Sami Zayn Talks ‘Honorary Uce’ Angle – Sami Zayn says his storyline with The Bloodline is a “perfect example of when things work in execution more than they do on paper.”
Zayn appeared on an episode of After the Bell released on Friday. During the discussion, The Honorary Uce was asked if he was initially confident the angle would be a success.
“I definitely saw the potential from the get go,” Zayn said. “It’s not something that you predict ahead of time or it’s not something that you think you want to see or something that you even think would make sense. But in execution.. and that’s what I think this whole thing has come down to is the execution of it all more than it is the concept because the concept is a bit strange. The Bloodline is a family and here is this person who is clearly not family and the whole thing doesn’t make sense on paper. It’s a perfect example of when things work in execution more than they do on paper.”
“There’s so many things that I think you can say the same about. The easiest one that we often fall back to is, just as an example, The People’s Elbow. If you wrote down ‘Rock comes up with a new move called a People’s Elbow where he stands over the guy and does this,’ I mean, it doesn’t read like something that’s going to become iconic but it’s the execution and the performer, and the time and the place and all these variables that make it magic and make it special.”
“So, I’m not entirely surprised at the success of the segments or whatever that we’ve done but it has still exceeded my expectations. Like, I knew they would be good, I just didn’t know the fans would take to it the way they have.”
Later in the show, Zayn was asked what he feels has led to the Honorary Uce angle being as well-received as it has been.
“I think, going back to that word again, it’s commitment and it’s also the contrast between the Usos and Roman and what they were doing and also they had a year, maybe even more, a year and a half to really simmer and really establish these characters. So too have I had the last even 3-4 years, maybe even five years since I switched to this bad guy kind of role, but especially over the last few years to really let my character simmer, and harden, and get established. So, you had these two very clearly defined acts and the dynamic between these two acts that were established was so, I don’t know, fun and interesting and we’re all committed to it and we all know who we are.”