NXT 2.0 Results (3/29) – We are live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL, as Imperium make its way to the ring and they are suddenly attacked by their opponents.
LA Knight and MSK vs. Imperium
The referee starts the match with Knight and Aichner fighting in the ring while the others fight on the floor.
Knight with a running knee in the corner. Aichner with a shoulder tackle and side head lock take down. Barthel tags in and gives Knight an arm drag into an arm bar. Knight with a wrist lock and arm wringer. Barthel pulls Knight down by the hair. Barthel with an arm bar. Knight with a swinging neck breaker and he tags in Carter. Carter with a kick and Lee with a head lock followed by a drop kick from Carter for a near fall. Knight tags in and punches Barthel but Barthel wtih an uppercut. Knight with a back body drop and Barthel goes for a sunset flip but Knight stays on his feet.
Aichner tags in and goes to the floor. Barthel kicks Knight from behind and then he rakes the eyes with his boots. Barthel wtih a kick. Barthel with a punch and Gunther tags in and kicks Knight. Knight with punches. Gunther with a chop and Knight moves but Gunther does not miss a second time. Gunther with kicks. Aichner tags in and he slams Knight in the ropes and gets a near fall. Aichner with a reverse chin lock. Knight with punches and Aichner with a head butt to the midsection. Aichner with punches and a slap. Knight is not happy and Knight with punches. Knight lands on his feet on a belly-to-back attempt and Lee and Carter tag in and they kick Aichner and then Lee moves and Barthel goes over the top rope to the floor. Carter sends Aichner to the floor and Carter with a plancha onto Barthel.
Gunther with a boot to Lee and then Knight comes in and the referee has to separate them. Gunther with a forearm to Lee’s back followed by a kick in the ropes. Lee with a punch to the thigh followed by a thrust kick. Lee with another thrust kick but Gunher keeps Lee from making the tag and hits a spinebuster. Gunther with a Boston crab and Knight kicks Gunther to break the hold. The referee sends Knight back to the apron. Barthel tags in and he kicks Lee. Barhtel sends Lee into the corner and bolocks a kick. Barthel with an enzuigiri and suplex. Barthel with a European uppercut off the turnbuckles. Barthel with kicks to the back.
Gunther tags in and he slams Lee and then Aichner tags in and Aichner kicks Lee in the hamstring. Lee with punches to try to get Aichner to release the hold. Aichner with an STF and he gets a near fall. Aichner with a forearm to the back and a European uppercut. Lee with punches to the leg and a boot to the head. Lee with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Barthel and Knight tag in and Knight with a clothesline and he knocks Gunther off the apron. Knight with a slam and he sets for an elbow drop but Aichner breaks up the cover. Knight sends Aichner to the floor and Carter tags in. Knight sends Carter into the corner for a drop kick. Gunther stops Carter on a springboard move. Knight with a forearm to Gunther. Gunther with a European uppercut and they fight to the back.
Aichner tags in and Carter with a jackknife cover on Barthel. Aichner knocks Lee off the apron and Aichner with a clothesline while Barthel holds Carter’s leg and Aichner gets the three count.
Winners: Gunther, Fabian Aichner, and Wes Lee
After the match, the Creeds show up by the entrance.
— We have a video package from last week’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic finals.
— Kay Lee Ray says two weeks ago she would beat any woman. Mandy thinks she is the greatest women’s champion in history. They knew that Mandy would accept the challenge for the Fatal Four Way Match. Io says they teamed together to get payback. Kay Lee says they are no strangers to being champions. Io has been the NXT Women’s Champion and a Tag Team Champion. Kay Lee reminds us of her reign as NXT UK Champion. Io says that she is going to win even if it means beating Kay Lee. Kay Lee says she is looking forward to see her try. Io says may the best woman win.
We go to commercial.
— We are back and Dakota Kai is looking for Wendy Choo. Dakota asks around and she finds Wendy’s pillow and pajamas but she is not there.
