LIVE 1/7 NXT New Year’s Evil

LIVE 1/7 NXT New Year's Evil

LIVE 1/7 NXT New Year’s Evil – We see the participants in the World Title matches walking earlier today. The Rock also emerge from his vehicle.

We are live from the Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles, California, as Giulia makes her way to the ring first. Roxanne Perez follows.

NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia

Perez with a side head lock take down and Giulia with a head scissors.  Giulia with a side head lock take down and Perez with a head scissors.  Perez with a La Magistral and bridge for a near fall.  Perez avoids a submission attempt and she get a near fall with a rollup.  Giulia with head butts and a forearm.  Perez with an Irish whip and she misses an elbow in the corner.  Giulia goes up top and she hits a missile drop kick.  Giulia with a running boot into the corner.  Perez goes to the floor and Giulia follows.  Giulia sends Perez back into the ring.  Perez with a leg sweep and she stomps on the hand on the apron.

Perez sends Giulia to the mat but Giulia with a crucifix for a near fall.  Perez with an knee to the arm for a near fall.  Perez stomps on the shoulder and connects with a knee drop to the arm.  Perez with an Irish whip and a side Russian leg sweep.  Perez sends Giulia’s head to the mat and then she works on the wrist and hand.  Perez hyper-extends the arm and she gets a near fall.  Perez with a double wrist lock.  Perez with a hammer lock and bridge but Giulia gets to the ropes to force a break.  Perez takes her time releasing the hold.  Perez sends Giulia shoudler first into the turnbuckles.  Perez tries to send Giulia into the turnbuckles again but Giulia sends Perez into the ring post.

They exchange forearms.  Giulia with a running drop kick.  Giulia goes to the turnbuckles and Perez stops her with a punch.  Perez goes to the turnbuckles and hits a Frankensteiner for a near fall.  Perez stomps on the hand again.  Perez with uppercuts to the arm and an arm wringer.  Giulia with a Saito suplex.  Giulia misses a boot and Perez with a Saito suplex.  They slap each other and Giulia gains the advantage and sends Perez into the ropes.  Perez with an arm wringer to send Giulia to the mat.  Perez with a suicide dive onto Giulia.  Perez goes up top and Giulia stops her.  Giulia sets for a butterfly superplex and she hits it.  Guilia with a spinning hammer lock Michinoku Driver for a near fall.  

Perez escapes Giulia and applies a cross face.  Giulia gets under the ropes but the referee allows the hold to continue.  Giulia avoids Pop Rox but Perez with a drop kick.   Giulia with a Northern Lights Bomb on the floor and both women are down.  Cora Jade sends Perez back into the ring and Giulia is able to barely beat the count by herself.  Perez with Pop Rox for a near fall.  Perez with a Fujiwara arm bar and Jade is sent to the back.  GIulia with a rollup for a near fall.  Giulia with a knee and a Northern Lights Bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Giulia (new champion)

– We see Eddy Thorpe down in the back and Ava tells Eddy she knows what happened and he says he was really attacked.

We go to commercial.

– We are back and we are told that Vengeance Day will take place on February 15th in Washington DC.

– We take a look back at Ethan Page and what he did to Je’Von Evans. Je’Von says his jaw is wired shut.  He can’t sleep, he can’t eat, and he can’t talk.  For what you did to Cedric and for what you did to him, he will make Ethan feel pain.

NXT Women’s North American Championship – #1 Contender’s Match: Cora Jade vs. Stephanie Vaquer vs. Lola Vice vs. Kelani Jordan

Jade has words for everyone and Lola, Vaquer, and Jordan punch and kick her.  Jade is sent to the floor and Jordan follows.  Jordan with a punch and she pushes Vaquer into Lola and gets a near fall.  Jordan with a rollup on Lola for a near fall.  Jade sends Lola to the mat.  Jade with a back elbow to Lola in the ropes.  Jade with a springboard boot to Jordan’s back for a near fall.  Vaquer drives Jade’s head into the mat and Lola kicks Vaquer.  Jordan kicks Lola and she htis a Tiger Feint arm drag and a double drop kick.  Jordan avoids Jade and hits a shoudler tackle.  Jade with a head scissors but Jordan with a cartwheel to land on his feet.  Jordan with a twisting pescado onto Lola.

