LIVE 4/02 NXT Results

4/02 NXT Results

4/02 NXT Results – We begin with an “earlier today” footage of Carmelo Hayes and his masked security, as well as Trick Williams, entering the building.

WWE NXT Tag-Team Championship Eliminator
Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. LWO vs. The O.C.

Cruz and Frazer with suicide dives before the match starts.  Luke with a punch to Axiom but Axiom kicks Luke and hits a drop kick after Karl sends him into the air.  Axiom with an inside cradle on WIlde for a near fall.  Wilde gets a near fall on a rollup.  Axiom with a head scissors to Karl with help from Wilde.  Axiom with Spanish Fly for a near fall.  Frazer tags in and leaps over Karl and has a kick blocked but he hits a dragon wop.  Frazer with a springboard moonsault and inverted DDTs on Karl and WIlde.  Frazer gets near falls on both men.  Frare with an elbow drop to Wilde and he goes up top but misses a Phoenix Splash.  Wilde with a reverse atomic drop and a neck breaker on Frazer for a near fall.  Wilde with a slam and a boot to the head.  Cruz tags in and he goes up top but Frazer rolls away.  Axiom kicks Cruz.  WIlde gets on the turnbuckles and so does Frazer.  Karl and Luke come under and it is TOWER OF DOOM time but Karl and Luke don’t want to do it.  Karl sends Frazer to the floor.

Axiom kicks Karl and then Luke sends Axiom to the floor.  Wilde and Cruz with a double missile drop kick.  Wilde with a corkscrew senton off the ring post to the floor onto everyone else.  Cruz gets a nea fall on Frazer.  Cruz with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.  Wilde tags in and they hit a double back elbow and Wilde hits an assisted springboard splash.  Cruz with a quebrada and Wilde gets a near fall.  Karl kicks WIlde and sends him to the floor.  Karl with a slam to Frazer Luke tags in and he kicks Frazer in the midsection and follows with a head butt.  Luke knocks Wilde off the apron and he hits a running boot on Frazer.

Luke with punches to Frazer and he picks Frazer up by the throat.  Luke with an uppercut and Karl tags in.  Karl with an uppercut to Frazer while Luke punches Wile.  Karl and Luke Irish whip Frazer and he avoids Luke and Karl annd tags in Axiom.  Axiom with chops and forearms followed by a drop kick to Wilde.  Axiom goes to the turnbuckles and hits a head scissors and wrist lock take down on Karl and Cruz.  Wilde goes up top and Axiom with a kick to stop him.  Wilde with a shoulder to Axiom and he goes up top.  Axiom with a kick and Axiom sets for Spanish Fly and hits it for a near fall.  Frazer goes up top and hits a frog splash on Wilde and then Axiom does the same but Karl catches Axiom after hitting the splash.  Karl is sent into the turnbuckles with a rana.  Karl with kicks to Axiom and Cruz and he sends Cruz to the floor.  Wilde kicks Luke and then Axiom and Frazer with a double super kick.  Wilde is slingshot to Luke for a DDT and everyone breaks up the cover.

Cruz tags in and Axiom with a forearm to Wilde and a super kick to Cruz.  Frazer goes up top and hits a somersault senton that graces Wilde and Luke.  Karl pushes Axiom off the turnbuckles.  Karl with a flip dive onto eeveryone but Cruz.  Cruz with a double jump twisting splash onto everyone.  Cruz sends Karl back into the ring and Cruz with a springboard drop kick and then he goes up again.  Cruz misses a twisting moonsault and Karl and Luke hit Magic Killer but Axiom and Wilde with super kicks to Karl and Luke.  Wilde and Axiom clothesline each other but stay on their feet.  Axiom with a clothelsin to Wilde and a suicide dive to Karl.  Frazer with a 450 splash to Cruz for the three count.

Winners:  Axiom and Nathan Frazer

After the match, Kelly Kincaid asks Frazer and Axiom how they feel after wining.

Frazer says they have never slowed down and now they move on to the biggest Stand and Deliver.  Axiom says they know how good Baron and Bron are, but they are unstoppable.  On Saturday, you will hear “AND NEW…”. We see Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin on the HBalKony.

