WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Results – Here are results of WWE Royal Rumble 2025 from the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Countdown to the Royal Rumble Notes
Cathy Kellys is in the back with Gunther. She asks him who he hopes will win to challenge him. Gunther says whoever wins today will not challenge him. The winner will challenge Cody because he is the easier opponent. Gunther says he is the real threat. The Rumble is a spectacular match. He reminds Cathy he has the record for the longest in a Rumble match. She asks who might last as long as him. Gunther says there will come a time when the egos and characters will clash. With the drama going on, he is looking forward to watching it.
Cathy Kelley waits for The Miz to come out of the Number Picking Room and he emerges. She asks him how will he do this year with only two eliminations. Miz asks for another question. She asks what number he has and he refuses to tell. He says no one picked him to win the Rumble. He was never picked to be the World Champion and he did it twice. No one picked him to main event Wrestlemania and when he wins tonight, he will do it twice.
LIVE WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Results
We are live from the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, as Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the entrance area. She says it is an incredible honor to be in Indianapolis. She mentions the show being on Peacock in the US and on Netflix around the world. She says WWE grows because of you. She thanks everyone for making this the biggest Rumble in history.
We then get a video from Pat McAfee, a cold opening they’re calling in, in which he quickly praises Indianapolis before crash-coursing us on the history of the Royal Rumble.
Women’s Royal Rumble Match
Pat McAfee, Cole and Barrett check in from the commentary desk and then sends things to Alicia Taylor in the ring, who begins the formal introductions for the opening match of the evening. Kicking things off will be the Women’s Royal Rumble match.
The theme for IYO SKY hits and out comes the Damage CTRL member as the first entrant. She settles in the ring as the commentators talk about her being the most unlucky woman on the roster drawing the number one spot. Liv Morgan’s entrance tune hits next and out she comes in the number two spot.
They lock up and Liv with a knee and she gets Iyo to the mat. Liv with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Iyo with a forearm to the back and she vaults off Liv’s back and follows with a drop kick. Iyo is sent to the apron by Liv and Liv with a foerarm but she blocks a kick and holds on to the leg. Iyo drops Liv’s leg on the middle rope. Iyo springboards over Liv. Iyo blocks obLIViio and Iyo sends Liv to the apron. Iyo with a shoulder but Liv with a front face lock and knee. Iyo sends Liv into the turnbuckles.
Entrant Number Three is Roxanne Perez
Iyo pulls Liv out of the corner and Perez with a Thesz Press and punches to Iyo. Perez with a thrust kick and forearm to Liv. Iyo pushes Perez but Perez with a rana to Iyo and running uppercuts to both women. Perez with an uppercut to Liv in the corner followed by a kick to Iyo and a side Russian leg sweep to Liv and a DDT to Iyo. Perez sends Liv to the apron but Liv holds on. Perez with a kick when Liv misses a shoulder. Iyo sends Roxanne to the apron but Perez gets back into the ring and hits a head scissors on Iyo. Liv with a Codebreaker to Perez.
Entrant Number Four is Lyra Valkyria
Lyra with a kick to Liv and then PErez. Lyra with a cartwheel and a spinning heel kick to Liv. Lyra with a tornado DDT and suplex to Iyo. Lyra sends Iyo to the apron and Liv sends Lyra into the corner as Lyra adjusts her ring gear. Liv kicks Iyo but she holds on to the ropes while Liv kicks Perez. Liv with a knee to Iyo.and a kick to Perez. Lyra and Liv try to eliminate Iyo but she holds on.
Entrant Number Five is Chelsea Green
Perez kicks Liv and she sends Iyo into the orner. Lyra has Liv up but Liv gets back to her feeet. Iyo and Perez fight in the corner. Liv with forearms to Lyra and Perez sends Iyo into the turnbuckles. Green with slaps to Perez and Liv. Green sends IYo to the apron but Iyo holds on. Lyra is sent to the apron and so is Perez. Green makes it four for four of sending people to the apron but not eliminating anyone. Green prematurely points to the sign and then all four women go after Green with kicks and forearms. Liv with a forearm to Lyra and Perez sends Iyo into the turnbuckles.
Entrant Number Six is B-Fab
Green is not excited to see Fab and Fab kicks Green from the apron and follows with clotheslines. Lyra is sent into the corner by Lyra. Liv with an lebow to Lyra and Fab with an elbow to Liv and she slams Liv onto Lyra. Fab kicks Iyo and she hits a twisting suplex. Fab sends Iyo to the apron. Green chokes Perez while Liv kicks Lyra. Green with more kicks to Perez and Lyra is sent to the apron.
Entrant Number Seven is Ivy Nile
Ivy with a spinebuster to Lyra followed by forearms and she sends Lyra to the apron. Iyo with a waist lock and Ivy with a standing switch into a German suplex. Ivy with a German suplex to Liv and then she tries for one on Green but Green grabs Perez. Ivy does not care and she hits a German suplex on both women at the same time. Lyra tries to send Ivy to the apron but Ivy with elbows.Liv and Iyo have Fab in the corner.
Entrant Number Eight is Zoey Stark
Liv runs into a shoulder from the apron and Zoey sends Iyo into Liv and htis a half and half suplex. Ivy with a kick to Ivy followed by a suplex. Zoey kicks Green from the apron and she hits a twisting blockbuster on Green off the turnbuckles. Zoey sends Iyo onto the apron and Iyo with a head scissors. Liv sends Green to the apron and she holds on to the ropes with her legs. Green makes the save.
Entrant Number Nine is Lash Legend
Lash with a forearm to Ivy and Iyo followed by a bicycle kick to Green. Lash with a uranage back breaker to Perz. Lash with a delayed vertical suplex to Lyra. Lash with a flapjack to Zoey onto Lyra. Lash prematurely points and then she blocks a head scissors from Ivy. Lash swings Ivy into everyone and she power bombs Ivy. Fab with a forearm to Lash’s back and Lash with a forearm. They go back and forth. Fab slaps Lash but Lash with an elbow. Both with bicycle kicks at the same time and both go down. Green eliminates Fab. Green sends Lash to the apron but Lash hangs on.
