7/15 AEW Collision Results – “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fightin'” plays to get this week’s episode of AEW Collision off-and-running from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
AEW World Tag-Team Championship
FTR (C) vs. Bullet Club Gold
Ian Riccaboni and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show. Kevin Kelly is not here tonight because he is in Japan. We head to the ring for our first match of the evening, which features the AEW World Tag-Team Championships on-the-line.
With that said, Dasha Gonzalez introduces the challenges, the Bullet Club Gold duo of “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson and “Switchblade” Jay White. As they head to the ring, we see McGuinness and Ricabonni at ringside, the latter of which is wearing a cowboy hat.
The challengers are settled in the ring and we see their victory over FTR last week to earn their shot at the titles tonight. The Bullet Club Gold theme dies down and the familiar sounds of FTR’s theme plays.
As the Midnight Express-souding tune plays, out comes Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler. The reigning and defending AEW World Tag-Team Champions head to the ring for our first match of the evening, which is a two out of three falls match with the gold up for grabs.
Now the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this high stakes tag team title tilt. All four guys stare each other down in the middle of the ring after the bell sounds. The fans chant “FTR! FTR!” Harwood and White kick things off for their respective teams. Dax quickly runs out to the floor to mess with White.
The two finally start mixing it up and it is Harwood who jumps in the early offensive lead. We see some basic back-and-forth action, with Harwood controlling him on the mat with a side head lock. After a tag, Harwood continues to dominate, taking it to Robinson with strikes.
Robinson and White re-group on the floor as we shoot to a quick mid-match commercial break as the action in our tag-team title opening contest continues here on Collision. When we return, we see Wheeler taking it to White.
“Rock Hard” Juice finally gets the tag and he decks Wheeler with a series of right hands. This shifts the offensive momentum into the challengers favor.
Harwood tags in but Juice takes it to him, too, blasting him with chops on the floor at ringside. Back in the ring, Harwood takes over with one solid chop that decks Robinson and pops the crowd — and commentators.
The action continues with FTR in the offensive driver’s seats. Harwood hits a big snap-suplex and a big leg-drop before slapping a rear chin-lock on Robinson. He controls him on the mat as fans chant “We want tables!”
Dax continues beating down Juice until finally the challenger throws the champion shoulder first into the ring post inside the ring. Both guys are down and heading for tags. Robinson makes the tag and White stops Harwood from doing the same. White hits DDTs on Harwood and Wheeler.
White charges at Harwood and smashes him with a running back elbow in the corner. He runs out of the corner with a big Spicolli Driver for a close near fall, which ends up getting broken up. White hits a Flat-liner on Harwood and then a German suplex into a bridge for a close pin attempt, which Wheeler breaks up.
Harwood and White exchange vicious back-and-forth chops. Harwood hits a big shot on White as he was coming off the ropes. Both guys are down and looking to make it to their corners for a much-needed tag. White rolls Harwood up as they each stand up but Harwood kicks out. FTR looks for their finisher but White counters and hits his finisher on Wheeler for the first fall.
Winners of the first fall: Bullet Club Gold
As the second fall begins, we see Wheeler down and out and Robinson and White in charge, with Harwood down and out on the floor at ringside. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
When we return from the break, we see several more minutes of FTR on the defensive, with White and Robinson taking turns tagging in and out to continue a lengthy one-sided beatdown on Wheeler, who they have kept isolated in the ring. Robinson hits a big DDT on Wheeler on the floor.
“Switchblade” comes in and locks Wheeler in a choke and controls him on the mat. The fans chant “FTR!” to try and rally behind Wheeler, who is still desparately looking to get to his corner to make the much-needed tag to the fresh Harwood.
We see White and Robinson look for a double-team spot but Wheeler fights his way free and looks for a tag, only to be cut off at the last second by White with a knee to the gut. White also knocks Harwood off the ring aron for good measure. Seconds later Harwood jumps back up, Wheeler side-steps White and leaps and makes the tag.
Harwood takes the hot tag and hits the ring like a bat out of hell, launching himself into the air and connecting with a big lariat before going on a chop-fest, blasting Robinson and White with big chops as the crowd “WOOOs!” with each one that lands. Harwood lands a big suplex on Robinson after knocking White out of the ring for a close near fall. The fans boo when Robinson kicks out.
