LIVE 2/4 NXT on The CW Results

LIVE 2/4 NXT on The CW Results

LIVE 2/4 NXT on The CW Results – We are live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, as Jacy Jayne makes her way to the ring accompanied by Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx. Sthepanie Vaquer is next.

Jacy Jayne vs. Sthepanie Vaquer

Jacy tries to tune out the crowd before locking up.  Vaquer backs Jacy into the corner and Jacy gets out on the break.  Vaquer with a waist lock take down and a rollup for a near fall.  Vaquer with a rear chin lock.  Jacy with a forearm to the back of the head and she sends Vaquer into the turnbuckles.  Jacy sends Vaquer into the turnbuckles again.  Jacy with kicks in the corner.  Jacy chokes Vaquer in the corner.  Vaquer catches Jacy on a hip into the corner and Vaquer with a snap mare into the turnbuckles followed by a drop kick.  Vaquer blocks a sunset flip attempt and she hits a leg drop for a near fall.  Vaquer sends Jacy into the corner and kicks her.  The referee warns Vaquer.  Jacy escapes a slam and she pulls Vaquer to the mat.  Jacy with a thrust kick to Vaquer but she misses a back senton.  Vaquer drives Jacy’s head into the mat.

Jacy rolls to the floor and Vaquer with a head butt and she sends Jacy into the apron.  Vaquer sends Jacy back into the ring and Nyx distracts the referee to allow Fallon to pull Vaquer off the apron.  Jacy with a baseball slide on the apron but Jacy holds her foot.  Jacy sends Vaquer back into the ring.  Jacy with an Irish whip and a running hip into the corner.  Jacy with an Irish whip and a cannonball into the corner.  Jacy with a chop and she tries for a slam but Vaquer gets to her feet.  Vaquer with forearms but Jacy with a back elbow.  Jacy with knees to the back and a rear chin lock.  Jacy adds a body scissors.  Vaquer with chops and a wrist lock with more chops.  Vaquer goes to the ropes and she takes too much time to be fancy and Jacy pushes Vaquer.  Jacy with a kick to Vaquer on the turnbuckles.  Jacy sets for a superplex.

Vaquer comes under and she hits a thrust kick against the turnbuckles.  Vaquer sets for a superplex and she hits it.   Jacy with a punch and Vaquer fires back.  They continue the exchange.  Jacy with a thrust kick but Vaquer with a jaw breaker.  Jacy with a thruest kick but she misses the cannonball.  Vaquer with Eat Defeat and a running double knee strike.  Vaquer with a belly-to-back suplex.  Vaquer with a back slide but Jacy rolls through and connects with a knee for a near fall.  Jacy sets for the rolling elbow but Vaquer with a DDT and a victory roll for a near fall.  Jacy with a forearm but Vaquer sends Jacy into teh ropes and Vaquer with a Tiger Feint Kick.  Vaquer with a springboard cross body and Nyx breaks up the cover, but since she didn’t hit Vaquer, the match continues.

Vaquer with a head butt to Nyx.  Vaquer with a butterfly back breaker for the three count.

Winner:  Stephanie Vaquer

After the match, Fallon stands on the announce table because this title feud does not need a summit.

– Zaria and Sol Ruca tell Lash and Jakara they had a good performance but they came up short last week.  Zaria says she isn’t surprised how Lash did at the Rumble.  She says that Lash dropped the ball. Tatum, Gigi, and Shotzi interrupt and they say that it is hard to beat Naomi and Bianca.  Gigi says Lash and Jakara stood up but Zaria didn’t.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and Sarah asks Oba about his title match at Vengeance Day and the tag match. Oba says Ava says she runs thing.  Oba says he runs everything in the ring.  He will show Waller and Theory they don’t belong in the ring. Sarah asks Oba if he owes Trick for what happened last week. Oba says he does not owe Trick anything.

– Lexis King is in the ring with his Heritage Cup Trophy.

Lexis says your king has been crowned the NXT Heritage Cup Champion.  He says he wanted to come out here and be humble.  How can he be humble when he is on a path to be the biggest star in the history of professional wrestling.  He says he couldn’t do it along.  There are a lot of legends back there.  He says William Regal reached out to him to show him who he is.  King mentions Ryan Leaf and calls him one of the biggest busts in the NFL.  Lexis says he does not take advice.  King says he doesn’t do well with authority.  He plays to the beat of his own drum and he plays by his own rules.  Why not?  He says he has the looks that kill and the pedigree that will.

