12/20 NXT Results – Since this is a taped episode, we will slowly update this page. Full spoiler results are available at this link.
Tiffany Stratton versus Fallon Henley
Tiffany pushes Fallon and Fallon pushes back. Fallon with a waist lock and Tiffany with a back elbow and kick,. Tiffany misses a double stomp. Tiffany avoids a drop kick. Tiffany wants a test of strength but Tiffany with a kick. Fallon with a kick and snap mare followed by a drop kick to the back. Fallon slides to the floor but Tiffany pulls out the ring skirt. Fallon with punches and a running back elbow into the corner. Fallon goes to the turnbuckles and Tiffany pushes Fallon to the floor. Tiffany sends Fallon into the apron a few times. Tiffany sends Fallon into the turnbuckles. Tiffany with a hard Irish whip. Tiffany gets a near fall. Tiffany pie faces Fallon and kicks her. Fallon with forearms but they don’t have much effect. Fallon with a forearm and Tiffany fires back. They continue the exchange. Tiffany with an Irish whip but she misses a splash in the corner. Fallon with punches in the corner. Fallon counters a power bomb into a rana and a punch. Fallon runs into a spinebuster for a near fall.
Fallon with a sunset flip for a near fall. Tiffany with a rollup for a near fall. Fallon with a counter and she gets the three count.
Winner: Fallon Henley
After the match, Tiffany attacks Fallon and sends her to the floor. Tiffany slams Fallon’s head itno the announce table. Tiffany drags Fallon to the back. Tiffany puts a table on top of Fallon and then mops up Fallon. Tiffany takes a trash can and dumps the contents onto Fallon.
The referee points to send Tiffany away.
– Carmelo enters Trick’s locker room and they talk about Hayes’ match on Smackdown. Hayes apologizes to Trick for accidentally hitting Trick with the belt. Trick says things happen. Trick asks if Hayes saw who attacked him. Hayes says that he didn’t see who did it, but the only person who hits that hard is Ilja. Hayes suggests a Triple Threat match for the title but Trick doesn’t want to fight Hayes. Hayes says it will be two on one.
Trick says he won the Iron Survivor Challenge so he could get a title shot. Hayes says it was just a suggestion. He says it doesn’t matter who wins as long as they have the title. Trick says it matters because Hayes won the title one on one. He wants to win the same way.
Trick asks Hayes if he understands what he is saying. Trick says if he is going to beat Ilja, he needs Hayes by his side.
– Ilja Dragunov walks in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment as we go to commercial.
– We are back and NXT Men’s Champion Ilja Dragunov makes his way to the ring.
Ilja says he doesn’t know how he got caught up in this Trick and Melo saga. He feels like a third wheel in a bad romance movie. He did not have this on his 2023 bingo card. He says he had moving to America, chasing down and capturting the NXT Championship. He says he showed the world who he is. He is a human who uses his body as a weapon. A human who sacrifices himself and puts every gram of himself in the ring because the championship deserves it. In 2024, he will start the year in an unpopular way by beating . . .
Ridge Holland interrupts and makes his way into the ring.
Ridge says he is not here to cause any problems or issues. He says he has been struggling and he needs to know who he is and retell his story. He says he is back in NXT.
Ilja asks Ridge what does he want.
Ridge says he knows what it is like to be perceived one way and to have a stigma. Ridge says his career has been nothing but a series of unfortunate events. One step forward and ten step backs. He says he is back to redeem himself. Ridge says Ilja can help him find redemption and earn it. Ridge says he needs to prove that he is the kind of man who belongs in the main event. He says the championship makes Ilja the measuring stick.
Ilja asks Ridge if he is asking for a title match.
Ridge says he has too much respect for Ilja or this place to ask for a title shot. He says he needs to prove himself and he will run through every single person in the back until they have this moment once more. When they have this moment, it will be inevitable and it will be his honor. Ridge says this is the first chapter in the redemption of Ridge Holland.
Ilja says he is tired of people getting in his face and threatening him. Ilja says he promised to bring unbridled passion to this title. You want to prove where you stand, and you won’t have to wait because you will find out tonight.
Ridge offers his hand and Ilja shakes it.
– Lexis King walks in the back and he says he is already the breakout star of the year and now he will win the Breakout Tournament.
We go to commercial.
– We are back and Trick stops Ilja and asks about their match at New Year’s Evil.
Ilja says that he is the champion and Trick is the challenger. He says the champion dictates what happens, not the challenger.
