WWE RAW Results – July 6, 2020

WWE RAW Results - July 6, 2020

We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Drew McIntyre as the developmental talents cheer him on from the crowd.

McIntyre welcomes everyone and plugs his match against Dolph Ziggler for “The Horror Show at Extreme Rules” pay-per-view. McIntyre talks about how he’s letting Ziggler pick the stipulation for the match. McIntyre calls Ziggler out so he can reveal the stipulation.

Dolph Ziggler comes to the stage and says the stipulation is… a secret. Ziggler says he’d be a sucker if he let McIntyre know about the stipulation before the match. Ziggler goes on about McIntyre giving him the power to pick the stipulation. McIntyre interrupts and shuts him down to a pop. The back & forth on the mic continues. Ziggler brings up how McIntyre has stabbed people in the back and forgotten about them. It’s not just Ziggler. But Ziggler has brought someone here tonight who McIntyre did wrong in the past. Out comes Heath Slater with no music.

The announcers acknowledge that McIntyre’s former 3MB partner Slater was recently let go. He walks down to the ring with Ziggler and enters. Slater says he’s known Drew for more than a decade, they go way back more than anyone knows. Slater goes on and recalls sitting at home with his family in April, watching McIntyre defeat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 36. Slater jumped up and cried, probably the first time his kids saw him cry. It was all joy in his heart for Drew. Slater talks about how when Drew was released years ago, he checked in on Drew every day and came to visit him. Because Drew was his brother. Slater asks where Drew was for him. Where were you for me? Slater says to let that sink in. Slater says he hasn’t spoken with Drew in how long? Drew doesn’t know. What a surprise, Slater says. He reminds Drew they spoke on The Bump, the only show that let him come on and speak his mind. Slater mentions how Drew knows his real kids, his two daughters. They are all for daddy and he’s fighting for them. Slater takes off his glasses and brings up how Drew said on The Bump that he would petition to have a match with Slater. But what happened… he’s on the unemployment line. Slater says this might be his last chance but he’s here to take this opportunity. Slater wants Drew to give him what he deserves. What Drew as a friend promised Slater. The crowd claps again for Slater. Slater shoves Drew back with one arm. Some boos in the crowd. Drew isn’t angry. Slater slaps him and asks what about now? The boos pick up and Drew looks a bit angry. “You’re on, you got your fight,” Drew says. He drops the mic and we go to commercial.

Heath Slater vs. Drew McIntyre

Back from the break and it’s time for the non-title match between WWE Champion Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater. They are both in street clothes.

The bell rings but Drew immediately puts Slater down with a big Claymore Kick. Drew covers Slater for the pin to win, while staring Ziggler down.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, a furious Drew stands tall as his music hits. He yells out at Ziggler and marches to the stage as we get a replay. Ziggler has words for Slater now. Slater doesn’t appreciate it and stands up for himself, decking Ziggler. Ziggler tackles him and strikes. McIntyre ends up running back down and making the save. Ziggler retreats and they have words as Drew looks on from the ring. Drew wants Ziggler to come back and fight but Ziggler says not a chance, save it for Extreme Rules. The crowd applauds as Drew helps Slater up and they embrace. They stand tall together and bow, then embrace again to end the segment.


Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Sasha Banks and Bayley. They interrupt Schreiber’s questions and ask why would they talk to her when they can go and talk to the world. They walk off to the ring. RAW Women’s Champion Asuka appears and she’s not impressed with what she just saw. Schreiber asks Asuka how she plans to handle Banks and Bayley by herself tonight. Asuka asks who said she was alone. She laughs and we go back to commercial.

In the Arena:

Back from the break and out come Sasha Banks & Bayley.

They brag as they often do and talk about running all three shows, being on top and never sleeping. Bayley says they make it look so easy and then the sheep think they can do the same and come after them. Bayley brings up tonight’s non-title match with Asuka and the Extreme Rules title defense against Nikki Cross. Banks predicts she will make Asuka tap out at Extreme Rules and become 2 Belts Banks. Banks goes on about how they are stealing the show and taking over the whole damn company… the music interrupts and out comes Asuka.

