1/10 AEW Dynamite Results

1/10 AEW Dynamite Results

1/10 AEW Dynamite Results – Excalibur welcomes us to the show as the camera pans the home venue for AEW, Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. The theme for Hangman Page hits and out comes the popular fan-favorite AEW original to a loud pop.

Hangman Page vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Hangman Page settles in the ring and his music dies down. The entrance tune for Claudio Castagnoli hits next and out comes his opponent from the Blackpool Combat Club. He makes his way into the ring and his music dies down.

The bell sounds and off we go with this week’s opening contest. Fans immediately break out in “Cowboy Sh*t! Cowboy Sh*t!” chants as Page takes it to Castagnoli straight out of the gate. The action spills out to the floor where Castagnoli starts to take over.

Castagnoli taunts the crowd as Page is down and out on the floor. Hangman gets in a shot and then brings Claudio back into the ring as fans rally behind him with loud “Let’s go Hangman!” chants.

He works over Claudio for another minute before the BCC member blatantly rakes the eyes to shift the offensive momentum back in his favor. After some more back-and-forth action over the next few minutes, Page sends Claudio to the floor.

The purveyor of “Cowboy Sh*t” then slingshots over the top and splashes onto him at ringside. He continues to beat him down on the floor and then stops to take a gulp of a ringside fans’ beer. Back in the ring, Claudio catches Page with a big counter shot.

As Castagnoli starts to take back over control of the offense, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as our opening contest continues.

When we return from the break, we see Page and Castagnoli duking it out on the floor at ringside until Page backs way up. He gets a full-head of steam running start and clotheslines Claudio back into the ring with authority.

He then looks for his Buckshot Lariat finisher, but Claudio counters by launching him in the air and catching him on the way down with a vicious European uppercut. He goes for the cover, but Page kicks out after the count of two.

The two end up on the floor again moments later, with Claudio catching Page in an impressive display of strength. He runs him into the barricade and post but then goes to the well one too many times, as Page counters in mid-sprint with a twist-around DDT to Claudio face-first on the floor.

Page follows that up with a big moonsault to Claudio on the floor. Fans loudly chant “AEW! AEW!” as Page brings Claudio back into the ring. Page hits a big tombstone pile driver on Claudio for a close near fall attempt. Claudio fights back and pummels Page with repeated forearms.

Claudio continues to bombard Page with forearm-after-forearm blow until he is slumped over in the corner of the ring. Page hits a big counter move seconds later. He goes for the cover, but Claudio kicks out just in time. Fans chant “AEW! AEW!” again as Page leaps into another uppercut from Claudio.

Both guys end up on the ropes in the corner. Claudio looks for a big avalanche power bomb off the top-rope, but Hangman counters in mid-move and hits a hurricanrana to bring Claudio off the ropes and back onto the mat. He hits his Buckshot Lariat finisher and then hits it a second time for the win in a great opener.

Winner: Hangman Page

Looking Back At The Late, Great Brodie Lee

After the opener wraps up, Excalibur introduces a special tribute video package in honor of the late, great Brodie Lee. We see highlights of his AEW career, including key moments from his work at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL.

Among the highlights shown are him winning the TNT Championship. Excalibur informs us there will be two eight-man tag-team tribute matches in honor of Brodie Lee later tonight. We head to another commercial break after this wraps up.

Brodie Lee Tribute Match
Adam Copeland, Orange Cassidy, Dustin Rhodes & Preston Vance vs. Lance Archer, Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony

When we return from the break, we are greeted back inside Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. to the familiar sounds of Orange Cassidy’s theme music. Out comes the “Freshly Squeezed” AEW International Champion with his title in his book-bag as always. He settles in the ring to a big pop.

Now the theme hits for his first of three partners for our first of two eight-man tag-team tribute matches in honor of Brodie Lee, as Preston Vance makes his way out. The commentators inform us of Preston Vance’s history with Brodie Lee in The Dark Order.

The theme for a true pro wrestling legend hits next, as “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes makes his way out to a big pop from the Jacksonville crowd. He heads to the ring and settles inside as his entrance tune dies down. Adam Copeland’s theme hits next and out comes “The Rated-R Superstar.”

Fans go bonkers for Adam Copeland’s debut inside AEW’s headquarters of Daily’s Place. Copeland heads to the ring to the clear-cut loudest pop of the night thus far. He settles inside the ring alongside his partners for our next match of the evening, Orange Cassidy, Preston Vance and Dustin Rhodes.

After the four members of the first team finish up their respective ring entrances, the theme for their opponents hits and out comes Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony. The trio head to the ring together, with their music stopping half-way down the ramp and the theme for “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer hitting.

