AEW Dynamite Results – January 27, 2021

LIVE AEW Dynamite Results - January 27, 2021

AEW Dynamite Results – January 27, 2021 – We are live inside the Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. where pyro and fire starts exploding as the camera pans around the building and we are ready for our first match of the night.

Eddie Kingston vs. Lance Archer

Jake Roberts heads out with Archer, but he asks him to stay in the back. Archer and Kingston get right to it once Archer gets in the ring. Archer with multiple back elbows in the corner, Kingston them moves out of the way and looks to chop down Archer by kicking his knee. Kingston then bites at Archer.

Kingston working over Archer, leaps down on him, does little damage. Archer then hits a big shoulder tackle on Kingston. Kingston then chokeslams Kingston from the ring down to the apron! Kingston goes down on his hip and crashes to the floor. He then throws Kingston’s head into the camera and then into the timekeeper’s table. Kingston rolls back into the ring, and immediately slammed down to the ring.

Archer with a big splash down on Kingston, pin attempt, and he decides against it. Kingston recovers, drops Archer, boot to the face, cover, two. Archer looking for black out, Kingston sneaks out and shoves him into the corner. Kingston runs right into a big boot though, ripcord into a chokeslam. Archer walks the top rope and hits a moonsault press. Archer with the claw on Kingston’s head and he looks to slam him down. Butcher and Blade bring out a beaten up Roberts. Bunny then hands a knuckle duster to Kingston, backfist to Archer’s face, cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Eddie Kingston via Pinfall

Post-match, Butcher and Blade beat up Archer some more. Bunny slaps away at a fallen Archer. Butcher and Blade hold Archer as Kingston cracks him with another spinning backfist.

Jon Moxley cuts a promo outside. He talks about The Elite and their issues and calls them an episode of the “Young and the Restless.” He says the Lucha Brothers hated him because they were friends with Kingston and now they’re not, and they hate the Elite so they’re partners at Beach Break and acts confused about the whole thing. Moxley says he’s a simple guy, he likes his beer cold, coffee hot, water at room temperature and sex in the morning. He says he doesn’t overcomplicate things and he loves a good six man tag. He tells PAC and Fenix to saddle up because they’re going into gang warfare at Beach Break. He says he doesn’t know what’s going to happen but it will be wild.

– Random building, Sting talks with Taz, Brian Cage, and Ricky Starks about their upcoming Street Fight. Sting didn’t appreciate the being called a hoodlum by Taz. Allin says it doesn’t matter in the streets if you are clean or dirty, it’s all about survival. Allin then throws his skateboard through a window. Allin says it’s no different thant Sting. Sting bashes a bunch of windows with his baseball bat, and agrees, he is a hoodlum.

Chris Jericho and MJF vs. Varsity Blondes

MJF says he and Sammy have to talk after the match but then turns his attention to Griff Garrison and mocks him saying that he embarrassed him last time they were on national TV together. Griff punches him in the mouth and lays into him with rights and lefts. MJF retreats to the floor but then eats a Big Boot when he comes back in the ring. Sammy cheers Griff Garrison on.

MJF tries to get a chair but Wardlow calms him down. MJF tags Jericho but Garrison trips Jericho and tags Pillman. Pillman hits a Swinging Neckbreaker followed by a Leaping Leg Drop from Garrison for two. Pillman goes for a Dropkick but Jericho avoids it only to eat a second attempt after he hit the ropes. Pillman hits a Running Clothesline but MJF kicks him from the outside allowing Jericho to hit a Running Forearm.

Griff and MJF tag in with Garrison laying into he and Jericho with clotheslines and forearms. Garrison hits a backdrop to MJF and a Roaring Elbow on Jericho. Garrison hits Corner Splashes on MJF and Jericho and then a Double Spear on them! 1…2…NO MJF kicks out. Pillman tags in and hits a Missile Dropkick off the top but Jericho tags MJF only to walk right into a Superkick for a CLOSE two. Pillman is frustrated allowing Jericho to catch him with a series of elbows.