Asuka mocks Banks and Bayley from the stage, telling Banks she’s not good enough to be 2 Belts Banks. Asuka then tells Bayley that she’s not ready for Asuka. Bayley says Asuka isn’t ready for Banks humiliating her for the past few weeks, and again at Extreme Rules. Asuka goes on with the mocking and warnings, and Bayley tells her to bring it on. Who do you have? The music hits and Asuka brings out Kairi Sane, making her first appearance since the first of June. Tom wonders if we will see Sane vs. Banks next. The Kabuki Warriors march to the ring together as we go back to commercial.

Sasha Banks (with Bayley) vs. Kairi Sane (with Asuka)

They lock up and Sasha with punches in the corner. Sane with a punch and Sasha punches back. Sane with punches and strikes to Sasha and the referee warns Sane. Sane with a head scissors take down and drop kick for a near fall. Sane goes for a straitjacket choke and turns it into a Straitjacket stretch. Sasha with a reversal on the straitjacket. Sane with an octopus on Sasha but Sasha with elbows and she escapes but Sane with a rollup for a near fall. Sasha sends Sane to the mat and Sasha gets a near fall.

Sasha chokes Sane in the ropes and then sends her to the mat. Asuka has some words for Sasha and Bayley comes over and Asuka pushes Bayley down. Sane throws Sasha to the floor and Sane with a baseball slide that sends Banks into Bayley and Bayley goes into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sasha chokes Sane in the ropes. Sane with forearms. Sasha with a back breaker and she gets a near fall. Sasha puts Sane on the middle turnbuckle and sets for the double knee drop and hits it. Sasha gets a near fall. Sasha with an arm bar and she applies a bow and arrow. Sasha kicks Sane in the ropes. Sasha goes to the apron and she hangs Sane over the middle rope and connects with a knee. Sasha kicks Sane in the head. Sasha with an Irish whip and she runs into a boot but Sasha puts Sane in the ropes and misses the double knee drop. Sane with a kick to the back and a back fist. Sane goes up top and hits a forearm for a near fall.

Sane with a blockbuster and a second one. Sane with a spear. Sane with a Sliding D into the corner and Sane gets a near fall. Sane gets Sasha up but Sasha counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. They go back and forth with near falls and Sasha with a double knee drop for a near fall. Sasha with a running knee strike into the corner and then Sasha goes up top, but first she says something to Asuka. Sasha misses a move from the turnbuckles and rolls through. Sane with an anchor submission and Bayley attacks Sane to force the bell.

Winner by DQ: Kairi Sane

After the match, Sasha and Bayley attack Sane and then they go after Asuka on the floor. Sane goes up top and hits an elbow drop onto Sasha and Bayley.

– We take a look back at what happened last week when Humberto Carrillo and Aleister Black faced Seth Rollins and Buddy Murphy and what happened after the match. The camera cuts backstage now to Black down on the ground, with a Mysterio mask on, while Murphy and Rollins are over him. Officials are trying to restore order and check on Rey. Rollins says this is a damn shame. Back to commercial.


We are back and Ivar and Erik are in the back and Big Show shows up. Erik says Show is just in time to see how Ivar slid down the lane to beat the Street Profits. Show says he loves having a good time but they will be standing across the ring from Randy Orton. Ivar and Erik talk about how much they respect Edge and Christian. Erik says they have a five second pose and Show chops Erik and then Ivar laughs and Show chops him. Ivar snarls at Show and Erik says their Viking ways may be strange to you, but when we get in the ring, the raid is on.

In the Arena:

Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring for the Kevin Owens Show.

Kevin welcomes everyone and he removes the furniture from the ring. He says his guest is not someone you would expect to see on the Kevin Owens Show based on their history. There is a reason he wants this man out here and he brings out a pretty giant piece of trash, even though he calls himself the Monday Night Messiah, Seth Rollins.

Seth makes his way to the ring flanked by Buddy Muprhy.

Seth asks Kevin what has he done. Seth says he wanted to come out and say thank you for having me on your critically acclaimed show. He asks Kevin how is his fractured ankle.

Kevin asks if Seth is talking about the ankle he fractured at Wrestlemania. It feels better than your ego. Things haven’t been going as well for you. Kevin says he extended this invitation because regardless of their history, wrestling at Wrestlemania creates a bond. When you go through something like that, even if it is an enemy, it creates a bond. Kevin wants to cheer up Seth with something to commemorate their Wrestlemania moment.

