Mickie James Reveals Chelsea Green Will Compete At NWA Empowerrr

Mickie James Announces Chelsea Green Will Compete At NWA Empowerrr

Chelsea Green will compete at NWA Empowerrr.

Mickie James, the executive producer of the event, announced the news in a post on Instagram:

She never saw it coming!!! @chelseaagreen welcome to @nwa #EMPowerrr

Just having a little dinner at @deaconsnewsouth with my friend and director of the “Grown Ass Woman” music video @churchietv !!! Just let @chapelhartband amazing #ListeningParty downtown. I legit cried. I’m so embarrassed. Saw our girl @chelseaagreen in the comments and had a little something I NEEDED to discuss! She asked for the #MAINEVENT well ChelChel you got it babe! I’m so excited!!! I will see on 8/28 at @nwa #EMPowerrr also…. Bringing the scrunchie back

Green, a former IMPACT Knockouts Champion, was released by WWE earlier this year, but she has recently returned to IMPACT Wrestling and debuted in Ring of Honor.

NWA Empowerr, an all-women’s show, will be on August 28. Among other names, IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo will wrestle at the show.

Mickie James Reveals Chelsea Green Will Compete At NWA Empowerrr

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