Trick says that Ilja is the champion until New Year’s Evil.
Lexis King vs. Dion Lennox in a First Round Match in the Breakout Tournament
King offers his hand and Lennox slaps it away. King with a kick and side head lock followed by a punch. King runs Dion’s eyes along the top rope and follows with a clothesline in the corner. King with a chop and he chokes Dion in the corner. Dion with forearms and King with a knee and forearm. King with a knee to the midsection followed by a kick to the back and to the back of the head. King pie faces Dion. King with kicks to the chest and then he pie faces Dion. Dion with punches and a rollup for a near fall. Dion with a shoulder tackle or two and a drop kick. Dion with a slam. Dion with a splash into the corner and a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. King leaves the ring and he walks to the back with the contract. Dion grabs King and sends him into the apron. They return to the ring.
King sends Dion shoulder first into the ring post. King with Coronation for the three count.
Winner: Lexis King (advances to face Riley Osborne)
After the match, Trey Bearhill makes his way to the ring with a chair and King goes to the floor before Trey can do anything.
We go to Eddy Thorpe.
He says this year has been a trial by fire. He has been put in the fight of his life against Dijak. It has been heart wrenching for his family. Eddy says he fights through the pain. They have been drawn back together. You put him out of action and Eddy says he took the Iron Survivor from Dijak. It appears that the ropes cannot contain them. He says he wants a match where they aren’t a factor. No ropes, no excuses. Let’s finish this once and for all . . . NXT Underground.
Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail vs. Kiana James and Izzi Dame
Izzi and Thea start things off. Thea with a side head lock and a wheelbarrow into an arm drag. Thea looks at the Chase U section and Izzi with a forearm. Thea with a sleeper and Jacy tags in. Izzi with a snap mare to Thea and Jacy with a series of kicks for a near fall. Jacy chops Izzi a few times. Izzi sends Jacy into the turnbuckles but misses a splash. Jacy with a back splash into the corner and she knocks Kiana off the apron. Izzi blocks a crucifix but Jacy is able to get a near fall. Jacy with a rollup on Izzi for a near fall. Jacy with a kick to the midsection and Izzi with a clothesline. Kiana tags in and she kicks Jacy. Kiana with knees to the midsection. Kiana with a running boot to the head for a near fall. Kiana with punches and kicks in the corner and Izzi tags in. Kiana isi sent into Jacy for a shoulder. Izzi gets Jacy up on her shoulders and hits a flatliner for a near fall. Izzi with a chin bar and arm bar. Izzi gets a near fall.
Jacy with a forearm and she escapes a slam attempt. Both go for clotheslines at the same time. Kiana tags in and keeps Jacy from making the tag. Thea tags in and hits flying double sledges and a running uppercut into the corner. Thea looks over to Riley and hits an exploder. Thea with a flip senton and a springboard coffin drop. Kiana with a double thrust to the throat and Thea escapes a slam. Izzi tags in and Thea with an O’Connor roll into a kimura. Thea does not realize the tag was made and she thinks she won the match. Izzi with a running boot for the three count.
Winners: Kiana James and Izzi Dame
Arianna says Kiana and Izzi looked dominant and Roxanne turns off the monitor.
Arianna says she understands why Roxanne is still angry about Deadline. It is about sportsmanship and not wins and losses.
Roxanne says it is about wins and losses and she slaps Roxanne.
Dragon Lee walks in the back as he prepares for his North American Title match against a member of Drewvolution.
We go to commercial.
We aer back with Andre Chase playing some craps with Bronco Nima, Lucien Price, and SCRYPTS. Duke suggests Chase stop while he is ahead. They tell Duke to let Chase do what he wants.
Andre makes a challenge to double his money in a match next week.
SCRYPTS wants a tag title match put on the line.
We see Tony’s muscle show up and she narcs on Chase’s challenge. She tells them they have a deal.
Chase says they pay off their debt in full.
The members of Drewvolution are in the ring and Dragon Lee makes his way to the ring to find out who his opponent is for tonight.
They line up and then Drew, Damon, and Myles take a step back to reveal that Charlie is Lee’s opponent.
Before the match can start, Gallus’ music plays and they make their way to the ring. Joe says he is going to be part of this match.