Entrant Number Ten is Bianca Belair
Green wants a time out and Bianca with a cross boy onto Green. Bianca sends Perez to the apron and Perez hangs on. Lyra is sent to the apro and Lyra hangs on. Bianca with a marching delayed vertical suplex to Iyo. Biacna with a shoulder to Iyo in the corner and she punches Iyo. Bianca flips over Ivy and she puncehs Ivy. She flips over Zoey and hits a shoulder. Bianca with more punches. Bianca flips over Lash and hits a shoulder into a mass of humanity. Bianca with punches to Lash. Bianca flips over Liv and then hits a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster. Bianca with a suplex to Lash. Bianca runs into a kick from Iyo. Bianca press slams Iyo to the apron.
Entrant Number Eleven is Shayna Baszler
Shayna with a belly-to-back suplex to Green followed by a wrist lock suplex to Iyo. Shayna sets to stomp in Iyo’s shoulder but Liv tries to stop her. Shayna with a neck breaker while stomping on Iyo’s shoulder. Zoey sets for a springboard move and she slips but is able to hit a clothesline on Lyra. Zoey and Lyra send Lyra to the apron but she holds on. Lyra with forearms and she goes up top and hits a double missile drop kick to Zoey and Shayna. Ivy sends Lyra over the top rope to eliminate her.
Entrant Number Twelve is Bayley
Lash with a punch to Ivy. Bianca and Shayna fight on the turnbuckles. Zoey chokes Liv but Liv kicks Zoey. Bayley goes for a belly-to-belly suplex on Perez but Perez with a rollup. Bayley kicks Perez. Perez goes for an elbow to Bayley but Bayley blocks it and tries to eliminate her but Perez holds on. Bayley with a side slam to Perez. Bayley and Iyo face off in the center of the ring. Zoey and Shayna with forearms to Iyo and Bayley. Zoey and Shayna Iris whip Bayley but Zoey is sent to the apron. Bayley kicks Shayna away and sends her to the apron.
Entrant Number Thirteen is Sonya Deville
Bianca punches Liv. Ivy goes up top to stomp on Liv. Sonya with a knee to Bayley and one to Iyo. Sonya with a spear to Liv. Sonya, Zoey, and Shayna focus on Green. Green offers her hand and Sonay shakes it and hits the Advocate on Green. Shayna with a German suplex to Biana. Zoey with a rolling Death Valley Driver to Perez. Zoey with a knee to Lash and then Zoey clips Lash. Sonya with a knee to Lash. Ivy has Iyo on the turnbuckles and then Shayna and Zoey hit a reverse gourdbuster.
Entrant Number Fourteen is Maxxine Dupri
Sonya, Zoey, and Shayna wait for Maxxine to enter the ring and Ivy tells Sonya she has it. Ivy pushes Dupri and Dupri with a forearm. Dupri with a spinning heel kick and a fisherman’s suplex. Dupri sets for the reverse caterpillar but she is stopped by Sonya, Zoey, and Shayna. Bianca, Bayley, and Iyo go after Shayna, Sonya, and Zoye. Dupri takes care of IVy and it is time for the reverse caterpillar and elbow drop. Dupri picks up Ivy and dumps her to the apron and she kicks Ivy to the floor to elimiante her. Sonya, Shayna, and Zoey elliminate Dupri.
Entrant Number Fifteen is Naomi
Naomi kicks Shayna and hits a shoudler on Zoey followed by a tombstone in the ropes. Naomi goes up top and hits a blockbuster on Green. Perez misses a clothesline and Naomi slides under. Naomi with a kick to Perez but Zoey and Shayna attack and kick Naomi. Bayley with forearms to Sonya while Iyo connects with forearms to Zoey. Bianca grabs Zoey and Naomi joins in. They get Zoey up for a double KOD and hit it. Iyo with a moonsault to Sonya. Zoey is eliminated by Naomi and Bianca. Bayley eliminates Shayna. Iyo eliminates Sonya. Bianca runs into a boot from Liv.
Entrant Number Sixteen is Jaida Parker
Parker with a back elbow to Iyo and she chops Perez. Parker avodis a slam from Bayley and Parke riwth a shoulder tackle. Parker iwth a gourdbuster to Liv. Parker and Lash face off in the center of the ring and Bianca and Naomi join together and shake hands. Green wants to be part of the friend circle but they connect with forearms. Lash accidentally hits a bicycle kick on Parker. Green eliminates Lash. Green turns around ands see Naomi and Bianca.
Entrant Number Seventeen is Piper Niven
Green’s attitude changes and she goes to the apron to get Piper to come to the ring but she wants Piper to move a little faster. Green fights off Naomi and Bianca. Green dances around behind Piper and she goes to the apron to let Piper do the fighting. Piper catches Naomi on a cross boy and she slams her. Piper with a shoudler tackle to Bianca followed by a splash to both. Piper with a Bossman Slam to Bayley followed by a kne in the corner. Piper with a uranage to Iyo. Naomi sends Green ot hte apron while Piper sends Iyo to the apron. Piper tries to save Green but Naomi moves and Piper knocks Green off the apron. Piper apologizes.
Entrant Number Eighteen is Natalya
Perez sends Parker into the corner and Liv kicks Piper. Natalya with a discus clothesline to Bayley and a German suplex to Liv. Nattie with an atomic drop to Naomi and a Germna suplex to Bianca. Iyo lands on the apron and Perez stops Nattie. Nattie sends Perez to the apron. Perez with a shoulder to the midsetion but Nattie with a kick to Perez. Parker with a running hip to Nattie. Parker tries to eliminate Nattie but she stays in.
Entrant Number Nineteen is Jordynne Grace
Grace with a forearm to Parker followed by a German suplex. Grace with a spinebuster to Bayley. Grace clotheslines Iyo and Liv while Perez is on her shoulders. Parker sends Grace to the apron and Grace slaps Parker. Grace sends Parker to the apron and she connects with a kick and knee to eliminate Parker. Piper with a shoulder tackle to Grace but Grace gets Piper on her shoulders for a rolling Death Valley Driver. Grace and Naomi hug but Bianca grabs Grace and sends Grace to the apron.
