Batista was a guest on Live With Kelly And Ryan this week to talk about the numerous big-budget films that he’s a part of this summer.
Batista explained to the hosts and audience alike that his tendency to obsess over his interests is what lead him from competing in the squared circle into acting.
“I become obsessed with things and then I just pursue them until I become obsessed with other things,” Batista said. “I actually wasn’t [into wrestling] at first; I got into it because I was broke and I was looking for a way to make money.
“So I went to a tryout and they told me I was horrible, and to leave, and to never come back, and that I was never going to be a professional wrestler. I needed that. That just made me mad so I wanted to pursue it, and then I just became obsessed with it.”
Batista noted that his creative outlet of choice was something a bit different when he was a youth: breakdancing. His fascination with this form of street dance helped keep him focused and out of trouble when he needed it most.
“I was [a breakdancer as a teenager], yeah. It was for fun. It was also a social thing and it was to stay out of trouble,” Batista explained. “I grew up on the streets and we were either fighting, or getting in trouble, or dancing if we wanted to be cool, or hang out, or be social.
“I did [have a beatbox], I’m that kid. It was just kind of a social thing and everybody was sharing moves. We didn’t have internet back then, so we weren’t going online and checking out the latest moves. It was one of those things where you just hung out and picked up things from other kids.”
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