During last night’s WWE SummerSlam, a “Fire Velveteen Dream” sign made it on camera.
Screenshots from that moment went viral on social media during the show and it looks like WWE picked up on it quickly and they weren’t happy.
A fan on Twitter, username @RemingSteele, noted that he was the person who displayed the sign and he says WWE banned him after the “Fire Velveteen Dream” sign was shown.
Dream has been accused of sending inappropriate messages and photos to underage children. #FireVelveteenDream went viral on Twitter last week and it looks like fans will continue to press for WWE to give an answer on why he is still appearing on NXT shows. Triple H has stated that WWE has looked into the allegations and they did not find anything. One of Dream’s accusers, Josh Fuller, stated that he was never contacted by WWE during their investigation.
“lots of booing, lots of booing, thumbs down everybody! we want to see how you feel!”sure can, kevin
(it’s backwards because they make your webcam backwards in the preview)#WWEThunderDome #SummerSlam pic.twitter.com/TXcxBaDRmU
— Remi Steele 🏳️🌈 #WrestleRemia2 (@RemingSteele) August 24, 2020
I GOT BANNED pic.twitter.com/5a5N4wLNwO— Remi Steele 🏳️🌈 #WrestleRemia2 (@RemingSteele) August 24, 2020
HECK YEAH https://t.co/PCvRfFXFoH— Remi Steele 🏳️🌈 #WrestleRemia2 (@RemingSteele) August 24, 2020
they deserve justice more than I deserve to go viralmaybe I got a little wild with it, and I won’t deny, that I did
but the message is still the same#FireVelveteenDream
— Remi Steele 🏳️🌈 #WrestleRemia2 (@RemingSteele) August 24, 2020
Hey, @RemingSteele, ya did it! pic.twitter.com/LxPCJRyl7k— 🐐 Houston (ViV) 🐐 (@VideoIsVideo) August 24, 2020
A “Fire Velveteen Dream” sign made it on camera during #SummerSlam pic.twitter.com/nq0KY9Oxn3— Ryan Satin (@ryansatin) August 24, 2020
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