Did you think he was going to transform and change it up on you and become a submissive beta?  His blood does not run with that of a normie.  He was born into this business.  He is the son of a psycho.  He never asked for this.  In fact, he tried everything he could to be everything but his father.  King says he didn’t know his father and who he was.  He knows one thing.  He was a loose cannon and he would do anything to win.  King says it is such a shame because he had so much potential but he never reached that potential.  Through all of that and the smoke and mirrors and advice of the legends, he was his best when he was his father’s son.

That is what he is.  Did you want him to change and be something he is not?  He never will.  He says he stays true to who he is.  The truth is that this championship, has been mistreated for far too long.  He says he will offend some of the purists.  He says he is going to change the way this title will be defended.  Gone are the meaningless round and ill advised cornermen, and the time limits.  The Heritage Cup will be one fall, winner take all.

King is interrupted by the music of Fadango.

He says he wants to reintroduce himself.  He used to get real weird in NXT.  That music means the world to him.  King says he knows who he is.  He used to play dress up with Tyler Breeze.  This isn’t the YMCA, this is NXT. Fandango says that is very clever and witty from a guy who looks like he had his face spray painted on.

He says he is JDC and he represents The System.  They are looking for a little gold to add.  He wouldn’t mind wrapping his lips on this Cup and having a drink.  He knows that you know that they have a working agreement.  He talked to Ava and next week, he faces Lexis for the Heritage Cup.

King tells JDC he appreciates what he is doing in The System and as part of TNA.  He only knows him as FAAANDAAANGO.  It will be them for the title and they are going to dance.

– We take a look at Tony D’Angelo on Wild Cards, which will air tomorrow.

The Family talks about how things are going for him. Channing says that must have been what he was talking to Izzi about when he couldn’t come out for their match.  He tells Tony he is just breaking his balls. Tony tells Channing to worry about Ridge tonight.

We go to commercial.

Ridge Holland vs. Channing Lorenzo

Lorenzo attacks Ridge before the bell and the referee starts the math.  Channing with punches but Ridge with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Ridge goes for a suples but Channing with a knee to escape followed by punches.  Ridge is sent to the apron and Channing with a springboard drop kick to send Ridge to the floor.  Channing misses a baaseball slide and Ridge runs Channing into the ring steps.  Ridge sends hi back into the ring and he kicks Channing.

Spears, Jensen, and Vance watch from the HBalKony.

Ridge with a hard Irish whip but Channing sends Ridge into the ropes.  Ridge with a kick and forearm.  Ridge has words for Lorenzo and Lorenzo with a punch and jaw breaker.  Lorenzo with punches and a flying clothesline.  Ridge with a kick to the midsection and he sends Channing to the apron.  Channing with a boot and a slingshot Codebreaker.  Ridge catches Lorenzo off the turnbuckles and he hits an arm trapped overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Ridge pushes Lorenzo off the turnbuckles to the floor.  They return to the ring and Luca gets on teh apron.

Izzi comes into the ring and she stops before Ridge can do anything.  Lorenzo with a rollup for a near fall.  Ridge with a clothesline and Redeemer for the three count.

Winner:  Ridge Holland

– Axiom and Frazer are in locker room and Josh Briggs and Inamura say that they are impressive but they know they will get their asses kicked if they face them.  Where have OTM been? Frazer says after they take care of the Nemeths, find an opponent to show if they deserve a title match. Briggs and Inamura tell the other they have this.

Zaria and Sol Ruca vs. Tatum Paxley and Gigi Dolin

Sol and Tatum start things off and Sol with a waist lock.and take down.  Tatum with a front face lock and a sunset flip but Sol rolls through and applies a side head lock.  Sol misses a clothesline when Tatum leans back.  Tatum goes for the leg and Sol with a front face lock.  Sol with a spinning face plant but Gigi makes the blind tag and she hits Sol when Sol tries to surf on Tatum.  Zaria tags in and Zaria blocks a crucifix bomb.  Zaria punches and chokes Gigi.  Gigi slaps Zaria and Zaria slaps her back.  Sol tags in and Sol gets Gigi up for a power bomb and Zaria tags in.  Gigi with a rana and a drop kick against the ropes.  Tatum tags in and she hits a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  Tatum chokes Sol and Sol with a forearm.  Tatum with a butterfly suplex.

