Randy Orton Wants to Work with John Cena Again

Randy Orton Wants to Work with John Cena Again

Randy Orton Wants to Work with John Cena Again – Randy Orton and John Cena have an extensive history together, facing off for world championship gold in WWE on several occasions, with an intense rivalry that dates back to 2007. Cena is beginning to wrap up his time in the ring, with plans to completely retire from wrestling in 2025.

While speaking to Cody Rhodes on What Do You Wanna Talk About?, Randy noted that he would love to work with Cena one last time before he retires, with Cena allegedly stating that if it happens naturally, fans will see the pair work together one more time.

“100%. Funny story. I saw John before he went in there and did his retirement speech. I hadn’t seen him in a while. I didn’t know he was going to be there. We caught up in like ten minutes. Towards the end of the conversation, I was like, ‘Hey, what do think?’ I had no idea he was…what did he say, between 30 and 40 dates? This Mania is his last Mania. I had no idea. For all I knew, he was going to be around, like me, for as long as his body will permit him to. Of course, he has other things going and this is my life. Hats off to him doing the Hollywood thing. If I could, I would, but that takes a lot and I have other priorities, and I don’t think I have it to give. I said, ‘What do you think?’ He said, ‘Randy, I’ve never pitched anything. I always do my best with whatever they give me.’ I’m like, that’s me. I’ve never had a pitch. I’ve never set myself up to be let down. ‘Hey writers, here is a six page storyboard of everything I want to do for the next six months.’ Not once. I’ve always been very fortunate. They give me what they give me and I do the best I can with it. That’s what he does. When I brought it up to him, I felt kind of like a mark. ‘You want to do one more?’ He shut it down right away and said, ‘If creative comes up with it, maybe we’ll do it.’ I said, ‘What’s your speech about?’ ‘Wait and see.’ Typical John. Watch the show to see what I have to say. I would love to work with the man and have a couple of TVs or more to set it up and really make something special of it. No matter how much we faced each other back in the day, almost to the point where people were sick of it, when people look back and think of it, ‘Orton and Cena was this amazing rivalry.’ To have that nostalgia come back and to do it for the fans, who I feel like they would appreciate it. We can go out there, have some fun, and tear the place down. I would love to do that. I guess, according to John, we’re just going to let, if it organically happens, it’ll happen. I think it’ll happen. I think it’s in the cards.”

Randy Orton Wants to Work with John Cena Again

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