Entrant Number Twenty is Michin
Liv sends Iyo into the turnbuckles. Michin with a drop kick to Piper and a back heel kick and Pele kick to Nattie. Michin with a Pele Kick to Bayley and a cannonball to Bayley and Nattie in the corner. Liv with shoudlers to Bianca and she is sent to the apron and Bianca hangs on to the ropes. Bianca gets back into teh ring. Michin goes for Eat Defeat to Piper and Piper with a Piper Driver. Nattie punches Piper to make the save for Michin.
Entrant Number Twenty-One is Alexa Bliss
Alexa and Bayley face off in the center of the ring. Bayley misses a clothesline and Alexa with a head scissors. Alexa with a drop kick to Nattie and an STO to Bayley followed by a knee drop and a senton. Nattie kicks Alexa and goes for a power bomb but Alexa hands on to the apron.
Entrant Number Twenty-Two is Zelina Vega
Vega trips Bayley from the apron and she kicks Liv. Vega flips into the ring and she hits Iyo with a knee. Vega with a tornado DDT to Piper. Grace sends Vega into the turnbuckles but misses a punch. Grace sends Vega into teht urnbuckles. Vega with a knee from the turnbuckles and she goes for a Super Code Red on Grace. Nattie is on the turnbuckles and Bianca, Michin, and Naomi try to eliminate her but Nattie fights back. Iyo has Piper hanging in the ropes. Naomi and Bianca send Michin to the mat and they hit a moonsault and leg drop combination.
Entrant Number Twenty-Three is Candice LeRae
Bliss with forearms to Liv and Vega. Bayleyw ith a forearm to Nattie and Perez. Candice with a neck breaker to Naomi and that leads to a DDT on Bayley. andice with a steop up Codebreaker to Piper into a back senton on Liv. Nattie with punches and a double sledge to Bayley. Michin with punches to Candice on the apron followed by a round kick. Candice kicks Michin. Candice hangs from the ropes and she fights off Michin.
Entrant Number Twenty-Four is Stephanie Vaquer
Liv chokes Grace in the corner. Vaqur with a springboard cross boy to Bayley and a belly-to-back suplex. Vaquer avoids a disucs cltohesline and hits a suplex on Nattie. Iyo is sent to the apron by Grace. Iyo wtih a knee to Grace while Vaquer drives Nattie’s head into the mat. Bayley kicks Vaquer in the corner but Vaquer with a dragon screw to Bayley. Vaquer with a running double knee strike to Nattie. Bianca and Noami with a double suplex to Alexa.
Entrant Number Twenty-Five is Trish Stratus
Trish with a Thesz Press to Nattie. Trish with a kick to Grace followed by an attempted Stratusfaction but Grace sends Trsih into the corner. Trish with a bulldog to Candice off the turnbuckles and a clothesline to Grace. Trish with StratusFaction to Nattie but Piper with a shoulder tackle to Trish. Vaquer kicks Perez away. Trish with an elbow and forearm to Piper. Piper is sent into the turnbuckles by Trish.
Entrant Number Twenty-Six is Raquel Rodriguez
Grace and Nattie try to eliminate Liv but she is on the apron. Raquel sends Natie to the mat and Nattie with a head scissors. Raquel with a kick to Nattie and she power bombs Liv onto Nattie. Natie sends Liv to the apron but Raquel sends Natite to the apron. Liv with a Codebreaker on the apron to eliminate Nattie. Raquel helps Liv back into the ring but Alexa with a shoulder. Raquel sends Alexa to the apron and Liv with a Codebreaker to eliminate Bliss. Michin is sent into the turnbuckles by Poper. Raquel swings Naomii.
Entrant Number Twenty-Seven is Charlotte Flair
Grace and Bayley try to eliminate Raquel but she fights them off. Iyo hangs on the turnbuckles while Liv tries to eliminate her. Bianca works on Vega’s arm. Flair clotheslines Liv and Vaquer and then she kicks and chops Bayley. Flair chops Perez. Flair chops Bianca many times. Flair chops Grace. Flair with another chop to Grace. Flair with a Flair Flip on an Irish wihp and she kicks Grace. Flair kicks Michin on the apron and she is elimianted. Flair with a cross body to Vaquer and Grace. Grace blocks a suplex on Flair and Vaquer with a forearm. They set for a double delayed vertical suplex but Charlotte counters into a double DDT. Flair missesa boot on Piper and Piper with forearms. Vega holds on to the ropes while Trish tries to eliminate her. Next to them, Flair eliminates Piper with a back body drop.
Entrant Number Twenty-Eight is Giulia
Raquel choke Flair in the corner. Naomi ith a forearm to stop Grace. Iyo and Giulia face off and Giulia with a take down and Iyo with a leg sweep. Both women with shotei and both are down. Bayley says something to Iyo and Raquel tries to eliminate Flair. Liv and Raquel try to kick Flair off the apron. Grae sends Giulia to the apron and Giulia goes for a German suplex off the apron. Giulia with a knee to eliminate Grace. Vaquer stands behind Giulia and they look around. They fist bump and they go after Bayley and Flair but Perez gets involved and she pushes Bayley. We have a series of punch exchanges.
Entrant Number Twenty-Nine is Nia Jax
Vega holds on from the apron while Trish tries to get her tot he floor. Vega with punches to Trish. Liv and Raquel try to eliminate Bayley. Nia pulls Vega off the apron to eliminate her. Nia sends Vega into the ringside barrier. Trish goes face to face with Nia. Nia waves goodbye and Candice grabs Trish from behind but Trish eliminates Candice. Trish with chops to Nia. Trish with a handstandcanrana attempt but Nia blocks it for a moment. Trish with a rana. Nia sends Trish to the apron and Nia hangs on and Candice grabs Trish but she stays on the apron. Nia knocks Trish off the apron to eliminate her. Nia with shoulders to many.