The fans break out in a loud “This is Awesome!” chant as Harwood looks for a Sharpshooter on Robinson. He ends up getting beat down by White and Robinson. White tags back in and hits a butterfly suplex into the turnbuckles in the corner. Robinson follows up with a canonball in the corner for a close near fall. FTR hits a big double team spot for a close near fall on White, but he kicks out and the fans loudly boo again.
FTR hits another big double-team spot and go for the cover, yet again it is broken up at the last second. They put White on the top rope and chop the hell out of him. Harwood hits a super-plex and Wheeler leaps off the other top-rope, but Robinson leaps off the third top-rope and then pulls White onto Harwood. The ref drops down for the count but only gets two before Dax kicks out. The fans again chant “This is Awesome!”
McGuinness says this is pro wrestling and aren’t you proud. Ricabboni tells fans to pick up their phones and call their friends because we’re witnessing a classic. Seconds later. FTR hits a double-team move for their first fall in the bout. We’re tied one a piece heading into the third and final fall with the AEW World Tag-Team Championships on-the-line. We head to another mid-match commercial break on that note.
Winners of the second fall: FTR
When we return from the break, we see Harwood power bomb White over the barricade at ringside. Both guys stay down and a bunch of officials and medics come and check on them. Wheeler does, too.
They both end up getting up and trading chops as the crowd goes wild. Harwood then hits a big suplex on White on the exposed concrete floor. The fans react with an appropriate “Holy sh*t!” chant. The officials and medics check on White again as a “Fight Forever!” chant breaks out.
FTR both hit a double suplex on Robinson on the mats surrounding the ringside area. All four guys end up in the ring and their respective partners help them stand on their feet. They stand down each other the same way the match started as the fans go absolutely bonkers. They all start mixing it up again. We head to another commercial break.
As we settle back in from the break, we see White and Harwood alone in the ring. White starts tuning up the band like Shawn Michaels here in Bret Hart’s home country of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, White then stops and puts Harwood in a Sharpshooter instead for a huge pop. Harwood hits a big back-suplex on White off the top. The ring announcer checks in to inform us that five minutes remain in this one.
Harwood and Wheeler each get White and Robinson in Sharpshooters in the center of the ring. The two scream in pain as the crowd goes completely and totally bonkers. Harwood’s knee gives out on him. He gets Robinson back in the Sharpshooter and cranks back on it hard. Robinson eventually taps out. FTR retains the title in an absolute classic. After the match, FTR offers to shake hands. White and Robinson walk past them but stop as the fans chant “Shake their hands!” They each spit on the ground next to them and walk off instead as the fans boo.
Winners and STILL AEW World Tag-Team Champions: FTR
Owen Hart Women’s Foundation Tournament Finals
Ruby Soho vs. Willow Nightingale
After the instant classic AEW World Tag-Team Championship opener between FTR and Bullet Club Gold wraps up, we head to another commercial break. When we return, we see a video package promoting Blood & Guts for next Wednesday’s Dynamite at the TD Garden in Boston, MA.
Ruby Soho’s theme hits as we settle back inside the arena. Ruby Soho of The Outcasts then makes her way out by herself for the first of two Owen Hart Cup finals tonight. First up, the Owen Hart Women’s Foundation Tournament Finals.
Soho settles inside the squared circle and her theme song dies down. Now the entrance tune for Willow Nightingale hits and the crowd pops as the energetic, charismatic women’s division star makes her way to the ring. Riccaboni raps on commentary as Willow makes her way to the ring.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Willow jump off into the early offensive lead. She takes Ruby down and then poses right in front of her with a big smile on her face. Soho lights her up with some kicks but then Willow fights back. Soho takes over again and goes to work on Nightingale with knees in the corner.
Ruby yells into the camera that she is going to bring the trophy back to The Outcasts as she continues to work over Willow. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. Back from the break, Willow cartwheels past Soho and then steps-up into a big kick to shift the momentum back in her favor.
Willow hits the stampede slam for a close two count. Soho hits a roll-up for a two count of her own seconds later. Willow hits a big spinebuster and locks in a single leg Boston crab. Soho grabs the spray paint can but hands it to Willow when the ref sees it. Soho cheats as the ref gets rid of the can, hitting the no future kick for a close near fall.
We see Soho get the can again and then take the top turnbuckle off. As the ref deals with that, she goes to use the can but Willow hits a pounce and then her finisher for the win. Willow Nightingale is the 2023 Owen Hart Cup winner for the women’s foundation tournament.
