As part of yesterday’s #SpeakingOut movement on social media, sexual abuse allegations were brought up against Impact Wrestling’s Dave Crist, Joey Ryan, and Michael Elgin.
Crist was accused of sending unsolicited photos of himself to a wrestler named Ziggy Haim, Rockstar Pro Wrestling has already cut ties with Crist’s OI4K Wrestling Academy. Using a different name, Elgin was accused of the same actions by wrestler Kaitlin Diemond with the photos stopping once she confronted him about it.
A wrestler named Corinne Mink said she once picked Ryan up from an airport for a show and he groped her while she was driving. She let the promoter know of what happened and he said Ryan wouldn’t be booked ever again, but was done so 18 months later.
You can read the full statements in the tweets below.
In response to these allegations, Impact Wrestling’s parent company, Anthem Sports & Entertainment, released the following statement:
“It is a core value of the Anthem organization that we conduct our business with respect and integrity, providing a safe and secure work environment for our employees and performers. We are following carefully the various allegations being made through social media, and are reviewing all incidents involving Impact Wrestling talent and personnel to determine an appropriate course of action.”
when i was still training i was 100% groomed and sent unwanted photos by dave crist but any time i spoke about it i felt like i didn’t have a voice because i was a 20 year old trainee or was laughed at because ‘hE sHoWs EvErYoNe HiS dIcK’.
— ziggy haim. (@ziggyhaim) June 18, 2020
Effective immediately, Rockstar Pro has ended our relationship with OI4K Wrestling Academy.
We will be launching a new wrestling school under NEW trainers, including Impact star @zachary_wentz! More information on the new school will be announced soon.
— Rockstar Pro Wrestling (@RockstarProWres) June 20, 2020
— THÊ ?ËGÏT HØ?Š (@Corinne_Mink) June 19, 2020
Who wants to see Mike Elgins dick pic? I still have the convo, unwanted photo, and emails he tried to send me under a fake name in 2016. @JordynneGrace tried to help me bring this to light when his first scandal came out but the wrestling media didn't care #SpeakingOut
— Kaitlin Diemond (@kaitlindiemond) June 19, 2020
"But had an arrangement with their wife" where they "both knew he did stuff but if he didn't tell her she was ok because she didn't want to know". He was saying nice things to me, was charming and romantic. When I called them out for being Mike they stopped
— Kaitlin Diemond (@kaitlindiemond) June 19, 2020
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