Gigi tags in and hits a senton off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Sol floats over Tatum and Gigi with a drop toe hold.  Sol with a head scissors and Gigi is sent into the ropes.  Zaria tags in and she clotheslines Gigi and Tatum.  Zaria with kicks and a German suplex to Tatum.  Zaria with a spear to Gigi for a near fall.  Sol and Zaria get Tatum and Gigi up but they get back to their feet and send Zaria into Sol.  They follow with stereo enzuigiris.  

Sol tags in and Tatum comes off the turnbuckles but Zaria catches her and Zaria drops Tatum onto Gigi.  Sol with Sol Snatcher for the three count.

Winners:  Sol Ruca and Zaria

– Giulia walks in HALLWAY.  Roxanne walks in WAREHOUSE.  Bayley also walks in WAREHOUSE.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and Sarah is with Trick and she asks if he has talked to Oba. Trick says they don’t need to talk strategy.  He needs to show why he deserves the title match, not Theory and Waller.  He says he will drop their bitch asses.  He tells Oba that he hasn’t forgotten about him.

– Bayley makes her way to the ring. Out next is Roxanne Perez.

Roxanne interrupts the introduction of Giulia to talk about her runner up performance in the Royal Rumble.  She says she broke the record for longest time in the Rumble, which broke Bayley’s record.  We don’t have to wait for Giulia.

Bayley points out that Roxanne didn’t win.

Roxanne says she eliminated Giulia.  She tells Bayley you said you came here to mentor her but you want the NXT Title.  You got your ass kicked on Smackdown and you went to Raw.  Then you came to the top division in wrestling.  Roxanne says she wants more.  She wants all of the titles.  She says thirteen year old her would be freaking out in the ring with Bayley.  Roxanne says her vision is clear.  She sys she is going to Raw. . . 

Bayley stops Roxanne and she says that she hopes that Roxanne surpasses her.  That is what this is all about.  Do you not realize that she helped build one of the first rings.  We had promo class with Dusty Rhodes.  You have no respect for this.  When you lost that title, you lost your mind.  Bayley says she keeps pushing forward.  When she has a qualifying match, she is going to go to the Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania.

You are losing yourself and with this hissy fit, you might lose your best friend.  Bayley says if she doesn’t win the title, she will be fine.  Will you, Roxanne?

Perez says she has no friends or mentors when it comes to this title.  She says she has no equal.  You can keep talking all you want because Perez vows to win the title at Vengeance Day.  She says she will go to Raw and Smackdown and win the titles.  Maybe Cora can finally win a championship if Roxanne decides to vacate a title.

Guilia makes her way to the ring.

Giulia says enough to Roxanne.  She says Roxanne is nothing without a title.  She tells Bayley to trust her because she will beat her too.  At Vengeance Day, one of you will survive the Beautiful Madness . . . 

Charlotte Flair’s music interrupts.

Charlotte says momma has come back home.  Your queen has arrived.  She says she is NXT home grown and NXT will always be her home.  She asks if you remember the last time she won the Royal Rumble and chose the NXT Champion to face her at Wrestlemania.  Flair reminds us she became a two time NXT Champion.

She mentions how long Roxanne lasted in the Rumble.  Flair says she is impressed and she calls her the Iron Woman of the Rumble.  If you are champion at Wrestlemania, you will be runner up again.  She says the hype is real about Giulia and she respect her.  She wishes she could shake her hand and Giulia is the champion of the greatest division in the world.  Charlotte says she is better.  

Charlotte tells Giulia to ask Bayley whatever title she chooses, she will walk out as champion.

Cora Jade hits Bayley in the back with a kendo stick.  She hits Giulia as well.

Roxanne asks for a hug and Cora tries to knock her head off the Green Monster, but Roxanne escapes. Cora hits Bayley again.

– Ava is with Je’Von Evans and Ehtan Page, separated by security. Ethan says he will be on his best behavior. Ava says this was the second time Je’Von got involved, but he has not been cleared.  Ava says she has to suspend Evans. Ethan says he wouldn’t suspend Je’Von, but he would punish him and put him in a match with him tonight. Ava says they will meet at Vengeance Day if, and only if, he gets medically cleared.

We go to commercial.

– Josh Briggs asks Hank and Tank for a match and they give it to him.

Channing gets up to confront Ridge.  Ridge says he saw the look on Tony’s face and he knows if he gets a true one on one match, he will win.  Ridge says Tony’s friend helped him win. Izzi suggests they settle it in a cage match. Tony says he doesn’t need his family to beat them.