Out comes the massive Archer with pro wrestling legend Jake “The Snake” Roberts by his side. A lot of talent in and around the ring right now in Jacksonville, FL. With the ring entrances in the rear view mirror, the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.

Kicking things off for their respective teams are Dustin Rhodes and Toa Leoa. The Gates of Agony member out-muscles “The Natural” and sets the early offensive lead for his team. He tags out and brings in Brian Cage. “The Machine” hits some shots and then tags in Bishop Kaun.

Cassidy tags in and hits a high spot on the floor as we head into a mid-match commercial break.

When we return, we see all hell break loose with everyone hitting high spots leading into the big finish.

In the end, Preston Vance manages to pick up the win for his team to wrap up an exciting eight-man tag-team match to honor the late Brodie Lee. Fans chant “Brodie! Brodie!” after the match as we head into another commercial break.

Winners: Adam Copeland, Orange Cassidy, Dustin Rhodes & Preston Vance

Backstage With The Bang-Bang Scissor Gang

As we settle back in from the break, Renee Paquette is backstage with Bullet Club Gold, when The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass walk up. The two groups are friendly at first but end up getting into a bickering contest.

Max Caster tries calming things down by again pointing out how they don’t have to be friends, but they should work together. Anthony Bowens blurts out a potential name for them, as he says, “The Bang Bang Scissor Gang super-faction!” Bullet Club Gold says they’ll let them know and to stay by their phones.

Samoa Joe Confronted By Swerve Strickland, Hangman Page & HOOK

Back inside Daily’s Place, the theme hits to bring out the AEW World Champion Samoa Joe, who heads to the ring to chants of “Joe! Joe! Joe!” He settles inside the squared circle for his first-ever AEW on TBS appearance at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL.

Samoa Joe starts off by saying his name is Samoa Joe. He points out that he’s the AEW World Champion and then talks about how with his championship reign is going to come some changes to the contender process.

Joe says no longer will contenders have to come out and whine on the microphone about wanting a shot at the title, nor do they have to make their “ho-ass posts” on social media complaining and trying to get opportunities.

He says now you’ll just come to the ring with your win/loss record and take your case to the championship committee for review. Before he can wrap up on the mic, the theme for Shane “Swerve” Strickland hits and out comes the entire group of The Mogul Embassy.

Prince Nana does his goofy-ass, but super-entertaining dance as the group settles on the entrance stage. Swerve Strickland talks about being in Duval, prompting a loud “DUUUVAL!” chant from the Jacksonville crowd. He says this is his house and makes it clear that he’s coming for the title.

Swerve ends up getting in the ring in Joe’s face and says if he wants to make things personal, he’d be happy to. The two stare each other down and then the theme for Hangman Page hits. Out comes Hangman Page for the second time in hour one here tonight, after beating Claudio Castagnoli in our opening match.

Hangman Page gets in Swerve’s face and the two talk about their recent personal history and after having some words, Joe gets back on the mic. The two leave and then as Joe goes to exit the ring as well, the theme for HOOK hits and out comes the FTW Champion.

HOOK steps in the ring and immediately gets right in Joe’s face. The two go nose-to-nose as fans chant “HOOK! HOOK! HOOK!” and the commentators boast his 28-1 win/loss record. HOOK, off-mic, holds up one finger and says “one week” as he walks off, exits the ring and heads to the back.

Renee Paquette Backstage With “Timeless” Toni Storm, Mariah May & Luther The Butler

We head backstage after that wraps up, and we see “The Remarkable” Renee Paquette standing by with AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, Luther the Butler and Mariah May. Paquette talks about May’s successful debut last week and the debut of “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo.

Storm asks if May hit an arm-drag, but Paquette tries to clear things up and inform her about Purrazzo. When she mentions the new signing, Storm interrupts her and blurts out, “Wendi Richter!”

After Paquette informs her it was Purrazzo, Storm simply changed the subject and ended with her “t*ts up” line. Mariah has to remind her that “watch for the shoe” is her next line. Storm says May stepped on her line and walks off in a huff as Luther laughs and Paquette looks at the camera and smirks.

Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara

Back inside Daily’s Place, we head back down to the ring where “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts begins the formal ring introductions for our next match of the evening, which will be a singles showdown in the AEW men’s division. The theme for Sammy Guevara hits and out comes “The Spanish God.”

The commentators talk about Guevara and his Le Sex Gods tag-team partner and friend, Chris Jericho, having an AEW World Tag-Team Championship opportunity in a Street Fight at AEW Battle Of The Belts IX this Saturday against Big Bill and Guevara’s opponent for this one, “Absolute” Ricky Starks.

