Update on Jerry Lawler and Fiancee After Last Week’s Domestic Incident

The Memphis Commercial Appeal reports that WWE announcer Jerry Lawler and fiancee Lauryn McBride were ordered by Judge William Turner to stay away from each other at their arraignment in Shelby County General Sessions Court today.

The two were charged with domestic assault after an incident at Lawler’s east Memphis home last Thursday. They both appeared separately in court today.

“Those are standard bail conditions in a domestic violence case,” said McBride’s attorney Mark Mesler. “No contact, no communicating, no texts, no phone calls.”

After his brief appearance before the judge, Lawler declined to comment on the case.

In the incident Thursday, McBride and Lawler argued, and Lawler held her against a kitchen counter, McBride said. She said he hit her in the front left side of her head and pushed her against a stove, according to an affidavit. She said he retrieved an unloaded pistol, placed it on the counter and said, “Go ahead and kill yourself.”

Lawler said they argued over her lying about where she had been, the affidavit states. She was intoxicated, and he tried to prevent her from leaving in her car, he said. She scratched the right side of his face, threw a candle at him and kicked him the groin, he said according to the affidavit. Lawler contended that she got the gun from the garage and had threatened to kill herself.

Police arrested both when they could not determine a primary aggressor. They were released on their own recognizance Friday, arrainged today and are due back in court on Friday, July 1st.

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