WWE SmackDown Results (4/29) Albany, NY – Tonight’s WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up live on a tape delay from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York. You can click here for full spoilers from last week’s tapings. Michael Cole welcomes us to the show, and he’s joined at ringside by Pat McAfee. They hype up tonight’s show and send us to the ring for the opener.
Steel Cage Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn
We go right to the ring and out first comes Drew McIntyre to the Steel Cage as Samantha Irvin goes over the rules and does the introductions. McIntyre marches out with his sword, Angela, and stops for the pyro to go off. Drew stops at the cage and shakes the steel before entering in. Out next comes Sami Zayn as we see some recent events that led to this match.
Drew is ready to go before the bell hits, calling for the door to be shut. We see Drew Gulak at ringside as the special guest timekeeper/bell ringer. Sami ducks Drew and starts climbing the cage. Drew pulls him down and launches him into the corner for big punches and kicks. Drew with a big chop to the chest now. Drew launches Sami into the steel cage wall and fans chant “one more time!” so Drew gives it to them. Drew plays to the crowd for a pop, then launches Sami into the cage wall again but this time he tries to climb up. Drew grabs his leg but Sami kicks him away.
Drew leaps up with a shot to the back now to keep Sami from climbing. They fight on the top turnbuckle now with Sami slamming Drew face-first into the steel. Sami with a big Sunset Bomb from the corner. Fans boo Sami as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Sami is in control, grinding Drew’s face into the steel, then stomping away to keep him down. Sami slams Drew face-first into the steel some more, then taunts the crowd to louder boos. Drew blocks the next shot and slams Sami’s face into the steel, knocking him back to the mat. Drew charges but Sami side-steps and puts him face-first into the cage.
Sami with a big Helluva Kick against the steel now. Fans boo as Sami climbs the steel. Sami gets one leg over the top of the cage, then the other. Drew quickly climbs up and pulls Sami back over by his hair, then drops him to the mat for a pop. Sami attacks but Drew counters and sends him into the steel over and over. Drew with a big overhead throw out of the corner, then a neckbreaker and a kip-up for a big pop.
Drew waits for Sami to get back up now. He instead has to stop Sami from climbing the cage again. They trade shots on the top rope again. Sami kicks Drew’s leg out and it crotches him on the top rope. Drew collapses to the mat as Sami climbs back over the top of the cage. Drew recovers and climbs up but Sami is already dropping down the other side of the cage.
Drew manages to reach over and grab Sami, and pull him back over the top of the cage. Drew turns that into a huge superplex. Drew with a kip-up instead of covering for the pin. Drew is fired up now as he waits for Sami to get up. Drew nails a Claymore Kick for the pin to win.
Winner: Drew McIntyre
– After the match, the music hits as Drew stands tall and we go to replays. We come back to Drew posing for the crowd, standing tall on top of the cage.
— Kayla Braxton is in the back with Charlotte Flair. Kayla starts to ask a question and Charlotte interrupts. She says she will not be embarrassed. She says that she is adored. Charlotte says she will embarrass Ronda in the Beat the Clock Challenge tonight.
– We go back to the ring for another edition of Happy Talk with Happy Baron Corbin. He stops and poses for the pyro, then heads to the ring. We go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Corbin is in the ring. He mentions the split with Madcap Moss and how he told jokes that Corbin never found funny. Corbin says the one thing Moss did that was funny was think for one second that he could beat Corbin. Corbin says Moss is still living off his Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal victory, and he owes that to Corbin because Corbin shaped him into the man he is today, with his own two hands. Fans continue to boo Corbin louder. He says everything he touches turns to gold, so just like he made Moss, he will destroy Moss.
Corbin says tonight he will settle for destroying the one thing Moss loves most – the Andre Battle Royal trophy. Corbin goes on and introduces his guest for tonight – the Andre Battle Royal trophy. Music starts up and the statue is brought out by two crew members. Corbin sends us to the Progressive Match Flo replay for this week, which shows how Moss won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal several weeks ago. Corbin rants about how he’s about to take a sledgehammer and destroy the statue now, and then he’s going to drop all the pieces off at a junkyard. Fans start cheering while Corbin is ranting because they see one of the crew members is taking his suit off, and it’s Moss in disguise.