Jericho charges at Pillman but he drops down causing Jericho to go through the ropes to the apron. Pillman hits a Running Dropkick sending Jericho crashing to the barricade on the outside. Pillman rolls Jericho into the ring and goes for the Springboard Flying Clothesline but lands right in the Judas Effect followed by the Lionsault for the pin.

Winners: Jericho & MJF

During the replay, it’s shown that the Inner Circle kept Garrison from breaking up the pin. MJF and Sammy are staring at each other and start bickering.

PAC cuts a promo about Beach Break. PAC says that Omega and his buddies walk around acting like they own everything and calls them “a pack of dirty mongrels.” PAC tells Omega to bring his “Good Brothers” with him because he and Fenix will show up the true meaning of brotherhood and Omega will face the consequences of what they did to Pentagon.

Earlier tonight on the AEW Awards, Shaq challenged Cody Rhodes to a match in March. Cody and Arn Anderson heads out to the ring. Tony asks Cody what he has to say to Shaq and even Jade Cargill. Cody says he would keep it simple: Shaq and Jade vs. Cody and Brandi, but life happened. Since Brandi is now having a baby. Cody says he differs to his coach when he’s not sure where to go. He asks Arn what he should be doing on Revolution. Arn tells Cody is about to be a dad and that’s on the forefront of his brain. Arn brings up a date back in 1985, it when AA says Dusty take on Tully, then fly on plane across the country to see the birth of Cody. Cody tears up thinking about that. AA says if he wants to do the show, he needs to do so with eyes wide open. AA brings up Shaq’s amazing career in NBA.

He says he’s sure Jade does the same thing when she comes into a room. AA then brings out Red Velvet while Cody ponders his future. A very serious Red Velvet heads into the ring. AA says she’s got fire, just like Cody. Red Velvet looks at the camera and says she’s out here tonight because she’s tired of getting attacked, and Brandi getting disrespected by the coward, Jade. Red Velvet says Cody would never put a hand on Jade, but she’s Red Velvet “and I will stir your b— ass up!” Tony says it sounds like the ball is in Shaq and Jade’s court.

Hangman Page vs. Ryan Nemeth

Page and Nemeth chain wrestle for a little until Page lays him out with a shoulder block and then a Cowboy Kick. Page and Nemeth exchange chops and then Page hits a Springboard Clothesline sending Nemeth to the floor followed by a Slingshot Plancha. Back in the ring, Page misses a Running Clothesline and Nemeth hits a dropkick. Matt Hardy is shown coming down to ringside.

Dolph Ziggler’s brother puts Page in a Hammerlock and does a useless headstand at the same time. Nemeth hits a series of knees and a Neckbreaker for two. Page responds with a series of clotheslines and a sloppy Spinebuster. Page hits a Running Clothesline in the corner followed by a Sliding Lariat to a seated Nemeth for two.

Page goes for a TKO but Nemeth fights out and hits a Leaping Spike DDT for two. Nemeth goes for a German Suplex but Page lands on his feet and kills Nemeth with a Roaring Elbow followed by a Lariat. Page hits the Buckshot Lariat for the pin.

Winner: Adam Page

Matt Hardy applauds and congratulate Page after the match. Tony Schiavone walks down to the ring and he says that Page called Hardy back to the ring after the match. Hardy says he came out was because he wanted to be in his corner and let Page know he supports him. He says he has been watching Page and he’s been concerned because he seems lost and conflicted. Hardy says he was with Page at Stadium Stampede and he knows how much love he had for The Elite. He says they burned Page and he didn’t deserve that. Hardy says he doesn’t want anything from Page but he wants him to know that he is a good person and he deserves to be happy. Hardy says he sees that Page has been dressing out in the hallway and offers him to be able to dress in Hardy’s locker room. “I think you should take him up on that,” Schiavone says.