— We see Tatum Paxley trying to clean up what happened to the Diamond Mine training area. Ivy says that she did not ask for her help and she says that Diamond Mine kicks ass, not kiss ass. Tatum leaves.
Tiffany Stratton vs. Ivy Nile
Nile wants a test of strength and Stratton obliges. Nile with a back drop into a wrist lock. Stratton with an arm wringer to escape. Stratton with a splash for a near fall. Ivy blocks a hip toss and Stratton blocks a hip toss. Nile with a short arm clothesline. Stratton kicks Nile and then hits a running hip against the ropes. Stratton with a jackknife cover but Nile gets a near fall. Stratton with a side head lock and take down. Stratton with a Million Dollar Dream. Stratton sends Ivy face first into the mat. Nile kicks Stratton many times and hits a drop kick. Nile with a running forearm into the corner. Nile with a running thrust kick and then she sttretches Stratton.
Nile iwth a curb stomp and Stratton goes to the floor. Nile sends Stratton back into the ring and Stratton with a short arm clothesline.
Smoke appears at ringside and Stratton is shocked to see wrestler Sarray. Nile escapes a slam attempt and applies the Dragon Sleeper and Stratton taps out.
Winner: Ivy Nile
We go to commercial.
— We are back and Tommaso Ciampa says this has been his sanctuary as much as yours. He had so much to prove to everyone when he came to NXT. He had to prove it to himself too. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Whether it is his injuries or his wife having five miscarriages before the birth of their daughter. You were my constant. Together we made black and gold magic. Stand and Deliver might be the end of an era. In Dallas, we will create that magic, maybe for the final time.
We see Ciampa put a chair that says 9/9/15 to 4/2/22.
— It is time to take a look at Dolph Ziggler and his match at Stand and Deliver. Dolph mentions everything he has done. He says it isn’t just NXT 2.0. It is DZ 2.0. We see Dolph flying in from Raw and he says he is on the way to NXT. He says he stays a little longer in Orlando for media. Dolph says this is the 18th time he has done this. He will be doing all the media because they want to talk to him instead of Breakker. Bron won the title too soon. We see Dolph on different media appearnces through the WWE. Dolph says he is happy to be in this moment with Bron Breakker, who had 20 matches. Dolph says you wouldn’t have seen caddy Nick Nemeth or Nick the Cheerleader if he had the teachers Breakker had.
People think that Breakker will get his big win at Stand and Deliver but that is what people thiought about at Roadblock. He wants everyone to leave Stand and Deliver with shocked looks on their faces.
— We go back to the ring and out comes Legado del Fantasma as Alicia Taylor does the introductions – Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza with Elektra Lopez. They head to the ring as we go back to commercial.
— We are back and Cora Jade says this is more about revenge, but about making a dream a reality. She mentions that she would dream about wrestling and she graduated early to become a WWE Superstar. She mentions all of the champions. Mandy does not care about anything but herself. The other women held that title with dignity and Mandy knows she is coming after her. Cora says she has to deal with one of the most dominant women in NXT history, Io Shirai and the most dominant woman in NXT UK history, Kay Lee Ray. The odds are against her, but math was noth her best subject. She says she knows she is the underdog. It will just be that much sweeter when she becomes the NXT Women’s Champion.
Legado del Fantasma vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen
Jensen and Wilde start things off and Jensen with a side head lock. Jensen sends Wilde into the air and forearms. Jensen with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Jensen with a power slam. Briggs tags in and they hit double hip toss. Wilde with jaw breaker and Mendoza tags in. Mendoza with a kick and side head lock. Mendoza with a back heel kick. Mendoza goes to the apron and Briggs misses a splash. Briggs with a bear hug. Jensen tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and then they connect with punches on the floor. Elektra distracts Jensen. Mendoza sends Jensen to the floor and hits a baseball slide. Wilde tags in and he hangs on the ring post and hits an elbow drop on Jensen on the floor.