– Lexis King says it is a shame.  Not everyone is cut out for it.  Not everyone is the king.  Mr. Stone knows all too well about that and so does Von.  King says he is shocked that Von wants another shot at him.  He says Von can’t control himself.  Stone has been guiding you for a year.  How do you think you can hang with him without Stone at your side.  Everyone will be happy to see his hand raised in victory.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and Ilja is asked if he is nervous about tonight.  He says he is on high alert.  Ilja’s car is booted and a vehicle drives up to Ilja and asks if he wants a ride.  Ilja says no but the passenger tells Ilja to get in the vehicle because he doesn’t want to anger the Don.

Fallon Henley vs. Jacy Jayne

They lock up and Jacy with a take down but they hold on to the collar and elbow tie up.  They roll on the mat and roll the other way.  Jacy pulls the hair and applies a waist lock.  Fallon with a standing switch.  Fallon with a back elbow and a sliding trip.  Fallon with a jumping side kick for a near fall.  Fallon with an Irish whip and an elbow.  Fallon gets distracted by Kiana and Jacy with a forearm to the back.  Jacy with a baseball slide and punches on the floor.  Thea gets on the steps and has to be held back by Jordan.

Jacy sends Fallon back into the ring.  Jacy with a neck breaker and she gets a near fall.  Jacy sends Fallon into the turnbuckles a few times.  Fallon with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Jacy with a running back elbow followed by elbows to the collarbone.  Jacy with a rear chin lock.  Jacy sends Fallon into teh turnbuckles but runs into an elbow.  Fallon with forearms and a head butt.  Fallon with a punch and clothesline.  Fallon with a punch and elbow followed by a chop and facebuster.  Kiana gets on the apron and Fallon swings at her.

Thea with a suicide dive to Kiana.  Kelani gets involved and everyone else gets involved.  Fallon with punches and chops to Kiana and Izzi.  

Jacy with a running knee when Fallon returns to the ring and Jacy gets the three count.

Winner:  Jacy Jayne

We see Jacy go through Gorilla and she says it is good to be back on top.  She had to lower herself to be Thea’s friend.  She was never Thea’s friend.  She saved Chase University to regain the attention and spotlight that never should have come off her.  She is the Attraction of NXT. Ava tells Jacy to move along.

Thea comes through Gorilla and screams. Ava tells Thea that there will be a six woman tag match at Stand and Deliver.

We go to commercial.

– We are back with a video package for Josh Briggs. He says for two years, you have known him as a tag team wrestler, but a legend gave him advice recently.  We see what JBL told him.  He says he will stand on his own and deliver the fight of his career.

Lexis King vs. Von Wagner

Von attacks King before the bell and punches him.  Von clotheslines King over the top rope to the floor and then into the ringside barrier.  Von sends King into the ringside barrier again before returning to the ring.  Von sends King into the turnbuckles and gives him a biel.  Von kicks King in the corner.  King goes to the turnbuckles but Von catches King and hits a fallaway slam.  Von with an Irish whip but King moves and Von goes shoulder first into the ring post.  King kicks Von from the apron.  King with more kicks and elbow drops for a near fall.  King chokes Von in the corner.  King with chops and a neck breaker.  King gets a near fall.  King with cross faces and a sleeper.  

Von backs King into the corner but King reapplies the sleeper.  Von with a snap mare to escape and King with a super kick and a thrust kick to the thigh.  Von with a power slam and punch.  Von with a clothesline and King with a kick.  Von with a boot to the head.  Von with a double underhook slam and they go to the apron.  VOn blcoks a kick and VOn with a choke slam on the apron.  Von removes the hood of the annoucne table and he sets for a power bomb but King blocks it.  Von gets King up again and King counters with a DDT on the floor.

King gets into the ring and the referee resumes his count.  KIng sets for Coronation and hits it for the three count.

Winner:  Lexis King

– Ava enters Carmelo Hayes’ room and she tells Hayes that the referee will allow some leniency and there will be extra security and officials tonight.

– Natalya tells Karmen what to do for her match. Roxanne Perez stops by and she says a few months ago, she would have listened to everything that Natalya would have said but now she doesn’t need to hear from an of her heroes.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and Arianna Grace is looking for Georgina and it is Wren Sinclair.  Arianna says she bought some of the best dresses for Georgina.  Wren says that GIgi looks fine the way she is and that she thought beauty pageants were to showcase what you already are.   Grace says she is appalled by what Wren said and she says those are fighting words.