Entrant Number Thirty is Nikki Bella
Nia waits for Nikki to enter the ring and the others rise in the ring and curround Nia. Nikki with a forearm and everyone joins in and punch Nia but Nia pushes them all down. Iyo iwth a shotei and Giulia iwth a head butt. Bayleyw tih a knee to Nia followed by a kick fro Charlotte. Nikki with a face buster and she does some Steiner push ups. Perez gets in Nikki’s face and does some push ups. Nikki with a forearm and she gets Perez on her shoulders and sends her to the apron. Nikki kicks Perez but Perez with a forearm. Vaquer with a hed scissors to send Iyo to the apron. Iyo holds on while Perez kicks Vaquer in the back. Perez kicks Vaquer and Liv kicks Iyo. Raquel tries to kick them to the floor. Naomi and Bianca send Raquel and Liv to the apron. Liv and Raquel pull Naomi and Biana to the apron. Naomi is eliminated along with Vaquer, Iyo, Liv, and a few more. Nia eliminates Liv and Vaquer.
Bayley with Rose Plant to Nia Giulia with a knee to Flair and Nikki with a spear to Giulia. Nikki gets Giulia on her shoulders against ehr opes. Giulia is sent to the apro and Giulia brings Perez to the apron. Flair missesa boot and Giulia and Perez pull her to the apron. Flair with a boot to Perez but Iulia kicks Flair in the knee. Perez sends Giulia into the ring post and she is elimianted. Flair gets back into ther ing. Perez tries to send Bayley into the turnbuckles.
Bayley is sent to the apron. Nia runs into a punch. Nikki with a forearm to eliminate Bayley. Nia eliminates Nikki.
The final three are Roxanne Perez, Nia Jax, and Charlotte Flair.
Perez with a kick to Flair’s knee. Perez sends Flair into the turnbuckles. She wraps the leg in the ropes. Nia misses a splash and Perez gets on Nia’s back. Nia is in the ropes and Charlotte eliminates Nia. Flair sends Perez to the apron and Perez with a shoulder and Flair with a knee to eliminate Perez.
Winner: Charlotte Flair
WWE Tag Team Championship – 2/3 Falls Match
DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) (c) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Fall Number One
Sabin chops Ciama and Savin with a side head lock. Alex makes the tag but Ciampa does not realize it. Sabin and Ciampa with kicks to the chest and back. Alex and Sabin do some dosey doing and they hit splashes and send Johnny and Ciampa to the floor. Sabin and Shelley with stereo baseball slides. Sabin with a suicide dive that sends Johnny and Ciampa into the announce table. Sabin sends Ciampa back into the ring and the referee checks on Ciampa. Ciampa with a DDT in the ropes and Ciampa gets a near fall. Gargano tags in and Ciampa with a forearm and Gargano with a Northern Lariat. Ciampa with a jaw breaker and clothesline. Ciampa keeps Sabin from making the tag and he connects with an elbow to Alex off the apron.
Sabin and Ciampa are down. Alex with a super kick to Gargano but Ciampa is the legal man and Ciampa with a jumping knee for the three count.
First Fall to DIY
Fall Number Two
Ciampa with a reverse chin lock on Alex. Ciampa with a forearm to Sabin on the apron. Gargano holds on to Ciampa on an O’Connor Roll attempt. Gargano tags in and Ciampa makes the save on a suplex to Gargano. They hit a belly-to-back suplex and flying clothesline combination for a near fall. Gargano wtih a chop and Ciampa tags in. Ciampa with a chop and he stomps on the hand. Gargano tags in and they Irish whip Alex. Alex with boots to Gargano and a back elbow to Ciampa. Alex with a flatliner and DDT combination to Gargano and Ciampa. Ciampa goes under the ring to distract Sabin and then Alex makes the tag to Sabin but the referee did not see it (and since they are the faces, it is disallowed). Sabin chases Gargano and then they hit Shatter Machine on Alex for a near fall.
Gargano is sent to the apron by Alex but Gargano with a forearm to Sabin on the apron. Alex with a thrust kick to counter a slingshot spear. Sabin tags in and he drop kicks Ciampa to the floor. Sabin with a boot to Gargano followed by punhes. Sabin with a flying clothesline to Gargano. Sabin with a back heel kick to Ciampa and a kick to Gargano. Sabin with a springboard cross body to Gargano and Ciampa on the floor. Sabin goes to the turnbuckles and Ciampa stops him. Sabin punches Ciampa and Alex with a DDT on the apron. Sabin with a tornado DDT and Alex tags in for Skull And Bones for the three count.
MCMG 1 Fall
DIY 1 Fall
Fall Number Three
Sabin with a back heel kick to Gargano. Sabin with a kick to Ciampa but Gargano with a thrust kick and clothesline. Ciampa tags in and the hit a super kick and Fairy Tale Ending combination for a near fall. Gargano with a suicide dive onto Alex followed by Project Ciampa to Sabin for a near fall. Ciampa puts Sabin on the turnbuckles and he chops Sabin. Ciampa with another chop. Ciampa sets for a super Air Raid Crash but Sabin counters into an attempted sunset flip power bomb but Ciampa with a punch. Sabin sends Ciampa into the ring post and then into the tree of woe. Gargano with a waist lock on Sabin. Alex holds Gargano and Alex with a baseball slide to Ciampa followed by an overhead belly-to-belly suplex of Gargano into Ciampa.
Alex tags in and they set for Sliced Bread and a power bomb combination but Gargano breaks up the cover. Sabin tags in and Gargano tags in. Sabin avoids a clothesline and Gargano accidentally super kicks Ciampa. Sabin and Gargano with the Dream Sequence. Alex tags in and they hit the double kick in the corner.
Someone in a hooded sweatshirt gets on the apron and Angelo Dawkins hits Sabin with his crutch. Gargano sends Sabin into the ring post. Ciampa and Gargano with the running knee and super kick to Sabin for the three count.
Winners: DIY
We see that the hooded man was Montez Ford. Ford and Dawkins attack Gargano and Ciampa with the crutch. Ford and Dawkins hold the title belts over their head and drop them onto the champions.
Undisputed WWE Championship – Ladder Match
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens.
Cody has some words for Kevin and Cody with punches and kicks. They throw many punches. Cody with a drop down uppercut followed by a forearm. Kevin with a back elbow. Kevin with punches and kicks in the corner. Kevin chokes Cody and then Kevin goes to the floor and he goes for a ladder but Cody punches him from behind and the ladder falls to the floor. Kevin with a forearm to the back and Cody tries to suplex Kevin into the ladder but Kevin blocks it. Kevin slams Cody into the ladder. Kevin hits Cody with a piec of the ladder and he puts it against Cody’s mouth. Kevin sends Cody into the ringside barrier.