Wilde with a clothesline into the corner and Mendoza tags in and hits a clothesline. They continue alternating clotheslines in the corner. Mendoza with a kick in the corner and Wilde tags in. They hit a double suplex. Wilde gets a near fall. Mendoza with a side head lock. Jensen backs Mendoza into the corner. Mendoza with a sleeper and he gets on Jensen’s back. Jensen with a back drop to Wilde and a snap mare to Mendoza. Briggs tags in and connects with a boot to Wilde and a side slam to Mendoza. Briggs with a butterfly back breaker on Wilde for a near fall. Mendoza is sent over the top rope to the floor.
Elektra gets on the apron to distract Briggs. Mendoza with a springboard drop kick. Henley attacks Lopez on the floor. Wilde goes for a 450 splash but Briggs catches Wilde by the throat and hits a choke slam. Jensen tags in and they hit the high low combination for the three count.
Winner Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs
— Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell are in the back trying to insult the other about their men. Persia says that Duke has something special planned for them. Indi says it will be all about Indi and Dexter. Persia suggests they let the WWE decide who is the best couple.
— Toxic Attraction is in the back and they walk to the ring as we go to commercial.
— We re back and McKenzie asks Cameron Grimes about his match. Grimes says sometimes he is too confident and cocky but tonight he is nervous. This is the biggest match of his career. He needs this match more than A-Kid or Roddy. It is more about holding the title, it is about delivering on the promise he made to his father.
— The Women’s Champions Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne make their way to the ring.
Mandy says this Saturday at Stand and Deliver, I was supposed to fight Cora Jade one on one, but Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray took what she said out of context. I said I would fight any woman. Not at the same damn time. I’m not scared. I am never scared. I think you all need to remember who the hell she is. She says she is the baddest bitch in the game and she has the greatest back up this company has ever seen. We have been dominating this women’s division for the last six months and will continue to do so.
I will humiliate Cora Jade, rid NXT of Io Shirai, and send Kay Lee Ray back to the bridge she came from. She will cement her legacy of being the greatest NXT Champion of all time. Before we witness greatness on Saturday, we have some business to take care of tonight. Wendy Choo and Dakota Kai. We did them a favor taking out the most dangerous team of Cora Jade and Raquel Gonzalez. We handed them the tournament. All they had to do was beat Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray. Wendy Choo apologized for not getting the job done.
Gigi and Jacy show Wendy’s cup and sleep mask.
Gigi says that Kay Lee and Io forfeited their chance. Jacy wnts to know who is left. There is no one left. She says her and Gigi will walk into Stand and Deliver and will watch Mandy Rose beat three bimbos at the same time.
Mandy says they walk into Stand and Deliver with all of the gold, they will walk out of Stand and Deliver with all of the gold. They are not Toxic Attraction, they are THE Attraction.
Dakota Kai comes to the ring and goes after Mandy, Jacy, and Gigi. Dakota is worked over by all three until Raquel Gonzalez’ music plays and she comes to the ring and goes after Gigi. Raquel grabs Mandy and Jacy grabs Raquel. Dakota takes care of Jacy and Mandy gets to the floor.
Raquel offers a fist bump and Dakota jumps into Raquel’s arms. Raquel and Dakota hold up a tag title belt.
— McKenzie is in the back with Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes. She asks about the results so far. Carmelo says they need to give him credit for his manageril skills. Grayson Waller and Sanga show up and he says maybe he will join them on commentary. Who knows what he will do to win the title on Saturday. Grayson says the title will be his and His is bigger than Carmelo’s.
Bodhi Hayward vs. Von Wagner
Bodhi Hayward and Andre Chase walk in the back as we go to commercial.
Hayward with punches but Wagner with a punch and Bodhi goes down. They go to the floor when Hayward gives Wagner a double leg. Hayward runs Wagner into the ring steps. Hayward runs into a boot from Wagner.
The woman who was talking to Robert Stone last week shows up in the front row. We are told that her name is Sophia Cromwell.