Kelani Jordan vs. Karmen Petrovic

They lock up and they go around the ring.Jordan with a full nelson and a snap mare followed by a drop kick to the back.  Jordan gets a near fall.  Jordan with a side head lock.  Jordan with a shoulder tackle and Karmen backs into the corner and her man offers her some hydration.  Karmen with kicks to Jordan.  Karmen with a running kick to the chest for a near fall.  Karmen with an arm bar.  Jordan with shoulders in the corner.  Jordan with an Irish whip and Karmen with a jumping side kick followed by a bulldog for a near fall.  Karmen with an arm bar.  Jordan with a step over jumping side kick followed by a Tiger Feint arm drag.  Jordan with a drop kick.  Karmen goes to the apron but Jordan kicks her to the floor.  Jordan with a twisting pescado onto Ashante.

Jaida Parker comes out and Karmen with a suicide dive onto Jordan.  Karmen sends Jordan back into the ring and Karmen with a tornado DDT for a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jordan and Karmen exchange forearms.  Karmen with a back heel kick but Jordan with a clothesline and forearm.  Jordan with a cartwheel into a back elbow.  Jordan with a kick and she hits a front face lock X Factor for a near fall.  Jordan gets Karmen on her shoulders but Karmen escapes.  Karmen avoids an enzuigiri after blocking a kick.  Karmen with running forearms and a discus clothesline.  Karmen with a step over scorpion kick but Jordan gets a near fall.  Jordan kicks Karmen in the corner and she goes to the turnbuckles.  Karmen with a handstandcanrana for a near fall.  Karmen goes for another tornado DDT but Jordan blocks it and htis a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.  Jordan with a front face lock but Karmen escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup.

Jordan with an Irish whip and Jordan with an Olympic Slam.  Jordan with a split legged moonsault but she goes for a second one and hits it.  Jordan with a rear naked choke and body scissors to force Karmen to tap.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan

After the math, Jordan reapplies the hold on Karmen and Jaida appreciates what she saw. The referee has reversed the decision.

Winner: Karmen Petrovic

– Stephanie is asked about her match at Vengeance Day in the parking lot and she says she has gone through everything in her path and it is no different for Fallon’s title.  The eyes of the Dark Angel are on the North American Title.  She will make history because she came to NXT to become champion.  She says Jacy and Jazmyn can’t help her.  She says she will see Fallon in hell.

We go to commercial.

– Bayley says she wants that bitch in a match and Ava asks who and she says Cora. Ava reminds Bayley about her qualifying match on Raw.  She gives her the match next week. Josh and Inamura enter and they say they each have matches set up.  Josh says they have Hank and Tank.  Inamura says NQCC.  Ava makes a triple threat match. Axiom and Frazer talk about giving them a chance for the titles.

– Next week. Tony D’Angelo versus Ridge Holland for the North American Title in a Steel Cage Match.  Lexis King defends the Heritage Cup against JDC.

– Sarah walks with Austin and Waller.  Waller says they are the best tag team.  Theory says they check off all of the boxes.  Waller says this is a preview of Vengeance Day when he becomes champion and Theory is not happy with what Waller said.  

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller vs. Oba Femi and Trick Williams

Oba and Theory start things off but Trick tags in and Theory attacks him.  Theory wtih a punch.  Trick with shoulder tackles and a drop kick.  Trick has some words for Oba and Oba tells Trick to do what he has to do.  Theory sends Trick into the turnbuckles with a drop toe hold and he follows with a rolling drop kick for a near fall.  Waller tags in and punches Trick while Theory holds Trick.  Waller with an elbow to the back of the head.  Waller with a chop to Trick.  Trick ducks a chop and he chops Waller.  Waller lfoats over on an Irish whip.  Trick with a jumping side kick and a suplex.  Trick looks at Oba and he slams Waller.  Oba tags himself in.  Oba slams Austin.  Waler with a jab to Oba followed by a slam attempt but Oba blocks it.  Oba with a slam.  