Corbin finally turns around and sees Moss in the ring staring him down. Moss dodges Corbin with the sledgehammer and stops him from retreating. Moss unloads on Corbin and beats him up, then destroys the Happy Talk set. Moss sends Corbin into the turnbuckles, causing him to fall out to the floor. Moss gets fired up for a pop as his music starts up. Corbin seethes from ringside as Cole hypes Moss vs. Corbin at WrestleMania Backlash. Moss lifts the Andre Battle Royal statue in the air and continues celebrating as Corbin looks on.
– We see what happened last week between Jinder Mahal, Shanky and Ricochet.
We go back to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Ricochet to a pop. He rushes the ring and we go back to commercial.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Shanky vs. Ricochet
Back from the break and Shanky is already in the ring. Jinder Mahal is watching from ringside. The bell hits and Ricochet attacks but Shanky takes control. Shanky beats Ricochet around with big power moves. Shanky takes Ricochet down and grounds him with a chinlock.
Shanky drives Ricochet right back down to the mat, then drops an elbow. Ricochet kicks out at 2. Ricochet looks to make a comeback but Shanky launches him from the second turnbuckle, across the ring and he hits hard. Shanky with a big right hand in the middle of the ring. Shanky grounds Ricochet again while Mahal cheers him on.
Shanky drives Ricochet down again and goes for an elbow drop but Ricochet moves out of the way. Ricochet unloads with strikes and a springboard crossbody for a close 2 count. Ricochet with a running Spear in the corner, a kick to the head from the apron.
Ricochet goes to the top but Jinder takes his legs out while Shanky has the referee distracted. Shanky scoops Ricochet to his shoulders but Ricochet slides down and rolls him up for the pin to retain.
Winner: Ricochet
After the match, Ricochet immediately goes to the floor to recover as the music hits. Jinder enters the ring to scold Shanky while Ricochet raises the title and talks some trash from the ramp. Shanky has heard enough now as he yells “no!” at Jinder. Shanky walks off by himself as fans boo Jinder.
– Kayla is backstage with Raquel Rodriguez now. Kayla asks if she’s nervous for tonight’s blue brand in-ring debut. Raquel says when you look this good you’re used to having all eyes on her, but of course she’s nervous and has butterflies. Raquel says she likes being the center of attention, and tonight she’s going to put on a show and make an impact that no one will forget. She walks off.
— We go back to the ring and out comes the former Raquel Gonzalez, now known as Raquel Rodriguez. She turns around and poses, then marches to the ring with a smile. Rodriguez enters the ring and turns around for another signature pose as we go to commercial.
Raquel Rodriguez vs. Cat Cardoza
Carodza attacks Raquel before the bell rings and she punches Raquel. The match starts and Raquel with a boot and she lifts Cat in the air with a wrist lock. Raquel with a shoulder tackle and hard Irish whip. Raquel with a fallaway slam and a second one. Raquel with a twisting Vader Bomb. Cat drops Raquel on the top rope and she connects with a knee in the corner. Cat chokes Raquel in the ropes. Raquel blocks a boot and Raquel with the Chingona Bomb for the three count.
Winner: Raquel Rodriguez
— Ludwig Kaiser says that Gunther is the embodiment of danger. He will destroy anything that disrespects the ring. Gunther says respect will be taken by the Ring General.
— Raw tag team champions Riddle and Randy Orton make their way to the ring. Back to commercial.
Adam welcomes both teams to the contract signing. Adam says they know the rules. There will be four signatures and the match will be official for Backlash.
Jimmy says they have nothing to prove to anyone. Everybody knows that they are the twos and we are the ones. Jey says the Bloodline is going to be dripped in all the gold. Jey says they are going to need bigger luggage and you will be doing a whole lot of acknowledging.
Riddle says he cannot tell the Usos apart. He wants Pearce to give them name tags or let one of them grow a mustche. Pearce says he will take it under advisment. Orton says he has never had a problem telling them apart. Randy says Jey is the right hand man. Orton says Jimmy is nothing but a little bitch.
Jimmy goes over the table and attacks Orton while Jey goes after Riddle. Jimmy punches Orton but Orton with punches. Riddle punches and kicks Jey.
