WWE Hall of Famer Booker T revealed that his test results came back from the CDC revealing that he had tested positive for COVID-19 back in June.
Booker T did specify whether these recent test results were of his COVID-19 test or an antibody test that tracks whether you have developed antibodies after having coronavrius.
Booker T and co-host Brad Gilmore informed listeners and viewers that Booker T had lost his test results and had not known whether or not he tested positive for COVID-19 or not. Booker did note that he was feeling ill for a few weeks and was thankful that his case was not as serious as many others in the United States.
“I never got my results back, but they called me, rest assured, today to tell me that back at the end of June when I got tested, I had tested positive, and I’ve had three tests since and they all came back negative,” Booker T said. “But it just goes to show you how badly f’d up we really are with this system that we’re working with as far as people finding out if they got this or if they don’t got it. I’m living proof.
“Thank God I’m still here. I got a healthy immune system. God spared me on this one, but I could have been on the nearly 200,000 if I didn’t know I had this and could have been gone into the next life.
Booker T wanted to tell his experience with COVID-19, similar to WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page, to urge fans to take the pandemic seriously. Booker T also said that while he did not know if he tested positive for COVID-19 when his initial test results were lost, he still quarantined himself from his family to not allow the virus to spread to other people until he made a full recovery.
“I know what I went through,” Booker T noted. “It wasn’t for a long time. It was a couple of weeks that I went through it, and I had the headaches, I had the night sweats [and] I lost my taste and smell for two weeks. Thank God I was smart enough to quarantine from the family. I stayed away from everyone. I put myself off in ‘The West Wing’ (Booker T laughs). I stayed there for a couple of weeks, until I started feeling better, until everything started subsiding. Even my taste, I waited until that started to come back a little bit before I started mingling with the family and whatnot.
“Thank God I did man because I could have been like The Rock as far as the whole family coming out with something like this, and like I said, I got my mother-in-law out here with us. And this something that is so serious guys. I want you all to be careful. Be careful with something like this. Thank God I’m working for a company that’s tested me on a regular basis.”
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