Winner of the 2023 Owen Hart Women’s Foundation Tournament: Willow Nightingale
The Kings Of The Black Throne vs. Local Enhancement Talents
We see highlights of how Ricky Starks made his way to the finals of the men’s Owen Hart tourney. We see post-match footage of QT Marshall apologizing to Powerhouse Hobbs in the locker room. Hobbs tells Marshall to remember that his word is his bond and walks off. The commentators hype Starks vs. CM Punk in the Owen Hart men’s finals.
Now we return back inside the ring where the lights go down. The theme for The House of Black hits and out comes The Kings of the Black Throne duo of Malakai Black and Brody King, accompanied by Julia Hart.
As the duo makes their way to the ring for our next match of the evening, we head to a pre-match commercial break. When we return, we see their opponents in the ring but their names are never announced.
Black and King take turns beating the piss out of these two name-less opponents. Near the end of the match, Andrade El Idolo walks out. Officials stop him as Black finishes off his opponent for the easy victory. They taunt Andrade over having his mask as officials hold him back after the match.
Winners: The Kings Of The Black Throne
Owen Hart Men’s Foundation Tournament Finals
Ricky Starks vs. CM Punk
Ian Riccaboni and Nigel McGuinness run down the lineup for AEW Battle of the Belts VII, which is up next, as well as next Wednesday night’s AEW Dynamite and next Friday night’s AEW Rampage.
Back live in the arena, the familiar sounds of Ricky Starks’ theme hits. Out comes “Absolute” Ricky Starks for the Owen Hart Men’s Foundation Tournament Finals. He settles in the ring to a big pop.
Now the theme for CM Punk plays and as “Cult of Personality” plays, the fans loudly boo. “The Best in the World” emerges and the boos grow louder. “The Second City Saint” makes his way to the ring soaking up the boos.
Punk proclaims it “Clobbering time!” as he checks the imaginary watch on his wrist. He then heads to the ring as the mixed bag crowd reaction grows inside the Calgary Stampede Saddledome.
A loud “CM Punk!” chant grows as the music cuts off, but they are eventually drowned out by boos. CM Punk is definitely the modern age John Cena in AEW in terms of live crowd reactions. He takes off his ring coat and now it’s time to get this one underway.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with the Owen Hart Men’s Foundation Tournament Finals between “The Best in the World” CM Punk and “Absolute” Ricky Starks. The two circle each other and then lock up. Punk goes to work on the arm of Starks.
Now a very, very, very loud “Let’s go Ricky!” and “CM Punk!” dueling chant breaks out and stays echoing throughout the arena for what seems like forever as Punk controls Starks on the mat. After several seconds, Starks reverses Punk and controls him on the mat.
We see Starks stand up and mock the “GTS” gesture as Punk is on the mat. Punk glares at him and gets up. As the action continues, we shift gears and head to a mid-match commercial break. Punk starts doing Bret Hart’s trademark spots, as the commentators point out, but the fans are crapping all over it.
A loud “Owen! Owen!” chant spreads as Punk continues to beat down Starks. Punk heads to the top rope for another Bret Hart style spot, but Starks yanks him out and he takes a hard flat-back. On that note, we head into another mid-match commercial break as our main event continues.
As we settle back in from our final commercial break of the evening here on Collision, we see Punk still in firm control of the offense. The crowd is still booing him like crazy but Starks starts to fight back and the crowd comes to life. Starks comes off the top rope but Punk moves. Punk clotheslines him down and covers him but Starks kicks out.
Both guys come off the ropes looking for cross bodies, but they splash into each other and now they are both down as the referee, and the entire crowd behind him, count both guys out. They each get up and trade punches from their knees back to their feet. Starks starts wildly launching forearms at Punk as the crowd goes wild. Starks goes for an Alabama Slam but Punk counters with a pile driver.
Punk calls for the GTS. He goes for it but Starks escapes and blasts Punk with a flying shoulder block that knocks him out of the ring. Back in the ring he goes for it again but Punk slaps on a guillotine on the way down. Punk hits a hurricanrana off the top but Starks counters the pin. They keep countering until Starks gets a pin and holds onto the ropes for the win.
Winner of the 2023 Owen Hart Men’s Foundation Tournament: Ricky Starks
Starks is your 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament winner. Punk is in shock as confetti falls and Starks celebrates. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
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7/15 AEW Collision Results