After the bell sounds, we get this one officially off-and-running. Immediately these two start flying all over the place with fast-paced, high-impact offense.

Following a few more minutes of back-and-forth action, we see Guevara look for the GTS, only for Starks to avoid it. Starks looks for the Ro-Sham-Bo, but Guevara counters and hits back-to-back kicks before rolling Starks up for the pin fall victory.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Once the match wraps up, Guevara celebrates in the corner as Starks is down and out. He eventually recovers and we see Guevara lean down and shake Starks’ hand as Excalibur talks about their history with each other pre-dating the launch of AEW.

Things turn ugly, however, as Guevara is attacked from behind by Big Bill. Chris Jericho comes out and makes the save, beating down Big Bill and the four guys brawl through the crowd.

In an interesting move, “Judas in My Mind” continues to play and the commentators promote the Street Fight with these four for the AEW World Tag-Team Championships at this Saturday’s Battle of the Belts special after Collision on TNT. AEW isn’t taking chances on crowd reactions with Jericho yet due to rumors.

Brodie Lee Tribute Match
Kris Statlander, Thunder Rosa, Willow Nightingale & Anna Jay vs. Saraya, Ruby Soho, Julia Hart & Skye Blue

We head to another commercial break after the post-match scene following the Starks-Guevara bout. When we return, Willow Nightingale’s theme hits. She comes out and then Kris Statlander comes out, with Stokely Hathaway blatantly tagging behind her as he continues to try and recruit her to join his squad.

Their two partners for our second Brodie Lee eight-man tag-team tribute match come out next, as Anna Jay and former AEW Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa come out. After the first four-woman team settles in the ring, the theme for Saraya hits and out she comes accompanied by Ruby Soho.

Skye Blue is out next and then finally, TBS Women’s Champion Julia Hart comes out. After the four-woman heel team settles in the ring, the bell sounds and now we’re officially off-and-running with this one.

Ruby Soho and Anna Jay kick things off for their respective teams, as the commentators remind everyone of their storied history in AEW. Statlander tags in and hits a big spot on Soho and then she tags Jay back in. Jay hits a couple shots and then tags in Willow Nightingale.

Thunder Rosa tags in next and picks up where her three teammates left off, taking it to Soho as fans chant “Thunder Rosa! Thunder Rosa!” We see some double team action from the heel team that allows Soho to take over on offense. She beats down Rosa in the corner but then Rosa starts to fight back into competitive form.

Willow Nightingale tags in, but is tripped by Harley Cameron at ringside, which allows the heel team to shift the offensive momentum in their team’s favor. On that note, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as our Women’s Brodie Lee Tribute bout continues.

When we return, Jay gets the Queenslayer for the win.

Winners: Kris Statlander, Thunder Rosa, Willow Nightingale & Anna Jay

Roderick Strong vs. Bryan Keith

The theme song for The Undisputed Kingdom hits and out comes Adam Cole, Wardlow, Roderick Strong and ROH World Tag-Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. They settle in the ring where Roderick Strong will be competing in singles competition.

Already in the ring is his opponent for this one-on-one showdown here at AEW Dynamite: Homecoming, Bryan Keith. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. The commentators talk about “Neck Safety” and being “Neck Strong” as Strong beats down Keith from pillar to post.

Keith gets in a few kicks, but beyond that, Strong pretty much dominates this one from beginning to end and wins what essentially amounted to a squash match. After the bout, Adam Cole and the rest of The Undisputed Kingdom come into the ring for a post-match promo.

Adam Cole talks about how The Undisputed Kingdom are taking over. He mentions how the AEW International Championship is as good as Roderick Strong’s, and sings the praises of Matt Taven and Mike Bennett as the best ROH World Tag-Team Champions of all-time.

He closes by saying when the time is right, “we” (Wardlow and himself, presumably) are going to win the AEW World Championship. He finishes up with one more closing line and then he and the rest of the group pose in the ring to end the brief post-match promo segment.

Winner: Roderick Strong

Deonna Purrazzo’s AEW In-Ring Debut Announced

We shoot backstage where Renee Paquette is standing by with the newest addition to the AEW women’s division, “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo. She talks about making her debut last week and offers some comments for “Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May before announcing her AEW in-ring debut.

The former ROH Women’s and IMPACT Knockouts Champion announces she will be making her AEW in-ring debut on this Saturday night’s episode of AEW Collision. Before she finishes, up walks Red Velvet, who also announces she will be making her Collision in-ring debut this Saturday. A match is made between the two and we head to another break.

