1/30 TNA iMPACT Wrestling Results

1/30 TNA iMPACT Wrestling Results

1/30 TNA iMPACT Wrestling Results – The show opens up inside the Impact Zone in San Antonio, TX. with Nic Nemeth’s entrance tune. McKenzie Mitchell is shown in the ring and she introduces “The Wanted Man” himself, who comes to the ring to kick things off.

“Genesis was a hell of a night for TNA. Unfortunately, it was not a great night for myself,” Nemeth begins. He makes no excuses. Joe Hendry was the better man, and now Joe Hendry is your TNA World Champion. He insists that isn’t a sob-story, and he makes it clear when one gets knocked down, they get up and do something about it.

He says so in 2025, that’s what he plans to do. As he tries continuing, he is cut off. “My brother is not happy with what happened at TNA Genesis,” says Ryan Nemeth, who comes to the ring and insists Nic got robbed, and that Hendry got lucky.

Ryan goes on to call Hendry a poser, a loser and a “two-pump chump.” He tells Nic he’s better, even if he’s too modest to say it. He vows 2025 will be Nic’s year and calls Hendry a fraud. Nic stops him. He thanks him for the kind words but again insists Hendry earned the win and the title.

“It’s not all doom and gloom, think about it,” Nic continues. He says he can go for the world title and he and Ryan can go for the tag-titles. He is interrupted by KC Navarro, who annoyingly repeats the phrase, “Pardon me?!” in obnoxious fashion.

AJ Francis begins, “Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is …” well he didn’t continue with “HOV,” we can say that much. He says he’s not here to talk to Ryan, he’s here to talk to the Nemeth brother who actually matters. He mocks Nic’s plans to go for the world title.

Francis goes on to talk about his own end of 2024 and how since then, “Papa’s got a brand new bag,” another song rip-off, to boast about his new TNA deal. He says it’s a new era in TNA and it’s the “T-N-AJ-Francis Era.”

Ryan yells back, “Hey my brother does not deserve to be interrupted, my brother demands respect!” Nic goes on to tell First Class he doesn’t know who they think they are. Ryan cuts him off and says he and his big brother are going to fight them tonight.

TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella’s theme hits and he comes out to announce Ryan & Nic Nemeth vs. First Class in tonight’s main event. His theme hits again and just as fast as he appeared, he was gone.

Tessa Blanchard Punks Out Arianna Grace & Gia Miller

Backstage, Gia Miller is standing by with “The Liaison” Arianna Grace, when up walks Tessa Blanchard. Grace introduces herself to her in bubbly fashion. Blanchard tells her she doesn’t tell her what to do. Grace insists they’re on the same team.

Blanchard blasts her for playing dress up and having everything handed to her. Grace runs off crying. “That’s right, go,” Tessa taunts. She then tells Gia she’s not needed, punks her, takes her microphone and says, “Tessa Blanchard answers to nobody.”

On that note, Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt run down the advertised lineup for tonight as the match graphics flash on the screen. We then head to the first commercial break of the show.

Cora Jade defeated Hyan

When the show returns, the digital exclusive shared before the show, which features Cora Jade “big-timing” and getting into a pull-apart with Xia Brookside is shown. Jade was initially looking for TNA Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich.

Inside the arena, Cora Jade’s theme hits and the WWE NXT Superstar makes her way to the ring for the first match of the evening. In the ring already is her opponent, Hyan. The bell sounds to get things started, and the two lock-up.

Jade takes the early control with ease. She hits a dropkick on Hyan and hops on the ropes to lay down and boast. She yanks Hyan down by her hair and then plays to the crowd again. She chokes Hyan over the middle rope and then hits a running elbow to her back.

She tries the same thing a second time, but Hyan moves. Hyan hits wasteland and goes for the cover, but Jade kicks out and takes over on Hyan in the corner, before hitting her Jaded finisher for the easy win. Jade beats Hyan down some more afterwards, prompting Xia Brookside to run out for the save.

Jade pretends to run off, and as Brookside turns to check on Hyan, Jade re-enters the ring behind her and hits Brookside with Jaded. Jade is standing tall admiring her dastardly deeds when the theme for Slamovich hits. The TNA Knockouts Champion runs to the ring, and this time Jade runs off for real, stopping briefly to wear Masha’s cowboy hat and taunt her from the ramp.

