampa while the referee counts. Gargano pulls down his knee pad and he hits a running knee and goes off the stage. Both men are down and the refeee makes his count. Ciampa gets to the floor while Gargano does not beat the ten count.
Winner: Tommaso Ciampa
After the match, Ciampa takes the NXT Title and clutches it as fans boo. Ciampa is still cuffed to the part of the stage as the referee checks on Gargano. We go to replays. Mauro says Gargano apparently dislocated his knee. Ciampa recovers and stands tall on the stage as trainers check on Gargano down below. Ciampa raises the title as the boos pick up. We go to more replays. Ciampa’s arm is raised on the stage while he holds the title up again. Fans boo but some do cheer. We see Gargano being checked on, clutching his knee. Trainers call for a stretcher as Gargano gets up to his feet, helped up and to the stage by officials. Ciampa comes walking back out to the stage to a pop. Gargano turns and watches Ciampa raise the title in the air as “Takeover: Brooklyn IV” goes off the air.
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