Seth looks at what Kevin gave him and it is a KO Mania IV shirt and Kevin says it is the same shirt that he wore when he beat Seth at Wrestlemania.

Seth thanks Kevin for the gift and Seth says he sees what Kevin is trying to do. He does not give a damn about Kevin, his shirt, or his show. Seth says he wanted to use this show as a platform to address the medically cleared Rey Mysterio. Seth says he wants to challenge Rey to a match at Extreme Rules because he has some unfinished business. He will make Rey a sacrifice for the Greater Good. If you want to dredge up the past, you sacrificed yourself to get the win. You say things haven’t been going good for me while you have been on the shelf while I have grown in prominence. Seth says Kevin needs Seth more than Kevin thinks he does. You might get more out of fighting with me than against me. You have been fighting so long and so hard that you need a purpose. You need to fight for the Greater Good.

The music interrupts and out comes Rey with his son Dominick.

Rey says Owens isn’t going to fall for Rollins’ BS. Rey accepts Rollins’ challenge for Extreme Rules and says his blood will be on Rey’s hands. Rollins says they had a tag team match for tonight but Rey’s partner is now MIA. Rollins asks if Rey is going to come and face he and Murphy 2-on-1. Maybe Dominick can get in the ring and Rollins will take his eye too. Owens interrupts and says he will never fight by Rollins’ side but he will gladly fight by Rey’s side any day. Owens says he will be Rey’s partner tonight if Rey will have him. Owens proposes that the winning team tonight gets to pick the stipulation for Rey vs. Rollins at Extreme Rules. Rollins laughs and says they’re on. Murphy attacks Owens and we get a brawl. Rollins retreats and Murphy gets sent out. There’s chaos now and Owens throws part of his set out, barely hitting Rollins at ringside. We go to commercial.

Seth Rollins and Murphy vs. Rey Mysterio and Kevin Owens

Back from the break and the match is underway as Murphy goes at it with Rey Mysterio. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens look on from the apron. The winner gets to pick the stipulation for Rollins vs. Mysterio at Extreme Rules.

Rey sends Murphy to the floor and nails a baseball slide. Rey sends Murphy into the Plexiglas barrier and then taunts Rollins. Rey has a cover over one of his eyes. Rey brings Murphy back in and goes to the top as his son Dominick watches. Rey flies at Murphy but it almost backfires for a 2 count. Rey rocks Dominick back into the corner. Owens tags in and beats Murphy down in the corner.

Owens keeps control of Murphy and levels him with a huge clothesline for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Murphy rocks Owens and in comes Rollins off the tag. Rollins unloads on Owens but gets dropped with a big strike. More back and forth between the two now. Murphy and Rey tag in now. Rey drops Murphy into the ropes for 619 but Murphy goes to the floor to avoid it. Rollins distracts Rey but backs off. Murphy kicks Rey in the head from the apron thanks to the distraction. The crowd boos. Murphy goes to the top. Dominick cheers on his dad but Murphy stares him down. Owens interrupts. Rollins comes over and ends up dropping Owens on the floor. Rollins gets in Dominick’s face and yells at him, taunting him. Rollins puts hands on Dominick and goes for his eye. Dominick goes down and is checked on by Rey and Owens as Rollins and Murphy retreat. We go back to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a knee drop to the injured leg. Rollins with a knee bar into a single leg crab. Owens gets to the ropes and then Rollins punches and kicks Owens. Rollins is sent to the apron and Rollins punches Owens. Rollins with a springboard knee but Owens moves and Owens with a super kick and Owens cannot capitalize due to the damage done on his leg during the match. Rey and Murphy tag in and Rey with a kick and seated splash off the turnbuckles and a La Mistica. Rey with a drop kick to the temple. Rey with forearms to Murphy. Murphy pushes Rey down and Murphy floats over. Rey with a kick and Rey gets on Murphy’s shoudlers. Rey with a rana that sends Murphy into the ring post. Rey sends Murphy into the ropes and he does the same to Rollins. Rollins and Murphy escape the ropes and Rollins grabs Dominick.