Dragon Lee vs. Charlie Dempsey vs. Joe Coffey for the North American Championship
Lee punches Joe and then sends Charlie into Joe and Joe goes to the floor. Lee with a rollup for a near fall. Lee with an Irish whip to Charlie and Lee is sent to the apron. Lee kicks the turnbuckle into Charlie’s face. Lee with a slingshot head scissors to send Charlie into the turnbuckles. Joe hits Lee from behind with a forearm and he Irish whips Lee into Charlie’s boots. Joe with a back breaker to Lee and Charlie. Joe misses an elbow drop. Charlie with a waist lock and Joe with a standing switch. Joe with a head butt to the back and he connects with a forearm to Lee. Lee kicks Joe and then Mark and Wolfgang grab Lee and the referee sends them to the back.
Lee with a German suplex to Joe followed by a super kick for a near fall. Charlie with a gutwrench suplex to Lee to break up the cover. Joe and Charlie have some words and they push each other. They give Lee a double back elbow. Charlie wit a butterfly suplex to Joe and then he takes Lee down with a hammer lock and he tries to hyper-extend the other arm. Charlie with a wrist lock and he applies a bow and arrow but Joe with a kick to Charlie to get him to release the hold. Joe with more kicks to Charlie. Lee with a sunset flip but Joe rolls through and goes for a Boston Crab and locks it in. Charlie with a guillotine on Lee at the same time. Joe with a sleeper to Charlie and Lee gives Joe a Dragon sleeper. Joe with a snap mare to Lee and he gets Lee in a full nelson and swings him around. Lee with a victory roll on Joe for a near fall. Charlie with a forearm to Joe and a European uppercut to Lee. Charlie with knees to Lee in the corner followed by and Irish whip and running European uppercut in the corner. Charlie with a cravate to Lee.
Lee with punches to Charlie and a snap mare to escape. Charlie with a kick to Lee. Charlie with an Irish whip and European uppercut to Lee. Lee is put on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex. Joe tries to get involved but Lee sends him to the mat. Joe comes under and hits a power bomb on Charlie while Charlie hits the superplex on Lee and everyone is down. Joe picks up Lee and so does Charlie. They miss a double clothesline and Lee is sent to Joe for a head scissors. Lee with a flying forearm to Charlie and he hits a running kick to Joe followed by a slingshot kick in the corner. Lee with a hesitation drop kick to Charlie and then to Joe. Lee gets a near fall on Joe. Lee gets a near fall on Charlie. Joe with an Irish whip to Lee and Lee with a boot to Joe and then Charlie. Lee goes to the turnbuckles an goes for a double blockbuster but Charlie and Joe catch Lee and hit a double suplex. Charlie gets a near fall when Joe breaks up the cover. Charlie returns the favor when Joe goes for a cover. Charlie with forearms and Joe with forearms. Charlie sends Joe into the turnbuckles and Charlie with an uppercut to Joe off the turnbuckles. Lee goes to the apron and Joe holds on to the ropes to blocks a German suplex. Lee with a slingshot sunset flip but Joe holds on and Charlie with a German suplex to Joe while Joe hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Lee.
Charlie with a European uppercut and Joe fires back. They continue the exchange and Lee with punches to both men. Lee with a tornado DDT off Joe. Joe with a pop up European uppercut to Lee and he hits Glasgow send off on Lee and Charlie is knocked out of the ring. Joe gets a near fall on Lee. Joe puts Lee on the turnbuckles and chops Lee. Joe sets for a superplex but Lee crotches Joe and hits a double stomp and hits a suicide dive on Charlie instead of finishing off Joe. Lee with a running knee but Lee can only get a near fall. Charlie with a European uppercut when Lee goes to the floor. They exchange forearms and Joe with a suicide dive.
Joe Gacy appears from under the ring and Coffey sends Lee and Charlie back in the ring. Joe leans against the apron where Gacy appeared and Gacy drags Coffey to Little People’s Court. Lee with a super kick to Charlie in the corner. Charlie with a bridging fallaway slam for a near fall. Charlie with a full nelson and then he hits a German suplex but Lee lands on his feet. Lee with Operation Dragon for the three count.
Winner: Dragon Lee (retains championship)
Drew, Damon, and Myles attack Lee after the match.
Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro come out to help Lee and take care of Drewvolution.
Trick and Carmelo are in the back and Trick wants to know what Ilja is thinking about. He was supposed to get the one on one match. He says if Ridge wins, they will make it a triple threat at New Year’s Evil. He says Ilja can take him because he has been unbeatable. He needs to do what no one else has been able to do, take the title from Dragunov.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Cora Jade enters the locker room and she says she is back. She says she is the savior of the women’s division and the entire company. She pinned the champion and now she has reclaimed her locker. She removes Karmen Petrovic’s stuff from the locker room. Cora leaves.