Trick tags himself in and he slams Waller.  Trick and Oba continue to argue and Waller sends Trick into Oba and Oba falls off the apron.  Oba trips Trick and pulls him to the floor.  Waller with a flip dive onto the arguing Trick and Oba.  Waller with a forearm tot he back.  Theory tags in and kicks Trick in the back.  Theory punches Trick.  Theory with a hard Irish whip.  Theory chokes Trick in the ropes.  Theory continues to choke Trick in the ropes.  Waller drops Trick on the middle rope while the referee deals with Oba and Theory.  Trick with punches but Austin wtih an Irish whip and a side slam.  Theory gets a near fall.  Waller tags in and gets a near fall.  

Waller with a rear chin lock.  Waller with a forearm and punches against the ropes.  Waller kicks Trick while Theory holds Trick from the apron.  Theory tags in and he tries for a suplex but Trick blocks it.  Trick with a suplex.  Theory with a boot to the back followed by punches.  Waller tags in and he hits a jumping nee.  Theory with a rolling blockbuster for a near fall.  Waller with a cravate.  Waller with knees to Trick and he gets a near fall. Waller with forearms to the back of the head.  Waller kicks Trick in the arm and Trick kicks back.  Waller with a forearm for a near fall.  Waller with a sleeper and Trick with a jaw breaker.  Waller with a forearm to Trick followed by a knee to the midsection.  Waller sends Trick to the apron but Trick with a forearm.  Theory kicks Trick off the apron and Waller with a baseball slide into a clothesline.

Waller goes to the ringside barrier for an elbow drop.  Waller slingshots back into the ring and Trick with a pop up uppercut.  Trick kicks Theory away and Oba tags in and Oba with shoulder tackles to Theory.  He brings Waller into the ring and then Theory with a boot.  Oba chops Theory on the turnbuckles and then he gets Waller and Theory up for a Double Samoan Drop.  Oba with uppercuts to both men in the corner.  Oba with a toss power bomb to Theory.  Trick tags himself in when Oba gets too close tot he corner.  Oba has some words for Trick.  Trick clotheslines Theory over the top rope to the floor but Waller is the legal man.  Waller with a clothesline.  Trick with a jumping side kick for a near fall.  Theory with a jumping back elbow to Oba.  Oba sets for a power bomb, but Theory counters to send both over the top rope to the floor.

Eddy Thorpe hits Trick in the back with the strap and Waller with the leaping flatliner for the three count.

Winners:  Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

After the match Eddy stands in the ring with his strap. Eddy stares down Oba and then he punches Trick in the ring.  Eddy whips Trick with the strap. Referees come to the ring to hold out their hands like we are in Jurassic World.

We go to credits with a graphic of four men in shadows.

–– Here is what’s in store for the show ––

  • A-Town Down Under (Grayson Waller & Austin Theory) vs. Oba Femi & Trick Williams.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Summit featuring Bayley, Roxanne Perez, and Giulia.
  • Karmen Petrovic vs. Kelani Jordan.
  • Ridge Holland vs. Stacks.
  • Stephanie Vaquer vs. Jacy Jayne.
  • Charlotte Flair to appear.
  • Lexis King Speaks.

2/4 NXT on The CW Preview

NXT Champion Oba Femi will be joining forces with former titleholder Trick Williams as they collide with A-Town Down Under. “NXT” General Manager Ava revealed that Austin Theory and Grayson Waller would be Femi’s next challengers in a Triple Threat Match at “NXT” Vengeance Day following an explosive edition of “The Grayson Waller Effect” during last week’s edition of “NXT”. Williams made his frustrations with Theory and Waller receiving an opportunity known once he found out, having been looking for shot of his own since losing the title to Femi at “NXT” New Year’s Evil.

Speaking of Vengeance Day, Giulia will be defending her NXT Women’s Championship against Bayley and Roxanne Perez in a Triple Threat match at the February 15 Premium Live Event in her second ever defense since a January 18 Live Event. Before the three women meet, however, they will be meeting one another in a summit.

Elsewhere in the women’s division, Stephanie Vaquer will be squaring off with Jacy Jayne for the first time ever in singles competition. The two women have previously met another on the October 22, 2024 and November 6, 2024 editions of “NXT” in tag team and ten women tag team action respectively. Kelani Jordan will also be going one-on-one with Karmen Petrovic as tensions between the pair continue to rise following a confrontation between the two of them in a women’s locker room.

Additionally, Ridge Holland will also be returning to action for the first time since unsuccessfully challenging Tony D’Angelo for the North American Championship as he takes on D’Angelo’s Family stablemate Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo.

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter/X, Bluesky and Google News for more.

LIVE 2/4 NXT on The CW Results

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