Kevin goes under the ring but Cody stops Kevin and sends him over the ringside barrier and into the crowd. Cody goes after Kevin and they fight among the people. Cody throws a beverage in Kevin’s ace and Kevin punches Cody. Kevin takes food from a fan and hits Cody with it. Kevin with a slam on the floor. Kevin drops Cody onto the ringside barrier on a gourdbuster. Kevin pulls a ladder from under the ring and he puts it against the apron. Kevin biels Cody onto the ladder. Kevin sets up the ladder in the ring and he starts to climb but Cody stops him. Kevin punches Cody and sends Cody to the floor. Kevin climbs again and Cody stops him. Cody sends Kevin into the ladder and it falls against the ropes.
Cody kicks Kevin to the floor but Kevin sends Cody to the floor and into the announce table. Kevin hits Cody with the hood of the announce table and then he corrects Cole’s commentary. Kevin gets a big ladder from under the ring. The ladder is put on the apron and announce table. Cody sends Kevin into the ring steps. Cody gets back into the ring and he gets the ladder off the ropes. Kevin brings a small ladder and he hits Cody in the midsection and back. Kevin throws it at Cody in the corner. Kevin throws the ladder at Cody on the mat and then he gets on the ladder and he teases a frog splash but he kicks Cody instead.
Cody hits Kevin with the small ladder a few times and he throws it at Kevin. Cody climbs the ladder and Kevin hits Cody in the knee with the small ladder and then hits him in the elbow and midsection with the ladder. Kevin with a belly-to-back suplex onto the ladder. Cody reverses an Irish whip and Kevin is sent into the ladder. Cody climbs the ladder and Kevin grabs the boot. Cody has the belts and Kevin pulls Cody off the ladder while Cody hangs on to the hook. Cody gets back on the ladder and he lets go. Kevin pulls Cody off the ladder for a power bomb. Kevin sends Cody into the edge of the ladder and he kicks Cody. Kevin puts the ladder on top of Cody as he climbs ut Cody tries to push the ladder over. Kevin kicks Cody.
Cody goes for a ladder under the ring and Kevin sends Cody nto the ringside barrier. Kevin sends Cody into the ring steps. Kevin grabs a ladder and sends it into the ring. Cody with a punch and a suplex onto a ladder. Cody sets up a ladder and he starts to climb and he kicks the bottom rung off. Cody hits Kevin with it but Kevin with a super kick. Kevin with jabs to Cody and he sets for the Bionic Elbow but he decides to drill Cody with the broken rung. Kevin hits Cody with the piece of the ladder again. Cody is sent into the turnbuckles and Kevin throws the little ladder at Cody. Kevin gets another ladder and brings it into the ring.
Kevin puts a ladder on the bottom rope in the corner. Kevin gets Cody on his shoulders but Cody gets to his feet. Kevin with forearms and he sets for a pile driver. Cody counters with a back drop onto the top part of the ladder on its side. Kevin tries to stop Cody from climbing the ladder but he cannot at first. Kevin power bombs Cody into the ladder on the bottom rope. Kevin starts to climb and he is stopped by Cody. Kevin punches Cody and Cody looks like he is having trouble standing. Kevin sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Kevin sets up a bridge between the ropes and center ladder with a ladder. Kevin punches Cody onto the bridge ladder.
Kevin goes to the turnbuckles and Cody stops Kevin. Cody sets for a superplex but they are on the turnbuckles and you do not superplex Kevin. Kevin with a fisherman’s buster onto the bridge ladder. The referee checks on Cody. Agents come to the ring and the referees are updating Aldis on their condition.
Sami Zayn comes out and he checks on Kevin. Sami also goes to check on Cody.
Kevin has tosses a ladder aside and he goes after Cody. Kevin with a kick and he tries for a stunner but Cody with CrossRhodes. Kevin grabs Cody’s ankle and Cody sends Kevin into the announce table many times. Cody sends Kevin into the ring post. Kevin staggers to the announce table and Cody with punches. He asks Kevin if this is what he wanted. Cody with many more punches and he stands on the announce table. Cody with punches but Kevin with a low blow. Kevin looks around and he sets for a package pile driver on the announce table but Cody blocks it and he hits an Alabama Slam onto the bridge ladder between the announce table and ring.
Cody returns to the ring and he climbs the ladder and he removes the title belts.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Men’s Royal Rumble Match
After much ado about nothing, we get our first entrance as Rey Mysterio is out at #1 at 9:00pm EST. Entrant #2 is Penta!
Rey offers his hand and Penta shakes it. They exchange some words and then Penta holds on when Rey starts to pull away. Penta tells Rey CERO MIEDO. Rey tells Penta 6-1-9 and Rey with a punch. Rey with a kick and Penta tries to power bomb Rey to the floor but Rey holds on and he brings Penta to the apron. Rey with a headstand in the turnbuckles and Penta with a kick. Rey goes up top and goes for a head scissors but Penta blocks it. They both go to the apron and Penta’s foot hits the floor but the second did not. Penta with a super kick on the apron and Rey sends Penta back into the ring. Rey with a forearm and Rey is crotched on the turnbuckles.
Entrant Number Three is Chad Gable
Chad chops Penta and Penta chops back. Chad blocks a Destroyer and Chad with a kick. Chad sends Penta to the apron. Rey with a shoulder from the apron and Rey with a susnet flip. Chad rolls through and Chad with a back body drop to Penta. Chad catapults Rey to the apron and he gets back in the ring. Penta with a thrust kick to the back of the head. Penta with a wraparound bulldog. Rey comes off Penta’s shoulder and he hits a back senton onto Chad’s legs.
Entrant Number Four is Carmelo Hayes
Rey chokes Chad and Hayes with La Mistica to Penta. Hayes points to Rey and Hayes pulls back on a hand shake. Rey kicks Hayes and Rey with a head scissors take down. Hayes with a clotheline and a springboard DDT. Hayes discusses working with Chad and Hayes chops Penta. Chad with a wasit lock and they hit a springboard clothesline and German suplex combination on Pent. Rey avoids a double back elbow but they hit a double shoudler tackle and a double elbow drop. Hayes tries to eliminate Chad but Chad stops short. Chad lands on his feet on a springboard move and then he catches Hayes and hits a German suplex.