Roman Reigns’ music plays and everything stops. The Usos attack Orton and Riddle from behind while Roman walks to the ring. Jimmy and Jey with a double super kick to Orton and they hit the 1D on Riddle. Roman holds the contract and he rips it up and puts it in Riddle’s mouth. Roman punches Riddle and Drew McIntyre’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.
Roman tells Jimmy and Jey to go after Drew. Drew clotheslines Jimmy and then he punches Jey. Drew gets on the apron and then he enters the ring. Roman punches Drew and Drew punches back. They exchange punches and Drew with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sends Roman to the floor.
We go to commercial.
— We are back and Adam Pearce is on his phone and Paul Heyman enters. Paul says he has his minions giving him scoops from the locker room. Paul says that Roman is not very happy. Paul says he wants Adam to have a good relationship with Roman. Paul says it is time to upgrade things for the tag titles. Paul suggests it be RK-Bro and Drew McIntyre versus The Usos and Roman Reigns. Adam says he can’t change things. Paul applauds Adam and he says he admires a man who will stick to his principles at the expense of his own career to give Paul the ammunition to go to the Board of Directors and file a complaint to depirive the fans of the Tribal Chief at Backlash. Paul tells Adam he can make that match and he will.
— We are told that in two weeks, Naomi and Sasha Banks will defend the WWE Tag Titles against Shayna Baszler and Natalya.
Naomi vs. Shayna Baszler
They lock up and Shayna with a waist lock take down. Naomi tries to escape but Shayna holds on. Naomi with a snap mare and Naomi with a split leg drop for a near fall. Shayna with an Irish whip and Naomi floats over and sends Shayna away. Naomi avoids Shayna but Shayna with a wheelbarrow suplex. Shayna grabs the wrist and applies a double wrist lock. Naomi with punches and Shayna sends Naomi into the turnbuckles. Naomi with a punch but Shayna with punches. Naomi avoids Shayna and Naomi with a kick and a full nelson. Shayna with elbows and a standing switch. Naomi with a snap mare and Shayna blocks a Rear View. Naomi rolls through and sends Shayna into the turnbuckles. Naomi with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Naomi
After the match, Natalya attacks Naomi but Naomi with a knee and Sasha goes for a baseball slide but Natalya blocks it and slams the knee into the apron. Natalya with a Sharpshooter in the ropes and Shayna with a gutwrench gourdbuster. SHayna stomps on the elbow while Natalya makes Sasha watch.
— We take a look at Butch’s match against Xavier Woods from last week. We are told that Butch has not been seen since last week. We see graphics of where Butch could be.
Ridge Holland is in the back and Sheamus tells him that they need to find Butch. Sheamus says he has put up posters everywhere. Ridge says he got rid of the posters and he put them where Sheamus did.
— We are back and the six man tag match for Backlash is official.
Ridge Holland vs. Xavier Woods
Before the match, Kofi says it appears as though where once there were three, there are only two. Where’s Butch? Have the New Day been able to keep it together for 8 years while you can’t keep it together for a month and a half.
Woods mentions all of the tag team partners. Woods mentions the League of Nations, the Swiss, and now the guys who don’t know any better. While you are busy shaking it on the outside, I will be in the ring destroying Ridge.
They lock up and Holland backs Woods into the corner and connects with a forearm. Holland with a short arm clothesline. Holland kicks Woods and catches him on a cross body attempt. Holland with a slam and knee drop. Holland stomps on the hand and then connects with an uppercut. Woods wtih chops. Holland with a kick and forearm to the back. Holland with an Irish whip and he misses a shoulder and hits the ring post before going to the floor. Woods with a tornado DDT to the floor.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Woods leaps over Holland from the turnbuckles. Holland with a shoulder to the knees. Holland with knee drops to Woods. Holland misses a knee drop and Woods with chops. Holland traps the arms and connects with a head butt to the chest. Holland with a reverse chin lock. Woods tries to get back to his feet and Woods with a jaw breaker. Woods with chops and punches. Holland with a spinebuster after avoiding a rolling elbow. Holland gets a near fall.
Holland sets for a power bomb but Woods collapses to the mat. Woods blocks a power bomb and Holland with forearms to the back. Woods avoids a power bomb and gets the three count with a small package.