Texas Tornado Tag-Team Main Event
Sting & Darby Allin vs. Powerhouse Hobbs & Konosuke Takeshita

It’s main event time!

When we return from the commercial break, we head back inside Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. where “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts begins his formal ring introductions for our final match of the evening here at the special annual AEW Dynamite: Homecoming show.

The theme for The Don Callis Family hits and out comes Powerhouse Hobbs and Konosuke Takeshita accompanied by Don Callis for our scheduled Texas Tornado Tag-Team main event of the evening. They settle in the ring and their music dies down.

Now the theme for “The Nature Boy” hits and out comes Ric Flair to a huge pop and a ton of “WOOOs!” from the Jacksonville crowd. He waits as his music cuts off and the theme for Sting hits. Out comes “The Icon” for his Jacksonville swan song, as Tony Schiavone does his trademark “It’s STING!!!!” introduction on commentary.

Sting and Darby Allin make their way out and head down to the ring, where the bell sounds and we get this Texas Tornado Tag-Team main event officially off-and-running. WWE Hall of Fame legend and AEW broadcast team member Jim Ross joins Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz on the call for our final match of the evening.

We see Sting and Hobbs fight over to one part of the Daily’s Place venue, duking it out with The Don Callis Family member as they battle through the crowd. Elsewhere in the building, we see Darby Allin and Konosuke Takeshita exchanging rapid-fire shots back-and-forth.

After some more back-and-forth action, Excalibur reminds us that AEW has been granted a special five minute overrun for tonight’s broadcast on TBS and then we head into a mid-match commercial break as our Texas Tornado tag-team main event of the annual AEW Dynamite: Homecoming special continues.

As we settle back in from our final commercial time out of the evening, we see Ric Flair has gotten physically involved in the mix, as he jumps into the ring to help out Sting with the massive Don Callis Family duo. His involvement helps buy Sting enough time to recover and fire back up on offense, as he hits a pair of Stinger Splashes in the corners for big pops from the crowd.

The camera pans up to the top of the entrance ramp, where we see Allin hit with a big shot by Takeshita. Takeshita looks to run and splash onto Allin, but Allin moves and Takeshita hits part of the set with authority. Allin begins climbing up the giant screens at the top of the entrance way. He is way up there.

Without hesitation, he leaps backwards and connects with a Coffin Drop on Takeshita. We hear an insanely loud and very well deserved “Holy sh*t!” chant. Allin barely hit Takeshita and took nearly the entirety of the bump on the stage from way up above — backwards. Insanity.

Now we see Hobbs scoop Sting up and throw him over his shoulder. He walks atop the cat-walk in the building but Sting escapes and connects with a Scorpion Death Drop off the stage to put Hobbs through a table down below.

The fans once again react with an enthusiastic, and very appropriate “Holy sh*t!” chant. Sting covers Hobbs in the pile of rubble that used to be a table and picks up the win in an exciting main event in his final in-ring appearance in Jacksonville.

Winners: Sting & Darby Allin

The Young Bucks Return, Want Darby Allin & Sting At AEW Revolution 2024

Allin is noticeably limping after the match and Sting is super slow to get up. He eventually does and we see Sting, Ric Flair and Darby Allin soaking up the adulation from the Jacksonville crowd. Tony Schiavone heads into the ring to get a quick post-match word from Sting.

He mentions how March is coming up quick. He asks who Sting’s opponent will be for his final match at AEW Revolution 2024. Before he can answer, the theme for The Young Bucks hits and out comes The Elite duo of Nick Jackson and Matt Jackson for the first time since their loss at AEW Full Gear 2023 back in November.

The two come out to the top of the stage and simply stare down Sting and Darby Allin in the ring, making it clear they want to be the ones to share the ring with the duo for Sting’s retirement bout at AEW Revolution 2024 in March. Nothing is said and that is how the annual AEW Dynamite: Homecoming special goes off the air from inside Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. Thanks for joining us!

–– Here is what’s in store for the show ––

  • Texas Tornado Match: Darby Allin and Sting vs. Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs)
  • AEW World Champion Samoa Joe will appear
  • Sammy Guevara vs. Ricky Starks
  • Claudio Castagnoli vs. Hangman Page
  • Preston Vance, Adam Copeland, Orange Cassidy, & Dustin Rhodes vs. Brian Cage, Lance Archer, Toa Liona, & Kaun
  • Anna Jay, Thunder Rosa, Kris Statlander, & Willow Nightingale vs. Julia Hart, Skye Blue, Saraya, & Ruby Soho.

1/10 AEW Dynamite Results

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