Aleister Black’s music plays and Rollins lets Dominick go. Dominick jabs at Murphy’s eyes and the referee did not see it. Rey with a drop kick to Murphy and the 619. Rey goes up top and Owens ends Rollins into the plexiglass. Rey with a frog splash for the three count.

Winners: Rey Mysterio and Kevin Owens

After the match, Murphy joins Rollins on the ramp. Black enters the ring with Rey, Owens and Dominick. Rey takes the mic and announces an “Eye For An Eye” stipulation for Extreme Rules. Rey talks about Rollins trying to take his eye and now he will do the same. Rollins looks on and he’s terrified.

– We take a look back at last week’s match between MVP and Apollo Crews.


Charly Caruso is backstage with MVP and Lashley now. Charly mentions Crews being out of action now. Lashley says he broke Crews mentally, physically and spiritually, and says it’s just a matter of time before his title reign comes to an end. MVP says they’re going to discuss the future of the United States Title in style and next. He says he can only describe the future of the title as “ballin!” – kind of how Crews was before he disrespected them. They walk off and we go back to commercial.

In the Arena:

We are back and Montel Vontavious Porter and Bobby Lashley make their way to the ring.

MVP says that when Apollo Crews first came to Raw a few months ago, baby boy was lit. He was shining bright. Bright like a supernova and he burned out as fast because he came through the orbit of these two men. It was his youthful exuberance that hurt him. There is no one who is invincible when it comes to Bobby Lashley’s full nelson. He tried to help Apollo but Apollo turned down that mentorship from the greatest US Champion. When you disrespect MVP, you disrespect Bobby Lashley too. When I beat you at Extreme Rules, you will no longer be the US Champoin, but you will have the memories.

MVP says that since he beat Crews, he is already the new US Champion. He says his third run as champion will be as awesome as his first two runs. We see the new belt and he says it is a belt that befits a legend. He cannot wait to beat Apollo Crews at Extreme Rules so we can make that official.

Bobby asks MVP where is his head. When you roll with him, it is official when he says so. Let’s crown the new champion right now. Lashley puts the belt around MVP’s waist and Ricochet and Cedric Alexander make their way to the stage.

Cedric says that belt looks pristine, but he is a bit confused. You know the struggle to be champion in WWE and you know that you have to earn championships here. Ricochet says you are talking like you are a business man but Apollo is going to be back soon and this little US title fantasy is going to come to an end. You hurt our friend so we are here to make sure the hurt business goes Chapter 11.

Ricochet and Alexander go after Lashley and MVP. Lashley gets Ricochet up and Ricochet escapes. Ricochet with a kick and then Alexander and Ricochet with a double drop kick to send Lashley to the floor. Back to commercial.

Bobby Lashley and MVP vs. Cedric Alexander and Ricochet

Porter takes off his jacket and jewelry and tags in Lashley to face Alexander. Lashley with a waist lock take down and he sends Alexander into the turnbuckles. Lashley chokes and kicks Alexander in the corner. Alexander with a kick and Ricochet tags in and Ricochet with a kick. Ricochet is sent to the apron and Ricochet with a kick and Lashley knocks Ricochet off the apron and into the ringside barrier. Porter tags in and he sends Ricochet into the plexiglass. Porter with a kick and Lashley tsgs in. Lashley sends Ricochet into teh turnbuckles and Lashley with the arc into the corner for a shoulder followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Porter tags in and he punches Ricochet. Porter punches Ricochet some more. Porter with a snap mare and amr bark with a chin lock.

Ricochet with punches but Porter with a boot to the head for a near fall. Lashley tags in and he punches Ricochet. Lashley with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Lashley with a reverse chin lock. Lashley with an elevated flatliner and Porter tags in and gets a near fall. Ricochet with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Alexander tags in and he hits a jumping knee and follows with punches and a back heel kick. Alexander drop kicks Lashley in the knee to knock him off the apron. Alexander with a knee and tornado DDT for a near fall. Porter with an elbow and Lashley tags in. Alexander is sent to the apron and Lashley knocks Alexander off the apron. Porter knocks Ricochet off the apron. Lashley with a spear for the three count.

Winners: MVP and Bobby Lashley

After the match, Lashley puts Alexander in the full nelson. Ricochet with a missile drop kick to Lashley and Ricochet pulls Alexander out of the ring.