Gia Miller Interviews Wes Lee, Tyriek & Tyson

Backstage, Gia Miller is standing by with Wes Lee, Tyriek and Tyson. Lee guesses the question is “Why?” in reference to his actions towards his former partners, The Rascalz. He talks about his goal of being NXT Champion and mentions how Tyriek and Tyson are after tag-team gold.

Lee says it all starts tonight when he takes out “The Resident Magician that ya’ll have, Ace Austin.” The three walk off on that note and then the show heads into another commercial time out.

Santino Marella Served Papers & Makes An Announcement

When the show returns, Ash & Heather by Elegance are with George Iceman, who serves Santino Marella with papers from their lawyers. He complains about the Knockouts tag-team title match from Genesis and demands justice.

Santino tells them to relax and announces a battle royal for next week, where the winner earns a Knockouts title bout. He says they are both in it, as are these two who walk up, Spitfire.

Dani Luna and Jody Threat talk trash and get under the skin of the Elegant duo while also being announced for next week’s high stakes battle royal.

Brian Myers (w/ Moose, Eddie Edwards, JDC & Alisha Edwards) defeated Leon Slater

Inside the Impact Zone, The System’s theme hits and out comes the entire group for Brian Myers’ advertised match. Moose, Eddie Edwards, JDC and Alisha Edwards enter the ring with him and they all show off the rings they got each other.

The theme for Leon Slater hits, and out comes the promising young prospect to the ring. After a competitive early back-and-forth, Slater pulls ahead. With Myers on the floor, Slater hits the ropes to build up momentum for a dive, only for all of The System to stand in front of Myers and stop him.

Due to the distraction at ringside as Slater tried pursuing The System on the floor, Myers takes over on offense and brings the action back into the ring. Myers enjoys a few minutes in the offensive driver’s seat until Slater hits a big splash off the ropes.

After shifting the momentum into his favor, Slater goes on his trademark, fast-paced, explosive high-flying offensive showcase for his big comeback. He heads to the top but sees Myers standing, so he leaps over his head and lands on his feet, before blasting Myers and getting a close two-count.

Myers surprises an unsuspecting Slater with an enzugiri, before following up with an even bigger move for a close two-count of his own. The crowd bit on that as the finish. Myers backs into a corner and stalks Slater. He charges at Slater, who drops and rolls up Myers for a crafty two-count.

Slater hits a single leg dropkick that sends Myers to the floor. Slater plays to the crowd before building up a full head of steam. Once again his big dive tease is shut down. This time, however, Slater sprints towards the corner and hits a turning spiraling splash over the ring post to Myers on the floor.

On the floor, Slater dodges an attempted attack by Moose and Eddie Edwards, before blasting JDC on the apron with a big kick. Alisha Edwards slides one of The System’s bulky rings on Myers’ hand. Myers blasts Slater with it behind the referee’s back. He hits his finisher and gets the win.

Sami Callihan Attacks Mance Warner Backstage

Backstage, Mr. 23 himself, no, not Michael Jordan, but Mance Warner, is shown walking-and-talking with Steph De Lander, who still has the TNA Digital Media Championship.

Out of nowhere, Sami Callihan attacks Warner from behind. Hannifan says we’ll hear from Calliahan next. On that note, the show heads into another commercial break.

The System Taunts Leon Slater Backstage, The Hardys Defend Him

When the show returns, Leon Slater is being mocked by Frankie Kazarian. The System come in and do the same, telling Slater he can hold their rings or be their errand boy. The Hardys finally come up and defend Slater.

The System taunt them, calling Slater the English Hardy Boy. Matt Hardy insists Slater has star written all over him. He says next week, The G.O.A.T.’s will stand next to that man. The System say they’ll see them there.

Sami Callihan & Mance Warner Brawl Continues

Although we were scheduled to “hear” from Sami Callihan, instead we “see” him, as he emerges from the production arena next to the entrance area, still brawling with Mance Warner. Callihan beats Warner down at ringside and throws him in the ring. He grabs a baseball bat and heads into the ring with it.

Rehwoldt talks on commentary about Callihan’s questionable history with bats in TNA. Callihan blasts Warner with a steel chair and then places it over his head. He hoists his baseball bat up, but sees Steph De Lander coming down to the apron.

Callihan reaches over to deal with De Lander, who throws Warner the belt. Warner blasts Callihan with it. De Lander holds Callihan’s lifeless head up and Warner charges at him and blasts him with a knee strike. He taunts Callihan and then makes out with De Lander as the crowd boos.

