WWE Has Officially Purchased EVOLVE Wrestling

WWE Has Officially Purchased EVOLVE Wrestling

According to PWInsider, WWE has officially purchased EVOLVE Wrestling.

The deal was recently finalized after several months of negotiations. WWE now has the complete right to use the EVOLVE brand name and produce EVOLVE events. WWE has also acquired the EVOLVE video library.

As we noted in June, EVOLVE had been going through some financial issues and the COVID-19 pandemic made it worse. The cancellation of WrestleMania 36 Week in Tampa was catastrophic for the promotion.

While sources indicate that WWE is interested in several of the talents currently signed to evolve, talent contracts were not a part of the deal, and WWE would have to negotiate with individual wrestlers to sign them. WWE and Evolve were already growing closer pre-pandemic, with WWE airing their 10th-anniversary show on WWE Network and reportedly planning on airing “five to seven” WWN branded WrestleMania week events on the streaming service this year.

WWE will now have access to taped events featuring talents ranging from Daniel Bryan to Walter as well as Darby Allen and The Young Bucks from AEW. It will be a boon to their video efforts as their new crop of talent matures into superstars. As for WWN, they’re planning on continuing on once refunds are paid out with the three other promotions in their stable, Full Impact Pro, SHINE, and ACW. There’s no word on if WWE will continue their relationship with WWN once this purchase is complete or if Evolve events will continue in some fashion in a time where wrestling events can actually occur.


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