– We take a look back at what happened last week when we had the latest issues between Angel Garza and Andrade.


Andrade, Zelina Vega, and Angel Garza are in the back and Zelina wants them to talk. Ric Flair stops by and he says they were great last week. Everything you set out to do, you did except for the Big Show. Tonight is a must do mission or all of us have to answer to… Randy Orton shows up. He points out that Andrade and Garza are third generation wrestlers. They all have something in common so he respects them. Tonight is about Randy Orton and the Big Show. When the time is right and you get in my way, I will not hesitate to introduce you to the Legend Killer. Orton asks if they are good and they fist bump.

We go to commercial.


We are back and Charly Caruso is with Asuka and Kairi Sane and they are dancing. Charly asks if they heard what Sasha and Bayley said earlier. Asuka is asked if that affects her strategy for tonight. Asuka and Kairi respond and Asuka says after she beats Bayley tonight, she is going to challenge them for the tag titles next Monday.Kairi plays her recorder while Asuka dances.

Big Show and The Viking Raiders vs. Randy Orton, Andrade and Angel Garza

We go back to the ring and out first comes Big Show. Out next are The Viking Raiders – Erik and Ivar. Andrade and Angel Garza are out next with Zelina Vega. Randy Orton is out last as Show stares him down.

The bell rings and here we go. Garza is going to start with Big Show. Garza tries to use his speed early on but Show clubs him. Show sends Garza to the corner and nails a huge chop to the chest. Show stands on Garza and manhandles him with a boot on the bottom rope as Vega screams. Garza fights back with body shots but Show drops him with ease with a headbutt. Show with another huge chop to the chest in the corner. Erik tags in and sends Garza into Ivar’s knee as he also comes in. Ivar follows up on the double team and keeps Garza down for a quick pin attempt.

The Vikings double team Garza again near the corner. Erik with a big shoulder thrust and a tag to Show. Show kicks Garza in the gut. Show with a big body shot while taunting Orton and Andrade. Show toys with Garza but doesn’t allow him to tag. Show with a third huge chop to the chest. Ivar tags back in but Garza slides out of a suplex. Andrade tags in and unloads on Ivar. Andrade and Garza argue, which allows Ivar to deck Andrade. Vega yells at her clients.

Show tags in as Ivar slams Andrade. Erik tags in and slams Ivar on top of Andrade. Show slams Erik on top of Andrade. Erik covers Andrade for 2 as Garza breaks it up with a dropkick. Garza stands over Andrade and yells at him wile he’s down. Orton yells at Garza to get his ass out of the ring. Orton shoves Garza into the Plexiglas and grabs him by his throat, shoving him around and into the ring post. Orton tells Garza to get his head out of his ass, he knows Garza grew up in the business but he won’t hesitate to put Garza in the dirt. Garza looks shocked but maintains eye contact with Orton. Orton lets go of Garza and tells him to get it together as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Erik is going at it with Garza. Orton distracts Erik from ringside. Garza looks to turn it around and in comes Orton off the tag. Andrade takes Erik down and in comes Andrade for the double team. Andrade works over Erik and hits a suplex for a 2 count. Garza comes back in and hits a big knee to Erik in the corner. Garza does the pants gimmick and in comes Andrade again. They double team Erik and keep him down as Vega looks on.

The double teaming and quick tags from the heels continue. Orton and Andrade with cheap shots to Erik while the referee is distracted. Show is fuming. Erik fights Garza off and tries to tag. Show finally tags in. Andrade also comes in but Show runs him over. Show with a big back splash to Andrade in the corner. Show flattens Andrade again and yells out for the chokeslam. Orton runs in for the RKO outta nowhere but can’t hit it. Orton taunts Show from the floor now. Show grabs Andrade for a chokeslam but Andrade fights back and applies a Sleeper hold on Show’s back.

Show finally tosses Andrade off his back. Ivar tags in as does Garza. Ivar takes out Garza. Erik tags in but Andrade saves Garza from The Viking Experience and Ivar is sent out to the floor. Orton tags himself in and drops Erik with the RKO outta nowhere for the pin to win.

Winners: Randy Orton, Andrade and Angel Garza

After the match, Orton stands tall with Garza and Andrade as his music starts up. We go to replays. Orton, Vega, Andrade and Garza stand tall together on the ramp as the losers look on from the ring. Orton smirks back at Show.