Jade with a cannonball to Jordan off the apron.   Jade sends Jordan back into the ring and she kicks Jordan and chokes Jordan.  Jade sends Jordan’s head into the mat and follows with an Irish whip and knee in the corner for a near fall.  Jade with a forearm and she misses a knee in the corner when Jordan moves and Jordan gets a near fall with a rollup.  Jordan sends Jade into the turnbuckles.  Jordan sends Jade to the floor and Lola sends Jordan to the apron.  Jordan with a shoulder and a slingshot sunset flip for a near fall.  Jordan wtih a splash to Lola for a near fall.  Jordan with knees to the back and she stretches Lola.

Lola gets to her feet and she gets a near fall while Jordan holds on.  Lola with a kick and a knee to the midsection.  Lola with another knee and a kick.  Jordan with a step over back heel kick.  Jordan knocks Jade off the apron with a forearm.  Lola with a rear naked choke on Vaquer.  Jade with a rear naked choke on Lola while Lola holds on to the choke on Vaquer.  Jordan completes the Totem Pole of chokes.  The hold is broken up by a jaw breaker from Vaquer.  Vaquer with a kick to Lola and she sends Jade into the turnbuckles and head butts her.  Vaquer with a boot to Lola.  Vaquer with a dragon screw in the ropes.

Vaquer with a running double knee strike to Jade.  Vaquer with a rollup on Jade.  Lola with kicks to Vaquer and Jordan tries to stop her and Lola high steps with Speedball kicks.  Lola with a hip shaking running hip to Vaquer but misses when Jordan moves.  Jade with a running knee to Lola but Lola blocks it and sends Jade over the top rope.  Vaquer with a drop kick to Lola and then she hits a cross body onto both women.  Jordan goes up top for a moonsault to the floor.  Jordan sends Vaquer back into the ring and she hits a cross body but Vaquer rolls through for a naer fall.  Jordan with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall.  Vaquer with a rollup and bridge for a near fall.  Lola sends Vaquer to the floor and Jade with a running knee against the ropes.  Jordan with an Olympic Slam to Jade and Jordan goes up top for a 450 splash and misses when Jade moves.  Lola with a kick to Jordan and Vauqer sends Jade to the floor.  Vaquer with a butterfly back breaker for the three count.

Winner:  Stephanie Vaquer

– Ava tells Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn that they will face Fatal Influence for a number one contender match. Sarah shows up and asks about the title match and Eddy Thorpe’s status.  Ava says the match is still on. Oba shows up and says he attacked Eddy.  Ava tells him the match is still a triple threat.  

– Bronco Nima says they are the number one contenders.  Frazer and Axiom move like no other in the division, but are you ready for a fight.  Price says they will make them feel it.  Nima talks about how their problems of wrestling two matches is nothing compared to what he had to deal with growing up.  Price says they don’t care about you because next week, they are going to win the titles.

Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne) vs. Chemical X (Shotzi, Tatum Paxley & Gigi Dolin)

Fatal Influence attack Gigi, Tatum, and Shotzi before the bell rings.

Tatum with punches and a drop kick to Jacy followed by a cross body into the corner.  Tatum with a slam for a near fall.  Jacy pulls her down by the hair and kicks her in the midsection.  Nyx tags in and gets a near fall.  Tatum with a head butt and Giti with a drop kick against the ropes.  Shotzi with a back senton.  Tatum with an elbow drop and Shotzi gets a near fall.  Nyx with a leg sweep and Fallon tags in.  Shotzi with a victory roll for a near fall.  Shotzi with punches and a suplex into the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Shotzi with forearms and Fallon with a forearm and a knee to the midsection.  Fallon with a running hair face plant for a near fall.  