Wagner with head butts and punches. Wagner with a boot to Hayward and shoulders in the corner. Wagner with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Wagner with an exploder and Hayward goes to the apron. Hayward with a shoudler and a sunset flip for a near fall. Hayward with a flying forearm. Wagner catches Hayward on a cross body and htis a fallaway slam. Wagner wtih boots to Hawyard and he chokes Bodhi in the ropes. Hayward with an elbow and kick.
Hayward with a forearm and Wagner misses a boot in the corner. Hayward with a shoulder to the knee and a flying shoulder tackle. Hayward with a splash and then he gets Wagner up but Wagner gets to his feet and sends Hayward into the turnbuckles. Wagner with a TKO for the three count.
Winner: Von Wagner
After the match, Wagner kicks KUSHIDA and Jiro. Wagner brings Jiro into the ring and hits a TKO. Wagner rips Jiro’s jacket. Wagner leaves the ring and stares at Cromwell.
— Tony D’Angelo asks Ciampa if he thought it was a good idea to attack me from behind. Big mistake. As you climb your way up the food chain, you know what is best for the family. I have to make a decision. I have to remove you from your chair. It will be your last match. When I take my rightful place at the top of the family, I will control the ring. I will become the new Don of NXT.
Back to commercial.
— We are back with a look at Triple H’s retirement.
— Nikkiya Lyons is getting ready for her match later tonight.
Joe Gacy vs. Draco Anthony
They lock up and Anthony with a side head lock. Gacy with a shoulder tackle. Anthony with a kick and arm wringer. Anthony with a hip toss and Irish whip but Gacy hangs in the turnbuckles. Gacy with a DDT. Gacy kicks Anthony and connects with an elbow to the head followed by a seated abdominal stretch. Gacy tells Anthony that he can be his friend. Anthony with a punch. Gacy with a splash into the corner and a uranage for a near fall. Gacy with a sleeper and Anthony backs Gacy into the corner to escape the hold. Anthony with a shoulder tackle and an elbow into the corner. Anthony with an exploder for a near fall.
Anthony sets for a suplex and Gacy lands on his feet. Gacy with a wist lock and a rollup. ANthony kicks out and Gacy with a handspring clothesline for the three count.
Winner: Joe Gacy
We go to commercial.
— We are back and it is time to get Bron Breakker’s thoughts on his match on Saturday.
Bron says the entire world is descending on Dallas and he will be in the main event of Stand and Deliver. It is the biggest match of his life. His first run as NXT champion was to prove to everyone and himself that he could be the guy. Dolph Ziggler is a poison. Dolph flies down here and gets here on Tuesday, does his segment, and gets out of Dodge. He does not give anything back to the product. Bron says NXT is his life. He trains his ass off and he works every day. Wrestlemania weekend is the biggest weekend of the year. Dolph will not leave Dallas as the champion.
I don’t care what Dolph thinks about me. Dolph has nowhere to run or hide. I will take this title back for anyone who chants NXT.
— On the Kickoff Show, Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez will face Toxic Attraction for the Tag titles.
Nikkita Lyons vs. Sloane Jacobs
They lock up and Lyons with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Lyons with arm drags and a slam. Lyons sets for a suplex but Jacobs with punches. Lyons with a spin kick for a near fall. Jacobs with an arm breaker. Lyons wtih a punch and she avoids a kick and hits a German suplex. Lyons gets Jacobs up and hits a Samoan drop. Lyons with kicks to the leg and a jumping round kick. Lyons with a split leg drop for the three count.
Winner: Nikkita Lyons
After the match. Lash is on the GameTron and she congratulates her on her victory but she says they have unfinished business.
— Diamond Mine is in the back and Bivens says that people who say they are not afraid to walk the streets alone will not face Diamond Mine. Roderick Strong will win tonight and then he will become a two time North American Champion. The Creeds will win the tag titles that same day. Bivens says he will have more gold than Mr. T. He pities the fool who wants it.