– The IIconics are backstage talking about how bad Ruby Riott is and how she has no chance against Billie Kay tonight. Riott appears from behind and calls them dumbasses. She never had a problem with them before but now the sound of their voices upsets her. She doesn’t know where Liv Morgan is and her focus is only on The IIconics tonight, and that’s bad for them. Riott says when they’re done tonight, it won’t be iconic… it will be tragic. The IIconics storm off.


We see MVP talking to Cedric Alexander off to the side. MVP has some questions for Cedric. MVP talks about being impressed with Cedric and not understanding why he’s holding himself back. MVP asks why someone as good as Cedric is content with being Ricochet’s sidekick. Cedric sees what MVP is trying to do, divide and conquer, and he’s not hearing it. MVP asks if they’re so equal, why does Ricochet have a new WWE 365 special and Cedric doesn’t? He goes on and says he and Bobby Lashley are in the hurt business but Cedric is in the catering business because that’s where he will always be watching everyone else find success. MVP walks off with the new United States Title belt as we go to commercial.


We are back and Ric Flair talks about Orton winning. Flair talks about what Orton did to Edge and Christian. Randy says a victory is a victory. R Truth runs by and he bumps into Randy Orton. Truth says for the dirtiest player in the game, you clean up nice. A little too nice. Truth tells Tozawa he can’t trick him by being the Nature Boy. Two Tozawas and Truth runs away. Orton stops Tozawa and his ninjas. He asks if they are looking for Truth and he sends them the wrong way.

Ruby Riott vs. Billie Kay

We go back to the ring and out first comes Ruby Riott. Out next are The IIconics – Billie Kay with Peyton Royce.

The bell rings and Kay taunts Riott some as we get the bell. Riott stomps on Royce’s hand on the mat. Riott and Kay go at it now. Riott with a big back elbow to the face but Kay comes right back and levels her with a big boot for a close 2 count. Kay takes Riott to the corner and stomps away. Kay with a boot to Riott’s face now as Royce looks on.

Kay drops Riott on her head for a 2 count. Kay keeps Riott down now as the crowd tries to rally. Kay turns it over into a Bow & Arrow submission in the middle of the ring now. Riott turns it into a 2 count. Riott rocks Kay with a big right hand to the face. They tangle some and Kay runs into another big back elbow. Riott drops Kay into the middle turnbuckle with knees.

Royce tries to distract Riott and that allows Kay to mount offense in the corner. Kay with another big boot to the face. Kay brings Riott back to the middle of the ring and drops her with the Boyfriend Stealer for the pin to win.

Winner: Billie Kay

After the match, The IIconics stand tall on the outside of the ring as their music hits. They rant as usual while making their exit. Riott slowly recovers in the ring.


Charly Caruso is backstage with Bayley and Sasha Banks, asking about the possible tag team title match for next week if Asuka can win tonight. Bayley dismisses Asuka and Banks says The Kabuki Warriors need to get used to the fact that they will never be champions again. Banks accepts the challenge and Bayley isn’t so sure about that but Banks reminds her that they are the best and no one else on any of the three shows can touch them. Bayley goes on about Asuka and they walk off together. Back to commercial.

Bayley vs. Asuka

We go back to the ring for tonight’s non-title Champion vs. Champion main event as Nikki Cross joins the announcers out of nowhere for commentary. WWE Women’s Tag Team & SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley is out first with partner Sasha Banks. The champs have a run-in with cross at the announce table. Out next are The Kabuki Warriors – RAW Women’s Champion Asuka with Kairi Sane.

The bell rings as Cross rants on commentary, also cheering Asuka on. Bayley taunts Asuka before they go at it. Bayley goes behind and they tangle early on. Bayley misses a shoulder and Asuka comes back to floor with her own shoulder block. Asuka ends up taking Bayley down for an armbar early on but Bayley retreats to the floor in front of Sane. Bayley ends up turning it around. More back and forth now.