All six are in the ring and they pair off.  Shotiz misses a suicide dive when Fallon moves out of the way.  Shotzi with a forearm and she goes down.  Gigi goes to check on Shotzi and she head butts Nyx.  Jacy with a pescado onto Gigi.  Tatum with a forearm to Jacy.  Fallon kicks Tatum.  Shotzi with a suplex on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nyx with a drop kick to Tatum.  Jacy with a kick to the back and a back senton for a near fall.  Jacy with a rear chin lock.  Jacy sends Tatum into the turnbuckles and she runs into a back elbow from Tatum.  Tatum avoids a clothesline and she hits a belly-to-back suplex.  Gigi tags ina nd she knocks Fallon and Nyx off the apron so Jacy cannot tag out.  Jacy tries to run away but Gigi with punches and kicks followed by a round kick.  Gigi with an STO for a near fall.  Gigi with a double underhook and Nyx breaks things up and Jacy with a super kick.  Fallon tags in and they go for a double suplex but Gigi lands on her feet and she hits a double neck breaker.  Shotzi with a double cross body and Shotzi and Gigi with a neck breaker and belly-to-back suplex combination for a near fall.  Gigi with a cannonball to Nyx and Tatum with a plancha to Jacy.

Shotzi with a back senton off the turnbuckles to Fallon for the three count.

Winners:  Shotzi, Gigi Dolin, and Tatum Paxley

– Ava is with Ethan Page and they talk about what Je’Von tried to say. Ethan says he is nowhere to be seen on New Year’s Evil. Ava says this is her show and she calls the shots.  Ava says it is perfect timing and The Rock shows up.

Rock soaks in the crowd noise.  They introduce themselves to each other.  Rock says he heard that Ethan broke someone’s jaw.  Page says he deserved it.  Rock says payback is a bitch.  Rock says he heard Page broke someone’s hand. Rock says he told the roster if he needs anything to come to him. Rock says he is the Final Boss, but on this show, she’s the final boss.  Rock says if they are going to be cool, he needs to be cool with her. Rock says he will see Page on the main roster some day.

Ava says when Page gets on the main roster, she won’t have to deal with him. Ava asks Rock what is he going to say and he asks for some advice.  She says the passion of the NXT crowd is different.  She says the Rock will feel it when he gets out there. Rock says he doesn’t know what the f*** he is going to say.

NXT Heritage Cup Sudden Death: Lexis King (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey

Dempsey with a wrist lock and King with a side head lock.  King blocks a hip toss and Dempsey blocks a hip toss.  King with a drop kick and side head lock take down.  Dempsey with a hammer lock and he goes for the ankle but he stands on the other arm and he tries to get a near fall.  Dempsey with a near fall.  Dempsey with a wrist lock.  King with a side head lock and Dempsey with a wrist lock.  King with a reversal and King holds on when Dempsey goes for a snap mare.  Dempsey with a snap mare for a near fall.  Dempsey with an Irish whip and King goes for a float over but Dempsey does not go into the corner.  King with a rollup for a near fall.

King with an arm bar.  Dempsey backs King into the corner and King with a chop.  Dempsey with European uppercut.  King sends Dempsey to the apron and King drop kicks Dempsey off the apron.  King with a springboard cross body onto Dempsey, Tavion, and Myles.

We go to commercial.

We are back and King with a chop.  Dempsey with a kick and slap to the face.  Dempsey with a wrist lock and King with forearms and chops.  King with a shoulder tackle and clothesline.  King with a slap and Irish whip.  King with a forearm into the corner and a chop.  King with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.  Dempsey with a double wrist lock.  King backs Dempsey into the corner and he punches Dempsey.  King with a power slam for a near fall.  King goes up top and he hits a cross body but Dempsey rolls through and he applies a cross arm breaker but King with a one arm power bomb.  King gets a near fall. 

King goes for Coronation but Dempsey escapes and he applies a crossface chicken wing.  King gets to the ropes to force a break.  Dempsey with a series of forearms followed by a back elbow. Dempsey with an Irish whip and a forearm.  Both men bump heads coming out of the corner.  Dempsey with a back slide for a near fall.  King’s head collides with a tender area on Dempsey when Dempsey goes for a leap frog.  King with Coronation for the three count.

Winner:  Lexis King (new champion)

– Ava is with Fallon Henley and Stephanie Vaquer. Shotzi shows up and she mentions that she pinned Fallon and she says that she has a case to be the number one contender. Vaquer says she beat three of the top superstars by herself. Fallon suggests that they figure it out and she faces the winner. Ava says the match will happen next week.