Jungle Boy (with Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt) vs. Dax Harwood (with Tully Blanchard and Cash Wheeler)

Stipulation for the match: Luchasaurus is going to be chained to Tully and Cash to make sure they don’t get involved. Stunt selling getting beat up by FTR with his arm taped up still. Luchasaurus sits next to the stage with both guys with him.

Jungle Boy and Dax lockup but stalemate and break clean. Dax catches Jungle Boy in a side headlock but he counters with an armdrag. They break out some nice chain wrestling between the two for a few minutes. Dax takes Jungle Boy down with a series of shoulder blocks. Jungle Boy comes back with a dropkick and then goes for the Snare Trap but Dax quickly gets to the ropes.

Jungle Boy wants to lock up again but Dax just kicks him in the gut and lights him up with chops and uppercuts. Jungle Boy responds with his own chops but Dax kicks him in the gut. Dax hits a shoulder block and then goes for one in the corner but Jungle Boy moves causing Dax to slam into the ring post. Jungle Boy goes after the arm with kicks and punches before putting him in a Fujiwara Armbar.

Dax fights out and hits a big Uppercut with his other arm. Dax puts Jungle Boy in a side headlock but Jungle Boy counters with a Back Suplex. Dax goes to the floor and Jungle Boy looks like he’s going to dive but Dax hits him in midair and throws him into the barricade.


Jungle Boy hits a series of elbows and then goes to the top but Dax takes his legs out from under him. Dax hits a Back Superplex off the top for two! Jungle Boy and Dax exchange stiff shots and Dax goes for a Powerbomb but Jungle Boy escapes. Jungle Boy and Dax block suplexes but Dax catches him with one only for Jungle Boy to land on his feet and hit a Superkick. Dax comes back with a huge Lariat.

Dax goes for a Powerbomb but Jungle Boy counters into a Hurricanrana for a nearfall. Dax hits a disgusting Slingshot Liger Bomb for a close two. Dax puts Jungle Boy in a Full Nelson but Jungle Boy breaks the hold and hits a Backstabber followed by a series of Rolling German Suplexes! Harwood elbows Jungle Boy as he went for a third suplex but Jungle Boy comes right back with a Lariat.

Jungle Boy goes for a Suplex but Dax blocks it and then swings like he’s going to punch only to spike Jungle Boy with a DDT after he ducked. Dax gets a nearfall and then lifts Jungle Boy up to the top rope and attempts another Superplex, but Jungle Boy shoves him off and hits a Flying Cross Body. Dax rolls thorugh for two only for Jungle Boy to roll him over into a nearfall of his own. They exchange more nearfalls in a cool sequence.

Jungle Boy bridges out of a Jackknife and goes for a Backslide but Dax counters into a rollup for two. Jungle Boy rolls Dax up for two and transitions right into the Snare Trap (STF)! Dax taps!

Winner: Jungle Boy via submission (Snare Trap)

Tully throws powder in Lucha’s face and Cash throws him into the ring post. Cash and Tully attack Jungle Boy and beat him down. Dax hits a Slingshot Brainbuster on Jungle Boy and then Tully goes up top and dies off into a Spike Double Piledriver on Luchasaurus! They handcuff Lucha to the ropes and cut the horns off his mask. Marko Stunt with a chair and Top Flight run out to chase the heels off.

Outside Daily’s Place, Team Taz talks to Sting and Darby Allin about their upcoming Street Fight. The group then see a merchandise table and wonder where their stuff is (there’s a bunch of Sting and Darby merch up). The group beats up the merch guys and destroys the table. Starks puts one guy through a table, Cage launches another like a lawn dart into the side of nearby trailer.

Britt Baker (with Reba) vs. Shanna

Baker takes down Shanna for a moment, but she escapes and get’s Baker’s arm for a moment. Back and forth moves, Baker with a big elbow in the corner, then goes into a hammer lock. Shanna with an arm drag and then hits an enziguri. Shanna tries for a dropkick, but Reba pulls Baker out of the way and distracts Shanna. Baker with a shot from behind and then throws Shanna into the barricade and apron. Slingblade by Baker out on the floor.

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