Cross gets involved again at ringside after Bayley knocks her headset off but security comes down and holds her back. The chaos at ringside allows Asuka to flatten Bayley with a big knee. Banks look on shocked and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Asuka works on Bayley’s arm in the middle of the ring. Asuka takes Bayley back down and kicks her in the back. Bayley turns it back around and pounds on Asuka’s back. The referee warns Bayley now. Bayley works on Asuka’s arm now. Bayley with a big arm drag out of the corner. Banks yells from ringside as Bayley flies at Asuka with a clothesline but can’t get the pin. Bayley unloads in the corner now. Bayley takes Asuka back down and grounds her in the middle of the ring. Sane tries to rally the crowd for Asuka now. Asuka with a 1 count but Bayley comes right back and drops her for a 2 count. Banks is all smiles as she holds their titles at ringside.

Bayley tosses Asuka to the floor but the crowd continues to rally. Sane comes over to prevent Banks from attacking Asuka while she’s down. The two teams argue at ringside and the referee warns them. Asuka ends up dropping Bayley with a big kick to the face. Asuka rolls Bayley back into the ring for a close 2 count. Asuka with more kicks while Bayley is on her knees now. Asuka with another big kick but she can’t get the pin. Banks stares Asuka down and Asuka looks back before getting back up. Asuka counters Bayley and nails a missile dropkick for a close 2 count.

Bayley regroups with Banks on the outside now. Asuka chases Bayley back into the ring. Bayley catches her coming in and slingshots her under the bottom rope. Asuka slingshots Asuka under the middle rope next. Bayley keeps control now and mocks the crowd for rallying for Asuka. Asuka rolls to the floor for a breather but Bayley stays on her, talking trash to Sane at the same time. Bayley brings Asuka back in for a close 2 count. Bayley sends Asuka right back out to the floor. Bayley follows but Asuka rocks her. Bayley responds by dropping Asuka into the announce table. Bayley sits at the announce table with the headset on as she and Banks mock everyone else. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Bayley has Asuka grounded near the rope as Banks taunts her in her face. We get a quick 2 count out of that. Bayley uses the bottom rope on Asuka now, and again. Asuka fights out of the corner but Bayley sends her into the top turnbuckle. Bayley talks trash in Asuka’s face and rocks her. Asuka goes on for another close 2 count as Bayley continues to dominate. Asuka fights up and out now but Bayley stays on her. Sane tries to encourage Asuka but Banks and Bayley drown her out.

Bayley beats Asuka around but Asuka just takes it and gets angry. Asuka unloads with strikes and nails a backfist. Asuka drops Bayley into her knees with a Codebreaker now. The crowd and Sane rally for Asuka. She hits a dropkick and a splash in the corner. Asuka with the release German suplex and a stiff kick. Asuka with the big Hip Attack for another close 2 count. Banks look on worried now. More back and forth. Bayley catches a Hip Attack on the ropes. They trade counters and Asuka drops Bayley with a spinning backfist to the face. Banks and the referee check on Bayley as Asuka recovers.

Asuka charges and knocks Bayley off the apron to the floor with a Hip Attack. Bayley crawls to the apron and she catches a running kick. Bayley drops Asuka face-first into the apron. Asuka avoids a kick and nails one of her own. Asuka goes to the top and hits a missile dropkick but Bayley still kicks out at 2. Asuka shows a little bit of frustration now. Bayley rolls to the apron and they trade strikes there. Bayley scoops Asuka and launches her face-first into the top turnbuckle and ring post.

Bayley charges on the outside with a running knee and knocks Asuka head-first into the barrier. Bayley brings Asuka back into the ring but stops and stalls to talk trash to Sane. Bayley drops Sane with a cheap shot at ringside and the crowd boos. Sane chases Bayley back into the ring. The referee is distracted by Sane, allowing Banks to get a cheap shot in on Asuka. Bayley with the suplex to Asuka for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. More stalling and mind games by Banks and Bayley. Cross appears behind the Plexiglas, pounding on it for the distraction. Asuka ends up applying the Asuka Lock to Bayley. Banks runs in for the interference but Sane cuts her off with The Interceptor. Asuka keeps control of Bayley and drops down for the non-title pin to win.

Winner: Asuka

After the match, Asuka’s music hits and she stands tall. Cross celebrates on the other side of the Plexiglas as Banks and Bayley tend to each other. We go to replays. The Kabuki Warriors stand tall together as Banks and Bayley look on from the floor. Asuka raises her title in the air as RAW goes off the air.


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