Steve Maclin Warns Eric Young About Josh Alexander

When the show returns, Eric Young and Steve Maclin are talking backstage. Maclin warns Young about aligning himself with Josh Alexander. He says he’s not going to say, “I told you so.” He walks off. Young says, “I’ll be fine.”

Mustafa Ali defeated Laredo Kid

Inside the Impact Zone, the theme for Laredo Kid hits and out comes the popular masked wrestling star for the next match of the evening. He settles in the ring and then the theme hits to bring out Mustafa Ali as his opponent in what will be Ali’s first TNA match in six months.

The bell sounds and this one gets underway with Ali slowly circling Kid with an ear-to-ear smile on his face. The lock up and Ali grabs a headlock. He hits the ropes and shoulder blocks Kid down. He hits the ropes again and hits a hurricanrana, stopping to admire his work.

Ali traps Kid in a submission on the mat. Kid escapes, but Ali hits him with a hard open-hand slap. He hits the ropes but runs into a big move from Kid that nearly takes his head off. Kid goes for the cover, but only gets two. Ali goes for a backslide with his feet on the ropes, but the referee catches him.

While arguing with the referee, Ali is rolled up from behind by Kid, who gets a close two-count. Ali blasts Kid with a loud open-hand chop. Kid answers back with one of his own. With Ali on the floor, Kid hits the ropes to build up a full head of steam before diving head first into a standing Ali.

On the floor, Ali grabs and tears at Kid’s mask while also hitting him with a thumb to the eye. Kid answers back with a Bas Rutten style palm strike. Ali fights back and hits a cradle DDT off the apron onto the floor. In the ring, Ali immediately heads to the top-rope and hits a 450 splash for the win. The show heads to another commercial break after the match.

Mike Santana Confronts Mustafa Ali Backstage

When the show returns, Mustafa Ali is all smiles backstage with his personal security. He talks about the successful start to his campaign and how it is going to continue, when up walks Mike Santana, who asks if they have a problem. Ali’s security moves in, so Ali tells them it’s okay.

Santana says they can handle this like men after the disrespect Ali showed him at TNA Genesis. Ali says he just had a grueling match. He says he knows a supporter of his campaign who might be interested and walks off.

The Northern Armory (Travis Williams & Judas Icarus) and Eric Young & Josh Alexander fight to a No Contest

Inside the Impact Zone, The Northern Armoy duo of Travis Williams and Judas Icarus make their way out to the ring for the next match of the evening. They settle inside and their music dies down.

The catchy-ass entrance for Eric Young goes down next, with the commentators catching the viewing audience at home up on the risk Young is taking in trusting Josh Alexander tonight.

Finally, Josh Alexander’s tune hits and out comes “The Walking Weapon” in his first in-ring performance since quitting TNA after losing in an “I Quit” match to Mike Santana at TNA Genesis. Alexander and Young talk before the bell.

Young and Icarus kick things off for their respective teams. Young slams the hell out of Icarus, who tags in Williams. Young tags in Alexander, who takes the early offensive lead over his former ally. Icarus comes in, but Alexander handles both Northern Armory members by himself.

Alexander backs Icarus into the corner and chops the hell out of him. He does the same and whips him into the opposing corner, but Williams runs the apron and leaps in front of the turnbuckles to prevent his partner. Icarus follows up and blasts Alexander and then tags Williams in.

Both members of The Northern Armory hit back-to-back diving splashes onto Alexander on the floor. Back in the ring, Williams goes for the cover on Alexander, but only gets two. Alexander fights back and makes the much-needed tag, only for Young to hit the ring, turn around and knock the hell out of him.

Young does the slow, horror movie-style evil turn and flashes the equally evil smirk to the crowd after a long glare. Meanwhile, Icarus and Williams are beating the crap out of a lifeless Alexander, as Young directs traffic. Young finishes Alexander off with a jumping piledriver. The show heads to another commercial break.

Wes Lee defeated Ace Austin

When the show returns, Wes Lee’s theme hits and out comes the WWE NXT Superstar for the second NXT vs. TNA crossover match of the evening. The ABC entrance music hits next and out comes Ace Austin, as the commentators do a live read for TNA’s new deal with BLCKSMTH.

Austin snatches up a side head-lock off the initial lock-up. Lee cartwheels his way out of it and isolates the arm of Austin, cranking on the limb until Austin reverses and brings Lee down to the mat, controlling his arm.

The slow-paced action speeds up from here, with each guy running the ropes, hitting the match and flipping to avoid move-attempts from the other, all while ultimately doing nothing but landing one up-kick each.