Entrant Number Five is Santos Escobar
Chad kicks and chokes Penta while Hayes does the same to Rey. Santos stops Hayes and then he hits a springboard tornado DDT. Santos tries to catapult Rey but he sends him into the ropes. Santos sets for a Tiger Feint Kick and hits it. Santos mocks Rey and then Penta tells Santos Cero Miedo. Santos with a Destroyer. Rey with a head scissors that sends Santos into the ropes and Rey with a 619 and Santos is sent to the floor. Hayes sends Rey over the top rope and he holds on. Penta sends Hayes over the top rope but he holds on. Chad sends Penta over the top rope and he holds on. They take care of Chad and then Santos and Penta kick each other. Santos and Rey kick each other. Everyone is down.
Entrant Number Six is Otis
Otis choke slams Santos and then he shuffles into a Caterpiller but Chad stops Otis and applies an ankle lock. Otis kicks Chad away. Chad slaps Otis and Otis slaps him back. Otis’ shirt comes off and they throw punches. Rey hits Hayes and Chad with a dead lift German suplex. Otis is back on his feet and he hits a torture rack on Chad. Hayes saves Chad and then they punch Otis an try to send him over the top rope but he stops Hayes and Chad. Penta and Rey punch and kick Santos.
Entrant Number Seven is Bron Breakker
Penta with a double DDT to Rey and Santos. Bron with a spear to Hayes and he sends Hayes over the top rope to eliminate him. Bron goes to the turnbuckles for a Frankensteiner on Gable. Bron with a back suplex to Otis. Bron with a Warp Punch to Rey. Santos gets Penta up but Bron spears Santos. Bron sends Santos over the top rope to eliminate him. Otis hits Bron from behind. Otis with punches.
Entrant Number Eight is Akira Tozawa
Carmelo Hayes hits Tozawa from behind as he goes to the back. Pearce checks on Tozawa and they help him to the back.
Hunter says we need a replacement so he tells IShowSpeed he is in the match.
He sends Chad to the apron and then he helps Bron eliminate Otis. Bron shakes hands with him and he thinks they are friends. Bron waits for the moment to make the world happy with a spear. Bron presses Speed over his head and tosses him onto Otis and Otis catches him and sends Speed over the announce table to eliminate him. Bron kicks Penta.
Entrant Number Nine is Sheamus
Sheamus with foerarms to Chad from the apron. Bron swings at Sheamus and it is Bron’s turn to feel the forearms. Penta clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope and he lands on the apron. Sheamus iwth a slingshot shoulder tackle to Penta followed by a spinning uranage back breaker. Bron with an overhead belly-to-belly to Sheamus. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Bron. Chad chops Sheamus and Sheamus chops back.
Entrant Number Ten is Jimmy Uso
JImmy goes up top and he hits a cross body on Chad. Jimmy with a super kick to Sheamus and Rey. Penta with a super kick to Jimmy. Penta with an Irish whip and he runs into an uppercut. JImmy with a twisting senton onto Penta. Jimmy with a thrust kick to Bro and Sheamus. Jimmy with a running hip to Rey and Chad. Then he does it to Penta. Sheamus chops Jimmy.
Entrant Number Eleven is Andrade
Andrade with a kick to Jimmy and a head scissors to Penta. Andrade sends Chad into the turnbuckles and he hits a flying forearm on Sheamus. Andrade sets for the running knees to Chad and hits it. He lines up Sheamus and hits it while Jimmy chokes Bron. Penta sends Andrade to the apron and Penta tries to kick him off the apron but Andrade holds on. Bron holds on to the turnbuckles while Jimmy and Rey try to eliminate him. Andrade kicks Penta from the apron and they fight on the turnbuckles and Penta with a superplex while Chad gives Rey a hard Irish whip.
Entrant Number Twelve is Jacob Fatu
Fatu with a kick to Chad and a pop up Samoan drop to Andrade. Fatu faces off with Penta. Penta is given an uppercut for over Cero Miedoing. Fatu catches Rey and he kicks Penta and gets him on his shoulders for a double Samoan drop. Chad is eliminated by Fatu and so is Rey. Andrade with a kick to Fatu and Fatu grabs Andrade and pushes him over the top rope to the floor. Bron pops up behind Fatu. Jimmy and Sheamus kick Fatu and Bron.
Entrant Number Thirteen is Ludwig Kaiser
Kaiser takes his time entering the ring and he decides to observe. Fatu with a head butt to Penta while Sheamus chokes Jimmy. Kaiser looks around and stays on the floor. Sheamus tries to eliminate Penta but he holds on. Kaiser grabs Penta but Penta reverses things and eliminates Kaiser. Kaiser is held back by officials. Penta kicks Sheamus and so does Bron. Sheamus and Penta send Bron to the floor.
Entrant Number Fourteen is Miz
Sheamus sends Penta to the apron and Jimmy kicks Fatu. Miz slides under Bron and he sends him to the apron. Bron holds on. Sheamus gets Miz up but Miz gets to his feet and he pushes SHeamus into Bron. Miz with a Skull Crushing Finale to Jimmy. Penta with a satellite head scissors. Miz goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a head scissors on Penta. Miz with a kick to Fatu and Fatu is not impressed. Fatu gras Miz and sends him to the apron. Miz with a kick to Fatu but Fatu catches Miz on a springboard move and hits a Samoan drop.
Entrant Number Fifteen is Joe Hendry
Hendry with clotheslines to Miz, Penta, and Jimmy. Hendry with a fallaway slam to Miz. Sheamus stands in the corner and watches. Joe turns around and he tries for the clap. Hendry with a choke slam. Fatu with a flying back elbow to Joe. Jimmy chops Bron. Sheamus wants to know why Fatu did that to Hendry.
Entrant Number Sixteen is Roman Reigns
Roman with a spear to Miz and Miz is eliminated. Roman spears Sheamus and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. Roman and Joe face off and Joe with a kick. Roman with a spear to Hendry and I believe in his elimination. Roman and Bron stare each other down. Bron with a spear to Roman. Roman reverses Bron and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy offers his hand to Roman and he helps him up but Fatu hits Jimmy and eliminates him. Fatu and Roman square off while Penta watches in the corner. Fatu with a punch and Roman fires back. They exchange punches. Roman with the advantage and Fatu with head butts. Roman with a spear.
