As reported yesterday, multiple people who have been at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida tested positive for COVID-19 this week, including in-ring talent.
Orange County, where the WWE Performance Center is located, passed an ordinance during a June 18 press conference that ruled that all Orange County and city of Orlando residents are required to wear face masks when outside and in public spaces, whether working, living or visiting starting June 20, 2020.
Since the WWE Performance Center is technically a privately owned facility, company officials reportedly believe that the mask ordinance does not apply to individuals when inside the walls of the PC, according to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio. This obviously could have contributed to the multiple positive coronavirus tests that are now emerging from the company.
There have also been multiple states, including New York and Connecticut, that now require anyone entering that has traveled through Florida to do a mandatory quarantine for two weeks before exposing themselves to the public. This could cause numerous issues for WWE stars regarding travel and their personal lives as well as for executives since WWE headquarters are based in Connecticut.
As noted, WWE will now be doing more COVID-19 testing before this week’s TV tapings on Friday, to make sure the coronavirus has not spread among talent and behind-the-scenes workers.
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