NXT Championship – TripleThreat Match: Trick Williams (c) vs. Oba Femi vs. Eddy Thorpe

The match starts off without Eddy.

They lock up and Oba backs Trick into the corner.  Oba with shoulders.  They lock up and Oba with a waist lock take down.  Trick with elbows and a jaw breaker to escape.  Trick gets Oba on his shoulders and he hits a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage from the commercial when Oba chopped Trick against the ropes.  We see Eddy Thorpe walking in the back with a chair.

Oba with a forearm to the back and he goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Trick lands on his feet.  Trick moves and Oba hits the ring post shoulder first.  Trick goes to the turnbuckles but Oba with a punch and he sets for a move off the turnbuckles but Trick counters with a uranage from the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Oba and Trick exchange punches.  Trick misses a kick and Oba with a forearm.  Trick with a kick and a flying clothesline.  Trick with a jumping neck breaker and a slam.  Trick with a flapjack and he sets for a cyclone kick but Oba blocks it and Oba with a chop.  Oba sets for a spinebuster but Trick counters with a DDT.  Trick with a cyclone kick for a near fall.

Trick goes for a running knee but Oba with a corkscrew uppercut.  Oba with a power bomb and Eddy pulls the referee out of the ring.  Oba brings Eddy into the ring and Oba with a boot to Eddy followed by a back elbow.  Oba with a spinebuster to Eddy.  Oba with a toss slam and a running uppercut into the corner.  Oba with another one but Trick with a jumping knee for a near fall.  Trick sets for another running knee to Oba but Oba moves and Eddy hits Trick iwth the chair.  Oba iwth a power bomb to Trick for the three count.

Winner:  Oba Femi (new champion)

After the match, Giulia joins Oba on the stage.  However, the new Heritage Cup champion is nowhere to be seen.

– During the break, we see Oba walk through Gorilla and be congratulated by everyone.  

– Shawn Michaels congratulates Giulia.

– Next week, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson face Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre in a Number One Contender Match.  Bronco Nima and Lucien Price face Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the NXT Tag Titles.

– It is now time to smell as the Rock makes his way to the ring.

Rock says this is crazy.  He mentions the time left in the show for him to speak.  He says he has a lot of nicknames, and he runs through them.  He says you all feel it and he wants everyone to help him out.  Last year, everywhere he went, he heard the same thing.  Why are you so mean to Cody, he needs to finish his story.  One year later, on Netflix, he wanted to give props to Cody because he has been kicking ass, carrying the company on his shoulders.  People said that Rock can’t be nice to Cody and drink tequila with him.  Rock says he is the Final boss, thinking twenty steps ahead and he tells everyone to shut their mouth and enjoy the ride.

Rock uses some salty language when told about the amount of time he has left.

He says he knew he was coming to NXT a few weeks ago.  He says he talked to Nick Khan and Triple H.  He said he didn’t know what to say.  He says he talked to Ava backstage and she said you will feel this crowd.  

Rock says thank you because last night was a sexy ticket with the celebrities.  That was the one you had to go to.  Tonight is what you want to go to.  It is easy to go to the place that has all the stars and it isn’t easy to go to this show.  You are critical to this whole thing.  Those guys and girls in the back, in three years, they could be the main event of Wrestlemania.  In three years, they could be out of the business.  Whether you boo or cheer, it depends on how you react.  

He says he knows what it is like to depend on the crowd.  If you smeeelllll!

We go to credits.

–– Here is what’s in store for the show ––

  • NXT Championship – TripleThreat Match: Trick Williams (c) vs. Oba Femi vs. Eddy Thorpe
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship – #1 Contender’s Match: Cora Jade vs. Stephanie Vaquer vs. Lola Vice vs. Kelani Jordan.
  • NXT Heritage Cup Sudden Death: Lexis King (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey.
  • Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne) vs. Chemical X (Shotzi, Tatum Paxley & Gigi Dolin).
  • The Rock to attend.

Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitudeWA.Com On Twitter, Bluesky and Google News for more.

LIVE 1/7 NXT New Year’s Evil

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