Karmen shows up and asks if someone took her stuff out of her locker.
Gigi tells Karmen how to deal with Cora.
Luca Crusifino vs. Tavion Heights in a First Round Match in the Breakout Tournament
Tavion with a single leg take down and he gets a near fall. They lock up and Tavion with a hammer lock. Luca with a reversal. Tavion reverses the hammer lock and then he punches Luca. Tavion with a bear hug but Luca with a kick. Tavion with a tilt-a-whirl into a gourdbuster for a near fall. Tavion with a waist lock and Luca holds on to the ropes. Luca stomps on the foot and connects with a back elbow and punch. Luca kicks Tavion in the knee. Luca with forearms and punches. Tavion with a punch and Luca with a back elbow and a neck breaker. Luca gets a near fall. Luca with a hip toss neck breaker for a near fall. Luca with punches and he sends Tavion into the turnbuckles. Luca with an Irish whip and he tries for a hip toss but Tavion blocks it and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Tavion with an overhead belly-to-belly throw followed by a german suplex and a T-Bone suplex. Tavion with a twisting belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.
Winner: Tavion Heights (advances to face Oba Femi)
Vic mentions the semifinals are next week.
We take a look at the Women’s Title match.
They have chosen different paths to NXT. Lyra left Ireland to chase a dream. Blair went from New Zealand to the UK and Japan and back. They have never met in the ring before. Lyra suffered an injury before they could meet in NXT UK. Each is the polar opposite. Lyra clawed her way to the ring doing things the right way. She beat Becky Lynch and earned her respect. Blair took a darker route and hid in the shadow while taking out her opponents. At Deadline, Blair showed that she is untouchable by beating four opponents and showing that she will do anything to win. Can Lyra remain on track or will Blair win the title. They will meet in two weeks.
Nikkita Lyons tells Lyra that she has no problem dealing with Blair or Tatum. She says she came back for Blair but she also came back for the title.
We are back with Kelly and MetaFour.
Noam is asked about his answer to Josh Briggs’ challenge. He says he will defend his title against Josh Briggs next week.
Nikkita Lyons vs. Tatum Paxley
Tatum goes for the leg but Lyons with a split. They go to the floor and Lyons with a chop. Tatum sends Lyons into the ring steps and sends the arm into the steps. Tatum stomps on the hand and puts her boot against Lyons’ hand. Tatum with a snap mare and forearm. Tatum with a rollup and bridge for a near fall. Lyons with an inside cradle for a near fall. Tatum with a kick and she stomps on the hand. Tatum slams the hand into the mat and then she drops a knee onto the hand. Tatum with an elbow drop for a near fall. Tatum with an arm bar and she works on the wrist. Lyons with a rollup for a near fall. Lyons with a kick to the head and a drop toe hold. Lyons with a running kick to the chest and punches. Lyons with a springboard seated splash in the corner followed by a waist lock slam. Lyons with a spinning heel kick and a split splash for the three count.
Winner: Nikkita Lyons
We go to Hank and Tank in the back. Tank says they wanted a shot and they are going to turn the script on Gallus.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Josh and Brooks are with Fallon.
Fallon says she is embarrassed and pissed off. Tiffany doesn’t know what it is like to get your hands dirty. Fallon says she is not done with Tiffany.
Brooks says they have a title match next week. Josh says this is going to be their year and he is going to end the year as champion.
Brooks says they will be out there since MetaFour will be out there.
Josh says he has to do this on his own. He says he doesn’t know if Brooks understands why he has to go solo next week.
Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs. Mark Coffey and Wolfgang
Hank and Mark start things off and Hank with a shoulder tackle and wrist lock. Wolfgang tags in and Wolfgang with a side head lock. Hank with a shoulder tackle and a back senton for a near fall. Tank tags in and he works on the arm but Wolfgang with a punch and Mark tags in. Tank with an arm drag into an arm bar. Tank with a shoulder tackle and a second one to send Mark to the mat. Mark with a forearm and Irish whip but Tank floats over and hits a flying back elbow. Tank with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Hank tags in and they hit a doubles shoulder tackle on Mark and a double back elbow to WOlfgang and they clothesline Wolfgang over the top rope to the floor. Hank wit a hip lock take down. Hank with a side head lock and Wolfgang tags in and he trips Hank and then Mark sends Hank to the floor. Wolfgang sends Hank into the ring post.