Karmen Petrovic (w/ Natalya) vs. Lola Vice

Lola blocks a few kicks from Karmen.  Lola goes for the leg but Karmen with a waist lock.  Lola with a reversal into an attempted cross arm breaker but Karmen blocks it.  They lock up and Lola with a knee to the midsection and a single leg take down.  Karmen with a kick.  Lola with punches to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and Karmen with a jumping side kick and a discus clothesline.  Karmen goes for an arm bar.  Lola with a kick to the midsection.  Lola with knees to the midsection and she sends Karmen to the mat.  Lola with a kick to the back and she gets a near fall.  Lola with a reverse chin lock.  Karmen with elbows but Lola with a waist lock.  Lola with a full nelson but Karmen drops down and kicks Lola in the arm.  Karmen with a kick in the corner and kicks to the midsection followed by a leg sweep.  Karmen with a spinning kick for a near fall.  Karmen with forearms and Lola with a spinning back fist.

Lola goes for a Sharpshooter and locks it in.  Karmen taps out.

Winner:  Lola Vice

After the match, Natalya checks on Karmen while Lola shakes her hip in Natalya’s general direction.

We go to commercial

– We are back and Ilja is in VEHICLE on his way to RESTAURANT. Ilja emerges from the vehicle and walks into RESTAURANT with his title belt. Ilja walks through the door and he sees men with crowbars and electric saws.  Ilja continues down the hallway and walks past a man with a nail gun. More men get up and walk behind Ilja as he gets to TABLE and he puts his title belt on it. Tony, Channing, Luca, and Adriana arrive. Tony and Ilja stare at each other…


– We are back with SuperNova Sessions with Noam Dar.  Dar asks Oro who will be standing and delivering all over the show on Saturday.  Jakara and Lash mention that they will be hosting and that the show needed the brightest stars in the galaxy.

Noam brings out Roxanne Perez. Noam mentions that the seats are on opposite sides of the ring and Roxanne tells them to bring out Lyra. Lyra Valkyria is out next.

Roxanne says she cannot wait until Saturday to win back the title she never lost.

Lyra tells Roxanne to stop.  She says she is so sick of Roxanne saying the same damn thing over and over again.  Do you want to know why you aren’t the NXT Champion.  She says Indi Hartwell climbed a ladder faster than you.  You had a chance to regain your title at Stand and Deliver but you lost.  You didn’t blame yourself, you blamed Indi.  You lost against her and you blamed Lola Vice for that.  Lyra says that was shocking and unexpected, like when you won the title.  It isn’t okay when Lola does it, but it is okay when Roxanne does it.

Roxanne tells Lyra to stop talking about her like she knows her.  You don’t know what it is like to lose that championship, but on Saturday you will.  She says she will knock Lyra off her high horse and then we will see where your moral compass is.  A champion is not made until you lose the title.  She says she wouldn’t have been able to snap Lyra’s arm at Vengeance Day but now she can.  Do you think losing the title broke her?  She says it only made her dangerous.

Lyra says she keeps hearing Roxanne talking about ‘her title’.  It wasn’t ‘your title’ when Tiffany Stratton or Becky Lynch were champion.  You have your excuses.  Stand and Deliver will be a fight.  The biggest show of the year.  The difference between them is that while she wins, all Roxanne does is bitch.  After Stand and Deliver, you will have a lot to bitch about.

Roxanne gets up and she tells Lyra she wants to be seen as the perfect champion but there is no perfect champion, not even the great Lyra Valkyria.  She has a year of rage inside of her and at Stand and Deliver she is going to let it out. Roxanne punches Lyra but Lyra with a Death Valley Driver through the table.

– Dijak says in the ring he is the law and he hands down justice with conviction and wreckless abandon.  DIjak says he didn’t come back to NXT to make friends.  He came to win titles.  He will show that he is the dominant big man.

Oba Femi watches MONITOR and he tells Josh and Dijak at Stand and Deliver he will show why he is the champion.

Back to commercial.

Oba Femi vs. Joe Gacy

Shawn Spears hits Joe from behind in the aisle with a steel chair.  

Oba picks up Joe and sends him into the ring.