Winner: Xavier Woods
Sheamus tells Ridge he is sick of playing games. Sheamus challenges Kofi to a match as we go to commercial.
Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus
The match is joined in progress and Kofi with a cross body that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. Kofi with a back heel kick and a trust fall from the ring post. Sheamus punches Kofi when Kofi gets bakc into the ring. Sheamus with a forearm to the back. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Sheamus hits the ring post when Kofi moves. Kofi with a double jump forearm off the turnbuckles. Kofi with forearms and he tries for SOS but Sheamus with a uranage back breaker. Sheamus with another uranage back breaker and then hits a third. Sheamus with a double fish hook. Kofi with elbows and Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl power slam. Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick.
Kofi avoids the Brogue Kick and Kofi with SOS for a near fall. Kofi goes up top but Sheamus stops him. Kofi with punches and he goes up top. Kofi is met with a knee and Sheamus with a Brogue Kick for the three count.
Winner: Sheamus
After the match, Holland sends Woods into the ringside barrier. Holland with forearms. Sheamus gets a table from under the ring and he sets it up while Holland holds Woods against the ring steps. Holland sets for a power bomb through the table and he does it.
— We hear the next chapter from Lacey Evans.
Lacey says she got kicked out of her home at 17 but she was the first in her family to graduate from high school. She joined the Marines and she was the highest shooter in boot camp. She was at the top of her class in her Military Police class. Lacey says the other recruits were waving to their parents, but that was not the case for her. She says he never once came to the most important things you accomplished in life. It gets to the point where you find a different driving point that fills you with anger.
I wanted to show that addiction was not the only solution. I was not blessed with a lifetime of perks and pats on the back. I never had it and I don’t need it. I made it from the trailer park to the WWE and I am coming after every single one. That has created the woman I am today. I am no better than the other superstars, but they are no better than me.
We go to commercial.
— We are back and Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods will face Sheamus and Ridge Holland in a Tables Match. Shayna Baszler will face Sasha Banks next week.
Ronda Rousey vs. Shotzi in an I Quit Beat the Clock Challenge
Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring before Ronda’s match since they don’t have too much time left on the show.
The bell rings and Shotzie goes to the floor. Shotzi runs away from Ronda. Ronda grabs the ankle and tries to pull her back into the ring. Shotzi misses a round kick and Ronda with a kick. Shotzi goes to the floor. Ronda blocks a kick from the apron and sends Shotzi face first to the mat. Ronda blocks a kick and takes Shotzi to the mat. Ronda with an exploder slam and then she rolls up Shotzi and applies an ankle lock. Shotzi says she quits.
Winner: Ronda Rousey (Qualifying Time 1 Minute 41 seconds)
Charlotte says that was amazing but this will be your last win for a very long time. She tells Ronda to leave and then she tells Aliyah to come out for her ten seconds of fame.
Charlotte Flair vs. Aliyah in a Beat the Clock I Quit Challenge
They lock up and Charlotte sends Aliyah face first to the mat. Charlotte misses a boot and Aliyah with an enzugiiri. Charlotte with a clothesline and she tells Aliyah to quit. Aliyah avoids a slam and Aliyah with a wheelbarrow into a bulldog. Aliyah goes up top and misses a cross body when Charlotte moves. Charlotte with a running boot. Charlotte tries for a figure four leg lock and Aliyah kicks Charlotte to the floor. Charlotte with the figure four and locks it in. Charlotte bridges and time runs out.
Winner: Time Limit Runs Out
After the match, the music hits and Rousey celebrates with fans at ringside. Flair seethes in the ring, staring her down. Rousey heads to the back as fans continue to chant “you tapped out!” at Flair. Flair approaches Gulak in the timekeeper’s area now, yelling at him for how he did his job, calling him stupid. Flair levels Gulak with a big boot while he’s sitting in his chair. Flair man-handles Gulak around the ringside area now, yelling at him to ring the bell. Flair grabs the ring bell over and brings it into the ring, where Gulak has crawled to now. Flair drops Gulak with a ring bell shot to the back of the neck. Fans boo as Flair continues yelling at Gulak about how hard could his job be. Flair’s music starts back up as she takes the title and raises it in the air. Fans boo as Flair makes her exit and SmackDown goes off the air.
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