Entrant Number Seventeen is Drew McIntyre
Roman and Drew exchange words as Drew makes his way to the ring. Drew says he has been waiting for this moment. He says it will end with him. Drew with a punch and Roman punches back. They continue the exchange. Roman iwth the advantage and Fatu hits Roman from behind with a forearm. Fatu with kicks and Drew kicks Penta. Drew and Fatu kick Roman. Drew punches Roman and Fatu with a running hip to Penta.
Entrant Number Eighteen is Finn Balor
Drew chokes Roman and Finn stands in the ring and he goes after Roman and helps Drew. Petna kicks Finn and Finn tries to eliminate Penta but Penta saves himself. Finn with sling blade and Penta is sent to the apron. Finn with a GTR on Drew. Fatu chokes Drew. Roman punches Fatu and then he kicks Finn and Drew. Roman with more kicks to Finn Roman sends Penta into the corner for a hesitation kick.
Entrant Number Nineteen is Shinsuke Nakamura
Penta punches Finn and sends him to the apron but Finn rolls back into the ring. Fatu with a head butt to Penta. Nakamrua with forearms and knees to Roman. Nakamura kicks Penta and Penta gets in his face. Nakamura with an axe kick. Nakamrua kicks Penta and Finn goes after Penta and kicks him. Penta is sent into the turnbuckles. Nakamura chokes Roman while Drew gives him encouragement. Penta comes off Finn’s back for a Destroyer on Fatu. Finn avoids a Destroyer and he sends Penta to the floor to eliminate him. Finn punches Drew . Fatu and Nakamura work over Roman in the corner.
Entrant Number Twenty is Jey Uso
Jey punches Finn and he does the spit punch to Finn. Jey with a spear to Drew. Jey with a punch to Fatu and hits a poisonran. Nakamura with a forearm and Jey misses a dragon whip. Jey with a kick to Nakamura. Nakamura with a back elbow and he is sent over the top rope and eliminated by Jey. Jey punches Fatu.
Entrant Number Twenty-One is AJ Styles
AJ with a drop kick to Drew’s nee followed by a flying forearm. AJ with strikes to Jey followed by a clothesline. AJ with a clothesline into the corner. AJ turns to see Fatu. AJ with punches and a Pele kick. Fatu with a back body drop. Drew kicks AJ and Fatu with head butts.
Entrant Number Twenty-Two is Braun Strowman
Finn kicks AJ in the back. Braun with a forearm to Finn and he goes for Fatu. They circle each other and they throw punches. Braun with a head butt and cross body. Braun gets Fatu up and he eliminates him. Fatu destroys the announce table. Fatu gets a chair and throws it at Braun. Drew hits Braun from behind and AJ and Finn join in.
Entrant Number Twenty-Three is John Cena
Cena gets Braun up but Braun gets to his feet. Cena drops down and Braun goes to the floor. Finn sends Cena to the apron. Cena catches Finn and hits an Attitude Adjustment to eliminate him. Roman with a spear to Drew. John removes his shirt to circle the ring with Roman.
Entrant Number Twenty-Four is CM Punk
Punk enters the ring and he stands with Roman and Cena while AJ, Drew, and Jey are down.
Entrant Number Twenty-Five is Seth Rollins
Seth goes after Punk and punhes him. Roman head butts Cena. Drew punches Punk while AJ and Jey battle in a corner. AJ rakes Jey’s eyes to get back to his feet. Roman kicks Cena but Cena kicks back. Seth punches Drew. Seth tries to eliminate Drew but Punk kicks Seth. Drew grabs Punk and has him against the ropes. Roman goes after Drew while Seth deals with Punk. Aj chops Cena.
Entrant Number Twenty-Six is Dominik Mysterio
Dom gets in the ring and he goes up top and he hits a frog splash on Cena. Dom poses and then he sets for a suplex on Roman. Roman blocks the suplex and Roman picks up Dom and hits a Samoan drop. Roman wants to know what the hell Dom is trying to do. Roman shakes Dom’s hand and then he connects with an uppercut.
Entrant Number Twenty-Seven is Sami Zayn
Sami with a Helluva Kick to Drew. Sami with a Helluva Kick to Seth. Cena punches Dom while Punk punches Sami. Sami kicks Punk. AJ kicks Jey in the corner. Sami puts Punk on the turnbuckles. Seth grabs Sami and punches him. AJ punches Sami and Seth with a head butt to Sami. Drew kicks Punk. Dom holds on to the ropes to save his life. Jey with a super kick to AJ.
Entrant Number Twenty-Eight is Damian Priest
Sami kicks Punk and Punk gets Sami on his shouldes but Sami holds on to the ropes. Priest kicks Drew and sends him into the turnbuckles. Priest goes Old School for a cross body on Drew. Priest with a thrust kick to Sami and a clothesline to Jey. Priest with elbows to Cena and Roman. Priest boxes AJ’s ears and he sets for South of Heaven but Dom drop kicks Priest into the ropes. Priest with a choke slam to Dom and then he sends Dom to the floor to eliminate him. Punk with a forearm to Priest and he fires back. Cena punches Drew.
Entrant Number Twenty-Nine is LA Knight
Knight sees AJ in the ring and he goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a double jump elbow drop over AJ onto Cena. Knight with a neck breaker to AJ. Knight and Jey exchange punches for the YEET/YEAH moment we have all been waiting for. Jey misses the spit upnch and Knight with a uranage. Priest tries to elminate Drew. Sami hits Knight from behind while Knight kicks Roman. Sami helps Roman up and Drew pushes Roman into Sami. Drew sends Sami to the apron and he tries to kick him tot he floor but Jey makes the save. Jey tries to super kick Drew but he moves and Jey super kicks Sami to the floor and eliminates him. Drew with a head butt to Jey.