At this point, fans chant “NXT! NXT” but they are eventually overtaken by a “TNA! TNA!” chant. Interestingly enough, the chants continue to out-shine the slow action in the ring, with a loud single “Boring!” chant being heard as Lee throws nothing-happening kicks at Austin.

Austin starts to fight back, and things begin to pick up once again. Austin hits a big leaping forearm to Lee from the apron. He looks for a springboard kick, but Lee avoids it. Austin hits a side-Russian leg-sweep, and quickly pops back to his feet for a fancy leg-drop.

The crowd comes to life in the background as Austin works over Lee in the corner. Austin comes off the ropes with a big kick to the back of the neck of Lee. He follows up with a cover, but only gets two. Austin muscles Lee up with a gut-wrench seated powerbomb for another two-count.

Austin calls for his finisher, but as he waits for Lee to get up, Tyson and Tyriek run out. Austin sees them coming and meets them at the end of the ramp from the apron. He hits a couple of kicks and then builds up a head of steam for a turning dive, where he almost landed on his head.

Back in the ring, Austin looks to springboard off the ropes from the apron, when Tyson and Tyriek get involved again from the floor. The distraction allows Lee to blast an unsuspecting Austin with his finisher for the win.

The NXT trio attack Austin afterwards. The Rascalz run out to make the save, and then the show heads into another commercial break, with the main event waiting on the other side.

Joe Hendry Concert Next Week

When the show returns, a commercial airs for TNA at Full Sail University. We then shoot to TNA World Champion Joe Hendry in a blue room. “Say his name, and he appears,” Hendry begins, as always.

He talks about how he’s unsure who will emerge as his first title challenger. In the meanwhile, next week, on TNA iMPACT, you’re going to see Joe Hendry in concert. He tells us we’ll be treated to a form of entertainment like no other.

The Nemeth Brothers (Nic Nemeth & Ryan Nemeth) defeated First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)

It’s main event time!

After Hannifan and Rehwoldt run down the advertised lineup for next week’s TNA iMPACT on February 6 (see lineup below), the show returns inside the Impact Zone where First Class duo KC Navarro and AJ Francis make their way out for the main event of the evening.

The obligatory unzip and moan precedes the theme for the former top dog in TNA, as Nic Nemeth makes his way out accompanied by the man proud to be his little brother, Ryan Nemeth. The Nemeth Brothers head in the ring, with Ryan wearing a jacket to match his big brother.

After the bell sounds, Francis and Ryan Nemeth kick things off for their respective teams. Francis kicks Ryan down to one knee and demands he tag in “big bro.” Ryan obliges, and “The Wanted Man” hits the ring, shifting the offensive momentum in his team’s favor.

Nic lands a big leaping forearm that gets Francis second-guessing himself enough to voluntarily head over and tag out. Navarro comes in, but doesn’t fare much better in the initial exchanges. Navarro mocks Nemeth’s hip-swivel taunt, but it backfires as Nic blasts him upon turning around.

Nic and Ryan team up for some double-team spots, which culminates with Francis and Navarro both on the floor upset and re-grouping. On that note, the show heads into a mid-match commercial break as the main event of the evening continues.

When the show returns, the First Class duo of Francis and Navarro are in a comfortable offensive lead, utilizing frequent tags to keep a fresh man on the beaten down Ryan at all times, all-the-while taunting Nic on the apron.

Eventually, Ryan makes the much-needed hot tag to Nic, who comes in the ring with a ton of energy off the hot tag, immediately shifting the offensive momentum back in his team’s favor. He hits the Jerry Lawler Heart Attack special rapid-fire elbow spot on Navarro, which brings Francis in.

Ryan also hits the ring and takes care of Francis, while Navarro surprises Nic with a roll-up in the ring for a close two-count. Navarro blasts Nic with a big super kick for another close pin attempt seconds later. Nic fights back and hits a FameAsser on Navarro.

Ryan tags himself in, just as Nic hits Danger Zone. Ryan steals the pin and over-celebrates as Nic watches in disbelief, before ultimately hesitantly celebrating with his little brother. Francis carries Navarro like a baby to the back as Hannifan and Rehwoldt wrap things up.

Next Week:
* TNA Knockouts No. 1 Contender Battle Royal
* Leon Slater & The Hardys vs. Moose, JDC & Eddie Edwards
* Mike Santana vs. Matt Cardona
* Joe Hendry In Concert

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter/X, Bluesky and Google News for more.

1/30 TNA iMPACT Wrestling Results

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