Matt Hardy tweeted the following to his brother Jeff Hardy after last night’s SmackDown segment that saw Jeff talk about being incomplete without the WWE United States Title, which he lost to Shinsuke Nakamura at Extreme Rules. That pay-per-view also saw Matt and Bray Wyatt lose the RAW Tag Team Titles to The B Team.
We noted before how Matt made a post-Extreme Rules tweet that said it might be time for “US” to move on, indicating the possible end of his team with Wyatt. Matt posted a follow-up tweet the next day and included a photo of he and his brother walking backstage. You can see that tweet below also:
We’re in the same DILAPIDATED BOAT, #BrotherNero..— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) July 18, 2018
— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) July 16, 2018
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