Entrant Number Thirty is Logan Paul
Drew with a Claymore. AJ punches Punk. Logan with a forearm to Rollins anda Buckshot Lariat to AJ and Seth. Paul kicks Jey and hits a twisting Fisherman’s suplex. Knight punches Logan while Drew is eliminated by Priest. Seth kicks Paul in the corner. Roman has Knight in the ropes. AJ kicks Logan. Knight with kicks to Logan and he gets him up to try to eliminate him but Logan holds on to the ropes and ets to the apron.
Knight punches Logan and Knight tries to kick him off but Logan leaps to the announce table. Priest with a kick to Knight and he misses a cyclone kick. Knight with BFT and then he eliminates Priest. Seth punches Knight and Knight kicks Seth in the corner. Knight with a running knee into the corner. AJ sends Knight to the floor to eliminate im. Logan gets to the ringside barrier and he leaps to the ring steps. AJ is on the apron for a Phenomenal Forearm but Logan pulls AJ off the apron to eliminate him. Everyone not named Logan Paul is looking at Logan.
Roman punches Logan while Jey and Cena battle. Seth and Punk fight in the other corner. Logan grabs Punk and Punk with a GTS. Seth kicks PUnk. Seth blocks a super kick and hits a Pedigree. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment to Seth but he sees Roman and Roman with a Superman punch. Seth with a few Stomps. Roman is over Seth’s shoulder in the corner. Seth and Roman are face to face in the center of the ring. They exchange words and then tey exchange slaps and punches. Seth with a thurst kick but he misses the Stomp. Roman misses a Superman punch. Roman counters a Pedigree into a Samoan drop set up. Roman has Seth hanging on the ropes. Seth with a super kick and he sets for a clothesline but Roman ducks and he gets Seth over the top rope. Punk pushes Seth and Roman to the floor to eliminate both of them. Logan eliminates Punk.
We are down to three men and they are John Cena, Logan Paul, and Jey Uso.
Seth with a Stomp to Roman and then Seth and Punk exchange punches. Seth with a super kick to Punk. Seth goes after Heyman and he flips off Paul before httting a Stomp on the ring steps. Punk and Seth throw punches.
Punk goes to Paul and walks past him.
Back in the ring, Cena, Jey, and Paul are able to get back to their feet. Jey gets the crowd to Yeet and Logan with punches but Jey punches back. Jey has a kick blocked and Jey with a dragon whip. Jey misses a splash into the corner and he hits the ring post. Cena with a kick and an Irish whip into Jey. Cena with a back elbow. Cena gets Logan and Jey on his shoulders for a double Attitude Adjustment but Jey gets to his feet and he super kicks Logan. Cena clotheslines Paul over the top rope to eliminate him.
We are down to the final two, Jey Uso and John Cena.
Jey with a punch and Cena punches back. They continue the exchange. Cena with a kick and a head butt, but that might not have been the best thing to do. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles and a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he hits it. Cena sets for the Attitude Adjustment but Jey gets to his feet and he super kicks Cena a few times. Cena holds on to the turnbuckles to stay in the match. Jey with a spear and both men are down. Cena sends Jey to the apron and Jey holds on to the ropes. John goes over the top rope when Jey drops down. Cena keeps Jey from getting back in the ring. They exchange punches on the apron.
Jey with a super kick and Cena holds on with one foot hanging off the apron. Cena gets Jey up for an Attitude Adjustment and Jey gets back in the ring and he kicks Cena off the apron.
Winner: Jey Uso
After the match, Cena hugs Jey.
Pat McAfee, Wade Barrett and Michael Cole join Jey Uso in the middle of the ring to celebrate for long as we finally go to credits.
–– Here is what’s in store for the show ––
- Undisputed WWE Championship – Ladder Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens.
- WWE Tag Team Championship – 2/3 Falls Match: DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) (c) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).
- 2025 Men’s Royal Rumble Match: John Cena, CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, LA Knight, Jey Uso, Rey Mysterio, Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura, Logan Paul, Penta, Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, Chad Gable, Damian Priest, Santos Escobar announced.
- 2025 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Nia Jax, Bayley, Charlotte Flair, Bianca Belair, Naomi, Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez, Lyra Valkyria, Ivy Nile, Iyo Sky, Zelina Vega, Candice LeRae, Chelsea Green, Piper Niven, Announced.
WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Preview
WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Full Match Card, Confirmed Entrants, and Championship Clashes
The 2025 Men’s and Women’s Royal Rumble matches take place tonight, with the winners earning a championship opportunity of their choice at WrestleMania 41. The rules remain the same—competitors must be thrown over the top rope, with both feet touching the floor for elimination, and new entrants will join the match every 90 seconds.
Confirmed Royal Rumble Entrants
The Men’s Royal Rumble Match will feature some of WWE’s biggest names, including John Cena, CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, LA Knight, Sami Zayn, Chad Gable, Logan Paul, Santos Escobar, Jacob Fatu, Damian Priest, Carmelo Hayes, United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura, and Intercontinental Champion Bron Breakker. AEW star Penta has also been announced as a shocking addition to the field.
Meanwhile, the Women’s Royal Rumble Match will include Charlotte Flair, Bianca Belair, Naomi, Lyra Valkyria, Chelsea Green, Piper Niven, Bayley, IYO SKY, Ivy Nile, Zelina Vega, Raquel Rodriguez, Liv Morgan, Candice LeRae, and Nia Jax.
Undisputed WWE Championship Ladder Match
Cody Rhodes puts his Undisputed WWE Championship on the line against Kevin Owens in a Ladder Match. The rivalry between the two has escalated in recent months, dating back to Owens’ attack on Randy Orton, which took him out of action. Their feud has led to multiple intense brawls, with Owens claiming that he should be the rightful holder of the Winged Eagle Championship.
WWE Tag Team Championship – 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match
#DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano) defend their WWE Tag Team Championship against Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) in a 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match. Shelley and Sabin lost the titles to #DIY on the December 6, 2024 episode of SmackDown, but their issues go beyond that. Gargano turned on them during the title match, ensuring his and Ciampa’s victory. Since then, the former champions have been seeking revenge, and tonight, they’ll have the chance to reclaim the gold.
With major stakes on the line, Royal Rumble 2025 promises to be a defining night on the road to WrestleMania.
Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitude, WA.Com On Twitter/X, Bluesky and Google News for more.
WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Results