10/6 AEW Rampage Results – Excalibur and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as The Hardys, Best Friends, Isiah Kassidy, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, and Anna Jay are waiting in the ring.
The Hardys and Best Friends (w/ Isiah Kassidy) vs. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Daniel Garcia (w/ Anna Jay)
Taylor and Parker begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Jeff and Garcia tag in, and Garcia wears him down. Hager tags in and fires off right hands on Jeff’s midsection. Garcia tags in and follows suit, then tags Menard back in. Menard sends Jeff into the ring apron face first, then tags Hager back in. Hager wears him down before tagging Garcia back in. Garcia plants him. Beretta tags in and gains the upper hand over Garcia. He then shares a hug with Taylor and The Hardys after they take out the interfering Parker, Menard, and Hager.
Back from the break, Beretta delivers a running knee to Menard. Matt and Garcia tag in, and Matt delivers Side Effect. He looks for Twist of Fate, but Garcia gets some backup from Menard and Parker. Hager then lands a Vader Bomb and Garcia looks to lock in Red Dragon. Matt fights him off and delivers Twist of Fate. Beretta follows it up with the Dudebuster before Jeff tags in and delivers a Swanton Bomb for the win.
Winners: The Hardys and Best Friends
Blackpool Combat Club vs. Levi Shapiro and Wise Guy Ruiz
Yuta and Shapiro begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Yuta taunts Shapiro and delivers a series of right hands and chops. Castagnoli tags in and levels Shapiro with a clothesline. He rains down hammer and anvil elbows before Ruiz interferes and lands a boot on him. Castagnoli calls for Yuta to take care of Ruiz, and Yuta does so. Castagnoli and Yuta then deliver The Swing-dropkick combination before Yuta tags back in and Castagnoli helps him go flying for the win.
Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
Penta El Zero Miedo heads down to the ring. Komander, Alex Abrahantes, Lince Dorado, and QTV follow as Eddie Kingston takes a seat at the announce desk.
Komander vs. Lince Dorado vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Johnny TV in a Four-Way Number One Contenders Match for the ROH World Championship
The bell rings and Penta hits Johnny TV with a Sling Blade. He looks for a second one, but Johnny avoids it and lands a kick. He follows it up with an arm drag. Dorado and Komander then go at it, and Dorado lands a backbreaker. Penta lands a superkick on Komander on the outside, then delivers a crossbody to Penta in the ring off the top. He follows it up with a superkick and looks to plant him, but Penta hangs on to the top rope. He then catches Johnny with a Canadian Destroyer and levels all three other men on the outside. Johnny then blindsides Penta from behind.
Back from the break, Johnny delivers a boot to Penta’s midsection. Komander then goes after Johnny, but Johnny plants him with a powerslam and sits him on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up there to join him, but Komander fights him off with a headbutt. Dorado then helps Komander deliver a hurricanrana to Johnny, then sends Penta crashing back to the outside once he gets back in. He ascends to the top and delivers a moonsault to Johnny and Penta on the outside before Komander walks the ropes and goes flying to level all three men. He then gets Dorado back in the ring and delivers a 450 Splash for the win.
Winner: Komander
We then head to a message from Ortiz, who tells Mike Santana that while karma took one of his knees, he will take the other one.
Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir
Shafir and Rose waste no time going right after Shida and Statlander. The bell rings and Shida and Shafir fire off right hands on one another. She lands a right hand on Shida’s jaw, then tags in Rose. Rose delivers a bodyslam and a leg drop, then tags Shafir back in. Shafir delivers a hip toss and a kick to Shida’s spine, but Shida fires back with several right hands and an uppercut. Shafir lands a back suplex before Rose tags in and lands a stomp. She grabs Shida’s kendo stick, but the referee confisticates it from her.
Back from the break, Shida delivers a crossbody to Rose and Shafir. Statlander tags in and hits Rose and Shafir with chops and forearms before hitting a roundhouse kick and a bodyslam on Shafir. Rose then plants her and lands a senton, but Statlander fires back with a bodyslam. Rose catches her with a clothesline with some help from Shafir, then tags her in. Statlander catches her with a sitout powerbomb, then tags in Shida. Shida catches Shafir with a Falcon Arrow. Rose looks to attack Shida but Statlander and Shida double team on her to take her down. Shida then levels Shafir and hits her with Night Cap for the win.
Winners: Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida
AEW Rampage (10/6/2023).
- ROH World Heavyweight Championship – #1 Contender’s Match: Komander vs. Lince Dorado vs. Johnny TV vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes).
- Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir.
- The Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) In Action.
- Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager & Daniel Garcia (w/ Anna Jay) vs. The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) & Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor).
Stay tuned to WrestlingAttitude, WA.Com On Twitter and Google News for more.
10/6 AEW Rampage Results