The Money In The Bank ladder matches will likely generate a ton of buzz on social media if they are able to produce something like the Boneyard or Firefly Fun House matches that aired during WrestleMania.
WWE creative was told by Vince McMahon to come up with out of the box ideas and nothing was off-limits so you can expect to see some crazy things during both matches. WWE confirmed on Friday that both matches will take place simultaneously. Basically, the idea is that the cameras will switch back and forth between both matches and there will be some interaction between the men and women.
Lacey Evans indicated on Twitter that there will plenty of booby traps set up as obstacles for the other participants in the women’s ladder match. As noted, the MITB Ladder Matches will begin in the 1st floor lobby of WWE HQ in Stamford, CT, and end on the roof, where the briefcases, ring and ladders will be. The Superstars will fight through the floors of the building, ending up on the roof.
Phase 1….done.💦✔Blueprints acquired.🗞 ✔
Time to go after their weakness💅🏼🧠💭
#LikeALady #MITB #LaceItUp #NoMoreNasties
— Lacey Evans ~ WWE Superstar (@LaceyEvansWWE) April 28, 2020
Phase 2…….
Know the inside AND outside of @WWE Headquarters building ✔Study and know the Nasties strengths and weaknesses ✔💅🏼👒#MITB #LikeALady #WorkSmarterNotHarder
— Lacey Evans ~ WWE Superstar (@LaceyEvansWWE) April 29, 2020
PHASE 3….GET INSIDE @wwe Headquarters and set BOOBYTRAPS. Lots and lots of BOOBYTRAPS. 😈💣💥#MITB #WorkSmarterNotHarder #LikeALady #WeCanDoIt💪 #ClassyChampion #GoodLuckChicken #Sassy #SassySouthernBelle
— Lacey Evans ~ WWE Superstar (@LaceyEvansWWE) May 3, 2020
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