Brutus gets a text and he asks about the 781 area code and says the message says they will be watching them. Brutus says it is the people who jumped him.
We go to commercial.
Roderick Strong vs. A-Kid vs. Cameron Grimes in a North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifying Match
Grimes goes for A-Kid and Strong with a side head lock. Everyone with wist locks and standing switches. A-Kid with a sunset flip on Grimes for a near fall and Strong with a near fall. Grimes with shoudler tackles. Strong rolls through for a Strong Hold but A-Kid goes for a sleeper. Grimes goes for Cave In but Strong and A-Kid move out of the way. Grimes with a kick to Strong and A-Kid with an arm drag. A-Kid iwth a drop kick to Grimes. Strong chops A-Kid. A-Kid with a head scissors to Strgon and then he hits an alley oop drop kick on Strong.
Hayes and Williams join commentary.
A-Kid punches Grimes and hits a springboard head scissors and arm drag on Grimes and Strong. A-Kid with a suicide dive onto Strong. Grimes with a running kick ont he apron. Strong with back drop driver to Grimes on the apron.
Solo Sikoa makes his way to ringside to watch.
Strong sends A-Kid back into the ring and he kicks A-Kid. Strong with a back breaker on A-Kid. Strong with a forearm to the head and a drop kick through the ropes to Grimes. Strong with a knee to the midsection and A-Kid with kicks and forearms. Strong with a forearm and A-Kid tries for a cross arm breaker but Strong locks his arms. Strong gets out of the hold and he kicks A-Kid. Grimes goes for a slingshot into the ring and Strong counters with a back breaker. A-Kid blocks a Strong hold but Strong catapults A-Kid’s throat into the bottom rope. Strong sends A-Kid into the turnbuckles and then he connects with a forearm on Grimes. They go to the turnbuckles and Grimes punches Strong but Strong with a running boot to the head and Grimes falls to the floor.
Strong with a chop and he sets for a superplex but Grimes pushes Strong off the turnbuckles. Strong with a superplex to Grimes and A-Kid with a frog splash on Grimes.
Santos Escobar is in the bleachers and so are Grayson Waller and Sanga.
Strong sends A-Kid into the turnbuckles and Strong goes for the Strong Hold on Grimes. A-Kid with a triangle and STrong power bombs A-Kid onto Grimes. Strong sets for a double Strong Hold. Grimes gets a near fall on A-Kid. Grimes with a forearm to Strong. Grimes with a double rana and a running forearm to Strong a few times. Grimes with a running forearm or two to A-Kid. Grimes with boots to Strong and A-Kid. Griems with a cross body on Strong and a uranage to A-Kid for a near fall.
Strong with running forearms to Grimes but Grimes with a super kick. Grimes with a Spanish Fly Cross Body. A-Kid with a tornado DDT to Grimes and everyone is down. A-Kid chops Strong and Grimes with a forearm to A-Kid. Strong with chops to Grimes. A-Kid with a chop and forearm to STrong. Strong wtih a forearm to A-Kid and chops to Grimes. Strong with forearms and an elbow to Grimes. A-Kid with chop and Strong with a back breaker to A-Kid and a flying clothesline to Grimes.
Strong with a running knee to Grimes int he corner and a uranage back breaker to A-Kid. Strong with a double knee gut buster on Grimes and then Strong drops A-Kid onto Grimes. Strong with a jumping knee to A-Kid followed by Endo of Heartache but Grimes with Cave in to Strong for the three count.
Winner: Cameron Grimes
After the match, Hayes got on the apron and congratulates Grimes on his win and says that Grimes is not wining on Saturday. Escobar says he is going to take that title and bring it back to La Familia. Waller says family doesn’t matter. That image of him bringing down the North American title is going to go viral. Sikoa says this is going to be a fight. The street champkon will become the North American title. Grimes says he is taking that North American championship TO THE MOON.
All five men, plus Sanga, Joaquin Wilde, Raul Mendoza, and Trick Williams fight as we go to credits.
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