Joe punches Femi and Femi with a forearm and kick.  Oba with an uppercut but Gacy with a kick.  Oba with a uranage back breaker.  Oba kicks Joe in the back and hits an elbow drop.  Oba with another elbow drop.  Oba with a forearm and elbow drop.  Oba with a knee drop for a near fall.  Oba punches Joe and follows with a hard Irish whip.  Oba with a running uppercut into the corner.  Oba with an Irish whip and running uppercut in the corner.  Oba and Joe go to the floor and Joe with a chop and he goes to the apron but Oba chops Gacy on the apron.  Oba gets back in the ring and Joe kicks Oba and chops him.

Joe with chops and punches.  Joe with an enzuigiri and a Saito suplex.  Joe with a quebrada.  Joe goes for the handspring clothesline but Oba catches him and hits snake eyes and tosses Joe to the mat.  The referee pushes Oba away while he checks on Joe and the referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

– Tatum Paxley and Lyra are in LOCKER ROOM and Tatum says that is not who Lyra is.  Lyra says she doesn’t have time for Tatum’s feedback.  Lyra says she will do anything to keep the title at Stand and Deliver, even if it means not being herself.

We go to commercial.

Arianna Grace vs. Wren Sinclair

They lock up and Grace with a wrist lock and Wren with a side head lock and take down.  Wren with a shoulder tackle and a side head lock.  Grace with a break and Wren high fives Grace while she waves.  Wren trips Grace and sends her face first into the mat for a near fall.  Wren blocks a kick and Wren with an atomic drop and a drop kick.  Grace holds on to the ropes to avoid a drop kick.  Grace with kicks in the corner and a judo throw followed by elbow drops.  Grace stomps on Wren and applies a Boston Crab.  Wren turns over and she kicks Grace in the face.  Grace misses an elbow drop and Wren with a rollup for a near fall.  Grace with a double leg take down and she tries for another Boston Crab but Wren swings Grace away.  

Wren with chops and forearms followed by clothelsines.  Wren with a flying clothesline but she misses an axe kick.  Wren with a cross body for a near fall.  Wren with a rollup for a near fall.  Wren with an Irish whip and she misses a splash into the corner.  Grace with a rollup and bridge using the ropes for extra leverage to get the three count.

Winner:  Arianna Grace

We go to commercial.

– We return to DINNER and Tony thanks Ilja for coming and he says he took care of Ilja’s parking situation.

Ilja says the depths of how far Tony will go to get a mental advantage are impressive. Tony asks Ilja if he knows where he is sitting. Ilja says after Luca dropped the invite, he was shocked at the location.  In your world, this is a very scary place.

Tony says this doesn’t represent the end of Ilja, not yet.  It represents the end of your title reign. Ilja says many men have said that before but none have been able to do it. Tony says he isn’t anybody.  If you think what he has done is impressive, wait until you see what he does on Saturday.

Ilja says he will give Tony his respect.  You might be The Don, but he is Ilja Dragunov.  Nothing will stop him from leaving Stand and Deliver as champion.

Tony tells Ilja to look at those faces.  They are ready to pounce.  Tony says he could have taken Ilja out at any time.  Tony says he will do it when the whole world is watching.  He will break the unbreakable and Tony says he will leave Stand and Deliver as champion.  Tony says it is nothing personal.  It is business.

Tony tells Ilja to enjoy his last supper. Everyone slowly leaves.

Sol Ruca vs. Blair Davenport

Blair with a drop kick as the bell rings and she sends Sol into the turnbuckles but Sol with an elbow.  Sol floats over and hits a thrust kick.  Sol flips over Blair and gives her an arm drag into an arm bar.  Sol with a wrist lock and she lifts Blair in the air.  Sol with a leg drop to the arm and she works on the arm with an arm scissors.  Blair with forearms.  Sol gets Blair on her shoulders and drops Blair behind her and hits a moonsault for a near fall.  Sol with an X Factor and drop kick.  Sol clotheslines Blair over the top rope to the floor.  Sol goes to the apro and she does a handstand to avoid Blair and she kicks Blair.  Sol is sent into the ring steps by Blair when Sol charges at her.  Blair with an atomic drop onto the steps.

