Police Find Multiple Medications Near Chyna’s Body, WWE Legend Has Surgery

– TMZ reports that Chyna’s habit of mixing prescription pills in the same bottle is making it hard for detectives to figure out what she took before she passed away earlier this month. As noted, Chyna’s manager and friend has stated she was taking Ambien and Valium, but it will be a few months before the toxicology results are back. A source told TMZ that police found several full prescription pill bottles near Chyna’s body, some which contained multiple medications and vitamins. There were said to be at least 4 different types of pills. Due to the mixing of pills, police will have to wait on the toxicology report to come back.

– WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross noted in his latest JRsBBQ.com blog that fellow Hall of Famer “Cowboy” Bill Watts recently underwent spinal surgery. Ross wrote:

“Cowboy Bill Watts recently had spinal surgery as a result of his years in wrestling and is home recovering nicely. My mentor is in great spirits and is as ornery as ever.”

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