Wolfgang slams the arm into the apron and applies an arm bar. Hank with punches and Tank is distracted by Mark. Mark tags in and punches Hank and gets a near fall. Hank punchers Mark and Wolfgang to get out of the corner but Mark with a forearm. Hank with a shoulder tackle and both men are down. Tank tags in but he is not holding the tag rope so he is sent to the apron. Mark with a jumping enzuigiri for the three count.
Winners: Mark Coffey and Wolfgang
After the match, Joe Gacy is in the Chase U section.
Dijak says he doesn’t have to remind Eddy that he put him in the hospital after their strap match. Now you want to face him in a match with no rules. Dijak says Eddy got him last week. Remember what happened. I snapped the ring ropes and drilled the buckles into your ribs. What are you going to do when nothing and no one can save you. The last NXT of 2023 will be your last match ever. He says he will see Eddy at NXT Underground.
Ridge Holland walks in the back.
Ilja Dragunov walks in the back.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Tiffany Stratton says it is good to put Fallon where she belongs, a servant. She says she would never be in a trashy bar and she will never be in the same world at Fallon. She says Fallon will never be her and she will always be trash. Tiffany says she will put Fallon to work. When I beat you at New Year’s Evil, you will become my servant.
Next week, Dijak faces Eddy Thorpe in NXT Underground. Lexis King faces Riley Osborne in a semifinal match. Oba Femi faces Tavion Heights in the other semifinal match. Cora Jade faces Karmen Petrovic. Noam Dar defends the Heritage Cup against Josh Briggs.
Ridge Holland vs. Ilja Dragunov in a Non-Title Match
They lock up and Ilja with a side head lock. Ilja with shoulder tackles but he bounces off Ridge. Ridge with a shoulder tackle and Ilja goes down. Ridge misses a punch but hits a clothesline. Ridge tries for a slam but Ilja escapes with a waist lock. Ridge with an elbow and standing switch. Ilja with elbows and Ilja with Konstantin Special. Ilja with chops to Ridge. Ridge blocks a chop and he gives Ilja a head butt. Ilja blocks a kick and connects with a head butt. Ilja goes for a pile driver but Ridge blocks it and he gets Ilja up for an Alabama Slam. Ridge goes for a Boston Carb but Ilja kicks Ridge away. Ilja with a German suplex and he holds on for a second one. Ilja holds on and tries for a third one but Ridge blocks it. Ridge with a forearm and Ilja with an enzuigiri and German suplex.
Ilja with a forearm to the back of the head and a kick to the back of the head. Ilja with a chop and Ridge chops back. Ilja with kicks to Ridge. Ilja with a forearm to the back of the head and he applies a rear naked choke. Ridge gets Ilja up and Ilja gets to the mat. Ilja with a boot to the head and a forearm. Ilja with a drop kick into the corner followed by a snap mare and back senton for a near fall. Ilja sets for a suplex but Ridge blocks it. Ilja blocks a suplex attempt from Ridge. Ilja with a waist lock and a wrist clutch German suplex. Ilja kicks Ridge in the head a few times. Ilja with another kick to the head and chops. Ridge with a forearm and he sends Ilja into the turnbuckles. Ridge with a kick to the back and a clothesline. Ridsget with a forearm into the corner. Ridge with a splash into the corner and an exploder for a near fall.
Ridge goes for a half nelson but Ilja blocks it and Ilja with back elbows. Ilja goes for Konstantin Special but Ridge with a knee to send him to the floor. Ridget sets for the forearms on the apron but Ilja chops Ridge after Ridge takes too long. Ilja with elbows to the back and Ridge with a forearm. Ridge goes for a suplex to bring Ilja back into the ring but Ilja counters with a DDT. Ridge drops down to the mat to block a power bomb. Ridge gets Ilja up and Ilja with a rollup for a near fall. Ilja with H Bomb. Ilja goes ofr a power bomb and Ridge with a back body drop. Ilja with an enzugiri but Ridge with a kick for a near fall. Ridge sets for a suplex and he gets Ilja up but Ilja with knees. Ilja with head butts whiel Ridge has a bear hug. Ridge falls to the mat with a package brainbuster and Ilja is not moving.
The referee checks on Ilja and he stops the match.
No Contest
The referee calls for officials to come to the ring while Ridge shows some frustration at what happened.
The medical staff shows up and checks on Ilja. They bring out a stretcher for Ilja and take him to the back.
Ridge is talking to the referee and Ridge asks why is it always him.
We go to credits.