Blair with an atomic drop to the leg and she stomps on the leg.  Blair gets a near fall.  Blair drives the knee into the mat and she kicks the leg.  Blair with a step over toe hold and she falls back to the mat.  Blair with a figure four to the legs and then follows with an elbow drop to the leg.  Blair kicks Sol in the hamstring.  Sol with a rollup for a near fall.  Sol with a sunset flip to counter an atomic drop to the knee for a near fall.  Sol and Blair exchange slaps.  Sol misses an enzuigiri and Sol with a drop kick.  Sol with a forearm but Blair with a punch.  Sol with flying clotheslines.  Blair with a kick to the leg and she sets for a suplex but Sol blocks it and she suplexes Blair over the top rope and both women go to the floor.

Sol sends Blair back into the ring and she gives Blair a few forearms.  Sol with a one legged springboard splash for a near fall.  Blair gets a near fall.  Sol sends Blair face first into the turnbuckles with an arm wringer.  Sol drops Blair on the top rope.  Sol goes to the turnbuckles and hits a cartwheel on the ropes into a DDT for a near fall.  Blair avoids Sol Snatcher and Blair with a Falcon Arrow and she tries for the Bea Trigger but Sol counters and gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner:  Sol Ruca

– Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes are ready for their final face-off, but first… We go to commercial.

– We are back and Dijak asks Josh Briggs if he saw what Oba Femi did to Gacy.  Josh says he will become the champion.  Dijak says he will win.  Oba says he will retain his title.

– Ava is in OFFICE and she is impressed with the card for Saturday. Gacy shows up and he wants Spears on Saturday and Ava says the match will happen on the Kickoff.

– Carmelo Hayes and SECURITY make their way to the ring.

NXT SECURITY surrounds the ring on the apron.

Trick Williams makes his way to the ring.

Trick says here we are, face to face.  He says they should both be happy that they are main eventing the biggest show like this, but it wasn’t supposed to be like that.  They had a bond that was so strong.  The first two black men to main event a PPV Wrestlemania weekend.  As much as he wants to be excited and happy about that, it is hard because he is going to war against the man he used to call his brother.

Hayes says Trick has come a long way from that dark match at Smackdown in Virginia.

Trick says it was his third match ever and he was nervous.  He says Hayes was there for him.

Hayes says it was like that.  At one point it was them against the world.  Now it is Hayes versus Trick.

Trick says the world will be watching.

Hayes says Trick ruined things for everybody.  Trick says Hayes ruined it.

Hayes says when the hero gets to tell the story . . . Hayes says imagine these championshps were like their girlfriends.  Hayes says he lost the world title and Trick lost the North American title.  You were going to win the North American title back but you went behind his back to go after the World Title.  Hayes says you went from his brother to his enemy.

Trick says that is not how it went down.  Trick says he blew up and he went to Hayes and he said he wanted to take a chance on himself.  You said you were happy with him and you did the same thing.

Hayes says he meant that.  Hayes says he was paving a way for Trick the whole time.  You started to believe all the hype that you were ready for a position not ready for you.  It was Hayes’ position and it is still his.  It does not matter if he has a championship or not, you are going to take a backseat to him.  You need to know that.

Trick says his days of taking a backseat are long gone.

Hayes chuckles and he says Trick used to be so humble.  What happened?  You have been hot for six months.  You did it.  Hayes says he has been hot for three years.  Hayes tells Trick to listen to him.  They love you when you are shining and on the rise.  When someone else comes up, they are going to turn on you. 

Trick says that is what you are mad about.  Trick says Hayes is envious of him and that everyone loves Trick now. 

Hayes says it could be so easy.  Do you think he cares about the people?  These people won’t be in the ring with you and they won’t be able to help you.  You will learn the hard way why he has been on top for so long.  He will show when he shoots, he doesn’t miss.  

Trick says Hayes will learn that he is going to be the one to knock Hayes down the hill.  Trick says he will whoop that ass.

Trick punches Hayes and security.

Trick and Hayes punch each other and they clear the ring.  They punch each other and the locker room comes to the ring to try to separate them.

We go to credits.

–– Here is what’s in store for the show ––

  • News and Notes Leading Up to Tonight’s NXT Episode
  • Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes final face-off
  • Number One Contenders For NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. The OC (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. LWO (Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro)
  • Supernova Sessions with Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria
  • Blair Davenport vs. Sol Ruca
  • Fallon Henley vs. Jacy Jayne
  • Karmen Petrovic (w/ Natalya) vs. Lola Vice
  • Oba Femi vs. Joe Gacy
  • Lexis King vs. Von Wagner

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter and Google News for more.

4/02 NXT Results

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